Pirates: I am your father

Chapter 26 The Journey of Love—The Beginning

"Mom, you pretend to be in love with him for a few days, and then reject him!"

In the room, Prometheus said to Charlotte Lingling who was dressing up, "It's best to humiliate him severely before leaving and let him deceive the great Prometheus."

Prometheus has always been brooding over the day Roy used it to find Charlotte Lingling through deception.

"Well, Prometheus, I know. You go out first. It's your first date in your life. I'll dress up properly."

Charlotte Lingling was a little annoyed with Prometheus and drove it out directly.

On the other side, Hashirama also asked Roy, "Under the Roy Temple, what will happen if Charlotte Lingling rejects you in the end?"

Hashirama was a creature of the system, and he vaguely knew that Roy had a mission.

"Then catch it again."


"Didn't you agree to let them go?" Zhu Jian was a little confused.

"Let him go and then catch him."

. . . . . .

"Hey, Roy, are you ready to take me somewhere to play?"

Today, Charlotte Lingling is wearing a pink gauze short-sleeved dress, revealing her flawless white arms, wearing light makeup and a pink sun hat.

After meeting Roy, he couldn't wait to ask.

"Of course, I have made a series of plans, which have been named "Journey of Love."


As soon as Roy finished speaking, Zeus and Prometheus beside Charlotte Lingling burst into laughter.As for Hashirama, he is professionally trained and generally does not smile.

"Journey of love, hahaha~"


Zeus and Prometheus were laughing a second ago, but Charlotte Lingling gave them a hammer each.

"To shut up!"

Regarding Roy's "Love Journey" plan, Charlotte Lingling not only didn't find it funny, but actually found it a bit romantic.

Roy had expected this, otherwise he wouldn't have said such an embarrassing name on purpose.He carefully recalled Charlotte Lingling in the original work. Whether it was a child or the period of the Four Emperors, Charlotte Lingling showed a childlike innocence.

He likes desserts, fun, and interesting toys.Everything on the cake island also presents a dreamy and childlike scene.

Therefore, Roy felt that if he wanted to achieve success with Charlotte Lingling within a long time, he had to adapt to her preferences and grasp this characteristic.

"We have already been in Leicester, the city of food, for a while, so we don't need to play here anymore. Our first stop is amusement park not far from Leicester - Playground Island."

Upon hearing this, Charlotte Lingling, Zeus, and Prometheus cheered instantly, they liked this.

"I have heard about the amusement park island, but unfortunately I have never had the chance to play it. It seems that today I can finally realize my wish."

After leaving the baguette to check the shop, Roy, Hashirama and Charlotte Lingling set off towards the amusement park island together.The group of people didn't need to take a boat and flew directly along the record pointer.

When Charlotte Lingling came to this playground island, it was like her first time visiting Leicester, the city of gourmet food, and her eyes lit up.

"Woohoo~, I want to play that, I want to play that."

"This is so interesting. I want to play this and play this."

"That one is good, that one is good too."

Sure enough, we came to the right place.Although Roy is not a love master, he also understands that in the process of love, you need to take a girl out to play, especially the place she likes, and you can develop feelings while having fun.

Roy took Charlotte Lingling to play with the Ferris wheel, bumper cars, roller coasters and other attractions. At this time, she seemed not to be a feared pirate, but a young girl with a childlike heart.

During this period, she also had a small unhappiness. She wanted to ride the carousel, but she couldn't ride it because she was too tall. Roy had to buy her a cart of ice cream to persuade her.

By the way, Zeus and Prometheus, who laughed at Roy's "love journey" in the morning, also went crazy. As for Hashirama, he said that the uncle didn't like to play with it.

The group of people played until three or four in the afternoon, but they still had not had enough fun.

"Roy, there are a lot of people over there. They seem interesting. Let's go and have a look."

Roy found that Charlotte Lingling was similar to the future Luffy. They both liked to eat, drink and have fun, were very nervous and loved to watch the excitement.

When Roy and the others squeezed through the crowd, they discovered that a sailing competition was being held here.

"It's a game, it's so awesome, I want to play too, Roy."

When Charlotte Lingling heard that it was a competition, her eyes immediately lit up and she clamored to participate.

"Hey, beauty, the competition is about to start now. If you missed the registration time, you can't participate. However, you can take my boat. How about I take you to play? Hahahahaha!"

A tall figure appeared behind Roy and Charlotte Lingling.

Charlotte Lingling is about eight or nine meters tall, and although this guy looks a lot shorter than Lingling, he still looks like five or six meters tall.And it is very strong, like a little giant among the crowd.

But in the eyes of Charlotte Lingling, he is just a bigger ant.

When Charlotte Lingling heard the ant teasing her, she wanted to slap the guy to death on the spot, but Roy reached out to stop him.

Just kidding, how could Roy let go of this plot when a gangster teases her, the male protagonist slaps her in the face to show off, and then captures the female protagonist's heart.

"Who said we can't participate?" Roy pulled Charlotte Lingling and walked to a contestant who was inspecting the hull of the boat. "I'll give you 5000 million Baileys and sell me your boat and contestant qualifications. "

With the help of money, Roy and Charlotte Lingling quickly qualified for the competition and boarded a small boat to prepare for the competition.

"I don't see that you are quite rich, but this kind of competition is very dangerous and not suitable for young masters and ladies like you, hahahahaha."

The tall man also boarded the boat next to Roy and smiled mockingly at Roy and Charlotte Lingling.Roy's slap in the face just now made him unhappy, so he decided to give them a good look during the game.

In this regard, Roy restrained Charlotte Lingling and expressed a warm welcome to her. If the other party used tricks, he would get what he wanted.

Soon, with a "bang", the game officially started.

Roy has never rowed a boat, and Charlotte Lingling may have rowed a boat but is probably not familiar with it. Their skills are far inferior to those of other players who often participate in this kind of competition.

But as the saying goes, great strength can work miracles. The two of them combined are not afraid of even the Four Emperors. How can ordinary people who are just a little stronger at most compare with them.

Soon, with the two of them paddling with all their strength, Roy and the others were suddenly far away from each other.There were only three small boats that could barely keep up with them, and among them was the tall and strong man.

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