Pirates: My name is Luffy

Chapter 22

"Stinky Straw Hat!

Don't treat me as a tradeable object, bastard!

It's not for an old man like him to decide where I go!"

Before Zeff could say anything, Sanji, who was standing behind the crowd, rushed out cursing, glared at Luffy, took a puff of cigarette, and said calmly:

"Also, we can handle that Crick ourselves!"

Zeff and the others looked at Luffy in astonishment. They now understood that the purpose of these young men was not simple.

Moreover, their strength was probably not simple either!

After hearing the name and bounty of Admiral Crick, they still dared to say such things. They were either stupid or really capable.

Obviously, this young man should belong to the latter.

After hearing Sanji's words, Luffy shrugged and said:

"Then you can try it yourself later.

You may be able to solve it yourself, but there may be many casualties.

Red-footed Zhepu has now lost one leg. In addition, he has not trained for many years, his body is aging, and his strength has declined. He is no match for Klick. He is OK for dealing with some small fry, but I don't think he can solve the battle against Klick and his group of more than 100 people.

As for you,...

You can't even beat Akin right now, let alone Crick.

You have 20 to 30 chefs on board now, are you sure you can kill Crick's more than 100 minions?

Very blue."

Having said that, Luffy looked around at everyone present, then turned to look at Sanji, who had a grim expression, and said:

"Sanji, you are so smart that you can't fail to see this, right?

Or do you want to watch the place where you grew up being completely destroyed?

And then watch Zeff and these companions walk into the abyss of destruction with you! ?"

""That's enough!"

Sanji interrupted Luffy with a gloomy face. There was no way Luffy's words were too hurtful. If he continued to say that, he would surrender before the fight even started.

After looking at Zeff and the others, Sanji turned to Luffy and said coldly:

"So can you defeat Crick?

Just the four of you?

How can you face more than a hundred people like Crick?"

Nami raised her hand and said:

"Don't count me in, there are only three of them."

Usopp also raised his hand and said:

"And me, and me, don’t count me in, there are only the two of them."

Zoro kicked Usopp on the head and cursed:

"Show some courage, asshole!"

"It hurts, Zoro, you bastard!"


The tense atmosphere in the restaurant was immediately broken by Usopp and Nami, and the chefs burst into laughter.

Luffy also laughed. Sanji looked at them speechlessly.

He didn't understand for a moment whether they were thick-skinned or had holes in their brains.

Can you be more serious?

Nami, however, held her chin with one hand and smiled at Sanji, Zeff and the others:

"Don't be fooled by their unreliable appearance, they are definitely very strong.

I have been with Luffy and his friends since Shields Town.

As the most famous Shanghai restaurant in the East China Sea, you must know something about Shields Town, right?"

Hearing this, the laughter in the hall fell silent.

Zeff narrowed his eyes and looked at Nami and said:

"Little girl, if I remember correctly, it is the sea area ruled by the cruel naval captain Monka?"


Nami spread her hands and said:

"Monka has been defeated by Luffy and may be on his way to Impel Down.

And Buggy, the clown who ate the Split Devil Fruit, was also defeated by Luffy."

She pointed at Zoro and said:

"A week ago, we encountered the Black Cat Pirates in West Rob Village.

Zoro took only 5 minutes to kill 4 Black Cat Pirates leaders including Baiji Kuro.

There were also dozens of pirates who were killed by Luffy and Usopp.

This was only because Luffy wanted Zoro to practice more, otherwise they might not be able to hold out for 5 minutes."


Everyone in the restaurant gasped when they heard this.

They looked at Luffy and the other four in disbelief.

Is this possible?

Dozens of pirates were killed in 5 minutes?

Including the captain and the officers?


Wait, Hundred-Kuro?

Everyone in the restaurant pondered.

Sanji dropped the cigarette in his mouth to the ground, and he was also a little bit unbelieving.

"That's right! It was me and Luffy who teamed up to kill more than 50 pirates from the Black Cat Pirates!"

Usopp immediately became alert, clenched his fists and pointed his thumbs at himself with a proud look on his face.

Zeff raised his eyebrows and said:

"That's not right. I remember that the Black Cat Pirates were defeated by Monka.

Why did you mention Baike Kuro just now?"

Luffy smiled and said:

"Seeing is believing.

