Prehistoric: The Haotian Jade Emperor

Chapter 445

Chapter 443: Nine heads

Chapter 443 Nine Heads

is still observing the city in Zhunti,

“Friend Haotian! Why are there all women in this city!” Zhun said.

“Then what do you mean by the daughter country?” Haotian rolled his eyes and asked.

“Hey! I was careless!” Zhunti smiled.

At this moment, a spear composed entirely of white holy light suddenly shot out from a place, and instantly hit the distant sea.

“Ang!” A huge cry sounded.

A head that was directly exploded by the light crowd, and the terrifying light power eroded through the wound, making it impossible to grow a new head again.

Then a person who looks pure and looks like a saintly goddess stands straight in the sky,

“Unexpectedly! You still don’t give up! You even guilty of me again!”


At this time, the surface of the sea was churning. At this time, a huge monster appeared. This monster has nine heads. Now there are only eight. One is still bleeding. Haotian looked at the giant beast and felt a little familiar. ,

“Ghost car?”


Haotian quasi-mentioned two people exclaimed.


“Interesting!” A hint of excitement flashed across Zhunti’s face. It was a long time since I felt that way.

This change reminds Haotian of something.

This Hydra is famous for Hercules, and the second of Hercules’ twelve great achievements is to kill this monster. Hydra is extremely venomous, and the water in the swamp is also stinking for many years, and the surrounding land turns brown. It also often devours passing pedestrians and animals to harm one party. Hercules and his nephew Iolaus drove to the swamp in a carriage.

He ordered Iolaus to watch the vehicle and use a rocket to lead the Hydra out. The two sides fought a battle. Whenever the hero cut off one head of the monster with a sword, another new head was born again, and Hercules called his nephew to help. Eolaus burned his neck with a torch, and his head could not be reborn. In the end, Hercules chopped off the eight heads one by one, then hit the main head in the center with a giant stick, buried it in the soil, and pressed it with a boulder to eradicate this scourge.

The second task the King gave to Hercules was to kill Hydra the Hydra. Hydra is the daughter of Typhon and Ekadna. She grew up in the Lena Marsh in Argolis, and she often crawled onto the shore, ruining crops and endangering livestock. She was extremely ferocious and huge. She was a nine-headed basilisk, eight of which could be killed, but the ninth head, the one standing in the middle, could not be killed.

Hercules bravely ventured out. He drove there, and it was his nephew Iolaus, the son of his cousin Iphicles, who drove him. Iolaos has always been with him, his inseparable right and left hand. The car hurried towards Lena. When they reached the hillside near Amimana Spring, they saw the Hydra Basilisk in the cave. Iolaus hurriedly pulled on the reins of the horse, and Hercules jumped out of the carriage.

He shot a few arrows in a row, leading the Hydra Hydra snake monster out of the hole. Hydra hissed and rushed in front of Hercules, holding his head aggressively, looking terrible. Hercules greeted her fearlessly, grabbed her hard and stuck tightly. But she entangled Hercules abruptly. Hercules raised a wooden club and hit her head vigorously, but one broke and another immediately grew. One of her Cancers came to join the battle to help Hydra. It bit Hercules’ feet with giant tongs.

Hercules furiously slammed it to death, and at the same time, called Iolaus to help him. Iolaus clinging to the torch, lit the nearby woods, and burned the newly grown snake head with the burning branches to prevent it from growing. At this time, Hercules took the opportunity to chop off Hydra’s undead head and buried it by the side of the road, with a heavy stone on it. Then, he split the body of the snake into two sections and soaked the arrow in poisonous snake blood.

From then on, the enemy who was hit by his arrow has no cure.

According to other versions, when the two sides were fighting, Hera sent a Cancer to assist the monster. The Cancer claws Hercules and was killed by the hero immediately. This Cancer became the source of Cancer in the sky. This scene is also depicted on the stone tablets of Gulna in the second century BC.

After the death of the Hydra, Hercules feeds the arrowhead with the poison from its gall. These poisoned arrows later accidentally wounded Chiron. Chiron was immortal, but the snake venom was so painful that he gave up eternal life, preferring to die and fly into the sky to become a Centaur. The poisoned arrow also buried the cause of Hercules’ own death. After completing the twelve tasks, he took his wife home and settled down. On the road, he shot another man Manezos with a poisonous arrow. Before he died, he tricked Hercules’ wife Dei Anila, saying that his blood was the holy medicine of love, and smeared a little on his clothes, and who to put it on. , Who will be loyal to life forever. There were rumors that Hercules would marry Rohr. In order to save her husband’s heart, Dei Anila acted according to what the people said. Hercules put on the new clothes presented by his wife, and the venom of the Hydra penetrated into the skin through the blood of Nessus.

He wanted to tear off his clothes, but it was stuck to the skin and could not be separated. A generation of heroes died.

But Haotian didn’t understand, why did this become a woman? This woman, I’m afraid it is the high priest!

In this city, most of them are women. Although there are foreign businessmen, they are all warlike. Otherwise, they will not enshrine the **** of war and hunting as the patron saint. When I see this Hydra, The first reaction was not to be afraid, but to wait for it to rush over and fight with him to make his name famous.

However, Hydra glanced at the army with disdain. He had eaten a lot of people before, and now his stomach is full. Moreover, the women in this army have thick skin and thick skin. There are no good women who are delicious, so he immediately opened his mouth. , Sprayed out a poisonous mist, as soon as the ink-like poisonous mist passed, all the soldiers died in pus in an instant.

I saw that goddess, waved his staff, and suddenly, a huge ice lotus bloomed, and a terrible cold air instantly iced the entire sea surface. The big formation set up by the goddess suddenly seemed extremely powerful, but Hydra didn’t. He left immediately, but to solve this goddess, he knew that if this goddess did not die, it would leave trouble.

“Drink!” The woman smashed her staff, and a huge water column shot up into the sky. Countless soldiers riding horses screamed and rushed out. Suddenly, a ray of light was emitted from the staff in the woman’s hand and fell on Hydra’s body. , Can make the Hydra appear as a shackle in an instant, unable to move at all, letting the soldiers slaughter it.

(End of this chapter)

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