Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: :Practise

Training Course.

ten in the morning.

He Duo took Abo Snake’s Poke Ball and walked slowly to a corner of the many opposing battlefields.

There, Seria leaned against the wall, waiting for Hedo to arrive.

“You came?”

Seeing He Duo, Seria straightened up, took a Poke Ball from her waist, and threw it on the ground.


With a flash of white light, a supersonic bat jumped out, flapping its wings in the sky.

[Elf: Supersonic Bat / Gender: ♂ / Level: Level 13]

[Characteristic: Spiritual Power / Attribute: Poison + Flight / Trainer: Seria]

[Move: Absorb lv2/Ultrasonic lv2]

[Wing Attack lv1/Wind lv2]

The wind is blowing? What skill is this?

He Duo searched his memory, but did not find its existence.

It is estimated that it is a new skill that will appear later.

“For the double team battle in the next nine days, I hope to have nine days of basic cooperation training with you.” Seria first explained her purpose of letting Heduo come to the training ground.

Haddor had no objections, and he still had something he wanted to try.

To be honest, he is wary of Seria. There has never been love for no reason in this world. So many people don’t pick Seria, but if he chooses, he naturally has her mind.

I hope she’s not what Hedo thinks.

After all, He Duo has a high degree of favorability towards Seria, such a beautiful young lady, spared no effort to help him, and was willing to form a team with her.

“Serea sister!”

Suddenly, a delicate voice came from a distance.

A white long-haired girl with a bunny ear turban on her head and a black bangs on her forehead ran to Seria’s side and hugged Seria’s arm affectionately.

He Duo looked at the innocent and lovely face of the girl and couldn’t help but feel a little curious.

Are the girls in the Pokémon world of such high quality?

There are more than 30 women who are new members of his current Rockets team, all of whom are above the level of the previous life. Most of them have beautiful faces and delicate and tender skin.

The few that are not of high standard are also because of their fatter bodies.

As long as they lose weight, they can all be regarded as those goddesses on the Internet in their previous lives.

Even the freckles on the face are cute freckles.

“Ah! Hello! My name is Frostleaf!” The girl named Frostleaf saw He Duo looking at her, and let go of Seria’s shoulder a little embarrassedly.

So this year’s Rockets recruits are not good.

First there is Serea who is hot to help others, and then there is the lively and cute little Shuangye.

Are you aware that you are in an evil organization? Team Rocket’s goal is to dominate this Kanto and then conquer the whole world!

It’s a pity that you don’t go to idol companies to be love Doulu! What a pixie for sale!

Heiduo nodded at Shuangye, “My name is Heido, nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you!” Shuangye smiled and grabbed He Duo’s hands and waved them vigorously.

“Shuangye! What are you doing here!”

Seria looked at Frostleaf and asked with a headache.

Since she helped Frostleaf to wait for her elf’s confession yesterday, this girl has been entangled with her like a brown candy.

The innocent and romantic look on this girl’s face made Seria embarrassed to speak harshly to her.

Shuangye turned his head and said with a smile, “I went to find you in the morning, but you were not in the room, so I came here!”

“Are you going to have a Pokémon battle?” She looked at the two with interest and threw a Poké Ball.


A large mouse with lilac hair appeared in the field.

[Elf: Little Rada / Gender: ♂ / Level: Level 11]

[Characteristic: Escape / Attribute: Normal / Trainer: Frost Leaf]

[Move: Impact lv2/Lightning Flash lv2]

[Bite lv1 / grab lv2 randomly]

“I’m also participating! I’m also participating! Sister Seria, will you let me join you?” Frostleaf raised her hand and looked at Seria with her big eyes. The little Radha by her side frolicked around her feet.

He Duo glanced at Seria and found that her eyes were full of helplessness, so he knew that Seria and this Frostleaf seemed to be relatively close.

He winked at Seria, wanting her to get rid of the people she had brought in.

But Serea gave him a helpless look, and covered her head, looking like she had a headache.

Do you mean to let Heduo be the bad guy?

He Duo looked at Eye Cream Leaf, and judged from her appearance that the little girl was no more than twelve or thirteen years old, so he considered it for a while and said, “Actually, Seliya and I plan to form a two-person team to deal with the squadron leader in nine days. desired outcome.”

“Eh—then can’t I participate?” Frostleaf lowered her head dully, pouted her small mouth, and the bunny ear hairband on her head drooped down.

The lively little Rada saw that the master had lost his smile, and looked at her worriedly on Shuangye’s lap.

“It’s not. If you have a good friend, you can bring her here, you two form a two-person team, and then train with us—” He Duo didn’t tell Shuangye directly, let her stand aside, don’t disturb him and Serea.

But euphemistically reject it with more realistic questions.

This way, if Frostleaf can’t find a suitable teammate for a while, he and Seria won’t be disturbed.

