Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 74

Chapter 74: :Farce

two hours later.

After the exchange meeting, He Duo got up and went to the toilet.

“It’s so boring, I thought I’d see something slapped in the face, but I didn’t expect that Sen was so cowardly!” Ibrahimovic cleaned in the sink.

This guy eats a lot and miscellaneous, and his **** smells bad.

“What is cowardice! People are cultivated, do you think everyone is like the novel, and they will kill you as soon as they see you? Ignoring you is the biggest ridicule!” He Duo smiled lightly, if he didn’t It wasn’t brought by Yunsheng today. Those people probably won’t even give Heiduo a corner of the eye, let alone targeting him. What’s the benefit?

He Duo used a dryer to dry Ibrahimovic’s wet hair. Just as he was about to get out of the toilet door, he met Sentu who was walking towards him.

“I really didn’t expect that the madman in the circle of Yuzhi was actually you?”

Sentu took the initiative to talk to Hei Duo, and the red hair was very public.

Royal Heirs? Crazy? Is it so exaggerated?

“I didn’t expect that the young owner of the largest food court in Manjin City would find trouble for a little guy like me for no reason.” He Duo said flatly, and Sentu’s dismounting was completely inexplicable.

Sen Du chuckled, “Little person… It seems that you don’t know the status of Yu Zhiliu in the alliance, and I really don’t know why Mr. Yu Jian chose you.”

No matter how high the status is, He Duo doesn’t want it.

Originally, He Duo wanted to learn the skills of commanding the elves to fight, not traditional martial arts.

“Farewell.” He Duo Wuxin continued to be ridiculed by Sen Du, and walked away.

Sentu turned half sideways and watched He Duo leave. To be honest, he really wanted to let the platypus attack He Duo to test his depth, but this absurd idea was then swept away by him. His family background It’s not exaggerated enough to attack Yuzhi’s spread in public.

Of course, Yu Zhiliu is not a great power or a secret magic skill that everyone wants to get, but the alliance owes Yu Zhiliu, and there is no way to make up for it, causing those big men to have a headache how to repay this favor.

It would be great if someone jumped out and made trouble at this time. Although it can’t make up for everything, it can at least show the attitude of the alliance.

Sentu’s character is reckless and arrogant, not stupid, impulsive, and brainless.

On the other side, He Duo walked around a corner and let go of the Poké Ball tightly held in his hand.

Ibu said: “That guy was plotting against you just now! I didn’t expect that guy looked cowardly, but he actually wanted to do something big! Where did you offend him? Did you know him before?”

The danger-predicting feature told Ibrahimovic that the Sen just now had no good intentions, and even had the omen of attacking.

“It should have something to do with Yunsheng… I knew that I wouldn’t choke him at all.” He Duo regretted it a little, and he didn’t care about this kind of stupidity, it would only add trouble.

Ibrahimovic wondered, “Really or not? Yunsheng is not a beautiful woman, why did he target you because of Yunsheng? Could it be that he is crooked?”

“Can you read less rotten articles!” He Duo poked Ibrahimovic’s forehead sadly, “Don’t let people have a bad relationship with Yunsheng and hate the house and Wu?”

Ibrahimovic was embarrassed to laugh twice, and said again: “Then he is too stupid! I don’t know how to pry the corner, there are only eternal interests and no eternal friends!”

Classic novel famous lines, basically every novel exists.

He Duo sneered, “Yeah, someday I will sell you a big price to eat and drink spicy food! Interests!”

Benefit belongs to interest, and promise to promise. He Duo will never compare the two. As a person with a bottom line and principles, what he says is equivalent to pouring out water. He will not squat down and lick the water stains on the ground for the sake of profit. Clean.

Maybe this is what some people say.

“Hey hey hey.” Ibrahimovic laughed awkwardly. The more interests prevail, the more popular those who can keep their promises. Everyone is afraid that their partners will betray themselves, so they are eager to cooperate with people who spit and nails.

Contracts are not always guaranteed.

Ibrahimovic could hear that Heido was mocking it, so he wouldn’t be in a hurry to argue whether Heidor would be as he said.

Everyone has been living together for more than a few months, and it understands who He Duo is.

Off topic off topic, get down to business.

As the future owner of Jinwu Street, the largest food court in Manjin City, and the young owner of the May Group, Sentu is definitely insufficient in the shopping mall.

No matter what kind of stinky fish and rotten shrimp Hei Duo is, whether it is worth investing alone or not, it is not a wonderful method to casually push people to their opposite.

If it was his father, he should be getting close to Hei Duo at this moment, and then use this to catch Yu Jian’s line.

Top trainers are not Chinese cabbage. In this world where trainers are the mainstream, you can’t imagine how high their status is.

That is not comparable to the bodyguards in the earth, and it is degrading to say that they are special forces.

After all, special forces can be cultivated through resources, training, and training, while top trainers are different. Talent, fortune, and personal qualities are indispensable.

Why are there so many people who are good at a single attribute in the Pokémon world? Because human energy is limited, it is not something that anyone can do to cultivate six or more elves with different attributes.

