Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Chapter 205: On to Saffron!

*PA! PA! PA!*


Nemona grunted with each thrust of my hips, plunging my cock into her bowels repeatedly until her entire body tensed as her aura exploded with fireworks of pleasure as she came yet again.

I had long since lost count of the amount of times Nemona had cum since I started fingering her ass earlier today, and then fucking her ass as soon as we got home from the coliseum.

It seemed a if she had finally hit her limit though, as Nemona only managed to keep herself on all fours long enough for me to fill her ass with one last load of spunk, before she went limp as she fell forward onto the bed. As she did so my cock was pulled from her asshole, which was now puffy after all of the prolonged abuse while cum oozed out of it.

"Duly noted. The worse she's beaten, the hornier Nemona becomes." I said wryly as I watched her lay there motionlessly.

"I don't think I've ever seen such an extreme example of a defeatist..." Clair muttered as she joined me in looking down at Nemona.

"I mean, she was literally sending me nudes in the days leading to our rematch to motivate me to beat her." I told her, prompting Clair to shake her head wryly before motioning me to sit on the bed.

As I did so the older woman readily stradled my lap, linking her arms around my neck as she lifted herself up over my still-erect cock, before slowly lowering herself down onto it.

"Haaa..." Clair sighed as she sat on my thighs, taking my entire length inside her as she settled her weight.

"But still, I never thought Red would be so powerful..." Came Whitney's voice as Clair began to slowly grind her hips against mine.

I turned to look at the other Gym Leader curiously, who was also currently naked as she laid on her side on my bed, reading a magazine. Also with us was Daisy Oak, Daisy Williams, Violet and Lily, as well as Lillie.

Just like the other night, when I had the orgy with Lyra, Hilda, Rosa and the rest of the girls before they departed, we were having one more 'last hurrah' before the girls and I depart for Saffron city.

"I know, right?! I never thought someone could be THAT strong!" Daisy W stated in agreement.

"Must be something in the Ketchum gene." Clair commented with a smirk, rotating her hips as she did so.

"Inherent stupidity?" I suggested, earning me a light, playful smack from Daisy W in response.

"We're being serious!" She exclaimed.

"So am I, mostly." I replied, before explaining even as Clair continued to move. "I mean, have you ever seen anyone who acts or battles like Ash, Red or myself? I can't speak for Red since I've only known him for a few days, and obviously I'm out of the norm, but even Ash always seems to get the right answer using the wrong formula. But all in all, I think it also has to do with what Red was saying earlier."

"You mean that bit about trainers being held back by their fear of defeat?" Whitney asked as she looked over from her magazine.

"Exactly. In the vast majority of League battles, nothing is truly on the line. Yet the majority of trainers will ALWAYS take the safer path rather than take any risks. In reality though, the greater the risk someone takes in battle, the greater the reward. Not to mention that, as trainers, we NEED to be able to react to unpredictable situations while trying to come out on top. Just think about all the trainers who panicked when the battle against Team Rocket started.

"To most trainers, battles themselves have become a numbers game where they try to minimize risk while also accidentally limiting themselves as well. Think about it, one of Red's biggest arguments against Lance is the fact that Lance limited challengers against the Elite Four to the two people who win the Indigo and Silver Conference every year. This in turn is weakening the Elite Four themselves due to their own lack of stimulus to grow stronger."

"Red did say something about that, didn't he?" Daisy O commented offhandedly.

"Why do you think I'm always looking for new challengers?" Nemona spoke up from where she was still laying in the bed.

"Now that you mention it, I did have a challenger not too long ago that said I should just give him his Gym Badge without even battling, since his 'data' said he had a 99.9% chance of beating me. So of course I beat all of his pokemon and sent him packing!" Whitney declared with a huff.

"Are you sure you didn't just throw a tantrum like you did me?" I asked with a snicker, making Whitney pout cutely. She actually was pretty cute, when she wasn't acting like a brat.

"But it does make sense." Daisy W spoke up, seemingly lost in thought. "Especially now a days, it feels as if we only ever face electric and grass type pokemon from challengers, or they specifically teach their pokemon electric or grass type moves. You'd think that people would know that water type specialists would think of ways to counter them."

