Pokemon: Arceus' Champion

Chapter 201: Lillie's Little Friend

"Now Exeggutor, use Solar Beam! And Chimchar, use Flamethrower to counter it!"



As I gave the command, Exeggutor opened the mouth on his middle head, and expelled a powerful concentrated beam of pure grass type energy. At the same time, Chimchar opened his mouth to expel a torrent of powerful flames.

It was nowhere near as concentrated and powerful as I wanted, but it was passable for the moment since Chimchar just learned the move.

The two attacks collided in the middle between Exeggutor and Chimchar, creating a brief explosion of energy before the Solar Beam tore through the Flamethrower to hit Chimchar.


Chimchar cried out as he was hit by the attack, and blasted backwards from how powerful it was.

"You ok?" I asked Chimchar as he rolled backwards, before starting to pick himself up off the ground.

"Char char, Chimchar!" He declared, a little scuffed up, but none the worse for the wear. I guess if Paul's training regimen did anything for Chimchar, it made him more resiliant.

"Alright. Catch your breath, and then try again." I told him, and Chimchar gave me a thumbs up with a wide grin in response.

I then left the two of them to keep working at it while going around to check on my other pokemon as they sparred and trained around my new arena.

Everywhere I looked I could see pokemon training while I currently had half the arena set to a meadow, and the other half to a forest to match however Erika's Gym was most likely designed.

Within the trees was Sceptile as he sparred with Froakie. Neither one was using actual attacks, but instead were simply trading blows as they trained their ability to attack while on the move. Or rather, Sceptile was training Froakie to do so.

On the other side was Blastoise taking on Oshawott, Chespin and Totodile all at once, which basically looked like a full-grown adult taking on a bunch of toddlers. Then there was Charizard acting as a living target for Rolycoly, Cyndaquil, Tepig, Fennekin, Litten, Scorbunny and Houndoom as they practiced their fire moves after their breathing exercises.

Tyrantrum, under threat of myself and my other pokemon, was working with Dratini and Deino while trying to be as gentle as possible with the two of them. It was training on both sides if one considered that to be as well. Meanwhile Snorlax was training with Lickilicky, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Onix, Golem and Grotle as they all worked on tanking attacks before counter attacking.

Weavile was working with Snover like before to make his ice type attacks stronger, while also multitasking as she worked with Mightyena and Absol in preparation for the next Gym after Erika, Sabrina. Haunter was doing the same as it worked with Honedge, Alolan Muk and Grimer a short ways away, while Cubone and Tinkatink were locked into an intense battle with one another.

At the same time, an entire section of the arena was alight with intense electrical attacks, as both my Ampharos fought in a two-on-two battle with Magnezone and Electabuzz. Lucario however had the largest group, as he worked with Machop, Croagunk, my two Meowth, Persian, Eeevee, Rampardos, and all three of my Raticate.

The last group I turned towards was the rest of my grass type pokemon, which was Tangrowth and Parasect as they helped to train Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Snivy, Rowlet and Grookey.


Tangrowth roared as he used the move Ancient Power, sending numerous large chunks of stone flying at the other grass type pokemon, while also using Vine Whip to attack them from two directions. Currently he was acting as the main attacker against the group, while Parasect would occasionally fire off random attacks at them to add some more chaos.

I watched as each of the smaller grass type pokemon avoided Tangrowth's attack in one way or another, with Rowlet flying up into the air, Snivy and Grookey both darting to the side. That just left Bulbasaur and Chikorita as the two least agile of the grass type starters.

The former was using his Razor Leaf attack to keep the Vine Whip at bay, while Chikorita was trying to follow Grookey away from the attacking boulders. Except...


Chikorita tripped and fell before she could get away, putting her right in the path of one of the boulders as it came down.


Bulbasaur, who was even larger than a normal Bulbasaur, moved at a speed that shocked me as he abandoned his previous efforts and jumped between Chikorita and the rock.


I blinked as Bulbasaur tanked the attack for Chikorita, completely protecting her from getting hurt while Tangrowth also ceased his attacks to not hurt either of them. After all, this wasn't a real battle.

"Hey Chansey!" I called out to my healer, who readily hurried over to see if Bulbasaur needed treatment.

"Chika Chik!" Chikorita said, thanking Bulbasaur for protecting her.

"Bulb..." The large grass type said bashfully from her thanks, before his entire body began to shimmer.

"Oh my~!" I exclaimed while excitement filled me as we all watched Bulbasaur grow by a couple feet, putting him at nearly the same height as a Venusaur, before the light died down to reveal his new form.