The current Shenao multi-attribute champion, Miss Shirona, is called a genius once in a century by the media. She is the uncrowned king of Shenao, and her status is higher than the president of the Elf Association of Shenao branch.

There are still many competitors for the position of president, who are ambitious and think they can do better.

But Hirona’s position… Hehe, those who dared to covet have already been beaten, and the few who dared to challenge Hirona did not dare to say that they were definitely stronger than Hirona.

This shows how ignorant Sen is.

But young people, it is normal to be pretentious and not willing to be subservient to others.

He can be forgiven for making mistakes now, not when he is irreversible once he makes mistakes.

He Duo walked back to the beach and found that many people were fighting fiercely.

“You’re late, they’ve already started.” Yun Sheng, who was sitting on the sofa chatting with Tiva, waved to He Duo.

Ruby, this restless child, had already been fighting with people, back and forth with a coyote and a beard.

He Duo said: “It’s not too late, there will be a chance sooner or later.”

He doesn’t believe that no one wants to see his strength, and no one should be stupid enough to think that the fat Ibrahimovic in front of him is all his elves.

as predicted-

He Duo miscalculated, he was ignored, and for no reason, those people regarded him as nothing, and their attitude was completely different from the previous conversation.

At that time, even if Heiduo didn’t talk much, their expressions were friendly.

But now they are xenophobic, even when Yun Sheng is confused, it has not changed.

It seemed that something happened that He Duo didn’t know about.

He looked at it in private, and saw Sen Du sitting on the side with a sneer, with Erlang’s legs crossed, with an attitude of watching a good show.

“Ah! You seem to be isolated by everyone!” Ibrahimovic said after realizing it.

Haddor: “Accurately, I was isolated by one person.”

“Is that Sentu? Why?” Ibrahimovic was puzzled. It was the first time everyone met, so why bother?

“God knows!” He Duo chuckled lightly. The young man’s mind was the most complicated.

But together with calling on others to isolate a person… Well, it’s a very campus-style hostile way. The most uncomfortable thing in the world is not the scolding, but the cold violence of isolation.

The whole world is like you alone.

If it goes too far, the fragile young girls are likely to collapse and find short-sightedness.

“Then what do you do? Go back in despair?” Ibrahimovic asked.

In the eyes of others, if you go back at this time, your back must be embarrassed and embarrassed, and no one will care if you really leave because you are boring.

They only see what they want to see.

“I’m so sorry… I didn’t know Sen would do this kind of thing.” Yun Sheng was a smart person, keenly sensed the change in the surrounding atmosphere – which was obviously under the instigation.

“But he is actually a friendly person, but he has a bad temper.” Yun Sheng was whitewashing Sentu.

But Heiduo felt that it was unnecessary, and he never took Yunsheng seriously.

Just like everyone who has practiced martial arts and always wants to fight people while walking on the street, He Duo is always looking at the flaws exposed in his opponents, wondering if he can cut through them.

According to Sendu’s current posture, He Duo can dash in front of him within a second, slash him with a knife when he is in a hurry, and then destroy the Pokeball switch on him.

As for the duck-billed flame beast, I’m sorry, the Fang Lu shark is bloody, and if you insist on calculating the ability value, the duck-billed flame dragon can’t handle the Fang Lu shark.

Thinking of this, He Duo was even more disapproving of Sen in his heart~www.readwn.com~ No one would not be indignant because they were contemptuous, and there would be more or less emotions.

It’s just a matter of whether or not you want to have common knowledge with others. The world is so big, it’s not good for you to have more than one person and less of you.

You’re the little cookie?

He Duo waved his hand to indicate that he didn’t care about Sendu’s actions, and sat on the sofa with a drink to watch Ruby fight.

These people are rich and prosperous, with rare elves and precious moves. But not the opponent of a five-year-old.

There is a trembling crocodile staring at the coyote under the sky, which makes people laugh out loud.

Are they really trainers?

“Amazing intimidation tactics!” Someone on the side complimented He Duo, no matter how harsh it was.

It’s not that he can belittle Ruby, but his current fighting skills and abilities are definitely far inferior to when he grew up to Fang Yuan.

According to the badge, three are almost the same, and four are sky-high.

How can anyone around me boast so terrifying?

I’m afraid it’s not an actor.

Yun Sheng also noticed it, frowned slightly, and said to Tiva, “What happened to those people?”

“What’s the matter, you should ask Sentu about this, he invited the people.” Tiva’s expression remained the same, she didn’t carry the blame.

Please come! Isn’t it Yunsheng’s friend?

Heiduo was slightly startled, he thought that all those present were Yunsheng’s acquaintances, so he didn’t make trouble for him.

“Sendu invited? Why?” Yun Sheng was also a little surprised, he said, “I thought they were all your friends!”

“My friend? My friends are not your friends. They are all traveling abroad! Or they are studying abroad. Only Mori is the only one who stays in Manjin City.” Tiva seemed to know everything, but she didn’t say anything.

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