Kuro's strength is far beyond what Monka can compare to.

If Kuro didn't want to be famous and just wanted to live the life of a rich man, I'm afraid there would be a real pirate with a bounty of over 30 million in the East China Sea.

You know, Kuro has mastered"Shave", one of the six styles of the Navy that can only be learned by the elite of the Navy Headquarters. This is not something that ordinary pirates with a bounty of less than 30 million can deal with.

Of course, his strength is definitely much worse than that of Senior Zepp when he was young.

But for the East China Sea, he is already a great pirate."


Hearing Luffy's words, there was another commotion in the restaurant.

Sanji's eyes were a little shaken.

Is that Baiji Kuro so strong?

He turned his head and looked at the old man next to him.

Zepp's eyes widened slightly, looking at Luffy with a serious expression and said:

"If what you said is true, then Baiji Kro is really a terrible person. He even shaved his head.......What!"

At this moment, everyone in the restaurant heard a"swish" sound, and Luffy, who was originally sitting at the table, disappeared.

When he appeared the next moment, he was already between Sanji and Zeff, holding their shoulders and smiling:

"Now, do you still doubt our strength?

You know, Zoro can do this trick too."


Everyone was startled again, and turned to look in the direction of the sound.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Sanji was also extremely shocked.

But Zeff seemed very calm, turned his head and looked Luffy up and down, nodded seriously and said:

"You guys even know one of the Marine Headquarters' special moves?

That's really amazing!

But since you're also a pirate, you should know that as a pirate, dignity is sometimes more important than life!

So, even if it means risking our lives, we will choose to defend our dignity."

Oh oh oh————

The chefs in the restaurant suddenly shouted excitedly.

"Why not do something that can have the best of both worlds?"

Luffy tilted his head and looked at Zeff, and said calmly:

"I can understand that you insist on taking them with you to die.

But Sanji can't be with you forever, right?

Sanji is my partner, so you are my friends, right?

Isn't it normal for friends to help each other?


Do you want to die so much?

Most of the people around you are young people with great prospects. Who can you be worthy of by taking them to die?

Are you worthy of these young people who are working hard with you to learn cooking skills, or are you worthy of their parents and families who have left behind?

The tree wants to be still but the wind does not stop, the son wants to take care of his parents but they are no longer there. Can you understand this kind of pain?

Don't tell me they are all orphans?

Then I can only say that you are awesome, old man.


Are you pretending to be with me?

Do you understand the power of moral kidnapping?

With this punch of morals from me, anyone with a conscience will have to obey obediently, right?

After hearing Luffy's words, the passionate young chefs in the restaurant were immediately poured with a bucket of cold water.

The tree wants to be still but the wind does not stop; the son wants to support his parents but they are not waiting?

Why does this sound so reasonable and so heartbreaking?

Zeff's face twitched, and his two big beards were shaking slightly. Where was the momentum that he had just shown when a mountain collapsed in front of him without panic?

Sanji was different. His original shock had subsided, and he looked at the young man next to him seriously.

Such cultivation and conversation are no worse than that of a prince, right?

Why would such a person be a pirate?

He was really getting more and more curious about the Straw Hat Pirates.


Zhepu sighed and said:

"What you said makes sense.

But I can't influence Sanji's decision.

Everything needs his willingness."

Luffy laughed, put his arm around Sanji's shoulders and said:

"Don't worry, old man. Sanji is definitely volunteering.

Right, Sanji?

You don't want Grandpa Zeff and his friends to be killed by Click and his gang, right? You have no other choice but to join me.

Otherwise, you wouldn't have deliberately made that attempt just now, right?"

Sanji's body shook, and he turned his head sharply to look at Luffy.

You call this voluntary, right?

Zeff and the chefs in the restaurant twitched their mouths.

Sanji took a deep look at Luffy. He now had a new understanding of this captain.

Not only is he strong in strength and language skills, but his eyesight is even more sharp!

Why would such a person become a pirate?

Sanji couldn't help but wonder again.

Then he really asked:


Why would someone like you choose to be a pirate?————

As soon as Sanji said this, everyone turned to look at Luffy.

Even Nami, Zoro and Usopp looked at Luffy curiously.

They also wanted to know why Luffy chose to be a pirate?

"Of course it's the Pirate Flag that's calling me! Well~ Although I want to say that, it's obviously not the case."

