Prehistoric: From Witch Soldiers to Hunyuan Wuji Luoxian

Page 473

In the few words that Emperor Jiuxiao once said, Xuan Jiu learned that it was a supreme existence, he opened up the prehistoric world, beheaded countless powerful Chaos Demon Gods, and finally died.

For the strong, Xuan Jiu is looking forward to it.

At this time, in the prehistoric world, everything was calm and peaceful, and the power of the witch clan suppressed everything, so that the creatures of all races had no interest in fighting each other.

They are not the opponents of the Wu Clan, and the battles between small forces have little impact, so the whole prehistoric world is relatively quiet.

In this stable environment, the Witch Clan will benefit the most.

The witch clan occupies the best resources, so their growth rate is also the fastest.

As long as the prehistoric world is stable, with the help of a large amount of resources, members of the Wu clan will have an absolute advantage.

At this time, Xing Tian Zu Wu successfully broke through and entered the initial stage of Hunyuan Taiyi Jinxian.

For Xingtian Zuwu, this is an excellent start.

He has practiced Pangu's fighting spirit over the years, and with the help of Pangu's figure inside Buzhou Mountain, this has benefited Xingtian Zuwu a lot, and his practice has improved faster than other monks.

Judging from the current speed, it is not impossible for the Xingtian ancestor witch to surpass the most primitive twelve ancestor witches in the future.

After all, his strength is now equal to that of most of the ancestor witches.

The aptitude of Xingtian Zuwu is indeed not bad. The most important thing is the appearance of Pangu's figure, which is of great help to his cultivation.

Just like Kuafu Zuwu, he transformed into Zuwu late, but now he has caught up head-on. It can be said that he, like Xing Tian, ​​was helped by the great god Pangu in Buzhou Mountain.

After Xing Tian broke through, the invincible fighting spirit he comprehended became even more violent, and that kind of invincible aura made him unparalleled in battle.

This indestructible fighting spirit is even stronger than that of Lei Ting at the same level.

If Xing Tian Zu Wu proves Hunyuan in the future, I'm afraid he will be another invincible existence.

The indestructible fighting spirit goes forward bravely, advances but never retreats, that kind of momentum is enough to suppress everything.

Now Xingtian Zuwu possesses such a powerful law power and an invincible will to fight.

After Xingtian Zuwu broke through, he continued to experience the Dao in the Pangu Temple.

There is the aura of the great god Pangu here, and it is the best place for practicing for Xingtian Zuwu.

The breakthrough of Xingtian ancestor witch did not cause much movement. Now it is not uncommon for an ancestor witch to prove the Hunyuan, let alone break through the Hunyuan Taiyi Golden Immortal. This is not unusual for the current witch clan matter.

In today's witch clan, the number of ancestor witches has increased again, and 29 ancestor witches have descended.

Even if Wu Yang and Hou Tu were excluded, Di Jiang and the others would be enough to set up two "Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons".

The strength of the Wu clan is booming, which also makes the prehistoric world more stable.

At this time, the remaining veins of Buzhou Mountain have completely penetrated into the Kunlun Mountains, linking all these places together.

The dojo of the Sanqing in the past has now been completely transformed into a part of the territory of the Wu clan.

Although the Witch Clan will not relocate here directly, Sanqing will never come back.

Even if the Wu Clan gave up this place to other monks, it would not be cheaper for Sanqing.

In today's Kunlun Mountains, there are many casual cultivators and small ethnic groups gathering, and the former Sanqing Palace has long been smashed by the Wu clan.

With the steady development of the prehistoric world, the human race also grew up step by step in the fighting and chaos.

Although they died a large number of people, they couldn't support the rapid reproduction of the human race and the short cycle, and their overall number still showed an upward trend.

Especially after reaching a certain base, the number of human races is already very large.

Now the human race has slowly walked out of the land of the south of the sky, and began to develop to a wider place.

Obviously, the human race is also an ambitious generation.

If not, the land of Tiannan would be enough for the tribe to survive, but they continued to spread out and expand the scope of the tribe.

Since Chi Yun ruled the human race back then, this has greatly accelerated the development of the human race.

It's just that now that the Human Sovereign has returned to the Fire Cloud Palace, the subsequent Human Sovereigns are all of mediocre aptitude, and without the guidance of an expert, the human race slowly began to fall into chaos and division.

The emperor's order could not be carried out, and the various tribes were obedient and obedient, and everyone had ulterior motives and their own little calculations.

This situation is exactly the normal state of human tribes, and no one can prevent it.

