Pokemon: A Great Responsibility From Heaven

v2 Chapter 52 - Gia\\\'s past

“What should I do? What should I do? If I don’t fight back, I will die!”

Yun Ning was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan, and his mind began to run fast.

“Jiya, are you willing to live with such a despicable person for the rest of your life? Aren’t you afraid that he will kill you in the future after he develops? For a person like him, it is his lifelong pursuit to be promoted, rich, and dead wife? How do you ensure that Wouldn’t he marry other great aristocrats to speed up the development of his own family after he became stronger?”

Yun Ning tried his best to explain the truth to Jiya, hoping that the other party would be on his side.

“Feel sorry…”

Ji Ya didn’t dare to look directly into Yun Ning’s eyes, and turned to look elsewhere.


Yun Ning roared.

“You are a good person, which may be related to the fact that you have lived in a happy family since childhood. Although your family may not be very rich, at least you don’t need to live like a slave. Therefore, you have not been beaten by society. And still keep a pure heart.”

“But, I’m different. I’m the daughter of a herdsman. Our family has lived by grazing for the Chiat family for generations, not only me, but also my descendants. They have been destined since birth. It’s doomed.”

Ji Ya’s voice was a little low, obviously recalling the tragic past.

“Didn’t you say that the Chiat family wouldn’t waste their lives?”

Yun Ning looked at Jiya in shock.

“It’s true that they won’t kill us, but that doesn’t mean they can’t control our fate. If you want to give an example, the current situation on the grasslands is roughly equivalent to your inland dynasty period. We are like slaves to the master’s family, The Lord can do anything to us. But our lives are guaranteed by the law. In ancient times, the king guaranteed our right to life, but in modern times, it is the confederation of elves.”

Jiya laughed mockingly and said:

“What’s more, who would kill their slaves at every turn? Just like your inland peasants, would they kill their own Kentaro at every turn? Slaves are used to create wealth, not to kill for fun.”

“Then… can’t you escape?”

“Escape? Where do we go? Who dares to take us in? There is a system on the grasslands similar to your household registration system in the mainland. All our herdsmen are registered. Once they have this identity, they will replace It is passed down from generation to generation. Of course, it is declared that our identity is their herdsmen, not slaves. After all, it is already a modern society, and the word slave is too ugly. “

“And it is precisely because of the existence of this system that when we go to the mainland where everyone has household registration, it will be like a torch lit in the dark, very conspicuous, no matter what we do, we will be discovered, unless we never use public Service. Otherwise, once you step through the door of the elf center, scan your identity and you will be discovered.”

Jiya sneered: “Modern high-tech is really convenient.”

“But, can’t you still come out to study and work?”

“What’s so strange about this? Isn’t the purpose of people enslaving us for profit? As long as we pay enough money every year, people will naturally not care what we do.”

“Could it be… that there is no way to get rid of this identity?” Yun Ning did not expect that the persecution of herdsmen on the grasslands would be so severe.

“Of course there is, that is to become a senior trainer!”

Gia took out a necklace from her chest with a small photo frame hanging on it. Gently stroking the photos inside, he said:

“Back then, my elder brother kept participating in missions issued by the alliance in order to free our family from the status of herdsmen, in order to obtain more resources and become a senior trainer as soon as possible. As a result, he unfortunately died in an elf riot. .”

“You… brother?” Yun Ning suddenly said: “The senior you mentioned in the camp that night is your real brother? But didn’t you say that he didn’t care about his mother and sister in order to improve his own strength? You are not Are you saying he’s selfish?”

“Otherwise? You already guessed that he has a relationship with me at the time. Naturally, I wanted to add something else to make you think crooked.” Jiya said as it should.

“Our herdsmen’s marriage cannot be decided by themselves. When we get married, the Lord’s family will ask us to sign a contract, requiring that our descendants will also become their herdsmen. Therefore, basically no outsiders will marry us, and no one will. I want my children to be slaves when they are born, so our herdsmen have been intermarrying with herdsmen for thousands of years.”

“However, once we become a senior trainer, this contract will be voided. At that time, we only need to pay a lump sum to the Chiat family, and then we can [redemption]. Although this amount of money is a lot, it is very important for senior trainers. For trainers, it’s not unacceptable.”

“This is also a method of the grassland family. After all, blocking is worse than sparseness. UU reading www.uukanshu.com gives people a hope that they will fight for this goal, and will not want to commit suicide or rebel.”

“And as long as I cooperate with Xu Jinrui, I can get three ways to make energy cubes. Even if advanced energy cubes cannot be learned, there are still elementary and intermediate ones. As long as I learn one way to make energy cubes, I have hope. Quickly become an advanced trainer and shed your pastoral status.”

“But, why did you marry him? Aren’t you afraid of such a person?”

Yun Ning is still trying to win over Ji Ya.

“Sorry, I think what Xu Jinrui said is right. The most effective covenant in this world is marriage. Everyone is an adult, so there is no need to fantasize about the so-called love, not to mention that for a herdsman like me, there is no need to There is so-called love.”

Gia paused for a while and continued:

“As long as I can let my descendants get rid of this identity, I don’t think marrying him is nothing. After all, even if it is the daughter of the Chiat family, wouldn’t you have to accept the political marriage arranged by the family obediently? Let alone me With this kind of status, if you want to become a high-ranking person, you have to bear the corresponding price. And the price for me is to marry a person who has pursued me, and I don’t think it’s a loss.”

Yun Ning found a loophole in Ji Ya’s words and said:

“But then, wouldn’t it be the same for you to marry me?”

Xu Jinrui was nodding his head, but when he heard Yun Ning’s words, he hurriedly shouted:

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

Yun Ning did not pretend to Xu Jinrui, but said to Xu Jinrui:

“I said, if it is based on this principle, then it is the same for Jiya to marry me. I marry Jiya, and I will form a new family with her. Why do I have to choose you?”

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