Aside from growing, Bulbasaur, now Ivysaur, didn't actually look much different, with the only major change being that the bulb on his back had opened to reveal what looked like several large leaves and a flower bud.

"IVYSAUR!" He cried out happily after evolving, probably recalling how his first trainer wanted him to evolve more than anything.

"Congratulations Ivysaur." I said while patting him on his head, genuinely happy for him that he finally managed to evolve. Though to be fair, Professor Oak said that it was most likely only a matter of time after I brought him out of the sewers, even if he didn't train.

Sunlight was necessary for the Bulbasaur line to grow, not only to grow stronger but also to evolve. It was a large part of why Ivysaur leaned so far towards the poison typing it had, and why it had not evolved despite being in the sewers for over twenty years. Now that Bulbasaur had been spending so much time outside, it was only a matter of time until he evolved.

"Chika! Chikorita!"

The little grass starter declared happily, nuzzling against one of Ivysaur's legs affectionately as she expressed her congratulations to him.

"Ivysaur..." He said bashfully, even as the rest of my pokemon joined us.

"Alright! I think this is as good a place to stop as any." I told them all, causing the tension in several of their bodies to release tiredly.

"Tomorrow we go to battle against Erika, so I think its about time I decide who gets to battle her with me." I then said, making them all look up hopefully. Especially my newcomers, as they all wanted the chance to prove themselves. "To begin with, I plan to take Parasect, Houndoom, Crobat, and Vespiquen with me, while I will also bring Chimchar and Snover as well."

The effect was immediate as both Chimchar and Snover perked up, while several of my other new pokemon all appeared crestfallen since they wouldn't get a chance to battle for me already.

"Don't look down just because I'm not taking you with me this time. There will be plenty of chances to battle together in the near and far future. Once I finish the battle with Erika, I also plan to go straight to Saffron city to challenge Sabrina in the next Gym. So some of you may get the chance to battle for me then."

This time they all appeared to get fired up since there would be more chances to prove themselves after this. I couldn't help but to smile wryly as I watched them all psych themselves up, while also thinking to myself that this was the struggle with having so many pokemon, it would be hard deciding who to use for each battle.

"So now let's get you all settled in for the night into your new beds!" Declaring so, I shut down the arena for the night and led all of my pokemon over to the barn to get them all settled.

Though hesitant at first, all of my pokemon soon grew excited when they realized what the barn actually was. Even Onix could fit inside, along with all three of my Gyarados, and both of my Milotic. There was even a stall that I could keep all of my Sharpedo in as well, which would go a long way towards letting me bring them with us now that the SS. Anne was dealt with.

As I got my pokemon settled I also gave Grotle, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Onix, Golem, Diglett, Dugtrio, Cubone, Rampardos, Rolycoly and Tyrantrum all their nightly scrub with the Soft Sand that I had collected back in Cerulean Cave. For most it was a welcome return to our nightly routine, while for a few it was a first that they greatly enjoyed. I also sprinkled some of the Soft Sand around their respective stalls, allowing them to enjoy its effects even as they slept or relaxed.

Of course some of my pokemon still stayed in the greenhouse since they preferred it, such as most of my grass types, Vespiquen with her hive, and some of my smaller water types. Crobat LOVED the barn though, as she could easily nest amongst the rafters on the second floor, and I was able to leave the door open so she could fly out at night to try and find a meal of blood for herself.

Lucario however made himself a bed on the second floor of the barn since it afforded him a vantage point to keep an eye on eveything and everyone at night. Of course, Blaziken, Empoleon, Absol and Gardevoir all joined him when he did so.

Once I made sure all of my pokemon were settled in for the night, I finally returned to the house to find the girls gathered in the living room.

"Hey Ace. I wanted to tell everybody something." Lillie said as soon as I entered the room, seeming unusually serious as she gripped her bag.

"Is it about your little friend?" I asked while sitting in my recliner, making Lillie pale.

"You knew...?" She asked with a voice of dread.

"Lillie... I felt it's aura the second we met." I told her, relieving her slightly, but just barely.

"Yes... This is about my friend, who I call Nebby."

Trailing off, Lillie reached into her bag and pulled out something that surprised even me.

If I had to explain it, the pokemon, if it could even be considered one, looked like a swirling mass of cosmic cloud with a face and two fluffy antennae.

"What is that...?" I asked Lillie in awe.

"While I call it Nebby, the official name that my father gave it is Cosmog.

"Several years ago, my father was researching Ultra Wormholes when he was suddenly sucked into one. All that was left behind were his notes about something called a Nihilego, and Nebby. Since then, my mother has been engaging in numerous experiments with Nebby in an attempt to find my father.