The human race was divided again, and the various tribes conquered each other, and the throne of the emperor was also in name only, and no one could command the entire human tribe.

At this time, they have to face the invasion of foreign races, which makes the human beings miserable.

In the tribe of Emperor Yan, a member of the clan was quietly born, and he was the future Emperor Shennong.

After Shen Nong was born, he quickly grew up in the tribe, and his talent and character were supported by the whole tribe.

This also allowed the Yandi tribe to grow gradually. Under the leadership of this Yandi, their tribe gradually became the largest tribe in the surrounding area.

Shennong's tribe has successively had several Yandi. [Yandi] is the respectful title for the leader of the tribe. Shennong has a longing for [Yandi], and the members of the tribe also support him very much to become the next [Yandi].

At this time, Shennong came to the wild to look for herbs that could cure diseases as usual. Although there are practices of cultivation that have been spread among human tribes over the years, human aptitude is not good, and very few people can embark on the road of cultivation.

Therefore, many tribesmen are still trapped by diseases and so on. Seeing that the tribesmen are suffering, Shennong thinks about how to help everyone relieve their pain.

When Shennong went out to look for herbs, he was attracted by an auspicious light in the forest.

This auspicious light was not intense, but very inconspicuous. If Shennong hadn't been so close, he might not have noticed it at all.

"I have been searching in the mountains and forests for many years. Could it be that there is something good?"

Shennong is still very young now, he has heard many legends, and naturally yearns for becoming an immortal and practicing Taoism.

It's a pity that he has never had contact with monks, and he just imagined it in his heart.

Now seeing the auspicious light shining in the mountain forest, he walked forward cautiously.

It was a shallow pond, the water quality was clean and clear, and the small rock fish and shrimps at the bottom were clearly visible.

The brilliance was emanating from the water. Shennong came forward and saw a lotus blooming, and the faint fragrance permeated the air, which was extremely attractive.

Shennong's eyes lit up, and he stepped forward quickly.

The lotus has obviously matured, and the lotus pod in the center looks plump and plump.

"This lotus is extraordinary. It can emit divine light spontaneously. It is obviously a spiritual thing."

Shennong was very happy, and stepped forward to pick off the lotus.

He peeled off the lotus pod, and a huge lotus seed inside exuded a faint golden glow.

This lotus seed exudes a strange fragrance, which makes Shennong unable to put it down.

He held the lotus seeds and looked them up and down. Apart from the divine light and strange fragrance, there was also a comfortable feeling of peace of mind and clear eyes and ears on the lotus seeds.

"It really is a chance. I just heard rumors in the tribe before that many people got the chance. It seems that this time the chance is mine."

Shennong was very happy. He took the golden lotus seeds to check, and the lotus seeds slowly merged with him.

Shen Nong understood, and he directly swallowed this lotus seed.

This golden lotus seed is exactly Shennong's chance, an authentic lotus seed!

No one would have thought that the Dao lotus seed, the foundation of Taoism, would quietly fall into the hands of Shennong.

This is exactly the secret operation of the authentic will. After its own strength improves, it begins to lay out new spheres of influence.

As a newly born race, the human race is obviously also the key to the struggle for authentic will.

In addition, the human race's mind is active, and they don't rely on the line of heaven, so it is still very hopeful to win them over to become a force on the authentic side.

Even though the human race was created by the sage Nuwa, the authentic will still gave the authentic lotus seeds to Shennong.

After Shen Nong fused with the authentic lotus seed, he didn't undergo any drastic changes, it was as if everything had never happened.

However, Shennong's thinking is more agile, his mind is clear, and his qualifications have also been greatly improved.

All these are potential changes that cannot be seen directly, and have a huge impact on Shennong.

Shennong grew up slowly in the Yandi tribe, his prestige became higher and higher, and the whole tribe worshiped him even more.

Even some other nearby human tribes have heard of Shennong's virtuous name.

In the heavenly court, Wu Yang woke up from the retreat. He held the holy sword of the wilderness in his hand, and he was keenly aware of all changes in the world.

The birth of Shennong greatly increased the luck of the human race. This is the birth of a new emperor, and Wu Yang naturally felt it.

"The authentic lotus seeds fell into Shennong's hands? It seems that the authentic will has also begun to plan the fate of the human race. Now the human race is indeed growing rapidly, and they are not focused on the line of heaven, so they are indeed worth wooing."

Wu Yang secretly calculated that before he made Chi Yun the Emperor of Humanity, this action created a lot of distance between the human race and the way of heaven.

