Practicing business and practicing medicine

Chapter 38 Famous Doctor Qi Shangqi

Zhu Dingding's attending doctor's surname is Zhao. She is a woman in her thirties, short and fat, with a round face, big eyes, thin eyebrows, fair complexion and a slight rosiness. At first glance, she looks like the kind of person who pays great attention to maintenance. smart people.

Dr. Zhao wears no jewelry, no gold, silver or jade. He does not appear to be a financially strapped person.

Bian Mu guessed that the attending doctor in front of him either had great medical skills or was scheming and did not follow conventional routines.

"You must pay attention to the method and method when negotiating with her." Bian Mu thought to himself.

This is a multi-person duty room. Dr. Zhao's workstation is located on the sunny side near the window. It can be seen that Dr. Zhao should do well in the inpatient department.

After listening to Bian Mu explaining his purpose, Doctor Zhao couldn't help but smile.

"Which hospital do you work in? Why are you so whimsical?! Just because you are young and careless? Or..." Obviously, Dr. Zhao had something in his words, and he kept silent in the end to save some sympathy for Bian Mu.

"Bian Mu, Third Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Lishi County Hospital! I came a little abruptly because the patient's condition really couldn't be delayed. Besides... I am a friend of the victim. I don't want him to be sentenced too harshly. The neighbors in the street , please excuse me, if it brings you any inconvenience, I am here to apologize to you." Bian Mu is an honest person, and he doesn't have time to mess around. Whether it succeeds or fails, he just does his best.

This man! Sometimes you have to be thick-skinned.

"Haha... You are very frank. Since you are still young, I won't argue with you. I think you have already seen the patient. If there is nothing wrong, please come back!"

Dr. Zhao doesn’t give me any face at all!

"I'm sorry! I was presumptuous, but... before I leave, I would like to make some things clear for everyone's convenience. As far as I know, the Zheng family has to bear the treatment costs for five injured people at once, which is really unbearable. The heavy burden, the later expenses may be unsustainable. Even if Mr. Zhu has been transferred from the ICU to the general ward, the Zheng family may not be able to afford much money soon. In his current state, you really can't afford it. Let him discontinue his medicine and discharge him? Right? If you take a step back, wouldn't it be difficult for you to explain to the relevant parties if he just keeps occupying a bed?" Bian Mu is still clear about internal matters in the hospital.

"Hey! Threatening me?! Just you?! If you act like this, you're probably a charlatan. If you don't leave, I'll call security!" Dr. Zhao suddenly became angry.

"Dr. Zhao, don't be angry. He has good intentions. No one can bear my husband lying down like this. We don't want to cause trouble to you and the hospital. How about...let him try it first? The worst is to continue to maintain the status quo." Zhu Dingding's wife quickly stepped forward to offer some words of persuasion.

Upon hearing this, Dr. Zhao couldn't help but sneered a few times.

"Joke! What kind of place do you think this is?! Is it a vegetable market? Why are you following him around? Go back to the ward and take care of the patients! You! Go back to where you came from! If you keep messing around, let the security guard take you out. When the time comes, Don't blame me for not giving face to my colleagues." As he spoke, Doctor Zhao pretended to ring the safety warning bell on the wall.

Medical disturbances can sometimes be quite troublesome, and many hospitals have installed safety warning bells.

Feeling that he had tried his best, Bian Mu smiled bitterly at Zhu Dingding's wife, shrugged, raised his eyebrows, curled his lips, turned around and walked out along the corridor towards the elevator.

At this moment, Bian Mu saw a group of people walking out of the elevator. Most of them were wearing white coats. There were men and women. They seemed to be doctors from the hospital.

With sharp eyes, Bian Mu noticed at a glance that the elegant man surrounded by doctors was none other than Ouyang Ziye, followed closely by the beautiful female assistant doctor he had seen a few days ago.

Bian Mu didn't want to cause trouble, so he pretended not to see Ouyang Ziye and his party, and walked quickly toward the elevator against the handrail of the south wall.

Ouyang Ziye had recognized Bian Mu a long time ago. He had something in his mind, so he naturally pretended not to know each other and deliberately cast his eyes on the corridor oil painting posted on the north wall. At the same time, he quickened his pace, as if he was deliberately avoiding Bian Mu. of.

However, the female assistant doctor seemed to recognize Bian Mu, her eyes were full of surprise, and then she naturally adjusted her gaze to the front and passed Bian Mu without squinting.

In the flash of lightning, two thoughts flashed in Bian Mu's mind.

Ouyang Ziye gave in. Fang Yiqin must have given him enough embarrassment and even gave him a stern warning. Otherwise, he would never be so honest when he saw him again.

Secondly, Bian Mu guessed that Ouyang Ziye and his female assistant should be here in the name of expert consultation to try to diagnose Zhu Dingding or other seriously ill patients.

At the door of the elevator room, Bian Mu glanced in the direction of the medical office and found Zhu Dingding's wife standing by the north wall, bowing slightly to him.

Although he couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, Bian Mu deeply felt her helplessness and confusion.

"Alas! The house leaked and it rained continuously. They were really unlucky. They had no choice but to have a medical connection!" Thinking of this, Bian Mu sighed softly in his heart and bowed slightly to Zhu Dingding's wife. , which is considered a gift in return.

I have tried my best, but Dr. Zhao is too rigid in his mind and does not know how to adapt, and the medical supplies are still a bit poor. Zheng and Zhu's family are really helpless. When he walked out of the second hospital building, he raised his head and looked into the clear blue sky, Bian Mu's mood suddenly changed. Suddenly a lot of relief.

Now that we are in the city, why not line up at the century-old shop "Sanweizhai" to buy some Songhua cakes to take back to honor my mother.

When he was about to walk out of the hospital door, he suddenly heard someone calling him from behind.

"Doctor Bian! Please stay! Doctor Bian from Lishi County, please wait a moment!"

Looking back, the person speaking was a young male doctor in his twenties.

"Did you call me?"

"Are you Dr. Bian Mu from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of Lishi County Hospital?" The visitor politely confirmed Bian Mu's identity.

"Exactly, I wonder what I would like to ask you for?"

"Our teacher invites you to attend a consultation with a critically ill patient. Is it convenient for you now?"

"Who is your respected master?"

"Teacher Qi Shangqi, director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Provincial Hospital."

"Ouch! It turns out to be Teacher Qi! Everyone in acupuncture in China has admired him for a long time, and today we have the chance to meet each other. It's an honor, an honor!" Bian Mu quickly said a few polite words.

" Bian, can it be convenient for us to go upstairs and attend the consultation together?"

"I don't want to take the consultation seriously. Thank you for giving me a chance to learn. I wonder what the patient's specific condition is?"

"The male patient was severely injured a few days ago and was beaten. He has been in coma for several days. The resident doctor was worried that the patient's brain would shrink and become disabled, so he specially invited several famous doctors to come for consultation. Our teacher asked me to go downstairs to catch up with you and give you a piece. Go up and discuss the relevant conditions." The young male doctor was very eloquent and could explain the matter clearly in a few words.

"Is that patient's surname Zhu?"

"It seems so."

"I understand! Just now I saw that Teacher Ouyang Ziye also went over there. Is he also attending the consultation?"

"Yes, Teacher Ouyang got there first."

"This is a rare opportunity. I'll go up and study. Please come over here!" As he spoke, Bian Mu very politely accompanied the young male doctor towards the second hospital building.

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