"I found out about what she had been doing to Nebby, and began planning on how to escape from her with it. It was only a few months ago that we were able to make our escape from her, after which professor Burnet found us and brought us to her husband, professor Kukui.

"Professor Kukui has been sheltering Nebby and I at his house ever since, and upon learning of the SS. Anne traveling the world we boarded it to travel to Kanto and meet with his friend, professor Oak. We were hoping that professor Oak would not only help us learn more about Nebby and where it came from, but also help protect it from my mother and those who work for her."

As Lillie finished speaking we were all silent as we watched her and Nebby intensely, the latter of which was floating around the room as it examined each of us.

"So is there any idea where the Ultra Wormholes you mentioned before go?" I asked Lillie curiously, as this was entirely new territory for me.

"No... there isn't." Lillie said sadly, which I realized also meant there was no telling where her father was.

"Hmmm..." I hummed silently in contemplation while watching Nebby interact with each of the girls, floating around like it was a balloon as it did so.

"Hey Nebby." I called out as it began spinning around Joy's head.

"Cos?" It trilled back as it approached me curiously.

"I thought so..." I muttered quietly while a grin spread on my face.

"Do you remember anything before appearing in the lab that Lillie's father worked in?" I asked it while leaning forward, prompting a series of gasps as the girls realized that I might be able to actually succeed. Unfortunately...

"Cos mog, mog mog cos..." It chimed back at me sadly.

"What did it say?" Lillie asked excitedly.

"Sadly, Nebby doesn't remember anything before waking up in the lab. Which is rather unfortunate." I translated for her, which made Lillie deflate dejectedly.

"I see..."

"But that doesn't mean that we're entirely out of options." I told her, directing a look at Nebby before closing my eyes as I concentrated my psychic powers.

In all honesty, there was no real reason for me to expect this to work just because it did once before. Regardless, I stretched my psychic abilities to the limit as I endeavored to reach out to Mew and Mewtwo, wherever they were.



I shushed May as she tried to ask me something, which I could feel really took her aback. But I REALLY needed to concentrate my mind at the moment with no distractions.

It had to have been several minutes since I started when I felt two more auras join ours, and I could feel the shock of the girls when they did so, Chloe and Lillie especially.

"It has been a while, Ace Ketchum." A voice said to me in my mind, making me smile even before I opened my eyes.

"Its good to see you too, Mewtwo." I said while opening my eyes to see him floating in the air before me, while Mew was busy looking at Nebby curiously.

"I hope you do not mind us entering your home." Mewtwo said, probably recalling me chastising him for doing so on his own previously.

"Nah, I called you this time so you were both invited." I told him, leaning forward as I did so to talk properly.

"Ace..." Chloe called out to me in a voice barely above a whisper, her eyes locked firmly on Mew and Mewtwo. "Are they..."

"Mew and Mewtwo? Yes they are." I confirmed to her, and Chloe appeared as if she were going to pass out at the confirmation. No wonder though, since Goh had been trying to find Mew for the majority of his life.

"Is it safe to say that you called us regarding this most fascinating....creature?" Mewtwo asked as he glanced at Nebby with interest.

"That's right." I confirmed to him. Before I could say anything else though...


"You have quite the nerve showing up here." Lucario snarled at Mewtwo angrily.

"It appears as if the loser has decided to join us." Mewtwo said in a jab towards my partner.

"Better a 'loser' than an irresponsible jackass that leaves their messes for others to clean up." Lucario snarled back.

"It feels as if you are trying to insinuate something..." Mewtwo stated with narrowed eyes.

"I am. Articuno and the true alpha Beedrill." Lucario snapped.

"What of them?"

"They were captured for Team Rocket, by YOU."

"That is the case." Mewtwo readily admitted.

"Then, when Team Rocket attacked the SS. Anne, it was my partner who had to free the two of them from their control, and he nearly died in the process! As did Pidgeot!"


"And you believe, that I should have been the one to free them instead?" He eventually asked after a moment of contemplative silence.

"It would have been the responsible thing to do, instead of just leaving the problem to someone else." Lucario snapped at him.


"Is this true?" Mewtwo then asked while turning towards me.

"Haaa..." I sighed tiredly as I got dragged into their debate, and instead of answering I started pulling off my shirt and weighted vest.

"I got lucky since Lugia healed me in thanks for freeing Articuno, but there's still the scars left." I told him, pointing out the scars I got from being shot.


