Chapter 6: Confrontation.
Looking around there's 3 different eggs inside of this small room with another small pokemon with pure white skin almost shinning in the slight light thats creeped into this part of the cave. It also has two legs and two arms, crying as it seems to have freshly hatched as peices of its egg shell is scattered around.
Signing deeply D slowly goes around the small Pokemon looking at the eggs that are unhatched and moving closer all 3 of the eggs look very different from each other. The first egg is purple and blue put into 3 segments while the second egg is almost entirety a murky green color with a rugged look to it. The third egg is a brown egg with stripes of darker brown going from the bottom of the egg to slighty below the center.
'Let me think. I've got a isane bear that will kill me if everything in this cave isn't dead and with how bat shit crazy he is eggs probably aren't off the table. Plus I've got this Cettodle(?) here that definitely won't make the cut.... The only thing I could do to help is hide them but that bear found me straight off his sense of smell and anyone who put any amount of looking would find this little room and if he finds it my ass is dead. Why'd it have to be eggs. I'm kind of ok with killing things if they attack me first but I can't just send babies to die, and they're probably close to hatching since this Cettodle hatched probably like an hour before I got here.'
Outside off the cave multiple voices and a scream can be hear jolting D out of his thoughts. Moving from the small room and into the main part of the cave D see's near the mouth of the cave two Pokemon charging at each other. One of said Pokemon is Beartic with his scared face and another large Pokemon with tusks and brown fur which D quickly Identified as a Mamoswine.
As the Mamoswine charges into and attempts to pierce Beartic with one of its tusks Beartic grabs and takes hold of the Mamoswine and both Beartic's hands and Mamoswine's tusks start to freeze over. Beartic taking advantage of the situation, fires an Ice Beam striaght into the head of Mamoswine.
D looking at their battle just outside the mouth of the cave steps back as the Mamoswine fires a Icicle Crash in retaliation. 'Gods sake! Well know I know what Pokemon is in the brown egg!' Running back into the smaller cave D moves all of the eggs and the newly hatched Cetoddle from their little nest using and controlling his wispy fur to hold the three eggs while he hold the Cetoddle in his mouth by its tail.
'OK! This is my chance with the Mamoswine out there Beartic should be distracted enough to not immediately kill me and if I can use my Illusion again to change into something less conspicuous then I should be able to get the hell out of here! The only thing is should I take the eggs espically the Swinub one since I'm pretty sure that its mother or father is the one fighting Beartic right now so should I really-'
Once again as D is in his thoughts both Beartic and Mamoswine have moved again but this time a distinct voice can be heard that's different that the normal voice of Pokemon that D's been hearing since his arrival. "Mamoswine use Ancient Power!"
A Human voice is heard in the distance and with that the Mamoswine immediately uses Ancient Power creating and floating rocks sending them into Beartic halting his constant Ice Beam.
D is slightly caught into crossfire as multiple shards of rock are thrown in his direction and while he is able to deal with most of them by using a well timed Scratch and even though the Hone Claws boost is gone it still deflects the shards.
'I've got to go! I've got 3 options leave without the eggs and baby and get away from Beartic, or leave with the eggs and baby away from Beartic. I could also get captured by this random trainer but if I do and they also catch Beartic It'll be the same just under new management plus I'm clearly not a normal Zorua. You know what! I think to much I've just got to go for it!'
Finally making his mind D moves toward the front of the cave as soon as Beartic pushes Mamoswine out of the way. Taking the chance to run out of the cave completely, but as soon as he gets a couple of feet away from the cave an ice block stops him.
"You! Runt!!" Behind D is Beartic who currently looks very damaged and bloodly with a deep puncture wound inside of his abdomen. "YOu fucking bitc-" As the Beartic speaks and prepares more ice type energy he is literally cut off as his neck is cleanly cut as another Pokemon flies past.
Crumpling to the soft snow the Beartc slowly bleeds into the frosty environment dyeing the snow red as his body slowly loses vigor. While D witnessing this holds his surprise and turns back around to attempt to continue running.
'I've got to get the hell out of here!' only for another blur to go past his vision. 'What was that?' D body crumples as he falls to the snow is confusion until he looks down to see that all four of his legs have been cut behind their midway point. 'When did I get cut!? Did I just get fucking anime'd!'
"Stop Crobat! That's enough." attempting to look back a mid sized Pokemon, I mean Human is standing there ahead of the Mamoswine. 'Well..This is best case senario I think?'
{To tell everyone how this fic is made I roll a dice for every chapter and depending on the result certain stuff happens. For the previous chapter I rolled multiple eggs and in this chapter I rolled for a human to be involved at a point. So yeah, Its not a good way to make a cohesive story but I feel like this randomness works in Pokemon due to how shit happens in Pokemon.}
{I feel like I should've say this before but this fic's backbone is randomness like I randomly picked where he would be what the MC gender would be and even what Pokemon he would be. He could've ended up as a Elekid in the Johto region if the random number generator picked it. Also now that were out of the Bear's grasp then the story won't be as fuck up since the Bear won't be make the MC to do so frankly messed up stuff. Or he could just die in the next chapter I haven't rolled for the next chapter yet.}