Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

The forty-ninth chapter Bagon’s strength (3)

“Machamp, rush up.”

At Brawly’s command, Machamp ran fast, through the rocks, and approached Bagon.

“Bagon, use the Flamethrower again.”

Bagon again spit out a mouthful of fiery flames, which shot at Machamp.

The flame vortex roared, setting off a very strong heat wave that spread throughout the audience.

Even Aoki, who was standing on the edge of the field, felt a burst of heat.

During this time, Bagon trained very seriously, and his skills were very powerful.

“Machamp, don’t be afraid, dodge quickly, keep getting closer, and use Ice Punch.”

Machamp ran fast, and kept jumping, dodging the fire’s attack.

Bagon Flamethrower was fast, but was still dodged by Machamp.

In the blink of an eye, Machamp was in front of Bagon, raised his right hand, and slammed down on Bagon.

There was even a blue light on the wrist, and there was a burst of cold air.

“Bagon, step aside quickly.”

Bagon hurriedly jumped to the side.

But it was still a step slower. Bagon was punched in the shoulder, and the cold air filled his shoulders, freezing his shoulders.


Bagon’s face was a little painful. Although he only hit the shoulder, Ice Punch did a lot of damage to him.

“Very well, Machamp, go after him and give him another Ice Punch.”

With a command from Brawly, Machamp picked up speed, swish, and drew closer to Bagon, raising his icy hand again.

As long as you get close to Bagon, give the baby a trick Ice Punch to completely destroy Bagon.

“Bagon, use a large flamethrower, cover your tracks, and find a place to hide.”

Aoki also knew that Bagon must never be hit again.

Due to the restraint of the ice attribute, coupled with the difference in strength, Bagon will definitely lose his fighting ability when he is hit by Ice Punch.

woohoo hoo…

Bagon spit out another flamethrower, the flames were more powerful, but spiraled in all directions.

Soon, flames spread over the lower half of the arena, obscuring Bagon.

“Machamp, focus.”

Brawly wasn’t in a hurry. With such a big flame, he couldn’t find any trace of Bagon.

Once Bagon seizes the opportunity, it may hurt Machamp.

Machamp let out a cry, then looked around warily, looking for Bagon’s trail.

“Bagon, hide and use Dragon Dance.”

Behind a rock, Bagon listened to Aoki’s orders and immediately danced a strange dance.

There was a faint purple light on his body.

“No, Machamp, find Bagon immediately and give him Ice Punch.”

Brawly’s face changed suddenly.

The so-called Dragon Dance is a skill of the Dragon Pokémon, which can increase the speed and attack by one level.

Once Bagon successfully uses Dragon Dance, the combat power will definitely become stronger, and it will be more difficult to deal with at that time.

The flames disappeared quickly, and Machamp searched for it before seeing a purple glow behind a rock.

Although weak, it was still seen by Machamp.

“Machamp, rush up and use Ice Punch.”

Brawly also found traces of Bagon.

Machamp stepped on a rock and jumped forcefully in mid-air, just in time to find Bagon.

Then shuttle through the rocks, come to Bagon, facing Bagon, it is an Ice Punch.

“Bagon, dodge.”

With an easy jump, Bagon dodged.

After using the Dragon Dance, Bagon was fast and easily dodged Machamp’s attacks.

“What? Is it that fast?”

Brawly had no idea that Bagon was moving so fast.

“Bagon, rush up and use Dragon Rush.”

Bagon let out a scream, then ran fast, with the speed of running, converted into power.

There was a purple air on his body.

After a while, Bagon’s momentum gradually rose, and the ground began to tremble.

“Machamp, give him an Ice Punch and knock him out.”

Machamp looked at Bagon, who was running aggressively, and ran away without fear.

Both Pokémon are running at high speed.

After getting close, Bagon lowered his head and used the force of his body to charge at Machamp.

Machamp also raised the Ice Punch and punched Bagon head-on.

The freeze froze Bagon’s head and knocked Bagon’s head out of the way.

“Bagon, hold on, I’ll treat you to something good for lunch today.”

Aoki also saw that there was still a gap in Bagon’s strength, so he hurriedly shouted.

Hearing Aoki’s words, Bagon’s eyes were filled with determination, and the purple arrogance on his body became more exuberant.

Then he shouted angrily, slammed into Machamp’s body heavily, and knocked Machamp out.

The moment Machamp was knocked out, he still punched the last punch, knocking Bagon to the ground.

Both Pokémon fell at the same time.

“Bagon, stand up, I believe in you.”

Bagon stood up with difficulty, his feet trembled, and finally fell to the ground, fainting.

After all, it has not yet reached the Superior level. For a Pokémon like Machamp, who can step into the Taoist level at any time, it is still a little short.

This is also because Machamp has not been trained well, his qualifications are not high, and he has not learned many skills.

As long as you have more skills, don’t be so limited, Bagon can’t hit him.

On the other side, Machamp got up despite being badly injured by a head-on hit by Dragon Rush.

It’s just that the panting is very serious, both feet are shaking, and I almost can’t stand still.

After all, he defeated Bagon with his powerful strength, and he also suffered a lot of trauma.

“Bagon, come back! I’ll leave it to your companion.”

Aoki thought about it for a while, and finally decided to choose the frog.

It’s also Champion, and his favorite Greninja.

He plans to let the frog head evolve into Greninja first, and then see if he can get Bonds Greninja form.

(Once again, I beg everyone’s flower support.)*

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