The trio of sisters all sighed and shook their heads in exasperation, while I also recalled when they faced Misty, May and Dawn.

"I think that's exactly the problem that Red was trying to point out. Now I'd REALLY like to see a battle between him and Blue." I said wistfully.

"Right? After what we saw today, I almost feel sorry for Lance." Lillie said innocently.

"Hmmm..." Clair hummed irritably, clenching her abdominal muscles to tighten her abs and squeeze my cock.

"Oh? Is someone jelly?" I asked, my lips curled upwards slightly in humor.

"Perhaps..." Clair murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she began to gyrate her hips with a greater intensity than before.

While I knew that she had been slightly jealous about my lack of attention on her, I could also see that there was a bit more to Clair's attitude due to the muted reds that swirled around the light greens in her aura. If I had to guess, it was the comments about Lance that annoyed her.

'How cute~.' I thought to myself while palming Clair's ass with both hands, squeezing her cheeks while pulling her so close that our bodies were flush.

"Make sure to plant your seed DEEP inside me." Clair commanded before sealing my lips with her own.

"Of course." I replied as our mouths parted, a trail of saliva still connecting them.

Minutes passed as Clair bucked her hips atop my lap, her every movement made with the intention to drive me to fill her with precious drops of seed. And as she moved, I responded with channeling my aura to maximize the pleasure we were both receiving, while also channeling the power granted to me by Dragonite into my balls.

When I came, the seed that erupted from my cock was filled with potent draconic energies that flooded Clair's womb, before diffusing into her body while a portion of it remained concentrated in her womb.

Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wondered if Clair's aura would start becoming more draconic the more I creampied her. Too bad she was heading back to Blackthorn city in the morning, so I won't get the chance to find out.

"You better pump as much as you can into me tonight~." She whispered sensually into my ear, as if she knew what thoughts were running through my head. I knew her true meaning however was that she intended to bear my child, so I should pump as much as I can into her tonight to ensure she got pregnant before returning home.

"I think there's a few more women who are waiting their turn though." I whispered back to her, prompting Clair to let out a little whine of protest even as she lifted herself from my lap.

"So which of us is next?" Daisy W purred sensually as she and her sisters wiggled their delectable butts at me in a line.

On the other side was Lillie, who was blushing down to her modest breasts as she reclined backwards onto my pillows to spread her legs. Beside her was Daisy O, who was busy masturbating herself with one hand while the other kneaded her breasts. And then there was Whitney, who had returned to reading her magazine while feigning disinterest.

I pointedly ignored Nemona as she recovered from her earlier fucking, electing to instead give some attention to the other girls for the moment. Before I could make my decision, I sensed something, or rather a couple someONES approaching the house.

"What is it Ace?" Lillie asked curiously.

"I feel a disturbance in the Force." I replied mysteriously, right as the sound of someone knocking on the door echoed throughout the house.

"Let's move this party downstairs." I told them while making my way to the door, prompting the gaggle of girls to follow me in confusion as I made my way to the front door.

As we passed their rooms the rest of the girls poked their heads out to investigate the disturbance.

"Who is it Ace?" Misty asked without batting an eye at my nakedness, or that of the girls behind me.

"Company." I responded, before passing by her room and making my way down the staircase.

I sensed the others making themselves comfortable on the couch and chairs in the living room as I approached the front door, throwing it open to welcome the cool night air and the two beauties on the other side.

"Ace!" Wendy declared when she saw me, her emerald-green eyes widening as they roamed my naked body before settling on my groin.

"Hi Ace~!" Kate said beside her, her own blue eyes also roaming my body. There was not as much awe in her gaze though, as she already got to experience my body back in Lavender town.

"Wendy, Kate. To what do I owe this immense....pleasure?" I asked the two lovely Rangers, looking their delicious figures up and down as I did so, my gaze lingering slightly on Wendy's lovely legs.

"W-we came to say goodbye. We have orders to return to Almia in the morning." Wendy uttered as she tore her gaze from my crotch.

