Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 85 Xiao Qingfang

Among the patients Bian Mu received in the early stage, Zhu Dingding was the most seriously ill.

Now that Zhu Dingding has been discharged from the hospital, he should follow the doctor's advice and rest at home.

While eating, Bian Mu called Zhu Dingding and told him not to rush to work on the construction site, but to at least recuperate at home for more than half a year.

After saying a few words, Zhu Dingding's wife held the phone in her hand and said a few polite words, then hung up the phone.

In the midst of his astonishment, an ominous premonition quietly hit his mind, and Bian Mu felt that such a wife in the Zhu Dingding stall was quite unlucky.

"Zhu Dingding's wife has probably forced him to go to work. If I don't care, something will happen if Zhu Dingding is not protected. Save people and save lives! If there is something wrong with him, he may ruin my career in the future. What about the medical reputation?" Thinking of this, Bian Mu planned to pay for Zhu Dingding to prepare some pills.

Just as he was thinking about the specific recipe, the assistant nurse, Miss Sun, came over with the food and sat down diagonally across from Bian Mu.

"The food you put together looks like an oil painting, it's a pleasure to look at." Bian Mu said with a smile.

"Lose weight! Mainly eat vegetarian food, you're just eating blindly!" Nurse Xiao Sun responded with a smile.

"Are you getting used to the new position?" Bian Mu said casually.

"Very good! I have two questions. Can you please answer them?" Nurse Xiao Sun asked with a smile.


"This is the first time I've heard of the 'exploring medicine' prescription you prescribed. What is its specific use?"

"Have you ever heard of 'Little Qingfang'?" Bian Mu inspired with a smile.

Nurse Xiao Sun shook her head blankly, saying she had never heard of it.

"In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, around the beginning of Wanli, there was a famous doctor named Shang Yuehai with a very distinctive personality in the Gansu and Shaanxi areas. During his long years of medical practice, he discovered that the symptoms of some diseases were not stable. Zhang San came Li Si came with one set of chief complaints and another set of excuses. They were different for men, women, old and young. However, the diagnostic results after 'looking', 'smelling', 'asking' and 'cutting' were similar, so he thought about it. He came up with a prescription called "Xiao Qing Fang". This prescription uses less medicine and a light dose. It deliberately reduces some of the main ingredients in the prescription and adds some prescriptions such as promoting blood circulation, refreshing, and supporting yang... After the patient took this small prescription, the symptoms that were not obvious or had unclear complaints were magnified. When Shang Yuehai made a diagnosis again, he could easily find out the underlying root cause of the disease. , the cure rate of the patients he treated was quite high.”

"Then...are those prescription drugs that promote blood circulation, refresh the mind, and support yang... are similar to today's stimulants?"

"There are some overlaps. The main ingredients should be upright medicines such as activating immunity, boosting vitality, and enhancing body resistance. Your understanding may be a little biased. Shang Yuehai is a master-level traditional Chinese medicine. Those heretical medicines He won't use anything like this easily unless he treats special diseases based on the principle of fighting poison with poison. Let's put it this way, the principle is similar to doing a 'skin test' first with penicillin drugs." Bian Mu explained patiently.

"Oh! So that's what happened...then...why wasn't such a good idea inherited and passed down by the mainstream of traditional Chinese medicine?" Nurse Xiao Sun asked curiously.

"It's difficult! Traditional Chinese medicine has always emphasized the separation of medicine and pharmacy. Medical practitioners, as long as they are a decent doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and a master of pharmacy, such as Li Shizhen, look at the colleagues around us, medical experts and pharmaceutical experts. How many people can carry this on their shoulders?" Bian Mu analyzed with a smile.

"It's true! Even a god-level figure like Nie Yixiong wouldn't dare to call himself a pharmacy master, right? So, Doctor Bian must be a fellow medicine practitioner?" Nurse Xiao Sun said with a smile.

"How dare you, how dare you! I'm still far away! Shang Yuehai can prescribe a 'little green prescription' for every patient. His talent, medical experience, and medical history... are all there! I'm just a doctor How many years! The reason why I prescribe this kind of "exploring medicine" is mainly for patients who need to be re-examined and whose current symptoms are not particularly obvious. In addition, I have another consideration, which is different from other colleagues. I give It takes a lot of time to see a doctor. Nurses You and Lin will definitely not be able to get off work at the moment. I am used to it. Over time, you will not be able to bear it. Besides, some patients are already hungry, so... I made some changes. I am convinced that some patients need to come for follow-up consultation. Their condition is not very stable at the moment, so I prescribe "exploring medicine" and introduce their condition further. Most of them can explain it clearly when they come next time. That's cool." Bian Mu explained patiently.

"Wow! It's so complicated! In order to take care of Sister Lin and me, you actually put in so much effort. I'm really surprised!"

"My previous approach seemed to be responsible for the patient, to be more detailed, and to try to avoid misdiagnosis rates. However, what about work efficiency? It will be difficult for patients at the back of the queue to bear it for a long time. Generally speaking, that approach is unscientific. ." Bian Mu said with a smile.

"At the same time, it can also generate revenue for our hospital. Every time a patient comes in, there will be an extra registration fee. Thank you for your registration fee is not very expensive, hehe..." Suddenly, Nurse Xiao Sun thought of something else.

"That's... that's true. However, my original intention was not to increase the patient's burden. It seems that I have to discuss with the hospital office afterwards. Can some of the fees be reduced? For example, the follow-up fee can be halved?"

"Haha... I advise you to keep silent. Private hospitals are quite different from public hospitals. We can't say that profit comes first! We still attach great importance to daily income. Otherwise, if there is a loss in the future, it will be slightly uncomfortable. Shen, the hospital may not be able to be saved. When we were in school, our teacher told us many cases in this regard!"

"Really? This is still taught in the medical school?" Bian Mu asked curiously.

"I didn't graduate from a health school, I also graduated from a serious nursing school!" Nurse Xiao Sun emphasized.

"Ouch! Disrespect, disrespect!"

"Hehe... My undergraduate degree is incomparable with yours, the level is different! What's more, you are really capable. By the way, how did you come up with the root cause of reporter Wang's disease? The brain circuit is too strange, isn't it? "

"Actually, the reason is quite simple. I said that his pulse condition was fine, but he couldn't understand the specific details, which was in vain. Speaking more specifically, Reporter Wang's pulse condition is still strange. For example, two qi channels, one yin and one yang, are clearly intertwined. The yin qi cannot suppress the yang qi in the body. The yang qi continues to rise and lacks the original power of the Dantian. According to theory, he should have something very special. His living habits or certain encounters, so I asked him repeatedly about his daily life, verified each other in several aspects, and then used the elimination method, and naturally I gradually got to the root of it."

"Good guy! You can detect your pulse so well. I feel like you are about to catch up with Nie Yixiong."

"I dare not say that. Listening to what you are saying, do you often come into contact with the Great Miracle Doctor Nie?"

"My grandma is an old neighbor of the Nie family. Of course I am familiar with the Nie family!"

"No wonder! Haha..."

The two of them were chatting happily when they saw Qian Xiaotong hurriedly coming out and walking straight towards where Bian Mu and the others were sitting.

Nurse Xiao Sun seemed a little afraid of Deputy Director Qian. Seeing him approaching, she quickly nodded to Bian Mu, quickly stood up with the dinner plate and went to share a table with other nurses and colleagues to chat.

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