Pokemon Master

Chapter 54: The Most Dangerous Contestant

"It turned out to be Bite!"

In the guest seats, several guests who have been sitting since the beginning of the match began to speak in surprise.

"They have hidden it so deeply, it wasn't until they met the ghost pokemon that they used it, really a surprise.”

"To deal with pokemon like Misdreavus, it's all about making a quick decision. After all, there is only one chance to counterattack like the one just now." Another guest said.

"But… this Eevee's reaction speed really surprised me, even in the face of the ghost pokemon, it can react quickly, it's incredible."

A new professional trainer guest curiously asked: "This dodge, isn't it due to luck?"

"Of course not." The representative of the Shanghai Trainers Association smiled and explained to the professional trainers who hadn't watched the previous match.

And highlighted Eevee's sixth sense and reaction speed.

"So that's it, super-strong sixth sense and reaction speed?"

Several professional trainers touched their chins, and curiosity towards Fang Yuan and Eevee grew.

"By the way, isn't Fang Yuan the contestant in the interview video?"

Some professional trainers recognized Fang Yuan and were quite surprised.

Because the words Fang Yuan answered in the interview video didn't seem to be spoken from the mouth of a rookie trainer.

Not long after, the third match between group E and F seed kicked off.

Onix of the seed contestant E vs Beedrill of seed contestant Zhang Yuan!

"That Zhang Huan has encountered a powerful enemy."

At this time, Fang Yuan had returned to the contestants' platform and watched the game with Lin Jing.

After discovering that Zhang Huan, who had eliminated him, had encountered a tough opponent, Lin Jing immediately became happy.

"Beedrill vs Onix, hum, it seems that Zhang Huan will stop here."

"On the contrary, Onix seems to have an advantage, but it's actually not that difficult to deal with." Fang Yuan couldn't help interrupting her fantasy.

Neither he nor Eevee cared about Onix, and there was nothing to fear from Beedrill, who was more agile than Eevee and capable of flying.

Although this Onix is very strong and has a strong defense, its huge size also makes it very slow. The rookie trainer can't make Onix overcome this weakness in a short time.

When encountering speed-type Pokemon, Onix would become a living target. They were lucky to not have encountered flexible water or grass-type Pokemon before.

"As long as the Beedrill is careful not to be attacked by Rock Throw, the rhythm of the battle will be slowly mastered by the Beedrill." Fang Yuan explained.


Lin Jing nodded as if she understood.

After the battle started, as Fang Yuan said, Beedrill adopted kite tactics. Although it did not have the reaction awareness like that of Eevee's, Beedrill slowly with the Pin Missile and Venoshock impact consumed the physical strength of Onix.

"That Beedrill is so strong." Lin Jing sighed.

After that match finished, before the next match started, she played with her mobile phone. After a while, Lin Jing suddenly said: "The classmates in the group want you to make a comment. Many people are asking why you become so powerful. Don't you want to say anything?"

What is there to say…

Fang Yuan shook his head: "Stop talking, let's concentrate on preparing for the match."

Be serious beforehand…then influence passion.

In the fourth match, Fang Yuan looked very serious, and Lin Jing also noticed Fang Yuan's expression.

"Do you care about that Xu Lan that much?"

"She is an apprentice at the Winter Dojo. That Snorunt’s ice moves are very powerful. In Group E and Group F, whether Onix wins or Beedrill wins, it seems to me that Xu Lan will probably eliminate them." Fang Yuan said.

"Xie Ming in group A, Xu Lan in group H, and…Xu Jing in group L and her Abra, and Xiao Wenyu in group P and his Torkoal, should be considered top among the seed contestants. "

Xie Ming, Xu Lan, Xu Jing, and Xiao Wenyu, these four seed contestants were the ones that Fang Yuan values ​​most.

If Fang Yuan was not wrong in his judgment, his main opponents next were these people.

"Xu Lan in Group H is expected to win against Zhang Huan. Xu Jing in Group L and Xiao Wenyu in Group P should also advance. I can't say which one of them will win after they meet, but I prefer that Abra. ……" Fang Yuan said.

"This is all your analysis?" Lin Jing was surprised.

Fang Yuan scratched his head: "Someone analyzed it on the forum, but it's almost the same as I thought."


In the fourth game, Xu Lan from the Winter Dojo won.

After watching the entire battle, Fang Yuan's heart was stunned. Snorunt’s ice energy purity was so high. Every time it could defeat its opponent with one or two moves, Eevee must not get attacked during the battle, otherwise, it will be miserable.

In the other groups, the situation did not exceed Fang Yuan's expectations.

It wasn't until Xu Jing appeared on the stage during the K group and L group that Fang Yuan looked at the guest seat and raised some attention.

He looked at Lu Hai from Shanghai University. A university student could be a guest on this occasion. In addition to his own strength, his identity was also a reason. As an apprentice of Tianxin Dojo, Lu Hai Is one of the few superpowers in the country.

And this Xu Jing, according to the revelations on the forum, was also an apprentice in the Tianxin Dojo, and also a superpower.

Therefore, from Fang Yuan's point of view, this Abra was a lot stronger than Mr.Mime. He has a faint feeling that Xu Jing and Abra are the most dangerous of all the contestants, even if they have not exerted their full strength.

As for why he feels this way, it may be because Fang Yuan was frightened by Sabrina when he watched the Pokemon animation when he was a child.

Superpowers who can easily turn people into dolls, couldn't afford to provoke them.

However, Xu Jing should not be so powerful. After all, those with superpowers in TV shows can only bend the spoon with the force of thought.

There was no big surprise in the final battle of Group O and Group P. Even though they were both seed contestants, their opponents still could not stop Xiao Wenyu's Torkoal's Fire Spin offense.

"In the face of this Fire Spin, I'm afraid Eevee can only protect itself through Counter-Shield." Fang Yuan said.

Before afternoon, the list of the top eight was released.

The Pokemon who need to recover their stamina and heal their injuries would be taken over by the Pokemon doctors hired by the Organizers. The injuries caused by this kind of rookie-level battle would not be difficult for the pokemon doctors. They only need to accompany Chansey’s treatment method, even if you don't take medicine, you can restore the Pokemon to its original state.

It was a pity that Pokemon like Happiny was controlled by the state, and it was very difficult for ordinary trainers to get them, otherwise, Fang Yuan wanted to subdue one.

How great it was to be self-sufficient!

After the game, Fang Yuan and Lin Jing said goodbye and hurriedly left.

In the afternoon, he would be fighting first. After lunch, he would continue to study tactics with Eevee!

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