Pokémon: The Strongest Xiaomao

Chapter 426 Treat everyone to eat dumplings

Lively crowds and cheers resounded in the Coliseum. After the ceremony, many singers performed.

By the way, you can play songs for yourself. Of course, many newcomers who have never seen their talents will actively participate in this opportunity.

The audience was also happy that it was worth paying for the ticket, and they continued to stay and sing and dance.

However, Mr. Mao had quietly left the venue through the back door, and walked leisurely away in the direction of his home.

Not surprisingly, the Golden Melody Awards ceremony this time became very topical and popular due to the "live performances" of Nazi and Xiaomao, and there were several hot searches.

Kanto Entertainment News, Johto Global News, and news officials from Hezhong and other places have given first-hand information.

[In less than two years, against the gym leader, from a narrow victory to a complete victory, let’s talk about Dr. Oki Shigeru’s growth rate. 】

Although the comments section below is mixed. However, Mr. Mao was not so bored, and directly approached the navy to change the topic to the new game.

As expected, Xuanfa also exploded.

The head of the publicity department of Maosheng Group, who was working overtime, a strong woman wearing black-rimmed glasses couldn't help but admire: "The boss is simply too powerful. He is a top trainer, academia, entertainment circle, business circle, everything he does is top-notch. This is true genius..."

"Well~ I finally completed a job and saved several million in advertising fees. Mr. Mao, you are worthy of me~" Walking on the sidewalk under the street lights, Mr. Mao stretched out comfortably.

Snap~ The next second, the sound of little leather boots hitting the ground was heard, and Nazi appeared out of thin air in front of Mr. Mao like a beautiful girl from another dimension in the dark night.

"Oh, I'll go..." Mr. Mao twitched his lips: "It's so convenient, teleportation."

"That's it~" Nazi crossed her elbows and said with a chuckle: "I've given you such good publicity, do you have to express it too?"

Mr. Mao trembled all over and hugged himself: "Um~ I don't sell my body as an artist..."

"Uh..." Nazi was stunned: "Wait a minute, I can't think of any words to scold you...

Oh no! I mean, you have to treat me to a late night snack! You made it with your own hands! "

"Hey... I thought it was something." Mr. Mao sighed in disappointment: "I had already thought about it, so why did I give it up..."

"Huh?" Nazi laughed angrily at Mr. Mao.

"Ahem, it's nothing. Invite Miss Nazi, Xiaomao Private Kitchen will open soon." Mr. Mao awkwardly made an invitation gesture.

"That's pretty much it." Nazhi walked slowly beside Xiaomao with her hands behind her back.

"Young man, please buy some fresh leeks..." As the two passed by the street corner, a thinly dressed old woman asked.

It was a cold winter night. The old lady was wrapped in a somewhat worn cotton coat and holding a few handfuls of green leeks.

Nazi frowned, with a hint of distress in her eyes, but she was never very good at expressing this kind of emotion.

"Hey~" Before Kona could say anything, Mr. Mao passed the girl and came to the old lady.

After looking at the few leeks placed on the plastic sheet, Mr. Mao's eyes showed surprise: "This thing is great! I want as many as there are!"

The old lady looked at Xiaomao in surprise, then hesitated: "Young man, thank you for your kindness. But you can't finish it with so much."

"Eat until you finish." Mr. Mao glanced at Nazi, and then whispered: "This thing is very beneficial to us boys, especially boys with girlfriends.

I have been feeling overwhelmed lately, so I must add something. "

The old woman looked at Nazi in surprise. Nazi turned her head pretending not to care, but a blush crept onto her ears.

"Hehe...I know." The old lady suddenly showed a kind smile, helped put the leeks into a plastic bag, and handed it to Xiaomao.

Then he looked at Nazi kindly: "Girl, young people still need to exercise restraint. This boy is so good, so don't mess with him~"

The tips of Nazi's ears turned red now. She nodded awkwardly and responded in a low voice: "Well..."

"Hahaha, I know, grandma, please go back quickly." Mr. Mao generously took out a large banknote and stuffed it into the grandma's hand, pulled Nazi and ran away.