Again, Mewtwo was silent as he looked over my upper body, before he closed his eyes and I felt a brief pulse of psychic energy come from him, which I assumed was him looking for Pidgeot, who was still laid up in his nest in the greenhouse.

"I see..." Mewtwo said, and while he appeared impassive on the outside, I could feel the confliction within him.

"Ace Ketchum..." He finally said while directing his full attention towards me.

"I hereby swear that I will repay this debt towards you. Whenever you have need of me in the future, call for me and I shall come to your aid. Neither space nor time would stand in my way."


I blinked as Mewtwo swore to help me, which was no small favor coming from him.

I stood up to face him directly, and said with complete seriousness, "Thank you, Mewtwo. I hope I don't need your help in the future, but if I find myself in a situation where I do, then it will be much appreciated."

"I should hope so, considering everything I have gleamed from their minds." He replied, nodding towards the girls as he did so.

Oh. Right...

"So I take it this means you know about Arceus and stuff now too?" I asked wryly.

"Mew has given me a brief explanation during our training, but now I am aware of your relationship with him. It also explains why I cannot read your mind." Mewtwo stated, to which I nodded in confirmation.

"Yeah, I figured he was the cause behind that. I didn't even know that was a thing until I met you."

"Is that so?"

"Yep. Also, when we synchronized our auras previously, you unlocked my own psychic powers. That was how I managed to reach out to you and Mew."


"Truly? Then it will make things easier to repay my debt." Mewtwo said seriously, which made me smile wryly before turning my attention towards Mew and Nebby.

The duo were floating around one another as they examinined each other curiously.

"Mew mew, Mew?"

"Cos cos, Cosmog!"

They then began talking to one another as Mew asked what Nebby was, and Nebby answered to best of it's ability.

"Mew mew mew?" Mew then asked it, making me arch a brow.

"Cos." Nebby stated firmly.


With that note of finality, Mew extended it's tail to touch the bulb on the end of it to Nebby, during which I felt a brief surge of energy as a minute amount of Mew's aura flowed into Nebby, and was replaced by a miniscule amount of Nebby's aura in exchange.

"What just happened?" May asked in a quiet voice, as if scared to disrupt whatever the two pokemon were up to.

"Mew was asking Nebby what it was, and what it was doing here. Nebby replied that it didn't know, but that it considered this world it's home. So Mew responded by exchanging energy between them." I explained as best as I could.

"Mew! Mew mew mew, mew."

"I see..." I uttered as I digested what Mew had said.

"What did it say?" Dawn asked this time.

"Basically, Mew made Nebby an official resident of our world. If it hadn't done that, then Rayquaza would have tried to destroy Nebby if he ever saw it. And in exchange..."

As I trailed off, Mew finished that thought for me as it promptly adopted the same form as Nebby, basically becoming a second Cosmog.

"If I understand it right, to become an official resident of our world, Mew took some of Nebby's energy to analyze and add to it's own. Basically, Nebby is now also a 'descendant' of Mew." I told them, to which Mew, now a Cosmog, nodded in affirmation before changing back.


To punctuate our conversation, Joy chose that moment to let a long, yet cute, yawn to show how tired she, and the rest of us, were.

"I think that's our cue to head to bed." I said to everyone, to which the girls nodded in agreement.

"You two are welcome to spend the night if you wish." I said to Mew and Mewtwo.

"Are you certain?" Mewtwo asked.

"Of course. I don't want to just call you when I need something, then send you away after I get it. You're also welcome to come by whenever either of you want, just give me a heads up and use the door if you do." I told him with a smile.

"Very well. Then I shall accept your hospitality." Mewtwo said seriously, while Mew readily went to our freezer and opened it.

All any of us could see of the Legendary was it's tail wiggling happily in the air, before Mew emerged from the freezer with a tub of ice cream in it's hands that was just as large as it was.

"Mew mew!" It cried happily while presenting it's prize, before conjuring what looked like a pet bed and settling in front of the fireplace, which immediately sprung to life with a flick of Mew's tail.

I shook my head wryly from how quickly the little Legendary made itself at home, and went to a cupboard before pulling several items out of it.

"Here, I stocked up on these for you." I said to Mewtwo as I offered him the pudding cups I had.


"Ehem! I shall gratefully accept." Mewtwo said in an attempt to be serious, but I could feel his excitment as he accepted the pudding cups. Of course, I also made sure to get him a spoon to eat them with.

With the two Legendary pokemon settled, and Nebby bedding down beside Mew, the girls and I made our way to my room as we too prepared for bed. I just hope that the entire living room won't be covered in ice cream when we wake up...

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