Pokémon Bond Skin God

Chapter 35

"That's right, you little devil who likes to wreak havoc, my name is Ah Ju, please remember my name, after all, today I will send you to hell, this town is very suitable for our rocket team, the townspeople blame ghosts for every abnormal thing or abnormal behavior, we were able to quickly establish a secret base here, boy, you enlighten."

After Orange finished speaking, he sent out his own Pokémon, a level 40 Abai monster.

"Go, Charizard."

Zhou Xin's fire-breathing dragon has just evolved, and although it is only level 36, it is still not a problem to fight a snake.

As soon as he appeared, the characteristic threat of the Abai monster was launched, and the fire-breathing dragon's physical attack fell.

"Appai monster, the big snake glared." Orange was the first to give the order.

"Charizard, fly, then use the air chop."

Zhou Xin's fire-breathing dragon took off quickly, dodging the big snake glare of the Abai monster, and hit the Abai monster with a quick air slash.

"Abbot, poison needle."

The dense poison needles shot quickly at Charizard.

"Charizard, jet flames."

A move of spraying flames not only burned the poisonous needles full of screens, but also injured the Abai monster, how did Zhou Xin feel that this guy was a little weak.

"Charizard, chase with victory, with the wrath of the dragon."

One move of Dragon Wrath defeated the Abai monster.

"Ninjutsu, smoke."

He actually escaped, this Orange is far less powerful than the previous March, and his own Apa monster is not wanted.

"Abai, do you want to follow me?"

Zhou Xin felt that there were no evil Pokémon, only evil trainers.


The abandoned Abai Wei nodded in agreement, and Zhou Xin took out the Spirit Ball and subdued it, and was immediately teleported to the Dr. Ohki Research Institute.

There is no vacancy on the body for the time being, so I can only put the doctor's side first, and the doctor's side has Yongjira, there is a firestorm monkey, and Ash Xiaomao their Pokémon, which should not be lonely.

The evil rocket team cadre Ah Ju ran away, Zhou Xin returned to the sixth layer, and Pikachu and Geng Ghost still fought back and forth.

"Yellow-skinned mouse, you are really good, I have lived for fifty years, and it is the first time I have met such a strong Pikachu as you." Geng Ghost said appreciatively.

"Haha, I want to become the strongest Pikachu in the future." Pikachu said with a smile

Under the blessing of the second high-speed movement, Geng Ghost did not hit Pikachu once, but was hit several times by Pikachu's 100,000 volts, but it had thick skin and flesh, which was no big deal.

"Mr. Geng Ghost, Team Rocket has been driven away by me, please get along peacefully with the people of Ziyuan Town in the future." Zhou Xin pleaded sincerely.

"For the sake of this Pikachu, I promised you, you guys go." Geng Ghost didn't want to fight anymore.

Leaving the Pokémon Tower, Zhou Xin went to the Pokémon Center, Ash's trio and Xiao Mao were there, Fuji Old Man was also there, his mother Mera and Ash's mother Hanako were there.

Miss Joy also changed from her original disgusted face to a smiling face, and it seemed that Ziyuan Town had returned to normal.

"Xiaoxin, I knew you could win."

Xiao Zhi came up and slapped Zhou Xin.

"It was Team Rocket's cadre Ah Ju who took control of the Pokémon Tower, and I have already driven him away." Zhou Xin said with a smile.

"Team Rockets are really nasty and always do bad things." Xiao Xia on the side said angrily.

"Sooner or later, I'll get rid of them." Xiao Mao said seriously.

Everyone gathered together and chatted for a long time before separating, Xiao Mao wanted to go to the Jinhuang City Taoist Hall, but he was used to being alone, so he left first.

Zhou Xin's mother Mera and Ash's mother Hanako also went back, to Zhou Xin's surprise, Hanako turned out to be a super powerful trainer, under the super identification technique, she sent up to level 80 Bidiao, and the two flew back to Zhenxin Town on a bidiao.

Annie was still waiting for Zhou Xin in the small castle, and Zhou Xin also left on the eagle, why not ride Charizard, because the eagle under the blessing of high-speed movement was as fast as lightning, and soon returned to the small castle.

The Ash trio planned to stay in Ziyuan Town for a few more days, and they had walked a lot in the past few days and wanted to stop and rest.

"Xiaoxin, you're back." Anne said excitedly.

"I'm not here today, did you raise the Pokémon level properly?" Zhou Xin asked with a smile

, Annie has always been lazy, but Zhou Xin feels that the enemy in the future will be other battles or something, the opponent will definitely become more and more powerful, and Annie must also train her Pokémon well.

"Of course, the training is also quite interesting, let's continue tomorrow." Anne said with a smile.

In this way, Zhou Xin and Annie trained in the small castle for a few more days, and Xiaozhi's group finally walked through here, and the five of them teamed up again and walked towards Jinhuang City together, this time they were full of confidence.

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