"I see... Pretty late just to say 'goodbye'." I said, my lips curling upwards in a smirk.

"Well... Considering everything that happened this time, I figured you kinda-EEP!"

Wendy let out a cute yelp as I suddenly pulled her and Kate inside to join the rest of us, with Misty, May, Dawn, Chloe, Joy, Daisy O, Daisy W, Lily, Violet, Clair, Whitney, Lillie, and Nemona.

"What are you-?!" Wendy began as I pulled the two of them towards the others, who were ALL naked by this point.

I relased Kate's hand while directing Wendy so that she was facing the others over the back of the couch, before kneeling behind her so that my face was level with her lovely butt.

"I swear... This better be worth it..." Wendy said as I flipped up the back of her dress, gracing my eyes with the sight of her ass that was clad only in a pair of lime-green panties.

I had them immediately around her knees, revealing Wendy's pale cheeks to my greedy gaze, before I buried my face between them and licked like a man who was utterly parched.


Flashing lights accompanied the sounds of bells and whistles within the largest den of sin in Kanto, the Game Corner. And for once every eye was NOT on the uncountable number of slot machines, the card tables, the scantily clad women, or the betting pools.

They were instead on a certain figure that was using one of the slot machines.

"MEW MEW!" A certain feline figure covered in a fine layer of light-pink fur celebrated as it pulled the lever that activated the slot machine, and earned itself ANOTHER jackpot.

"I-is that truly what I think it is?" One of the gamblers present asked another.

"I think sooo. Though I could also just be high..." Another responded, right as THE Mew got another jackpot that triggered a deluge of coins to pour from the chute. Coins that then began to literally rain throughout the entire Game Corner, prompting a frenzy to hurry and pick them all up.

As Mew proceeded to snatch a pair of stylish sunglasses from one guy's head, and then move on to the next slot machine while wearing them instead, two figures were the only ones present that were neither scrambling for coins, or awestruck by the mythical pokemon.


"Another!" Declared the woman sitting at the bar as she slammed down her mug, prompting the barkeeper to refill it for her.

"Chansey chanse!" Exclaimed the pink egg-like pokemon beside her, who was urging the woman to cease her drinking.

"Shuddup Shansey..... I'm jush a FAILURE!" The woman wailed before she began to sob uncontrollably, the events leading up to this replaying in her head like they had numerous times over the last couple weeks.

Everything had been going well during the battle of the SS. Anne. Her beloved Ace had singlehandedly turned the tide of battle, led the trainers to victory, and also (almost)singlehandedly defeated the true alpha Beedrill. But then that damned Archer showed up on Articuno.

The woman thought her beloved would handle it, like he had everything else. But when the battle had finished, her beloved Ace had been shot numerous times, and was on the verge of death itself.

And what did she do?


The woman's drunken voice rang out before she descended into a fit of sobs at the mere memory of her greatest failure.

Her Ace needed her, and she had choked. She had been unable to do the ONE thing that she had been born to do, save his life.

Even as she drained her newly refilled mug, the Viridian city Nurse Joy broke down sobbing from her failure. None of the men or women around her even spared her a passing glance due to them long-since becoming accustomed to her hysterics, ever since the SS. Anne made port.

Even as she continued sobbing uncontrollably, and her Chancey used Heal Bell to try and keep her from killing herself via alcohol poisoning, a certain someone approached her.

"May I have a word?" The newcomer inquired, prompting the Nurse Joy to look up at her questioningly.

She recognized her immediately, as the slut born from the slime known as Giovanni, Giana.

"You have a LOT of nerve...showing your face to ME!" Nurse Joy declared as she tried to stand from her barstool, only to stagger and almost fall to the ground before her Chansey caught her.

"Normally I would prefer to talk while you were sober, but I doubt that would be possible with the way you've been going." Giana stated in a tone that almost seemed like boredom.

"Chansey! See see, Chansey!" The healer pokemon declared indignantly in Nurse Joy's place, reprimanding Giana for her uncaring attitude.

