Pirates: The First Family

Chapter 6

After a long time, the two of them were busy.

In the next few days.

Nami stayed in Cocoyasi Village to rest.

During this period, she also let go of Zoro and Usopp who were captured by the Dragon Pirates.

She didn't expect these guys to catch up with her and wanted her to go to sea with them, which was of course impossible.

Being a pirate was not her wish. She had more important things to do. She only needed 7 million Baileys to fulfill her promise with Captain Arlong.

Redeem the village, return the village's freedom, and the villagers' freedom. This was the only thing she had to do.

Then she was ready to set off again.

After all, she was only a little short of it. She had rested well. As long as she tried harder, 7 million berries would be a little difficult for her, but it was not a big problem. With her skilled means, she was very confident that she could get it done in one go.

Once she collected 100 million berries, she could fulfill the agreement with Captain Arlong.

He believed that he would not break the agreement, he once said.

"Rather than letting me break the financial agreement, it is better for me to commit suicide immediately. I am such a man."

So Nami was sure that the other party would not break the agreement. As long as she collected 100 million berries to fulfill the agreement, she could redeem the village.

The village could be liberated, and she could also leave the Dragon Pirates.

The first thing to do was to entrust Minato.

Stealing the treasure of the pirate group was too dangerous. She could only protect herself by herself. If she brought another burden, the difficulty would increase sharply.

So she naturally did not bring Minato.

And in the village, only Nokiko would help her.

After all, she is her sister.

With Minato, she came to Nokigo's house.

Nokigo looked at Nami and a strange child curiously.

This child had never been seen in the village, so he should not be from the village.

She asked curiously.

"Nami, did you bring this child back to the village?"

"Yes, she was drifting on the sea alone, so I brought her back."

"I will take her to find her brother later."

Nami explained.

"You also know that I still have work to do, which is quite dangerous. It is not convenient to take care of a child."

"Can you please take care of it for me?"

She did not tell her sister that she was still short of 7 million Baileys.

In that case, her sister would definitely risk her life to help her, but her sister was not like her, who made a living as a thief, and normally could not get so much money.

It is easier to make money by yourself, just go there again.

Nokiko felt a little distressed. She certainly knew what it meant. Nami was going out to steal the treasure of the pirate group again.

But her sister couldn't help at all.

She felt extremely guilty.

How could she not help with such a small favor?

"Okay, Nami, keep the child here."

"I'll take care of it."

"Really, this is a cute child."

Minato was a little unhappy at this time.

"I don't want to be separated from sister Nami."

"Sister Nami, just take me with you. I will never hold you back. I'm very strong."

She felt that sister Nami seemed to treat her as a burden, which made her a little dissatisfied.

Although her strength was the bottom in the family, it didn't mean that she was weak, okay?

Nami was unhappy after hearing this, and said solemnly.

"Minato, what my sister is going to do is very dangerous. You'd better not intervene. Just stay here obediently."

"It won't be long before my sister comes back."

For her, that kind of thing has been done for 10 years, and the probability of failure is almost zero, but if she brings such a child, the probability of something going wrong will be infinitely high, which is what she doesn't want to see.

Of course, she didn't listen to Minato's words.

Even if she is so strong, how strong can she be? Just a child, and a girl.

Nokigao said comfortingly.

"That's right, just listen to your sister Nami, stay here at ease, I will take good care of you."

Minato was of course very unhappy, but she didn't say it again, because she seemed to have found the key point.

That is the important thing that sister Nami has to do. As long as she helps her solve it, then she can legitimately take care of it.

Did she go back to the family?

Then her father would be very happy, and he would not pursue her crime of running away.

Just ask Nojiko later, and then catch up with sister Nami.

Nami saw that Minato was no longer noisy, and she felt relieved.

"You stay here from today, I will go back to pack up and prepare to go out to sea."

At this time, she suddenly heard a noisy sound outside.

"Look, the navy is coming."

"Why is the navy here? Are they here to defeat the evil dragon gang?"

A navy man wearing a navy hat, a mouse-like beard, and small eyes walked slowly into the village with a dozen navy men.

He looked at all the villagers present.

A man wearing a brown military uniform and a hat with a windmill on his head immediately stepped forward and asked.

"Excuse me, are you here to attack the evil dragon pirates?"

Hearing the navy colonel of the evil dragon pirates raised his eyebrows.

What a joke, he doesn't have the ability to attack that guy Arlong, this time Arlong just asked him to rob Nami of 100 million Baileys.

He said with a smile.

"I'm here to find Nami. You look like the village police here, take me to Nami's residence."

Village policeman Ajian was stunned. He was actually here to find Nami.

"Excuse me, Mr. Navy, what's the matter with looking for Nami?"

Nami is Bellemere's adopted daughter.

He still cares a lot. He naturally knows that Nami has been running around to get 100 million Baileys, and even became a thief at sea.

The navy captain snorted unhappily.

"This is none of your business, just lead the way honestly."

Ajian didn't dare to resist, after all, he was just a small village police.

The navy shouldn't bother Nami.

After all, most of what she stole were the treasures of pirates.

He did hear some information from Nojigo, and of course this was exactly what he was worried about.

Although other pirate groups were not as terrifying as the Dragon Pirates, those who could become pirates were cruel and ruthless after all.

"Okay, I'll lead the way for you now."

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