Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 59 Chinese and Western medicine are the same family

The emergency department is one of those places that is as quiet as a virgin and as frightening as a stray rabbit. As long as no emergency patients are brought in, everything is in order and quiet.

In comparison, colleagues in the county hospital seem a little loose. They chat, play with their mobile phones, and do personal things... They are free and unrestrained. It is an indisputable fact that their professional quality continues to decline.

Looking back now, it makes sense for Dean Ma and others to issue a warning blacklist. Unfortunately, the action seems a bit late and lacks supporting systematic measures.

After a comparison between the two, "Huikang" Hospital's business philosophy, management measures, and personnel training... obviously outperformed the hospital by a lot. The gap between the two sides in all aspects was more than twenty years.

Bian Mu's understanding of private hospitals was refreshed again.

Dr. Liao Jinsheng does not have his own independent office. The doctor's duty room is spacious, bright, well-equipped and high-end.

The duty room here has two seats, the main and the auxiliary. Liao Jinsheng sat firmly in the main seat, and Bian Mu sat in the auxiliary seat to accompany him.

Drunken people, traffic accidents, street fights... one or two would be sent here from time to time. Most of the illnesses were simple and simple, and Liao Jinsheng and Bian Mu handled them very promptly and professionally.

Bian Mu hardly interrupted, and while observing and learning, he secretly lamented that Western medicine indeed has many unique advantages in first aid.

After handling a male emergency trauma patient and casually giving a few words to a female nurse beside him, Liao Jinsheng walked towards the doctor's duty room accompanied by Bian Mu.

"how do you feel?"

"It's very good! As long as private hospitals have scientific management, standardized practice, and general practitioners like you, they can catch up with the top three public hospitals!"

"Thank you, thank you! In 'Huikang', I am just a small character, not worth mentioning, but you are the one who looked very professional with your attention the whole time!"

"Where, where! It was just a simulation on the spot. This is how we should respond when the previous patients asked us to learn Chinese medicine. We must admit that we do have many shortcomings in first aid. If most of our colleagues do not have the skills, Those who have extraordinary skills in the six skills of traditional Chinese medicine and dare not save people can only take the path of combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine, become a monk halfway, and make serious efforts to relearn the emergency Western medicine operating procedures." Bian Mu said it very seriously.

The natural gap between Chinese and Western medicine has never existed in Bian Mu's place. He has always accepted the rigorous and scientific academic achievements of Western medicine. Bian Mu has never taken it seriously with the kind of natural sectarianism revealed in Kuang Yiheng.

Whenever possible, Bian Mu has been actively learning the essence of Western medicine. However, due to insufficient time, energy, and materials at hand, this has directly affected his learning progress.

In Bian Mu's view, his future medical practice can only take the path of combining Chinese and Western medicine.

However, unlike other traditional Chinese medicine masters, Bian Mu has been trying to completely transform the avant-garde academic scholarship of Western medicine into the connotation of traditional Chinese medicine. He believes that this is the expansion, improvement, and perfection of traditional Chinese medicine...

It was based on this consideration that he used his spare time to observe and learn in the emergency department.

From this perspective, Bian Mu is ignorantly trying a new path to grow as a great Chinese medicine practitioner. However, at this time, he is only following the instinct of seeking knowledge and innovation to do such things.

It was precisely because of Bian Mu's scientific and bold attempts that he eventually quickly grew into a famous doctor. Of course, that is all a story later.

"You can abandon your sectarian views, and you are in a completely different realm from those old academics! Listen to what you are saying, all the patients we will treat tonight, from the perspective of pure Chinese medicine, are you capable of doing the job?"

"How should I put it? Most of them can barely cope with it. Some cases are still quite difficult if we don't use Western medical equipment and treatment methods." Bian Mu told the truth.

"Your level of Chinese medicine is better than I thought! I will definitely learn from you if I have the opportunity in the future." Liao Jin said in a very humble voice.

"I don't dare to take it seriously. As long as you are interested, I will tell you everything you know."

The two of them were chatting happily when they suddenly saw a mobile stretcher rushing past the other side. The medical staff on duty ran all the way towards the emergency room 3 of the emergency center.

One of the older nurses loudly announced to Liao Jinsheng: "Traffic accident, severe chest compression injuries, combined with severe cranial trauma, internal injuries, severe fractures of lower limbs, and the patient is in critical condition!"

Without saying a word, Liao Jinsheng followed him and rushed towards the emergency room 3 of the emergency center. As he ran, he gave emergency medical instructions to two female nurses in the distance.

Hemostasis, blood transfusion, infusion... Liao Jinsheng performed very professionally, handled it appropriately and took effective measures.

Bian Mu has been following him around, and he can basically understand all the medical instructions given by Liao Jinsheng. However, the names of several Western medicines and contraindications for injections are very unfamiliar to him.

Not only that, Bian Mu didn't understand a single word of Dr. Liao's medical measures for treating thoracic hematoma and decompressing thoracic pneumothorax.

For this, Bian Mu felt deeply ashamed.

After about forty minutes, the patient's blood pressure, heart rate, blood oxygen saturation...all vital signs gradually returned to normal ranges.

"Hey..." Liao Jinsheng let out a long breath, feeling much more relaxed, and a proud smile appeared on his face.

The other medical staff were also very happy, having saved another life, and everyone felt a sense of accomplishment.

Neurosurgery, general surgery, orthopedic trauma, and three interdisciplinary surgeries were performed directly on the hands. Although they were all minor surgeries, the technical difficulties were not small.

General practitioners like Liao Jinsheng are definitely not simple.

"Doctor Bian! Please review it for me? See where it was handled improperly so that we can remedy it in time." Liao Jinsheng said a few words very politely. His original intention was not to show off his skills. On the one hand, he really wanted Bian Mu to stand on the side of traditional Chinese medicine. Let’s re-evaluate his superb first-aid comprehensive technology and operational skills from a different angle. In this regard, Liao Jinsheng is definitely one of the best. Even if he meets the experts from public tertiary hospitals, he will not give up much.

In his opinion, colleagues in public tertiary hospitals have at most seen a larger number of patients and more complex conditions than he has. They have more experience in specific operations and may be more skilled than himself.

As for other aspects, he will definitely not be any better than himself.

Liao Jinsheng naturally has some capital to be proud of.

Liao Jinsheng has always felt at ease with his high income.

"This...then I'll just say a few words! If I make a mistake, please don't take offense, senior. If I make a joke, please criticize and correct me in time." Bian Mu told the truth. I am still not completely confident in my medical skills.

"We all hit it off immediately. We will listen carefully to what you say." Liao Jinsheng's words were sincere, not entirely falsely polite.

"The patient's intrathoracic pressure is still a little too high. I made a rough estimate. After about seventeen minutes, the patient's blood pressure will still rise and the patient's heart rate will become abnormal. So... should we consider eliminating the intrathoracic pressure?" Mu explained calmly.

"Are you sure?!" Liao Jin confirmed in surprise.


"Didn't we already drain the blood?"

"The blood gas is severely retrograde due to trauma, and the blood vessels are messed up. The blood gas is blocked and difficult to drain. Drainage alone seems to be far from enough."

"What do you mean?"

"Push the uterus to pass the blood, use acupuncture to expel air, and reorganize the meridians."



"How do we need to cooperate?"

"Help keep an eye on the big wounds and be ready to stop the bleeding at any time." Bian Mu explained.

"No problem! Please get started!" Liao Jinsheng was bold enough. You should know that once the patient has something wrong, he is the first responsible person.

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