"Save your indignation, I came to offer her a job." Giana stated, silencing Chansey as she pulled out a card that bore the emblem of Team Arceus Aegis on it.

"If she can lay off the drink, then I will give her the chance to serve her beloved Ace directly from now on. I think it safe to say that her services will be greatly needed within our organization. I expect you BOTH to report to me tomorrow."

Leaving no further room for discussion, Giana turned on her heel and departed, pausing only long enough to glance over at Mew as it continued playing the slot machines, and getting jackpots on ALL of them.


Despite the exhaustion that everyone felt in the morning after such a long and 'tiresome' night, we still kept the party going even through breakfast until everyone was ready to leave, at nearly noon.

Once we had all finally cleaned up, recalled our pokemon, and put away the Capsules, we all headed to to the Celedon city Pokemon Center to meet with everyone who had gathered to say farewell, namely all of the professors, Gym Leaders, Elite Four and Champions from the SS. Anne. Suffice to say I was a little surprised that Ash wasn't waiting as well, but mom was there along with Red.

"We all just wanted to wish you all farewell, as well as our thanks for everything." Professor Magnolia explained before anyone else had the chance to speak.

"Where's Sonia and Ivy?" I asked, noticing that the two lovable professors were absent, though Juniper was present.

"Sonia already returned to Galar on a plane once we heard you had recovered. Apparently she intends to pack all of her necessities and return here to Kanto to join that Team you're in charge of. I think she said something about being the chief mythologist on their payroll?" Magnolia stated in a tone that said she found the whole thing irritating, yet her aura betrayed that she was secretly proud of Sonia.

"Ivy is doing the same back in the Orange Islands. Once she settles what she needs to there, she said she plans to head to Pallet town to set up shop." Juniper said this time as she stepped forward.

"Indeed. Apparently she not only plans to work for your company as well, but she also intends to work with me in studying your Ditto and all of the pokemon you possess." Professor Oak spoke up hurriedly, though none of that was exactly news. I just didn't know that she was going to move so quickly.

Then again, she also plans to have my kid. And if she did somehow get pregnant already, then she would have a time limit for how much she could do before her pregnancy advanced.

The idea that I might actually be a father soon suddenly hit me, especially with Clair last night and Lady Ilene back in Rota, who has yet to return since I recovered. All I could do in her case was wait for her to contact me though, as I never even got a chance to get the number of a literal queen.

"So what kind of route are you thinking of taking?" Red asked curiously, prompting me to lead the way to a large map of Kanto on a nearby wall of the Pokemon Center.

"The girls and I discussed it, and we think we decided on the best route to try and collect Badges as quickly as possible before the next Conference. First a quick dash over to Saffron city to challenge Sabrina, before coming back here to Celadon in order to take the Cycling Road south to Fuchsia city. I already have the Soul Badge that Koga gives out, but the girls don't. So while they challenge him and check out the Safari Zone, I can go meet up with Brock in Grampa Canyon for a fossil dig he's planning.

"From there we can take a ferry to the Seafoam Islands, where I have some business I'd like to take care of, before moving on to Cinnabar Island. Like the Soul Badge, I already had the Volcanoe Badge that Blaine gives out as well. So while the girls challenge Blaine, I can go and take care of some other business I have on One Island. Once all that is done, we can head north through Pallet back to Viridian, where we can all challenge Karen. Once we have her Badge as well, then we can head to Johto to try and collect the rest of the Badges I need there as well."

I could feel the looks being directed towards me as I finished explaining the route that we had planned out, and knew it was coming even before Red opened his mouth.

"Um son, that's quite a LOT of ground to cover. Especially when you also want to try and collect four MORE Badges from Johto before the Conferences in three months." He pointed out, while several of the others nodded in agreement behind him.

"While normally you'd be correct, we already planned for that." I said with a knowing smile, making them radiate curiosity right as the Celadon city Nurse Joy came over.

"Excuse me, Ace Ketchum? We have your package ready."


"Thank you Nurse Joy." I responded to her, even as a Chansey used a trolly to cart over a large box towards us.

