Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 62 - parted ways

Xu Jinrui’s body was still lying in the tomb, Yun Ning and Jiya did not move him.

After all, this was originally Tian Khan’s tomb, and being able to bury it here would not be considered a mistreatment of him.

Xu Jinrui’s backpack was divided between the two. Yun Ning flipped through the contents, except for some changed clothes, it was just some tree fruits.

Although the energy cubes he carries are enough to feed his Baa Li sheep for a month, these fruits still have to be contended for.

This is to show a “I care about these things very much” attitude.

Humans can’t eat tree fruit, but elves can still eat it. When Ji Ya’s Gugu was released to feed several times in the camp, Yun Ning could see it clearly, and it was fed some ordinary human food.

Let the elves eat more fruit, and the human can have an extra ration.

In the end, under Yunning’s “bargaining”, he successfully took away 60% of the fruit.

As a price, Yun Ning gave Xu Jinrui’s notebook to Jiya.

Yun Ning flipped through it and found that the contents of the notebook were not of much use to him. The tactics and the like written in it are really too paediatric for Yun Ning, who often played battle games in his previous life.

But for Gia, this is a valuable piece of knowledge. In the case that this kind of food represents life, she is still willing to take out 10% of the fruit in exchange for notebooks.

Yun Ning has another meaning here, that is, let Ji Ya’s mind keep thinking and running, and there is no time to think about other things, otherwise Yun Ning is really afraid that Ji Ya will suddenly wake up and regret that he wants to kill himself.

It may be that too many things happened today, and Ji Ya’s brain thinking ability has also been significantly reduced.

First was the sandstorm, then the treasure, and then the mouth-cannon link basically burned out Jiya’s brain power, and the final battle stimulated Jiya’s adrenaline. Although she was full of energy during the battle, she would become extremely tired afterwards.

Yun Ning’s plan succeeded mainly because Ji Ya became “not smart”.


The things inside are finished, but the things outside still need to be cleaned up.

Not to mention anything else, the corpse of Xu Jinrui’s little fire horse was extremely conspicuous on the grassland.

If you can’t bury it, it will be easy to be found by the strong people who fly through this sky.

Therefore, after climbing out of the hole, Yun Ning and Jiya began to dig the hole hard, trying to expand the hole to the extent that the little fire horse could fit in.

The little fire horse is dead, so the Poke Ball has no effect on it.

Digging a hole is a long process, and it is also the most dangerous time for Yunning. Because once a person is caught in the monotonous repetitive physical work, the brain will start to think about things.

In order to prevent Jiya from figuring out the details, Yun Ning kept chatting with Jiya while digging the hole.

Use one topic after another to keep Jiya’s brain free.

With a burst of smoke rising, the little fire horse was pushed into the cave by Yun Ning and Jiya.

After simply counting Xu Jinrui’s luggage and dividing the water and food inside, the two threw everything else into the cave.

Looking at the little fire horse in the cave, Yun Ning sighed regretfully.

Unfortunately, this is a spirit. If it is an ordinary horse, it must be dismembered as food.

The elemental energy in the elves is simply beyond what humans can digest.

Only a few kinds of elves can become food for humans, but unfortunately, the little fire horse is not one of them.

After making sure that everything related to Xu Jinrui was thrown into the cave, the two began to fill the cave. After this set, the sun has almost climbed to the horizon.

Having not slept all night, and having experienced an anxious battle, Yun Ning felt that his body was sore and he couldn’t lift up any strength.

But now was obviously not the time to rest, Yun Ning pinched himself hard, got a little bit of energy, and couldn’t wait to get on Jiya’s little fire horse and start running wildly south.

Ji Ya didn’t do what he thought, thinking that Yun Ning was afraid of not having enough food, so he raced against time.

After a brief breakfast, he also rode his little fire horse and ran to the southwest.

Now Gia, she just hates herself for not training her riding skills hard. It is rumored that during the days of the Khan, when his army swept across the continent, they all slept on horseback. Therefore, it is possible to make the feat of running a thousand miles.

“Perhaps, after I go back, I should exercise my riding skills well?”

Ji Ya thought in her heart.


This whole day, Yun Ning was bumping on horseback, and he didn’t dare to stop and waste time. It was not until night came that he stopped and began to rest.

Yun Ning summoned Baa Li Yang and asked Baa Li Yang to keep a vigil for him. This is also something that can’t be helped. During the daytime, he and the little fire horse need to hurry, and they can’t rest at all, while the Baa Li sheep can sleep in the poke ball.

Although the Baa Li sheep is not a nocturnal animal, and usually does not stay up late to cultivate immortals, UU reading www.uukanshu.com However, in an extraordinary period, he can only force it to change his living habits.

Originally, Yun Ning was thinking about how to tempt and buy Baa Li Yang, but before Yun Ning opened his mouth, Baa Li Yang took the initiative to stand up and express his willingness to watch the night for Yun Ning.

Yun Ning looked relieved, but he never expected that Baa Li Yang, who was too lazy to walk, would become so sensible.

He touched the head of the Baa Li sheep, just like an old father touching his son who has finally grown up and sensible.


Baa Li sheep narrowed her eyes comfortably, enjoying her master’s stroking.

After the stroking was over, Yun Ning took out the moo milk from the backpack.

This is an excellent nutritional product that can be used not only by elves, but also by humans.

Yun Ning brought the moo milk to Little Fire Horse’s mouth and began to feed Little Fire Horse.

Little Fire Horse looked at Yun Ning in disbelief, never expecting that his temporary master would be so kind to him.

It has lived in the Chiat pasture for a long time, and naturally understands the value of moo milk. The original owner seldom drank, and only brought out some to entertain guests when they came to the house. I didn’t expect to be able to drink today.

Little Fire Horse snorted and began to enjoy this rare delicacy.

Yun Ning had no choice. After all, he still expected others to bring him back to human society. The little fire horse actually only ran for half a day today, and the rest of the time was walking slowly.

No way, after all, physical strength is limited.

Today is to prevent Ji Ya from suddenly awakening and chasing after him, so Yun Ning ordered the little fire horse to run wildly regardless of the cost, hoping to distance himself from Ji Ya. And tomorrow, we can’t use this kind of horse racing.


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