Pokemon Black Fantasy

Chapter 47

Chapter 47: : Fellow Countryman

“do not move.”

A hand was clasped on the third division captain’s throat.

Captain Sanfan froze when he took out the Poke Ball, but when he was about to forcefully open the Poke Ball, his left hand suddenly went numb.

Then, his body suddenly flew up, and then he was severely pressed to the ground!

“I told you not to move.” The person behind the third captain laughed lightly, and easily reached into the third captain’s arms, took out the pokeball, and destroyed the button with one hand.

The captain of the third division was shocked and directly broke the switch of the Poké Ball? How much effort does it take to do this?

“Heluga—” He opened his mouth, but found that his lips were numb, as if they had disappeared.


The captain of the third division suddenly realized that the human body is more fragile than the elf’s body and can’t stand the negative state at all.

What the **** is going on?

When he was at a loss, he saw that the black mist around him had dissipated, and his Heluga was being pressed to the ground by a small shark and beaten.

And around him, there are a lot of elves and people who can’t afford to fall to the ground.

The ferocious Abo was tying up a Heruga and biting it suddenly with its fangs flashing with lightning.

On the side, the big needle bee was chasing and killing an iron-faced ninja at an extremely terrifying speed. The two thick and long needles just brushed the iron-faced ninja’s body enough to make it fall to the ground.

On the high cliff, the electric shock monster raised his hands high, and the thunder light surged in the clouds in the sky. It was like a **** who controls thunder and lightning. Whenever there is a moving person or elf on the ground, it will drop a thunder and lightning, bombarding it. on them.

There were dozens of destroyed Poké Balls on the ground, and a large number of Pokémon were imprisoned in the Poké Ball and could not get out.

“Only…you are alone, how…is it possible?” The captain of the third division was full of disbelief, his words were intermittent, and his saliva was flowing. He thought about being a team of the league, and whether it would be a peer, but he never imagined that this would be done by one person!

And these little elves have too many moves!

“You think it’s ridiculous, don’t you? I think it’s ridiculous too.” He Duo put one foot against the captain of the third division, and said with a smile: “A dozen elves and eight people, when faced with danger, they chose to be unclear. How did you escape from the Union police again and again?”

It’s like ig doesn’t understand why g2 can beat rng.

And g2 doesn’t understand why rng is better than ig.

He Duo, who was almost sent to prison by the Union police, couldn’t understand why this group of rookies who panicked when they encountered difficulties could escape time and time again?

Many people were not killed by him, but were attacked by his companion’s elf moves and lost their ability to resist.

The captain of the third division has nothing to say. He regrets it now, very much. Why didn’t he send away the group of fools in the team, just because they were easy to bully and oppressed, so he kept them?

But there is no regret medicine in the world to take. The next second, the captain of the third division was stunned by He Duo.

At this point, He Duo successfully came to an end with a one-on-eight battle.

“Hey! Take it easy!”

In the cab of the truck, the electric shock monster held a roll of gauze in his left hand, and applied scalding medicine to He Duo’s back in his right hand.

In the chaos, He Duo was unfortunately hit in the back by a move [Flame Splash], which almost didn’t hurt him enough to hold his breath.

Fortunately, the wound was not large, and the flame-type move had its own “hemostasis” function, so Heiduo did not fall to the ground due to blood loss.

After hurriedly dressing the wound, He Duo turned off the signal jammer, and used the communication device to connect the police’s phone and Tuo Nan’s phone.

His luck is very good, the target Shui Yibu is actually here, and it is intact, no arms or legs are missing.

The fools of the poaching group were so stupid that they attacked each other after eating a big snake in the black fog. Fortunately, they diddge quickly, otherwise they would not have eaten a fire and splashed.

Obviously paralysis is not confusion, how did they get dementia?

As for the infrared glasses, Heiduo definitely couldn’t let them wear them. When they called out, Heiduo was ready to attack the infrared glasses.

This is another point of their stupidity.

Finally, there is the problem of the theft of the Poké Ball. This is due to the Big Needle Bee. After He Duo taught it to shoot down, it directly shoots those people’s Poké Balls to the ground with its terrifying speed after three high-speed movements. The burrowing round land shark is brought to the ground.

If every villain is so stupid to explode, it’s not hard to imagine the demise of the Rockets.

A thousand Zhuge Liang is no match for a thousand pigs!

Not afraid of god-like opponents, but of pig-like teammates!

“Take it lightly!” He Duo kicked the electric shock monster. If it weren’t for the four, it would have the longest hand, and it would be its turn to wrap it up.

The electric shock monster slowed down his movements with aggrieved expression, “Beep beep!”

After the wound was bandaged, and Miss Junsha explained to Tuo Nan why he was here and what he did, He Duo hung up the phone and waited for the police and Tuo Nan to come to the door.

For some reason, the voice calling for help in Chinese didn’t make a sound after it started. To be on the safe side, He Duo picked up the wound medicine and bandages, went to the back of the truck, and opened the cargo box.

The purpose of entry is several stacked iron cages. Most of the elves in the iron cages are sullen and very lacking in spirit.

The one placed at the top was an Ibrahimovic with closed eyes. His fur was messy and his demeanor was sluggish. At first glance, he knew that he must not have received any good treatment.

