Prehistoric: The Haotian Jade Emperor

Chapter 469

Chapter 467: Devil of the Earth

Chapter 467 Demon God of Earth

While the demon team was marching, the center of the sky suddenly cracked, and giants from Mosbyheim, the country of flames, descended from the sky and joined the team. These flame giants ride on the horse of flames, spitting flames in all directions. Leading these giants is the guardian of the Flame Nation, the tall giant Suter as tall as a mountain. Suter was holding a sword of flame, radiating dazzling light than the sun.

Behind the flame giant, Rocky leads the demons from Haier’s kingdom of death, holding various weird weapons, and together with the frost giant, they form the rear wing of the devil team. Such a huge team of demons marched formidably towards Asaph Garden and went to a decisive battle with Asaph.

When the demons stepped across the Rainbow Bridge Befrost together, after the devil’s giant hoof and the giant’s cavalry trampled crazily, the Rainbow Bridge was broken to pieces and fell into countless pieces. And the arrogance of the demon army made the huge world tree begin to shake.

When all of this was happening, Heimdall, the guardian **** of Asaph, stood on the high wall and blew the warning horn. The sound of Heimdall’s strong horn was strong and loud, awakening every **** in the Asaph Garden and making them more motivated to fight. The Asaph gods first gathered together to discuss this serious situation in the grand palace of Odin. Odin, who knows the ultimate fate of the gods, “The Twilight of the Gods” has come, feels very melancholy. You explained to the gods the causes and consequences of “Twilight of the Gods” and the true meaning of all this terrible happening.

After learning about the “Twilight of the Gods”, that is, their ultimate destiny, Asaph did not feel fear because of the coming of the end. Instead, he quickly armed himself with the lofty ambition and arrogance to die. Armed Asaphs first came to Valhalla Palace. There, the heroic warriors of Odin prepared for this moment have lined up a rigorous battle formation on the square, countless shining armors, spear tips and The arrow pierced the darkness of Fumble Winter. Starting from Valhalla Palace, the gods led a mighty team of death soldiers, marching towards the battlefield of the decisive battle, the Wigruth Plain.

When the devil army headed by Fenrir wolves crossed the Rainbow Bridge and headed to the Wigruta Plain, Odin also led the Asaphs and the heroic warriors of Valhalla Palace to form a mighty team swallowing mountains and rivers to this battlefield. go ahead.

Odin, the lord of the gods, rode his eight-hoofed horse Srepnell, galloping at the forefront of the team. He is holding a sharp and invincible spear and wearing a silver chain armor. The golden helmet on his head is like the sun in the dark, guiding the decisive battle between the gods and the death soldiers. Beside Odin, closely following the leader of Asaph, the **** of strength Thor (also Thor). Thor stood on the goat chariot driven by his servant, wearing a belt of strength, holding his hammer Mirner high in his iron-gloved hands, and his anger caused his eyes to radiate scorching flames. On Thor’s chariot, there are two of his sons, one of them is Magnet, who is born with great power.

A warrior among the gods of Asaph. After Bald became the prince of Asaph, Frey, the one-handed **** of war Tyr, and Heimdall, the guardian **** of Asaph, rode behind Odin and Thor. Their weapons were sharp. And sharp. All Odin’s sons were armed and followed behind them. The goddess also took part in the decisive battle, headed by Freya and Si Getty. Behind Asaph, there were countless heroic warriors, who formed a huge battle formation, rushing to the battlefield like a raging wave.

On the huge plain in the Asaph Garden, the righteous division and the demon army began to fight. Odin, who took the lead, first attacked the Fenrir Wolf, the head of all evil, and Thor immediately fought against the Orochi Miagarde. The gods marched forward bravely, each fighting with the demon, while the brave Enheriyas fought with countless evil giants in the demon army.

Odin dispatched two-thirds of his army to fight Warner’s Court to defend against the devil, and at the same time fought the Frost Giant and Warner’s Court. He alone fought against Niold and Gonlu. He was unmatched. The treasures of the two have fought back and forth with the two.

Wherever Heimdall went, a group of giant corpses lay down. After killing countless flame giants, he killed Rocky. After many rounds of fighting, Heimdall and Rocky were exhausted and both fell down. If the earth dies, we will die together. The **** of war Tyre has always been good at subduing evil beasts, so he fought with the evil dog Galheim from the land of death at the beginning of the battle. Although the brave Tyre had only one left hand, he still wielded a sharp sword and fought a desperate battle with the vicious dog. In the end, he also died with the vicious dog. In the dark battlefield, the battle continued for a long time. Large groups of demons, frost giants, and flame giants were killed by the brave God Asaph, but Asaph and death warriors also fell one after another.

The Great Plains are densely covered with the corpses of soldiers from both sides. The gods who fought with evil forces with a mortal heart, one after another died together with the enemy.

The magnificent Valhalla Shrine collapsed, and the numerous magnificent palaces of the gods were turned into rubble. The homes of the gods were in ruins in the fire. After the flood, humans, elves, and gnomes were left alone. The fire finally destroyed them.

But the three parties fighting in Warnerheim continued, and suddenly, in the sky, a huge ox hoof fell from the sky, and a hoof suddenly kicked towards Gong Lu. Gong Lu was shocked when he saw it. Alphas’s hammer stood by his side and hit the hoof.

“Quick retreat!”

Gong Lu’s face changed and knew that Old Mbulla had been alarmed, and all the frost giants retreated behind.

As for the two great protoss, when they saw that the **** of creation had come, wherever they dared to continue the war, they all stopped immediately, and Niold saw the coming of Oudembra, and his hearts were messed up, ashamed of death.

“Niald has fornicated the Frost Giant, and took back the origin of the artifact trident and Warnerheim!” The huge hooves fell from the sky, and Niald was taken away, leaving only the **** of the sea and the trident of the artifact. Halberd, a Warnerheim origin.

With the stroke of the bull’s hooves, he immediately assigned three things to Odin, but Odin was not happy at all. He collected things numbly, and immediately cleaned up the battlefield and incorporated the Warner Protoss, and then returned to the Golden Palace. middle.

Haotian saw this, and immediately followed Zhunti to the Demon God of Earth, ready to wait for the opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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