Now that Chi Yun has returned to the Fire Cloud Palace, although he no longer frequently enters the human race, many prestigious leaders in the human race still pay homage to him from time to time.

Chi Yun is unfamiliar with the Dao of Heaven, so naturally he would not say anything good about the Dao of Heaven.

Unknowingly, the fate of the human race began to separate more from the heavens.

"Since Shennong came to the world, it is better to let the ancestor Xuangui be the teacher of Shennong. He is strong enough and has very old qualifications. He is indeed a suitable candidate."

Wu Yang calculated that when Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor was born among later generations, it was the Xuangui clan who presented Hetu Luoshu.

But now, Wu Yang made the Xuangui Patriarch to be the emperor teacher, which is also helping the Xuangui Patriarch to prove the way.

Being able to become the teacher of Shennong, the ancestor of Xuangui will definitely be blessed by the luck of the human race in the future.

When Wu Yang came to Tianhe, the ancestor Xuangui was practicing in seclusion.

Sensing Wu Yang's breath, he immediately got up to greet him.

"Fellow Daoist Wu Yang, I don't know why I need to trouble you to come here in person?"

Xuangui Patriarch laughed, looking very happy.

Wu Yang didn't talk nonsense, and said directly:

"Fellow Taoist Xuangui, the Human Emperor Shennong was born, and he will be the co-lord of the human race in the future. If you go to teach the Human Emperor at this time, you will become the teacher of the Human Emperor in the future, and you will be able to sit and enjoy the human race just like Zhen Yuanzi. Luck is blessed."

Wu Yang told all about his purpose of coming here, as well as the pros and cons of it.

Xuangui Patriarch was overjoyed when he heard the words, he had also heard a little about what happened to Zhen Yuanzi before.

It is a great benefit for the teacher of the emperor, and the blessing of boundless luck will bring a lot of benefits to the monks.

Xuangui Patriarch naturally longed for the title of the Master of Human Sovereign.

Now that Wu Yang came to him directly, it showed that he wanted to support the ancestor Xuangui.

With the support of the Wu Clan, it can be said that the Xuangui Patriarch is determined to become the teacher of the Human Emperor.

In today's prehistoric world, no one can compete with the Wu Clan.

"Fellow Daoist Wuyang, I have been cultivating hard for many years, but my progress is still slow, and I am still in the mid-stage of Hunyuan Taiyi Golden Immortal. Now, I am grateful to fellow Daoist for not giving up, and helping me to arrange the title of Master of the Emperor." , this kindness, I will always remember it!"

Patriarch Xuangui respectfully paid respects to Wu Yang, he really needed the title of Master of Human Sovereign.

In the future, if Patriarch Xuangui wants to prove the Tao, he will be inseparable from the blessing of luck.

But now the Patriarch Xuangui has practiced hard for millions of years, but still can't prove Hunyuan. In his opinion, it must be because of his lack of luck and fortune.

So now that he has the opportunity to help him increase his luck, the Xuangui Patriarch is naturally very happy.

Wu Yang laughed and said:

"Fellow Daoist has been cultivating hard for many years, and his mind is firm and steady. I have also considered it carefully. Only a fellow Daoist has enough qualifications for this position of emperor teacher. It is very suitable, so I came to invite you."

Xuangui Patriarch really counted, he was a figure of the same period as Hongjun Daozu, and he is now in the mid-stage Hunyuan Taiyi Golden Immortal realm, and his strength is completely acceptable.

Seniority, strength, and the ancestor of Xuangui are indeed enough.

In addition, the Shennong family owns authentic lotus seeds, making the ancestor of Xuangui the emperor teacher, and can also win over the Xuangui family, so that they can be more closely connected with the authentic will.

Naturally, Wu Yang could see this multiplicity of actions very clearly.

After a brief discussion between the two, Patriarch Xuangui got up and left, heading straight for Yandi's tribe.

Chapter 497: Xuan Jiu's Arrival, The Heaven-changing Powerhouse!

The authentic will helps Shennong obtain authentic lotus seeds, which is obviously to develop his own power in the human race.

After Emperor Huangtian learned of this, he was extremely annoyed, but now his strength has no absolute advantage over pure will, so even if Huangtian is dissatisfied, he has no choice but to accept it all.

"True will is at every step, and now you actually want to get involved in the human race, it is really greedy!"

Huangtian can clearly see what the authentic will does, but now he is no longer what he was then, the power of the authentic will is constantly growing, and Huangtian has no advantage to speak of.

In such a situation, he could not take advantage of his "privilege", and could only support a tribe to compete with Yandi's tribe for the position of emperor.

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