But aside from the elves, there are no traces of human existence.

been transferred? No way? Or in the crowd?

Heiduo turned his head and glanced at the “idiots” who were **** and stacked up, all of them were rough-looking big-footed men.

“Who was calling for help just now?” He Duo tentatively called into the cargo box, maybe there was a hidden compartment in the truck.

He specially spoke in Chinese, which he hadn’t used for a long time, because he didn’t speak for too long, and it seemed a bit jerky.

Something unexpected happened to him.

When the closed-eyed Ibrahimovic heard He Duo’s words, he jumped up and looked at He Duo and said, “Oh, there is really a fellow! I finally wait for you! My compatriot! I’ve been listening here for a long time. Oh! I thought it was black eating black, but I didn’t expect it to be a fellow!” It jumped up and down a little excitedly.

What the hell!

You listen, you listen! This shareholder, Peking University, smells bad! Earth China is right!

Ibrahimovic’s words made He Duo stunned for a while, and he didn’t slow down for a long time.

He really did not expect that in this world, in addition to Miaomiao who can speak human language, there are actually Ibrahimovic with a northeastern accent!

Oh my mother!

“You… what’s the situation?” He Duo tentatively asked, he didn’t rush into the bottom line, there is a saying that, when a fellow sees a fellow, there may be tears, or a shot in the back.

The heart of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of preventing others is indispensable.

“What’s the matter, let me out! I’m so scared!” Ibrahimovic spoke again, but the familiar Northeast feeling was gone.

It shook the iron cage desperately, as if frightened.

He Duo ventured down, naturally not to trap it and watch it struggle, so he slowly opened the iron cage.

Ibrahimovic looked at Heido as he was indifferently waiting for it to come out by himself, and said aggrieved: “Can you hold me out, I’m running out of strength!”

Then you were the same as the husky who had fun just now?

With a black line on his face, Heiduo put his hands behind him and made a gesture to Yuan Lu Shark and Abo Monster, indicating that the situation would not be waiting for the big snake to stare and split tiles.

An Ibrahimovic with ordinary attributes is simple to do.

Making preparations in advance, He Duo stretched his hand into the iron cage, gently took Ibrahimovic out, hugged him into his arms, and picked up the bandages and wound medicine that were left on the side.

“So crispy~” Ibrahimovic rubbed Heiduo’s body, and took a sip of Heido’s body, “Well~ Zhengtai’s aroma~”

Heido: ? ? ?

What’s up with this man?

He Duo suddenly disliked this Ibrahimovic. Without him, it was a bit wretched.

Seeing Heiduo’s unpleasant expression, Ibrahimovic sneered: “Ah! I’m sorry, sorry, I haven’t seen a normal person for too long, I can’t help it, don’t take offense!”

It said, the little paw grabbed He Duo’s clothes hard, as if he was worried that He Duo would drop it.

He Duo dealt with it and checked Ibrahimovic’s information.

[Elf: Eevee / Gender: ♀ / Level: Level 5]

[Characteristic: Danger Prediction / Attribute: Normal / Trainer: None]

[Move: Protection lv2/Mysterious Guardian lv2/Morning Light lv2]

[Shadow Clone lv2/Healing Fluctuation lv2/Sleep lv2]

[Aurora Curtain lv2/Secret Power lv2/Healing Ringtone lv2]

This is-! !

Goldfinger, this is it! There is no way to explain it other than Goldfinger!

He Duo was stunned in place. The number and types of skills surprised him, most of them were life-saving skills! It turns out that there are such creatures in this world!

wrong! Fear of death is a biological instinct…

“…You are really amazing, UU reading www.uukanshu.com in various senses.” He Duo had nothing to say, why not use so many replies.

Of course he wouldn’t say it, otherwise wouldn’t he have made it clear that he could see the elf’s moves.

He Duo put down Ibrahimovic, who was unwilling to leave his arms, and glanced at its body.

Except for the roughness, there are no major wounds, basically just scrapes.

Of course, the possibility of internal injuries is not ruled out, but this guy has so many recovery skills…

What is it holding? He Duo frowned, Ibrahimovic must have an intention to do this, he can’t keep this uncertain factor around…

But if he doesn’t keep it by his side, it is very likely that his identity as a visitor from another world will be exposed.

Gee! troublesome guy! Can’t be sincere!

“Ah… You may not know, I have a lot of recovery skills, but I have to be full to use energy… Do you have something to eat, just a little~” When Ibrahimovic talked about this, he seemed a little shy, or when it was It seems that the act of asking for something to eat is very shameful.

Sleeping can’t restore stamina…or does it take energy to restore stamina?

Too scientific, right?

He Duo nodded. There was a lot of food on the truck, which was probably prepared for them, but since it was there, there was no reason for Heiduo not to take it. He didn’t take more than half of it.

“Wait! Take me!” Ibrahimovic grabbed He Duo’s trouser legs, preventing him from going far, “Don’t leave me… Those people are so scary!”

It refers to the bunch of guys on the ground who have no ability to resist, their hands and feet are tied, and they haven’t woken up yet.

If it weren’t for the fact that there was no blood on the ground, Ibrahimovic would have thought they were all dead!

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