"What's in there?" Mom asked curiously, even as the girls surged forward. Meanwhile I simply dug through my bag, before pulling out the item I was after.

"Well, I DID win this nifty item from the tournament. And while it cost me a pretty penny, I decided it was only fair the girls all got one as well. Plus I could afford it with just the prize money I got anyways, not to mention everything I have that they took from Giovanni."

As I said that I unfolded my new bike for everyone to see, while the girls tore the box open to receive their new bikes as well.

Not only could each bike fold up to store in our respective bags, but they were all the latest models that possessed electric batteries that could propel the bikes with minimal peddling from us.

Obviously I planned to ignore that particular function on my own bike as much as possible, but I knew the girls would love it. Misty especially after Ash accidentally destroyed her last bike.

"AMAZING! We can cover so much ground on these!" May exclaimed as she pulled her new bike out of the box, which was decorated with decals of Blaziken.

"This is SOOO much better than my old bike!" Misty declared as she also retrieved her new bike, which was decorated with decals of water pokemon.

"I can't wait to feel the wind in my hair!" Dawn stated as she looked over her own bike, which was covered in Empoleon decals.

"I've never ridden a bike before..." Chloe said with uncertainty in her voice, with Joy nodding in agreement beside her as they looked over their new bikes together. Chloe's was decorated yellow with bolts of lightning for Yamper, while Joy's was pink with Chansey.

Also arriving with the bikes were numerous accessories to go with them, such as baskets, repair kits, tires and extra batteries for any LONG journeys we might have to make.

Soon we had our bikes all lined up in front of the Pokemon Center and ready to go, and we all went through to say our final farewells to everyone.

"Make sure you call me whenever you get the chance!" Mom said as she squeezed me tightly. As far as I knew, she would be returning to Pallet town today with Gardevoir after we left.

"I will mom." I said while hugging her just as tightly.

"And PLEASE, be careful." My mom said as she squeezed me even tighter.

"I promise..." I told her quietly, prompting her to give me one last squeeze before she stepped back.

"I wonder if this is how it would have felt if I had been able to be there when you first started on your journey?" Red commented as he took mom's place, giving me a firm handshake in place of a hug.

"I don't know. But at least you're here this time." I said while returning his handshake, which he then pulled me in for a manly hug.

"I am proud of you son. You've done so much more than anyone could have expected." Red said quietly while clapping me on the back, rendering me speechless before I clapped him back.

The two of us separated after a moment to allow professor Oak this time to step forward.

"I hope you know that I will be reinstating your carry limit as soon as I return to the lab?" He said in serious yet joking tone.

"Of course. I already sent most of my pokemon back." I told him truthfully. After all, as much as I would like to keep more pokemon with me, just the ones I had could be a handful. As it was I had Lucario, Pidgeot, Charizard, Sceptile, Rowlet, Rookidee, Houndoom, Mightyena, Persian and Absol with me, along with my Breeder pokemon, Miltank, Tauros, Vespiquen, Chansey, Ditto and Ralts.

"Right. I also can't wait to get back and see how my lab turned out..." Thr professor said thoughtfully, reminding me that he was having his lab remodeled after Snorlax trashed it.

"Send me some pics so I can see what it looks like now." I told him, while also looking pointedly at Daisy.

"Of course we will." Daisy said while coming forward to hug me as well, as she would be returning with her grandfather.

I then said goodbye to everyone else present, while also thanking professors Elm, Juniper, Sycamore, Kukui and Magnolia for the pokemon they had gotten for me. With one final round of goodbye kisses to Daisy O, Daisy W, Lily, Violet, Lillie, Clair, Whitney, Kate, Wendy, and even Nemona, the girls and I all mounted our new bikes as we prepared to take off.

"Come on out!" I cried, releasing all of my non-breeder pokemon, excluding Pidgeot since he was still injured, Tauros, and Ralts.

"Ready to go?" I asked them, planning for them all to either run or fly alongside us as we traveled, while Ralts was riding in the basket I had mounted to the front of my bike.

A symphony of cries answered my question, and we all pushed off as we departed on the next part of our journey.

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