Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 67 Stand still

Jiao Yueyun came from a well-off family since she was a child. She has never had any big ambitions and has always been happy-go-lucky.

However, her boyfriend and future lifelong partner must be particularly good, at least much better than her.

Bian Mu fits most of Jiao Yueyun's expectations of a boyfriend. What's more, the two of them feel very close together, like family.

As long as Bian Mu heads towards a bright future, he can be a famous doctor, or join a company to get technical skills, as long as he can make a difference.

Jiao Yueyun does not emphasize that it must be done day and night, man! It's good to have a successful career and be happy with each other. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

After the conversation started, the two of them became more relaxed, and the more they talked about each other, the happier they became...

Early the next morning, Jiao Yueyun insisted on driving Bian Mu to Lishi County. Before leaving, Jiao Yueyun gave a lot of things, including food and everything. She said it was for her uncle and aunt, and Bian Yue also had a portion. .

There were a lot of things, which made Bian Mu feel quite embarrassed. He thanked her profusely and watched Jiao Yueyun drive away in Juechen, feeling happy.

The morning sun was like gold, and the warm morning light spread gently on the streets, alleys, and trees above the houses. Looking around for a few times, Bian Mu suddenly felt that the entire small county seemed particularly friendly.

For a moment, Bian Mu was in a good mood.

Hearing familiar footsteps coming from the corridor, Bian Mu's father quickly walked to the door, opened the two doors and looked outside.

"Ouch! Why did you buy so many things and spend money so randomly!" As he spoke, Bian's father took a few steps and walked quickly along the stairs. Using both hands, he took a few things from his son's hands and turned around happily. Walk home.

Hearing the noise, Bian's mother came back from the balcony and took a look.

"Have you made a fortune?! You're lavish! Can't do this anymore?!" Bian's mother smiled and said a few words of anger.

"It didn't cost much! Most of them were given by friends. Did Xiaoyue go to make up classes?"

"I asked my classmates to leave early in the exam today! These things don't look cheap. Are you new to the hospital? Are you a boy or a girl?" Bian's mother asked cautiously.

"I met you last time I went to the mountains to collect herbs. He promised to call Nie Yixiong for us. We will accompany you to the city to take your pulse another day."

"Nie Yixiong?! Are you okay with your brain? Is that within the reach of ordinary people?! It's just nonsense! I won't go! Even if we can barely register, it's good for the direct disciple to show us! You are so naive! Not only are you spending your money in vain, but you are also asking for favors! Don’t hide! Are you a man or a woman?"

"Haha... the woman is quite beautiful!" Bian Mu smiled and hesitated in a half-truthful tone.

"Tch! Are you telling the truth? Are you from the city?" As she spoke, Bian's mother began to help her wife sort out the various gifts on the table.

"Well! Mom from the city! I bought some specialties for my colleagues. Today is Sunday, so I will deliver them to them. It won't be nice to take them to the hospital when I get to work tomorrow." As he spoke, Bian Mu began to sort the gift bags.

"What on earth is that woman doing? Don't run! Go after you finish talking."

"I'm just an ordinary friend, so don't make blind guesses. By the way! This is the medical fee given by Huikang. It's 10,000 yuan. I'll keep the rest for myself." As he spoke, Bian Mu paid filial piety to his mother. A full ten thousand.

"You've only been there for a few days! Why did you give me so much?! Xiao Mu! We are a serious family, so we can't take the money from He Xin!" As soon as the cash was received, Bian's mother felt a little hot.

"Hey! My son has no idea what kind of mother he is! It's true! Go see your colleagues! Don't tell them what's going on over there, and you can't tell Nurse Cai either." Bian's father defended his son from the side. sentence, and urged his son to go out.

Hearing that her son was walking away, her mother complained: "How young is he? He has never seen much money. If he gets involved in evil ways, you will regret it in the future."

"Private hospital wages are much higher than you think. If your son doesn't work, he will be sent home within three days. Five and a half days, one day's work earns one day's wages! In addition, there are other bonuses." The father defended his son a few words.

There is nothing better than a father who knows a son better than his father, and Bian's father will not believe anything his son makes illegal money.

"Even if the hospital's salary is high enough and the food is all high-end goods, that woman must be rich! Who would be so lavish when we first met?! Isn't that woman very old?! "Mother Bian is a little suspicious.

"The more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes! You can't keep your son happy! Really! I'm going to work!" After saying that, he picked up his tool bag and went out to work.

Bian's mother glared at her husband from behind, carefully put away the gifts one by one, and ate the food. She planned to put away the other things for now, because she might have to return them intact one day.

Sister Cai, the chief nurse, is the last one in the family. Her husband is capable, and the family lives in a small, single-family courtyard, which is better than a villa.

"I heard that you are outpatient at Huikang? Are you planning to change jobs?"

"That's not true. I went to the city to do some errands and stopped by Huikang to see a classmate. Unexpectedly, everyone misunderstood me." Bian Mu explained with a smile.

"Really? People move living things and trees move dead! What great potential can we have here in Chengtianwo? If you want to make a move, I support you!"

"Let's take it slow in the future! It's more interesting to spend time with your family!" Bian Mu covered it up implicitly.

"The house in Lijin is so expensive. It would be difficult to bring your parents there with you!"

"Who says it's not the case! You're busy with your work, and I have to go back and clean up. I have to take over the shift tomorrow morning!"

"Let's go now! Let's have fish for lunch and come over and have a drink with your brother. You haven't eaten at my house for some time!"

"Let's wait another day! I'll bring some Wangtianbai here."

"That's great!" As she spoke, Sister Cai stood up and sent Bian Mu to the door.

Seeing Bian Mu drifting away, the head nurse, Sister Cai, decided that Bian Mu had decided to leave and was about to fly high.

At noon, the Bian family's family of four cooked a table of delicious dishes and had a happy meal.

While washing the dishes in the kitchen, Bian Mu secretly gave Bian Yue 500 yuan so that she could save some money.

"Wow! Are you rich?!"

"That's not true. The income there is quite high, but some money is also quite difficult to earn."

"Decided? Where to go?"

"Well! My mother is worried, so I don't dare to say anything more. We need to take a detour to the hospital to save them from deliberately procrastinating and causing trouble. If someone encounters you and tries to trick you, just say that my brother is doing well in the hospital. Claim to the outside world that Vice President Chen thinks highly of your brother."

"Yeah! Openly build the plank road, secretly attack Chen Cang!" Bian Yue shivered a little cleverly.

"Ha...that's pretty much what it means. Just pay close attention to your homework and get into Lida University smoothly."

"It's hard to say, Li scored nearly 600 points!"

"Just do your best!"

"Well! Mom asked me, have you secretly had a girlfriend? How old is she? Mom is very sensitive about this."

"We haven't even figured out our horoscopes yet! We're about the same age as me, so we probably have a crush on each other at most!"

"is it beautiful?"


"My brother is still awesome! I have to go back to the house to catch up on my homework. Teacher Zhang said that I was criticized twice."

"go quickly!"

In this way, through the little sister, Bian Mu gave her mother some reassurance. The elderly should not be worried, which would have a huge negative impact on their health.

The next day, Bian Mu went to work early, cleaning the clinic inside and out, and the inpatient department was also handed over smoothly.

Colleagues were talking behind their backs. Who said Xiao Bian was going to resign and take a higher position? ! Pure nonsense.

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