Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 61

Chapter 61: : Level Gap

Although Abi was shocked by the strange skill pool of Electric Shock, his conduct as a gym trainer calmed him down.

Fly in the sky?

Can hit!

“Wheelball! Roll it!” Abi waved his hand.

At Bi’s command, the wheel ball began to roll on the field like a tire, and the rolling trajectory was similar to the big roll that I ate when I was a child.

“Iron wall! Roll!” After Abi gave the command, he smiled and said to He Duo: “Don’t look at iron wall as a move to increase defense, but combined with rolling, the damage will be greatly increased! It is not necessarily only rounded to increase rolling. power!”

Iron lumps rolling at high speed! There must be no one who doesn’t like this thing.

The silver light converged on the rolling wheel ball, and its purple body suddenly glowed with a metallic luster.

And it scrolls faster and faster!

He Duo knew that he couldn’t let it roll like this. Although the speed of the lightning was fast enough, the shock monster’s reaction speed was not fast enough. When it released the lightning, the wheel ball would have already rolled to other places.

As for whether the wheel ball will be dizzy… He Duo can only tell you that the wheel ball may be tired, but it will never be dizzy.

Rolling is its innate talent, just like human actions drink water and eat.

“Thunder!” Hedo yelled.


A thick thunder and lightning poured down from the dark clouds, and the flashing electric light was like an evil dragon with claws and claws, staring at the wheel ball rolling in the mud and pounced!

“Venom Shock!”

The spikes on the wheel ball overflowed with dark purple venom, and a large amount of venom was sprayed out by the wheel ball in a rolling manner! faster! More power!

It seems that Abi intends to use the venom shock to resist the thunder of the electric shock monster. Isn’t that how it is played in the animation?

But… I’m sorry, the two-level venom shock and the fourth-level thunderstorm are not the same level moves at all, not to mention the lightning power boosted by the thunder light surging in the clouds under the bonus of rainy days.

Maybe the additional effect of thunderstorms on rainy days disappeared, but it was replaced by the side effect of Thunder Cloud Amplifying Electric Attribute moves.

When Heido has enough attribute points, he will learn an [Electrical Field] for the Electric Shock Monster. With both reinforcements, what is the difference between the Electric Shock Monster flying in the sky and Lei Zhenzi, no, and Thor?

Sure enough, under Hei Duo’s dull gaze, the lightning strike dissipated the venom, opened like a big hand, and vehemently enveloped the wheel ball!


The action of the wheel ball rolling at high speed was stagnant.

“Come, come! Keep thundering!”

“Keep scrolling! You can!”

Ah Bi’s expression changed, he didn’t expect the thunder of the electric shock monster to have such a powerful force, directly piercing the venom shock.

The wheel ball struggled, trying to break free from the control of the lightning.

But another lightning bolt has been stabbed straight down like a spear, hitting the wheel ball again!


The wheel ball let out a final cry of pain, white gunpowder smoke appeared on his body, and his yellow eyes turned into a fork.

It lost the ability to continue fighting.

Abi stared, looked at the passing wheel ball, and then looked at the electric shock monster in the sky, some unacceptable.

According to common sense, according to the information he got from the Elf Association, He Duo has only been in charge of this electric shock monster for about a month. The information provided by the Pokémon Center told him that the energy level of the electric shock monster is level 28, which is good for him. of!

Why is the power of its moves so high that it explodes? Not scientific!

The first game ended so easily?

This is what Abi never thought of scratching his head.

“…I admit that I underestimated you, and I made a fatal mistake.” A Bi took a deep breath and retracted the wheel ball.

He Duo does not know why, what is a fatal mistake?

Abi said: “Energy level comes first—this is an outright lie. Energy level is only a trivial factor in the elf battle. Skilled use of moves and the command of the trainer account for a large proportion.”

“Speaking of which, I originally wanted to use the rolling speed and the trunk of a tree to fly into the air to attack the Electric Shock Monster. It can’t fly in the sky very quickly, can it?” Bi pointed to the Electric Shock Monster, which was basically motionless in the sky. In order to ensure the accuracy of the moves and the stability of the body, as long as the opponent does not have a long-range attack, the electric shock monster will not actively move.

Are you sure you don’t blow up the trunk first? But no one knows if it will work.

He Duo nodded very generously in affirmation. With such basic information, it doesn’t matter to tell Abi, maybe every one of them will grow to the point where they can fly freely in the sky.

A Bi praised softly: “Even so, you and the Electric Shock Monster are enough to surprise me! Just based on this game, the insect badge should be issued to you, but… the process has to go.”

If you don’t hit me, I won’t do it.

He Duo pursed his lips secretly. No one has too much experience and attribute points to send to the door. Speaking of which, is it because the number of leapfrog challenges was too many, and the electric shock monster did not level up after hitting a wheel ball of the same level.