"Hey! Young man, you gave me too much! I'm looking for your money!" the old lady shouted anxiously.

Xiao Mao pulled Na Zi and ran without looking back: "The rest is just a New Year's greeting to you in advance, Happy New Year~"

The old lady couldn't catch up, so she could only smile and shake her head, close the stall and go home: "What a good boy."

After running a long way, Mr. Mao stopped. Nazi looked at Xiao Mao with interest: "You are so vain~ Mr. Mao."

"What are you talking about?" Mr. Mao put his hands on his hips and said, "Isn't this a good thing I'm doing!"

"Then... what are you talking about... not being able to do what you want..." Nazi said and then stopped talking.

"Uh...that." Mr. Mao waved his hands awkwardly: It was just an excuse. If you just give the old lady some money, she will think it is our charity.

In this way, her life will not be happy..."

"Is that so?" Nazi tilted her head in confusion: "I don't understand~ But it's a good thing anyway, so I won't argue with you.

There are so many leeks, what are you going to do with them? "

"Of course I'll eat it!" Mr. Mao chuckled: "This is the soul of Mr. Mao's secret three-fresh dumplings."

"Chives...are they delicious..." Nazi frowned.

"No problem, I will take action." Mr. Mao smiled slightly: "However, I have to buy some other things."

Taking out the phone, Mr. Mao dialed Li Jia's number.

"Hello, Professor Omu." Li Jia's voice sounded.

"Are you at home?" Mr. Mao got straight to the point.

"Well, the little girl stayed at home today and did not go out." Lijia responded.

"Can you help me go to the fresh food supermarket in the community to buy some things, and I'll treat everyone to dumplings tonight?" Mr. Mao asked.

"No problem, just tell me. I'll remember it." Li Jia readily agreed.

"Hmm~ Fresh shrimps, eggs, dried fungus, dried shiitake mushrooms, minced pork tenderloin, that's all for now." Mr. Mao thought about it and arranged it.

"Okay, I'll go out now." Li Jia hung up the phone.

Mr. Mao looked at Nazi: Do you have any flour at home...

Nazi's mouth twitched and she disappeared with Hu's appearance. In less than a minute, Hu's appeared at the same place with two bags of flour using his telekinesis.

Nazi clapped her hands: "My dad said there are low-gluten and high-gluten flours, so I took a bag of both."

"Well done." Mr. Mao raised his hand and praised.

The two of them were still carrying flour Hudi, and then Shi Shiran walked towards home.

Back home, Li Jia happened to come back with giant vines. Because Master Shigeru needed a lot of materials, Rika had no choice but to use giant tentacle-covered vines as movers.

Everything was ready. Mr. Mao first placed the Pokémon in the living room and backyard, and then walked into the kitchen with a lot of materials.

The cross talk duo of Geng Gui and Na Zi reunited after a long absence. Today they were able to let themselves go. The three live treasures surrounded Na Zi and made everyone laugh.

Gardevoir took over the duties of the maid and started cleaning.

Pokkigu led Jirachi upstairs to play games, while Ibu-chan took the Lizard King and his younger brothers to the backyard for extra practice.

The water arrow turtle put the barrel of the gun on Hu Di's forehead, looked at it for a long time, and warned Hu Di not to do anything casually. Then he silently returned to the corner of the living room and pretended to be a figure.

Hu Di wiped his cold sweat. Just now he felt the terrifying fluctuations in the barrel of the gun that were ready to go. Even more exaggerated than Eevee-chan's evil fluctuations.

It's too dangerous here...

Li Jia leisurely brewed a pot of scented tea and sat on the sofa watching the variety show [I like you, um, I like myself too].

Mr. Mao took his second chef, Ma Xuanla, and began to prepare for the work.

Looking at the mountains of ingredients, Mr. Mao touched his chin. It seemed a bit too much for three people to eat.

After thinking about it, Mr. Mao took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Mary Jiang: The event is over, do you want to come to my house for supper? I made three fresh dumplings...

Address positioning~"

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