Chapter 857: CH236 (850), I Can’t Be The First One, Can I?
It was already slightly past 6:30 p.m. at this point and I decided to check out these not-so-secret secret homes the fighting types had before I entered Utopia for dinner/the rest of the evening. We made our way to the closest entrance we had seen until now, and what greeted us was a smooth wall; Well, as smooth as a natural wall could be. Either way, I could not spot any markers that would indicate that there was a hole/entrance here leading somewhere.
Even if the hole had been blocked by a well-fitting rock, there should have been some signs delineating the edges of the hole and the rock. The lines could be fine and subtle, but they should have been there. Yet, not only I, but the others failed to spot them either. Hades/Gengar, feeling doubtful, even stuck his head into the rock and proclaimed that the rock/wall was truly one piece, which had Nyx/Umbreon and Thor/Raichu ask him if he was sure.
Mothra/Butterfree did not join them, but I could feel that she felt just as doubtful, and it appeared that she chose to take a look herself since she took off from my head and moved in front of the section we saw the opening in. Once there she slowly began to increase the wind her flaps produced and directed those at the wall to see if they would get into any crevices.
If the air/wind succeeded in doing so, a whistle-like noise would be produced in the process, but that did not happen. The air reached the wall but dissipated along the rock without producing any whistling noise. Mothra let out a dissatisfied huff at her failed test before she returned to my side and settled back on my head. It appeared that either all of us had hallucinated and the hole in the wall did not exist, or the rock had somehow fused with the wall.
The former was directly discarded as impossible by me. There was no way that all five of us had experienced the same visual hallucination. That would imply we had suffered some kind of attack by another party or been affected by some natural influence, but for both cases to happen unnoticed by any of us would require someone or something a lot stronger than us to take action. The chances of that were astronomically small.
Granted, the chances of me randomly meeting some "wild" Legendary Master Class prospect was just as small if not smaller, and I did come across Jeff, but I refused to believe that two such events would take place in succession, especially with the second one being used to tease/trick us. It made more sense for the latter option to have taken place, even if the rock seamlessly fusing with the wall seemed absurd at first, at least in this context.
Had it been a rock type like Graveler that entered the hole and sealed it with the rock/boulder, I would not have doubted the possibility, but it was a bunch of Tyrogue, Machop, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee, and Machoke that did it, and I refused to believe that all of them were capable of manipulating and fusing rocks like that. There had to be some other explanation behind the secret entrance/cave that made sense, though just to make sure that the hole/entrance actually existed I asked Hades to phase through the wall entirely instead of just pushing his head in there.
The rocks that the fighting types used had been around 2 meters thick, 3 meters at most, so if the holes were real, there had to be a tunnel behind that stretch even if the rock had fused with the wall. It took just a few seconds for Hades to jump out of the wall, and he released a short laugh once he did. He gave me a thumbs up before confirming that there was a tunnel behind this section of the wall, though he also added that he saw no indications of any seams before he appeared on the other side, so the fusion between the rock and the wall was not just superficial but a complete one.
I felt some relief from the others at Hades' report since it proved that we had not imagined the entrance and the Machop going in there. That was followed up by intrigue and curiosity, and Thor commented that he was curious how they had done it. He said that hiding the entrance like this would be very useful in the wild and that his family would have loved turning their burrows into secret hideouts like this. It was as if a flash went through my mind the moment he said that.
There was a very interesting and special move that fit the bill perfectly and could be learned by the fighting types we saw. I nearly face palmed at the fact that I had not immediately thought of Secret Power, but to be fair, this was the first time that I heard/saw that it could be used to just seal the entrance of the created space as well. It was also not something one usually saw wild Pokemon using since this was not a move that they could learn naturally.
Secret Power was one of the few moves devised entirely by a human for their Pokemon. It later on spread among other trainers due to its specialness, but even among the Pokemon that lived with humans only a single species had managed to turn Secret Power into an inherent move, adding it to their natural move pool, allowing them to smoothly learn it through natural growth/epiphany. Aside from Audino, any other Pokemon had to be specifically taught Secret Power through mentoring or through psychic transmissions (TMs).
