Pokemon ouroboros

My starter pokemon

1 month later 


"Dianthia has offered to give us her baby ralts" Veronica said 

"What does she want in return?" Benga responded 

" The highest quality audino we have in our family.".  Veronica said 

" get her what she needs," Benga said 

"Also what gender is the little ralts?"

Veronica, wondering why this question was asked, looked at the data and said 

" It's a male sir" 

"Perfect" Benga said with a smile 


When is this egg going to hatch? My God, it's been a month and an egg normally takes this long to hatch and it hasn't. This is taking longer as hell

Also, the reason chose ralts is a fairy, a psychic has a teleport, has a mega evolution at both sides of the evolution and gallade is cool as hell. I'm thinking of picking gallade due to the untapped potential of its blade hands and teleport. 

I know, Mr nobody that I've been babbling on about teleport, which is normally a useless move in the games, but in real life, this could be a lifesaver and a time saver. Perhaps if I master it well enough teleportation between regions would not become a daydream.  I sure as hell ain't stupid though. I'm not gonna train for a year and be able to reach those heights. It's gonna be a long time.


1 month later 

It seems my starter Pokemon has arrived 

Veronica made me go into the dining room to receive it. What stood there was a little ball of joy with a small little fringe over its eyes. With what can be described as an orange  flat horn through its head

"So kawaiiiiii-" Avan couldn't help but say to himself saying 


Isn't a ralts supposed to be green? And have a red horn? 

Why it blue and orange? 

It must be shiny!

"Surprise my sweet little darling~~~~~" mother said 

" This isn't the only surprise!" 

Mother handed me what looked like a sleek gadget 

" isn't this a Pokedex? I thought I couldn't have one till I was 11" 

" well due to certain things we have to give you one now but this is custom made so if you were to step out of the family property it will not turn on and at worst case, self destruct," mother said with a smile that could make Aizen turn in shame. And I don't know if self-destruction is a bluff but in my eyes, 

It's not worth finding out 


Seeing me, ralts was giggling like a baby. I came and picked it up and held it in the air like a baby. After having a small playtime with the ralts, I asked an important question 

" hey mother, what gender is it?" 

"It's a boy I believe"

I couldn't help but laugh in joy. Seems like my gallade fantasy will come true. Still has to. Be through lots of training, but I have time for that 

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