The premise is that she will not turn against Seria, and Seria will not agree with her digging.

Hei Duo had seen many times in his previous life when he was digging a wall in front of his face. When he was in school, the two of them were obviously talking well, but suddenly someone came next to him, and he directly rebelled.

Almost didn’t get mad at Heido.

When Heiduo thought that Shuangye would be embarrassed, Shuangye raised his head and said with eyes full of stars: “Okay, okay! Wait a minute!”

After she said that, she ran away in a hurry.

“…I…” He Duo was stunned, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and after thinking about it, he thought, too, how could a lively and lovely girl like Shuangye not have a good friend?

It’s not like everyone is like him and basically doesn’t communicate with people.

It’s his ill-consideration.

It seems that making a fortune in silence is mostly impossible.

Now I just hope that this Frostleaf doesn’t find a lot of people over here, and he will be really embarrassed.

“I’m sorry, I… really can’t bear to say no to her.” Seliya leaned beside He Duo and apologized in a low voice.

He Duo smiled at her and said, “Small things are actually similar to how I feel about her. You are just curious about why she wants to join Team Rocket. People like her shouldn’t come to Team Rocket.”

As an illegal organization determined to subvert the rule of the elf alliance, its members do nothing but do evil, but definitely not the type of Frostleaf that can survive.

Unless it’s all about acting.

…He Duo covered his face. He had seen too many people who didn’t fit the Rockets’ character in the special training camp, which made him always suspect that everyone here was an actor, and everyone had a thousand faces.

“As far as I know, her father was a former member of Team Rocket.” Seria said plainly words that surprised Heduo.

He Duo’s expression was a little weird, he said, “Who is her father…?”

“His father has passed away.” Seliya said calmly: “The explanation given by the top management of the Rockets is that he died in a firefight with the Elf Alliance. But Frostleaf didn’t believe it, so he joined the Rockets and hoped to find the truth.”

Such a twisted plot? It could be written as a novel!

He Duo opened his mouth, not knowing how to reply to Seria.

“What about you? Why did you join Team Rocket?” Seliya turned her head and stared at He Duo’s face.

“…Me?” He Duo pointed to himself, saw Seria nodded seriously, paused for a moment, and said, “I am a person without a past, so I want to control my future by myself.”

The words are very second, but the words are true.

He Duo doesn’t have the original memory of this body. He doesn’t know where he came from or why he joined the Rockets, but for him, the Rockets are extremely important for him to understand the world transformed by movies, games and comics. way.

Even a channel for him to become stronger.

“No past? What do you mean?” Seliya didn’t seem to understand what He Duo was talking about.

Her expression made Heiduo blushed, and he knew that he would not say such ambiguous words, he said: “Actually, I have lost my memory, I have forgotten who I came from and where I am going… Believe it or not. ”

Seliya looked at He Duo and showed a surprised expression for the first time, but this expression was extremely short-lived and disappeared after a while.

She said lightly, “I believe you.”

“What about you?” He Duo then asked her.

He Duo has been curious for a long time. Why did a cold-hearted person like Seria join the Rockets? Is it the same as Frostleaf, in a special situation?

“I… I can’t tell you for the time being, but please believe me, I have no ill intentions towards you!” Seria looked at He Duo seriously.

who asked you this…

He Duo was a little confused, but Seria didn’t want to say it, and he couldn’t force others.

It doesn’t matter, anyway, sooner or later, he will leave the Rockets.

This place is just a springboard for Heido. When he accumulates enough strength, he must jump out.

After all, in addition to animation, most of the Rockets in comics and games have been destroyed.

It’s not easy for the Elf League to endure an underground organization pooping and peeing on his head. Watching it reach out in various industries, but it doesn’t make a move, it must wait until a few junior high school students bring their elves directly to Team Rocket. The boss was killed before he was uprooted.

I don’t know if the Rockets here are from the animation or something else.

In the animation, in order to maintain the popular characters, the team of Rockets forcibly extended the lifespan of the Rockets and shaped the Rockets into a large cross-regional, stock-listed company.

At present, it seems that the Rockets here are more similar to the comic book special.

Because the author of the Aboriginal Snake Cultivation Experience he got yesterday is A Ju.

In the special chapter, the top cadres of Team Rocket are the three Gym owners of the Elf League, professional 25 boys. Ah Ju is one of the three 25 boys.

Still the best one, and finally became one of the new Four Heavenly Kings.

There is not much description of the cadres in the animation, because the Rockets trio are the protagonists.

…Well, it doesn’t matter, anyway, I have to say goodbye to the Rockets sooner or later.

After leaving the Rockets, He Duo should go to Shenao because he has admired Shenao’s champion Zhulan for a long time.

In his childhood, apart from silly things and Pikachu, the rest were all kinds of pirated Pearl and Diamond game discs, and the powerful Shenao champion Zhulan gave him a deep impression.

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