Pokemon: Dominate The Alliance From Opening The Treasure Box

Chapter 35

Chapter 35 Team Aqua Invasion, Pursue Shelly (Gagen)

Devon Manufacturing Group.

Aoki followed President Stone and walked down the aisle, both of whom were discussing research.

Most of them, Aoki doesn’t know, but Aoki has seen the anime and knows a little bit about it.

For example, the fossil resurrection machine.

This kind of thing can be successful in the future.

When the two were discussing scientific research, suddenly several people passed by Aoki.

Aoki stopped, feeling that something was wrong with the people who just passed by.

His expression was very similar to the spy movies he had seen before.

Could it be that those people were spies?

Aoki thought so.

President Stone also sensed something was wrong and immediately shouted loudly.

“You guys, stop for me.”

The few people who were walking slowly suddenly accelerated.

“No, there are outsiders infiltrating, you can go to me quickly, and you must grab back the boxes in their hands.”

The security guard next to him immediately chased after him.

Aoki also chased after him.

It happened that he wanted to take this opportunity to have a good relationship with President Stone, which might be useful in the future.

And he was curious about these people.

Where is the person from.

“Come out! Mightyena, use Hyper Beam against the wall.”

A black-and-gray Mightyena suddenly appeared, opened its mouth, and sprayed out a huge golden light.


A large hole was blasted in the wall.

A group of people took a gun and fired a shot at the wall, and there was a hook inserted into the wall.

Then they jumped down together.

Aoki came to the wall, grabbed the rope, and slid down quickly.

The fighting members of the Devon Manufacturing Group, seeing Aoki jumped, jumped too.

“They caught up, and everyone retreated together.”

All separated at the same time.

Aoki thought for a while and chased after the leader.

To ask him why he knew that this person was the leader, there was no way, who let this woman always give orders.

Such fools know who the leader is.

Those in the German group thought for a while, then separated from each other and went after the others.

“Damn, who are these two? Don’t let me catch them. If you let me catch them, you’ll look good.”

Shelly’s face was ugly.

It was discovered by Aoki before, otherwise they might have escaped successfully.

Still chasing after her.

Aoki is not particularly worried, if the opponent is strong, just run.

And Boss Lairon has become an Elite Pokémon, which makes him confident.

The two were chasing fast, and soon came to a nearby barren mountain.

Shelly is no longer running away, ready to deal with Aoki first, and then find a way to escape.

“Stinky boy, you are chasing after me. If you don’t teach you a lesson, you don’t know how to regret it.”

“Really? I’m really not afraid.”

After Aoki saw the person’s face clearly, he had already recognized the identity of this person.

One of the cadres of Team Aqua.

Of course, that’s just the future, at least the current Shelly isn’t Team Aqua’s cadre yet.

Her Mightyena is not very strong.

Name: Mightyena

Strength: Quasi-Elite

Qualification: Quasi Elite

This strength is not very strong, so Aoki has the courage to chase.

It is estimated that Shelly, like Bonfire, is currently only a captain, and will become a cadre in the future.

“Go, Relicanth, Combusken, Crouching Frog, Treecko.”

Aoki throws most of the Pokémon at once.

Shelly’s face goes black, I’ll throw a Mightyena, you throw a whole bunch.

And there are actually three Yusanjia, Shelly feels a little uncomfortable.

Damn rich people.

Had she been rich in the first place, she wouldn’t have been able to join Team Aqua.

After mixing for such a long time, he is the captain. Those rich people probably have a lot of quasi-Elite grades, even Elite grades.

“Ludicolo, Iron Claw Lobster, Walrein, come on together.”

Shelly also throws out his own Pokémon, ready to fight Aoki.

Name: Ludicolo

Strength: Gym level

Qualification: Elite level

Name: Crawdaunt

Strength: Gym level

Qualification: Quasi Elite

Name: Walrein

Strength: Quasi-Elite

Qualification: Quasi-Elite

This is Shelly’s strength, two quasi-Elite and three Gym.

It is estimated that in a few years, it will be an Elite-level trainer.

It’s just not clear why this Ludicolo appeared so early.

Evolution will take a few years from the original.

However, now is not the time to struggle so much, let’s beat Shelly first.

“Go, Boss Lairon.”

Aoki still took out the Boss Lairon and asked him to help sit in town.

There are too many masters on the opposite side.

If there is only one Relicanth, it is not necessarily able to suppress the other party.

Even his Relicanth, after careful cultivation, has fully recovered to its peak.

Damn rich people.

Shelly glared at Aoki through gritted teeth, especially jealous.

There is actually a very rare Pokémon like the Boss Lairon.

“Walrein, Crayfish, Ludicolo, use Blizzard, Mightyena, use Hyper Beam for me.”

Shelly took the lead.

The three Pokémon spat out a lot of blood, as if it were a blizzard.

The momentum is magnificent.

Mightyena spit out another huge golden light.

“Boss Lairon, it’s up to you, use Hyper Beam for me, Relicanth, and Hydro Pump for Mightyena.”

Aoki thought for a while, Treecko and the others were just a few, the strongest was the Superior, and the gap was huge.

Might as well give it to Boss Lairon.

Boss Lairon stepped forward and unleashed a more powerful Hyper Beam.

The golden light rushed forward and collided with the white Blizzard, another golden destruction, and the death light.


Hyper Beam collided with each other, causing a huge explosion in an instant.

The explosion produced a strong smoke that blocked everyone’s view.

“How is this possible? Why is this Boss Lairon so powerful? Could it be that he is already Elite?”

Shelly has been blown away.

The combined attack of the four Pokémon was actually blocked by Boss Lairon.

how can that be?

Just as Shelly was shaking, Relicanth sent a jet of water that hit Mightyena head on.

Mightyena was perfectly fine, and was knocked out and let out a groan.

(11000 flowers plus more, continue to beg for the support of the boss, and evaluation tickets are also fine.)*

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