Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 10 – Kanraku’s Past

In an undisclosed location, Professor Kanraku with Blastoise guarding behind was scrutinizing the documents in his hands. In front of him, a pink, egg-shaped Pokémon with a pouch-like belly attended to a bandaged, unconscious Growlithe. The Pokémon had stubby arms, large oval-shaped eyes, and a small curled horn atop its head. It's Chansey.

"These are not merely cuts; they resemble scratches more closely," observed the Professor.

"Along with bite wounds, there are injuries to the eyes and ears."

"And most grievous are the bone fractures and internal injuries."

Holding a slave collar, Kanraku speculated, "This little one might have been enslaved, given this chain as evidence. It seems likely it was used in what some people called 'beast fighting.' And the fact that the extensive internal injuries and being alone unconscious suggest it might have lost in battle and have been abandoned by its owner."

"What a poor soul. If I had not found it, this guy's fate would have been sealed. Achieving harmony is still a distant goal." Kanraku knew it would take years, perhaps decades, to realize his vision.

"Kami-sama, please grant me more time. Do not let the world descend into further chaos, to the point where reconciliation between humans and beasts becomes impossible. I will demonstrate that harmony is possible; I'll swear it to the bottom of my heart. So, please…"

"Blastoise~" Blastoise approached Kanraku and gently patted his head, aiming to comfort him.

"Don't worry, my partner, I know what to do. These setbacks won't bring me down; instead, they fuel my determination to move forward," said Kanraku, trying to reassure Blastoise.

"Our first goal is to unite more compassionate individuals and creatures who share our vision and believe in our principles—that war is not a solution but a path to destruction, and only harmony can truly resolve conflicts." Kanraku's face lit up with excitement, showing that despite the pressure, his spirit was undaunted.

"Blastoise~ Blastoise~" Blastoise, too, was inspired by Kanraku's fervor and nodded resolutely, showing unwavering support for his partner's mission.

A wave of nostalgia swept over Kanraku as he recalled the chaos that erupted four years ago between humans and beasts. He had been one of the biologists assigned to study and research the creatures. Back then, their knowledge was limited, and they had underestimated the beasts' significance. After a shipwreck, he found himself on an unknown island, surrounded by curious little blue turtles. The excited one who approached him eventually became his large partner in the pursuit of peace.

Kanraku was particularly fascinated by the beasts' ability to evolve, a revelation that shocked many in Nihon. This led to misguided attempts by officials to capture baby beasts to prevent their evolution, further straining the relations between humans and beasts. Kanraku regretted revealing this information to the officials, as their extreme actions only exacerbated the conflict.

Kanraku's regret over revealing information to the officials and their following actions became a turning point for him. This regret fueled his determination to demonstrate that harmony between humans and beasts was not only possible but essential. The misguided actions of the officials, who sought to control the evolution of beasts, had only deepened the rift. But Kanraku's resolve was unwavering; he was committed to mending this relationship and proving that unity could exist.

Kanraku's unconditional support for the harmony between humans and beasts had irked the officials. They made the decision to exile him to a remote area in the south of Nihon, known for its dense population of beasts. It was a move intended to silence him, a place where they believed he would not make a noise.

However, the officials had not anticipated Kanraku's resilience and the strength of his convictions. In this new environment, surrounded by both humans and beasts, he worked tirelessly to help a local village, he saved not only the family of Village's Chief but also other residence providing aid and sharing his vision of unity between humanity and beasts. His efforts didn't go unnoticed, and soon, he started gaining followers. The villagers, witnessing firsthand the potential for coexistence, began to believe a bit on his ideas about harmony between humans and beasts.

This unforeseen turn of events was something the officials in Nihon hadn't expected. Far from silencing him, their actions had only served to amplify Kanraku's voice and further his mission. His determination to prove that unity between humans and beasts was not only possible but essential, continued to grow, fueled by the challenges he faced.

"Chansey, Chansey," interrupted his reflective thoughts as he felt a tug on his pants. Looking down, he saw Chansey's worried expression. Smiling warmly, Kanraku patted her head, reassuringly saying, "Don't worry, he will wake up soon. Thanks to you, Chansey."

Chansey blushed at the praise and shook her head modestly, her eyes still filled with worry for the unconscious Growlithe. "Although his condition remains severe, he has survived the dying state. He's already dine but It may take a long time for him to awaken."

"We're lacking a certain berry; such things are truly hard to find," Kanraku said, his brow furrowing as he looked at the array of berries before him—Figy, Oran, Wiki, Mago, Aguav, Lapapa, Leppa, Cheri, Pecha, Persim, Rawst, Aspear, and Passho.

These were the berries he knew to have beneficial effects for both humans and beasts, a knowledge acquired over three years of solitary research and perilous exploration with Blastoise. Yet, he was aware there were still undiscovered berries out there.

Pointing towards the Figy, Oran, Wiki, Mago, Aguav, and Lapapa berries, Kanraku instructed, "These are the ones you should give to him every two hours. Since he can't wake up, squeeze the berries and collects the juice. Add a Leppa Berry to enhance his energy. It would be even better if you combine it with your egg; it has mysterious healing properties and is quite delicious. Combined with your abilities, Chansey, I believe you can fully heal him. I have faith in you; do your best!"

Tears welled up in Chansey's eyes as she felt the trust from the human before her. Her past had been marked by tragedy, having experienced the ruthlessness of humanity. Only a few days ago, life had seemed meaningless under the control of her previous owner. Now, unexpectedly, she found herself rescued by a man who exuded an aura of being kind. He had a presence that drew her closer, making her want to be near him. Feeling his support, Chansey became determined to heal the little fellow.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "Come in," Kanraku permitted.

A woman and a Wartortle entered, saluting respectfully. "Professor Kanraku!"

"Wartortle!" The Pokémon saw Kanraku and immediately rushed to hug him.

"Oh, there, there," Kanraku, used to the affection, patted her head.


Blastoise saw her child being clingy and scolded her for not noticing her biological father.

"Wartortle," feeling the reprimand, Wartortle rushed towards her father.

Blastoise snorted as he received his daughter, feeling a hidden joy.

Kanraku watched the happy scene and approached Suzuki. "Oh, Suzuki-san, have they arrived?" His voice was tinged with excitement.

"Yes, Professor Kanraku, they are outside, but there's a problem," Suzuki Akiko replied, her expression troubled and hesitant.

"What is it?" Kanraku's brows knitted in concern.

"Someone's causing trouble outside."

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