Pokémon cultivation house starting from the pirate

35 Toss babies (seeking reading!)

Chapter 35 Toss babies (seeking reading!)

The arrival of the nine little guys gave Darker a lot of surprises.

Especially the last big milk.

Big milk cans are a very gentle creature. They don’t like fighting very much, even in the Warcraft era of Pokémon, there is a history of survival with humans.

However, their bodies are strong, so if they are used to fight, they also have a strong combat effectiveness.

The most critical problem is that mature big tanks can produce 20 liters of milk milk every day. She will feel uncomfortable without helping big milk tanks a day.

And the taste of this kind of milk will change with the changes in the seasons, which is amazing.

A bottle of milk is 500 ml, which means that 40 bottles are produced a day, a bottle of 5W Bailey, then a day is 200W Bailey’s income.

My old swan!

This is a big tank, this is a cornucopia.

Daker looked at the little milk can in front of him, and rubbed her little head with joy.

The qualifications of this big milk can only green, but it doesn’t matter. The Pokémon of the big milk tank does not like fighting, and Dak didn’t even plan to sell her.

“Daklei, put the carp king and ugly fish into the lake.”

Dak looked at the two fish that was still fluttering on the ground, and quickly shifted Daklei.

The two fish returned to the lake, but they were spitting with a bubble.

Dak couldn’t see something special from the two fish, but he would not underestimate the two Pokémon.

What is the value of the evolution of carp king and ugly fish, everyone knows.

Big clamp crab is a lazy product, staying in the same place, without moving, and the mouse stood on his head and he didn’t care.

My brother Ibrahimovic found another Ibrahimon, and ran over to find her to play, and seemed to like this somewhat shy sister.

However, my sister Ibrahimovic didn’t seem to like this brother very much. She dumped her tail and didn’t want to ignore him, but turned to find her girlfriend for six tails.

Mu Mu was dumb, and seemed to be a little slower than others. It took a long time on the ground to fly slowly and stared at the banana fragrant fruit. After a while, she opened her mouth and bite a bite. Banana fragrant fruit.

At this time, the strange monk had launched his own ability to be subconsciously launched, and became an Feng Kaili, which scared Feng Kelei and took back several steps.

“Hey! Dak! This Pokémon has the ability to imitate fruit!”

Feng Kelei panicked at another Feng Kelei standing in front of him.

For the first time, he knew what it felt like watching others becoming himself.

However, Feng Kelei, which is transformed into a variety of monsters, is still a bit different -a pair of bean eyes on pirated Feng Kaili’s head.

This is a manifestation of unskilled ability.

In the future, you will slowly change these shortcomings.

But now, the lip baby has been scared by the turmoil. He was paralyzed on the ground and looked at it, and then opened his mouth to cry.

Feng Kelei didn’t care about hundreds of strangeness, and quickly squatted down to comfort his lip baby.

There is also a particularly troublesome Pokémon.

Sliding kid.

“. Hey, don’t fight!”

Dacker thought that the vibrant Katty dog would be the one who had the most headache.

But I never expected that a slippery boy had hatching these eggs.

Sliding boy is a relatively engaged Pokémon, but all the guys who look at him will be a hammer by coldness.

Just now the Kwai dog looked at him curiously, and the slippery boy immediately gave a head hammer to the cock dog.

If the native dog has already passed the infantile period, it will not be painful or itchy at all, but the problem is that the dogs themselves or a baby. Pain.

Can a royal dog be so arrogant? Intersection

One night, his brother who was born a day dared to move on his head?

Of course, the cock dog was sipped, and the little milk teeth bit directly on the tail of the slippery boy.


Sliding little little pain couldn’t stand it, and his pants were shook to run around the house.

Dark followed a meal behind him, and the Katy dog that was sticking to him was tripped several times halfway. The Katty dog didn’t feel guilty, but licked on Dak’s body.

How can this little guy know that he did something wrong?

He is just a simple dog repair.

the other side.

The small Kami beast gurgled, he was like a bottomless hole in a full -feast, holding the lower body of Darklai’s lower body, and he had to pick the fruit for him to pick him up.

For a while, the entire magical cultivation house was stingy, everything did everything, it seemed that everything was messy.

The original calm shop became lively and noisy.

The next day, Dakak, Feng Kaili and Darkleii have not stopped.

Sliding the boy will fight with the coyrine again.

The small Carbie beast is hungry again.

After a while, Carato jumped into the lake to find two fish to play and almost drowned.

After a while, Mu Muzhang bit the big milk tank as the fruit, and then won’t get up by the big tank for half a day.

By the time at night, the three Dacks had been stunned.

Fortunately, the little guys tossed all day and were tired all day. They lay on the lawn and waited for dinner.

Speaking of the little guys, the little guys came out of the egg for a while, but they seemed to have found a good partner who had been together for ten years.

The lip baby sticks to Feng Kelei, the small Kobe beast sticks to Daklei, and the mouse sticks to the big pliebon crab.

The slippery boy and the coyrine love each other, the carp king and the ugly fish are harmonious, and the monsters are dazed with Mumu.

Sister Ibrahimovic and Bingcang are good girlfriends, but my sister Ibrahimovic has a dog -licking brother Ibrahimovic always sticking to her face.

The Katy dog wrapped Dak all day and often tripped Dak.

But there are exceptions.

Half sword soldiers.

He always stood by the lake or in front of the mirror. Even if other Pokémon communicates with him, he ignores him.

Daka noticed this, but he hadn’t seen any problem, and the character of the horse did not look like a personality that he would take the initiative.

“Children, come here to drink pot milk. If you are late, the small card is better than you.”

Dax made more than a dozen rice bowls and put the lawn, and each rice bowl was poured with a bottle of milk, and then Feng Kilei and Daklei picked a lot of banana fruits from the tree.

It’s not that Dak didn’t want to prepare some other foods, mainly because this day was too busy, and he was busy.

The point is that he doesn’t know what he is busy.

The time disappeared unconsciously.

Today’s dinner can only be dealt with first. The plan is to make some treasure cubes with tree fruit tomorrow, and then take the little guys out to walk around, take a walk, and complete the main task.


The plan couldn’t keep up with the change, and the two days passed.

Dak is always busy taking care of the children every day, and there is no time to do other things at all.

This made him realize that it would not work like this, and he had to increase the hands of the magical cultivation house as soon as possible, otherwise the business would not have time to do it.

(This chapter is finished)

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