Prehistoric: The Haotian Jade Emperor

Chapter 395

Chapter 394: Invade the west

Chapter 394 Invasion of the West

Above Buzhou Mountain, black clouds are bursting, through the prehistoric wall, countless army of demons and demons come,

“Uncle! Are we going to attack the West?” Lu Ya asked, a strange look in his eyes.

“Ten’er! Then you said, the vast world is so big, where can I accommodate my army?” The pair landed.

“I think that Beiju Luzhou is also possible!” Lu Ya said.

“It is covered with snow and ice all year round, and there is no grass. How can I stay here with so many people in my army?” Taiyi.

“Why! Uncle! Let’s counterattack and return to Heaven!” Lu Ya said for a moment in thought.

“No! This is absolutely impossible. First of all, Haotian will not say that, after so many years, he is already a Proving Dao Hunyuan, not our enemy of ability, and if we do this, our army who is attacking Heaven will also lose, and the gain is not worth the loss!” Too much.

“Yes!” Lu Ya said.

“For the current plan, only the West is easy to do, not to mention that the previous catastrophe hit the entire Buddhism head-on, and the door is also very easy to solve!” Tai one.

“Your Majesty is right!” Bai Ze said also.

“In that case! Then I wait for the army to head towards the west?” Lu Ya said, “Uncle! My original Lu Ya pioneer! Open the way for my army!”

“Okay!” Too loudly shouted, “It’s up to you to lead the army first!”

“Lu Ya takes the lead!” Then Lu Ya turned around and led the army towards the west.

In the chaotic world of bliss, watching the army of monsters passing through the wild wall and heading towards the western land, I was shocked by the unbearable accuracy for a long time.

“Brother! They are heading west!” Zhun said.

“Oh!” Sui Yin sighed, “After all, I haven’t escaped!”

The frowning brows that were quasi-raised did not loosen at all, and the taut mind tightened even more. The Buddhism pharmacist did not last many years, and his vitality could not be recovered. When he thought that he and his efforts to attract countless years were in vain, he Feeling uncomfortable.

“Now in my Buddhism, there is already a dress with withered petals. There is no one who can take it. In my opinion! Brother! It is better to let Maitreya and Guanyin bring all my Buddhism disciples back to the chaotic world to spend this time. Difficult!” Zhun said.

Receive the worries that I know Zhunzi mentioned,

“Junior Brother, don’t worry too much, even if Tai Yi instructs the demons to commit a large-scale crime, the Eastern Saints will not sit and wait for the destruction of the Western religion!”

“But, brother, have you ever thought about it!” Zhunti smiled bitterly, “We had a face-off with Xuanmen last time. They wouldn’t watch us destroy our religion, but they can make us lose our hands before we get hurt. In this way, I taught my disciples to be more than half disabled, and I will fight Taiyi in the West in the future. What should I do?”

Suddenly, the lead was silent and did not speak. The two of them also understood that as long as Tai Yi violated the West, the situation would be very unfavorable for them, but they had nothing to do. Even if they were saints, it would be difficult to break the situation in the face of such a prehistoric situation. And, not to mention that the demon ancestor Luo Hu was in Xumi Mountain in the West, and he and the quasi-Ticheng Dao were also in Xumi Mountain, so he must have given up on it, so it is very entangled how to do it.

“Oh! There are many people under my Buddhism who are indiscriminate. This time! It is time for them to pay some price! Do their part for my Buddhism!” Zhun said.

Those who have secretly converted are what he tried to persuade them one by one in the East. It was his countless years of hard work. If it was used this time, Tai Yi would really come to commit the crime, and the battle with Tai Yi would cause heavy casualties. That should be How is it good? If the ancestral court of Mount Xumi is not recovered and He Taiyi is constrained, in the future, people who have secretly converted will be able to develop Western religion outside, and it will be regarded as leaving a fire for Western religion. Wouldn’t it be better? This is just a kind of thought.

“Brother, seniors understand everything you want to say, but do you think that Sanqing and they really believe in these people who are on the face of our Buddhism?”

Quasi thought about it, shook his head and said,

“Do not believe.”

“Yes, it’s me, of course I don’t believe it!” The lead said helplessly,

“So if the demons come this time, it is also the best opportunity for Sanqing to force me to show my strength. If I refuse to teach, I will still try my best to conceal it. The main people on the bright side have all lost their lives. This time they are so badly injured, they are willing to give up!”

“So, I am going to put all the Western teachings in front of Sanqing and the others, and then let Honghuang watch my teaching lose more than half of it, in exchange for Sanqing’s shot, the survival of my teaching?” Zhun raised his face. Lamented.

After receiving the quote, the expression is even more sad and helpless,

“If the One comes to commit an offence, I have no choice but to do so!”

I can’t say anything. He thought for a while, and finally understood what the introduction was saying. If Sanqing didn’t see that the Western religions used all their strength to fight Taiyi, most of the damage would be done. The situation is dominated by the sect.

“If I wait and ask Haotian for help! What do you think?” Zhun asked.

“This is okay, it is today’s Haotian, he hasn’t showed up for such a long time!” Suddenly said.

“That! Brother! How about I personally go to Heavenly Court? Outside Sanqing, only Heavenly Court can do it. If Sanqing disagrees, then Heavenly Court will help, let’s keep it!” Zhun said.

“It makes sense!” Then he said, he went to Haotian last time, and Haotian helped himself through the last catastrophe.

“Then I will go to Heaven!” Zhun said.

“Okay!” The lead nodded.

In the heavenly court, the atmosphere can be described as tense. With Kong Xuan’s mobilization of a large number of heavenly soldiers, reserve mobilization, transportation of grain and grass, armor and spiritual weapons, etc., all moved down towards Kong Xuan’s hands, even those in the heavenly court The Weapon Workshop is also busy. Countless geniuses and treasures enter and exit through the four heavenly gates, turning them into pieces of spirit treasures, pieces of armor, etc. In the heavenly court, the resources that have been stored by the heavenly court for countless years are in this It fully reflects the value of its use at all times.

A auspicious cloud flew from the chaos to the heaven and landed in the southern gate. For a time, 30,000 li of purple gas, Sanskrit sound bursts in the sky, and golden lotus from the ground.

“I have seen the sage Zhunti!” All people said.

“No need to be polite!” Zhun said.

“Where does the saint go!” Increase the way of heaven.

“I am here to do business with the Emperor of Heaven!”

“Sage, please come in!” The King of Growth retreated.

After that, Zhunti was heading towards the Lingxiao Palace, and on the way, he met the busy Taibaijinxing.

“The saint is going to find your majesty?” Taibai said.

“As in today’s catastrophe, I do not protect the West! I have come to discuss with Haotian Daoist!” Zhun said.

“That’s it! My majesty is not here! The empress will be here soon, and the saint please wait a little bit!” Taibai said.


(End of this chapter)

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