With a soft sound, A Bi released a huge unicorn with a dark body.

[Elf: Heracross / Gender: ♀ / Level: Level 62]

[Characteristic: Perseverance / Attribute: Bug + Fighting / Trainer: Abi]

[Move: Super Corner Attack lv7 / Sharp Stone Attack lv6]

[Melee lv6/Double Return lv6/Sword Dance lv6]

[Slammed lv6/Hold on lv6/Shadow Claw lv6]

“Wow! He Duo! You can’t beat this!”

Before He Duo could react, Ibrahimovic on his shoulder called out first.

Heiduo turned his head and glared at it, and said, “Quiet! Do you know how much trouble you’ve caused me by talking casually! I don’t need you to tell me that I can’t beat it!”

The sixty-two Heracross is not an opponent he can defeat now, not to mention how many ups and downs this Heracross has lived with Abi for so many years.

“Then you can’t get this badge!” Ibrahimovic stared at Heracross, as if he could see the flowers.

What is this guy’s golden finger?

…now is not the time to think about that.

He Duo raised his head and shouted to the electric shock monster in the sky: “How is it! Can you continue!”

The electric shock monster didn’t answer, but the spiral on his hand turned faster, and the lightning on his head became more violent.

The answer speaks for itself.

It’s just that Heiduo is more worried about the physical condition of the electric shock monster. It is not a water-type elf after all, and prolonged rain will also be a heavy burden on its physical strength.

In particular, it is not so easy to release lightning while maintaining electromagnetic floating.

“Then! Give it a thunderstorm!”


The evil flood dragon turned into thunder was showing its teeth and claws, and the running current flashed in the sky, and with the roar, it smashed down Heracross who was standing still!

“Hold on!”

A Bi’s voice seemed indiscernible amid the loud thunder, but He Duo looked at A Bi who was bathed in the rain curtain in amazement.

[Hold on], a general attribute-changing move, the effect is to forcefully reserve a little physical strength for oneself, even if it is a one-hit kill-type move.

Abi is afraid that he thinks that the power of thunder can kill Heracross in one blow?


He shouldn’t be so blind!

In He Duo’s thinking, the white updraft gathered on Heracross’s body, and its hands were placed in front of him, doing defensive actions.

So fast!

The current bombarded Heracross, trying to wrap it up like a wheel ball!

Something He Duo couldn’t believe happened!

In the face of the thunder and lightning that was so close at hand, Heracross calmly resisted it with his carapace-wrapped arms, fixed it in front of his arms, and then slammed it around!


A bang! The thunder and lightning were scattered directly! Since the thunder came from the clouds and not the Shock Monster itself, the ferocious thunder and lightning only lasted for a split second.

But even this moment was enough to make He Duo stunned!

“There is such an operation!” Ibrahimovic on his shoulders broke the sound, as an earthling, it never imagined that one day someone, no, there will be a elf who can break the thunder and lightning with his hands!

Abi laughed and said: “How is it! Surprised, right? This is Heracross’s holding on! Your thunder is not enough to see!”

Abi, who was finally his turn to be shocked once, was very happy and tried to surprise Heduo even more!

“Fly up! Use super horns!”

Abi pointed to the electric shock monster under the clouds~www.readwn.com~ Heracross opened his wings on his back in his order, and the huge horn on his head emitted a dark green light, suddenly magnified more than three times, facing the electric shock monster Rush over!

“Hold on!”

Heracross has a bunch of tier 6 moves, where can the Shock Monster’s tier 4 moves be able to prevent it? Open and hold is the correct operation!

The electric shock monster stopped turning, put his hands on his chest, and a light blue protective shield burst out from the bottom!


The dark green giant horn collided with the cyan shield, and the air wave exploded between the two elves, and the surrounding trees were shaken by the wind and rain.

Ibrahimovic’s plump body was rolled up by the air waves, and it screamed in pain, and its claws desperately grabbed the straps of Heiduo’s backpack.

Heiduo narrowed his eyes, looked at Abi with a confident smile at the corner of his mouth, and then looked at Heracross and the Electric Shock monster in a stalemate.

Suddenly there was a bad feeling in my heart.

As he expected, with a slight cracking sound of glass, the shield in front of the electric shock monster suddenly burst, and its face became extremely ferocious and terrifying in an instant!

The huge horn of Heracross is inexplicably bigger by two points! And slammed into the belly of the electric shock monster, and slammed it directly on the top glass cover!


A piece of glass on the top cover shattered, and the electric shock monster also fell into the sky because of the reaction.

Begging for the rain to stop suddenly at this moment, everything is so coincidental.

He Duo rushed forward, grabbed the Electric Shock Monster’s arm quickly, and swung it around in a circle to release the force.

The future Thor had long since passed out and was unconscious.

Heracross flew down into the sky and stood in front of Abi, his W-shaped mouth seemed to be smiling, very funny.

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