The fact that not just one, but a whole lot of wild Pokemon were actually capable of using Secret Power was as incredible as it was surprising, and not something I would have expected to ever run into. Considering that I had never thought I would come across something like the current scenario, my initial "disregard" of Secret Power could be excused. Well, all this was still a hypothesis that had yet to be confirmed, but verifying whether I was right or wrong would not be hard once I actually approached the fighting types.
If I was right, and it was Secret Power, we would be left with one rather big question. How had so many wild fighting types/Pokemon managed to learn a trainer (Pokemon) exclusive move? Oh, and had they managed to turn the move intrinsic or had all of them learned it the hard way? There were a few possibilities that I could think of that caused the current situation.
The rangers stationed around the Meteor Falls, or just one of them, could have gone out of their way to teach them the move. Maybe some passing trainer had decided to stick around for a while to teach a bunch of them the move. It was also possible that some unfortunate person had died during his or her stay here, resulting in the release of the bond with their Pokemon and them becoming "wild"; One of those could have stuck around and joined the local population.
It was also possible that someone had simply released a Pokemon, causing it to stick around and join the locals. If the Pokemon in either scenario knew Secret Power and managed to raise the move's mastery high enough, it would be able to teach it to others by mentoring them. The students then would have to raise their mastery high enough to act as teachers as well, and before one knew it there would be enough possible teachers around to ensure the "art" did not get lost by the death of a single or handful of Pokemon.
This would allow them to teach a considerable population and ensure that Secret Power could be passed down in the future. This part not only applied to the released Pokemon scenarios but also to the ones where the ranger(s) or a passing trainer taught them the move. I caught that I ended up digressing again, so I stopped letting my thoughts wander and considered how to go past the wall section of the secret base.
Secret Power was actually one of the moves that none of my Pokemon knew, even Mothra since I had not really bothered with the move due to Utopia. If I had not possessed a private pocket dimension I would have definitely made sure that my Pokemon knew the move capable of creating hidden bases/spaces nearly anywhere in the wild, but I had Utopia so I didn't. People would argue that Secret Power was still worth learning since the move itself was an adaptable and useful one, but it was also not easy to learn and time intensive, so I had not bothered with it.
This meant that I could not use it to open the wall so to speak, but there were other ways to get there. I could use brute force, but that would be rude and I doubted that the owners of the place would appreciate it. I could dig my through, but that would likely not be appreciated as well. Thankfully, there was still the smoothest option, which was to Teleport over. I just had to let Hades move to the other side and then Teleport to his side. Granted, I would have to move Nyx to Utopia for a bit, but that was no big deal, so I directly followed through.
Once we made it to the other side, I brought Nyx out again, and we went down the tunnel. The tunnel was rather dark, but all of us could see in the dark, so that was not a problem, especially with the bit of greenish light that came from the end of the tunnel. I was assuming that the fighting type that established the base had planted luminous moss for some light, or the chamber was a natural one that it had stumbled upon and the moss had already been present.
Either way, the place was not blanketed in complete darkness, and not airless as well. The tunnel part itself was not long, and just a few meters later we entered the chamber. The room was not that big, 40 m² at most, and the moment we stepped inside the few Pokemon present noticed us as well. There were three Machop and two Machoke, sitting in a circle. They had been talking but stopped when they all turned toward us.
The first thing I did was release my aura, and the effect was nearly immediate thanks to the respect that fighting types felt towards Aura as well as Aura Users. Their suspicion and irritation gave way to pleasant surprise as well as fascination. They did not even ask us how we had come inside but invited us to join them, which we naturally did since I had a few questions. The Machop scooched closer to the Machoke, making room for us, prompting us to sit down across the Machoke.
Machoke was rather polite and waited for us to take our seats before asking me why we had entered their home. It even addressed me as Man of Aura instead of human in the sentence, and seeing no reason to lie I shared that I had noticed multiple fighting types, the Machop on the left included, heading/vanishing into the wall, so I got curiousand decided to investigate where all of them were heading/vanishing to.
That Machop blushed when I singled it out like that, which caused some general chuckling, and the leading Machoke admitted that curiosity was a powerful motivator before spreading its arms and declaring that I had found what I had been looking for. All entrances led to rooms like this. The rooms were used as their homes, which allowed them to retreat to a safe and quiet environment which was beneficial for their rest, recovery, and the less active part of their training.
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