Prehistoric: The Haotian Jade Emperor

Chapter 452

Chapter 450: camouflage

Chapter 450 Disguise

An extremely comfortable feeling was on the two of them, and as their aura rose up, a sigh of power appeared.

On the contrary, the kings of the gods Zeus and Hades Poseidon both had sullen faces, and both looked at the two sky-high air pillars with jealousy and resentment. Although they had incomparably powerful strength, they had both cultivation bases. It was Gaia’s magical enhancement, they had wanted to advance a long time ago, but the goddess of the earth had always controlled the origin of the world, and they had nothing to do if they were not allowed to enter.

But now, the two younger generations have received the appreciation of the goddess of the earth. Gaia actually gave them the origin of the world, allowing them to advance, even higher than their own two cultivation bases, and climbed on top of them. How can they Do not envy jealousy and hate, and complain about Gaia’s injustice in his heart.

The three of them have always been in charge of the whole world. The various clergy, large and small, are arranged according to their will. The people occupying important clergy are all their cronies. But now, the two of them have become equal to themselves and sit on an equal footing with them. Are they not? Give the right to two people.

Nowadays, no matter who they are, they are not of the Olympus Protoss, but they are all descendants of the Titans. Although they call Gaia the mother of the gods, once these two become the supreme king, does it mean The Titans will replace the Olympus gods again. You know, Gaia has long been dissatisfied with the Olympus Protoss. After all, they overthrew Gaia’s beloved son Kronos. Upper position.

Although the son of Zeus was also nurtured by Gaia, he clearly knew that it was only what Gaia saw in the position of Zeus, otherwise, it would be impossible.

Ignoring what the gods thought, at this moment, the two people in the temple felt ecstatic and excited when they sensed the powerful power in their bodies that seemed to destroy the world.

Just when the two of them were happy, Haotian and Zhunti also came outside the realm of God.

“Friends of Dao! We can’t do it ourselves, we still have to use great magic power! Attack this world!” Haotian said.

“How to do it?” Zhun asked.

“Look at Daoists!”

Haotian waved his sleeves, a fierce qi gushing out, and gradually moved towards the place outside this world, and then formed the body of a lion, two huge wings, four legs, and a horse that resembled a horse. head of. The color is red, and the tail behind it is long and winding, with thorns and barbs at the end. At the end of each leg are huge claws, several rows of fangs, and often dorsal spines.

“Go!” Haotian pointed at the creature.

“What is this?” Quasi asked.

“Dragon!” Haotian said.

“Dragon?” Zhun mentioned a moment of surprise, “Are you sure this is a dragon? Don’t bully the poor monk, I have all seen dragons! It doesn’t look like this!” Zhun raised a black line.

“Haha!” Haotian smiled, this is the image of the evil dragon in the West that he has studied in his previous life.

This situation also corresponds to the difference between the eastern and western dragon cultures of the earth in the previous life. As mentioned earlier, his appearance is a creature with four legs and a pair of independent wings, and a total of six limbs.

And its representative meaning is also different. In the West, it often appears as a guardian of vicious monsters and treasures, so many dragon slayers appear, which also reflects the pull of Western dragons.

On the contrary, it’s different in the East. The dragon’s scales are long. The head resembles a camel, its horns resemble a deer, its eyes resemble a rabbit, its ears resemble a cow, its neck resembles a snake, its belly resembles a mirage, its scales resemble a carp, its claws resemble an eagle, and its palm resembles a tiger. and also. There are eighty-one scales on its back, with nine or nine yang numbers. The sound is like a copper plate. There is a beard beside the mouth, a pearl under the jaw, and an inverse scale under the throat. On the head is Boshan, also known as Chimu. Dragons without Chimu cannot ascend to heaven. The breath becomes a cloud, which can change water and fire. The dragon can be large and small, and can rise and hide; when large is large, the cloud will thrive, and the small will be hidden; when rising, it will soar in the universe, and when hidden Lurk in the waves.

And the types of dragons are different. The dragons are the ancestor dragons, the candle dragons are the second, the blue dragons, the Yinglong (dragons with double wings on the back), the horned dragons, the fire dragons, the beast dragons, the cloud dragons, the dragons, the dragons, and the fishes. Dragons, mirages, dragons, dragons, dragons, dragons, dragons, etc.


From outside this world, a huge roar sounded.

The protective fetal membranes in this world cannot be seen by anyone. In this world, only the Demon God of Wood, as well as the newly advanced duo and Zeus Hades Poseidon, can see the fetal membranes and know the chaos. The existence of, other gods, can only hear an inexplicable loud crash, but they don’t know where it came from.

“Not good! Hades! You and I go to meet the mother goddess!” Zeus said.


As they said, the figures of the two appeared outside the temple, and it was nothing, Gaia also let them in.

“Mother God! What is that?”

“This?” Gaia looked at this huge dragon, with a strong fire element on its body, which of course he could perceive as the demon **** of wood.

“It looks like it should be a giant beast evolved from the corpse of the demon **** of fire. I was born out of chaos. In the chaos, there are a total of three thousand strong men like me. The robbery, the deadly death, the cruel cruelty, among them, the corpses and blood left by the strong ones, etc., absorb the chaos gas in the chaos, and then there is the existence of the chaotic beast. It seems that it should be the two of you. People have advanced, and the movement is so loud that it attracted the chaotic beast wandering around this world. It is now attacking the fetal membranes, but it doesn’t matter, I will get rid of him!” Gaia said, she could feel this beast. The cultivation base of the quasi-sage, she can easily kill him.

At this moment, Zhunti’s voice came from Huifu’s mind, which meant that he wanted to take the initiative and fly away from the chaos. Huifu suddenly understood that this was the master’s strategy, and he was determined in his heart. ,

“Mother God! You don’t need to take action. If I wait for the two talents to advance to the highest god, I should share the pressure for the mother god, so I will go to kill this beast, and see what the so-called chaos is. !” Hui Fu said.

Gaia nodded with satisfaction after hearing it, and did not doubt Huifu’s plan.

“Then you go, but you have to be careful. This fierce beast is not easy. If you are not careful, it will be burned to death by its hot burning fire. In the chaos, you must use divine power to resist the erosion of the chaos. In addition, you can’t leave this world too far away, otherwise, there is no blessing of world consciousness here! You can’t be blessed with power!” Gaia said.

So Huifu stretched out her wings behind her back and flew towards the sky. After a while, she came to the fetal membrane, and, looking very nervous, carefully passed through the fetal membrane.

(End of this chapter)

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