Luffy raised his hand to hold down his straw hat and turned to look outside and said:

"I'll tell you about this problem after I solve the current problem."

Everyone understood what he said, and their faces immediately became nervous and they all turned to look outside.

At this time, the sunlight at the entrance of the restaurant had been completely blocked.

Through the window, a huge ship could be seen outside the window.

Zhepu's face changed and he immediately shouted:

"Paddy and Kalnie, put down your fins quickly and don't let this place become a battlefield!"

""Yes, Boss!"

The two men yelled and immediately rushed into the kitchen and pressed the machine expansion.————

Then, Crick and his companions on the approaching ship saw the fins slowly rising, expanding into two flat areas of 20 to 30 meters on the sea surface.

Crick on the ship laughed loudly when he saw this:


In that case, I like this ship even more!

If you don't want to leave, then don't leave!

Red-footed Zhepu, I just forgot to say.

You have a sailing diary for the Grand Line, right?

It happens, just give it to me.

Otherwise, I will kill everyone on your ship!"

"Kill them all!!!"

As Crick finished speaking, the more than 100 pirates standing behind him shouted excitedly.

Zeff and Luffy had already walked out of the restaurant and came to the expanded platform.

Crick saw that the group of chefs around Zeff were holding weapons, and he frowned and shouted:

" Very good, if you want to resist the great Captain Crick, you must be prepared to die!

Ajin, go down and teach them a lesson!


Akin, who was standing next to Click, had a dark face and could not say a word. He just jumped onto the platform silently and looked at Sanji who was standing in the front with a struggling expression.

"Jin, you are ready to die, right?"

Sanji stepped forward and looked at him:

"If you dare to attack my restaurant, I don’t care who you are!"

"Mr. Sanji!"

Ajin covered his face in pain.

He really couldn't do it to his savior, but he had to obey the captain's order.


Ajin, what are you dawdling about?

Hurry up and get rid of this guy!"

Crick on the boat looked coldly at Ajin below.

Ajin turned his head and looked at Crick with a struggling expression and said:

"Admiral Kekeke, he is my savior and our savior!"


Click turned his head sharply and looked at Ajin and shouted in a deep voice:

"Ah Jin, do you know what you are saying?

Anyone who doesn't obey the captain's orders on the sea is a waste!

Since you don't obey my orders, then go to hell!"

Crack, crack, crack, crack.————

After Klick finished speaking, without saying anything, eight gun barrels appeared around him and aimed at Ajin and fired directly!

Ajin was stunned. He never thought that his captain would shoot as soon as he said so. He was stunned for a while, with no intention of resisting at all.

"Ah Jin!!!"

Sanji's expression also changed and he shouted:


Get out of the way! What are you doing?————

But just when everyone was staring at this scene with wide eyes, thinking that Ajin was going to be killed, an arm that stretched out 20 to 30 meters in length instantly grabbed Ajin's head and pulled him directly to the restaurant.


As Ajin's body fell in front of Luffy, everyone stared at Luffy with wide eyes in disbelief. For a moment, both sides fell into a brief silence for a few seconds. At the same time as both sides were silent, Luffy's calm voice rang out in the room:

"Those who don't obey the captain's orders at sea are indeed trash, but those who don't even have gratitude and bottom line are even worse than trash!"


Luffy's words immediately pulled everyone back from their shock, and immediately caused an uproar, and at the same time, their expressions when looking at Luffy also changed.

"What's wrong with that guy? Why can his arms stretch so long?"

"Hey, hey, hey, am I dazzled?"

"If someone has no gratitude or bottom line, then he is worse than trash? Straw Hat Boy said it well!"

"Is he one of the legendary long-arm tribe? Is that why his hands can be so long?"

"Idiot! What long-arm tribe! This guy must have eaten the legendary sea treasure.————Devil Fruit!"

"What!? Devil Fruit! Does this thing really exist?"

Just as everyone was discussing, Click's loud laughter rang out, interrupting everyone's discussion:


Kid, you are almost making me laugh to death!

What bottom line?

What gratitude?

Is that kind of thing important?

In this era, only the strong can dominate everything!

Stupid kid!"

Luffy took a step forward, looked at Click and smiled:



As long as I am stronger than you, can I rule you like a dog?"

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