Pirates: I am your father

Chapter 179 Untitled 26 (replacing the chapter, no need to read)

It can be seen that the consumption limit of 10-15 yuan accounts for the highest proportion, accounting for 64.19%. This is not only because most of the takeout prices are within this price range, but also the minimum amount for starting delivery. Secondly, this is also The price of a meal is acceptable to college students, so that they can eat well without causing too much burden.Next are 16-20 yuan and less than 10 yuan, accounting for 17.67% and 14.42% respectively. The price of 16-20 yuan is relatively more expensive, but you can have a relatively hearty meal at this price. The quality and quantity of the following takeaways are relatively poor, so there will be relatively few choices at this price range.The lowest proportion is those over 10 yuan, accounting for only 20%. First of all, this price is a bit expensive for most college students. Secondly, the take-out portion and quality at this price are definitely relatively luxurious. It can be eaten in one meal. Less than this amount can easily lead to waste.

Within 30-60 minutes is the time most students receive takeout. This is not only related to the time stipulation of takeout delivery and the distance between the place where they order takeout and the school, but also the most acceptable meal delivery time for students, as high as 62.33%. .Most of the orders within 30 minutes are because they are ordering on-campus takeout. Since the distance is relatively close, the delivery time is naturally relatively fast.We can also see from the picture that when the meal delivery time exceeds an hour, there are relatively few. This will not only break the students' waiting bottom line, but also affect students' secondary orders from the merchant to a certain extent.From this, we can make a small suggestion to the food delivery industry: shorten the food delivery time as much as possible. The longer the food delivery time is, the greater the loss of customers will be.

From the analysis of survey results, we can find that among the reasons for ordering takeout, the proportion of those who are too lazy to buy is as high as 64.65%.This is not only related to the distribution of grades of our respondents, but also to the amount of free time.Dining hall food is generally the main reason for ordering takeout. Since I have been in college for several years, I have already become familiar with or tired of the taste of canteen food. Moreover, college students come from all over the country, and the tastes vary greatly from place to place. The canteen cannot meet different needs. , and the single dining model on campus has become one of the reasons for ordering takeout.Students also have a serious herd mentality. They all think that if their roommates order, I will order, so the proportion is also high, accounting for 26.05%.The proportion of people ordering takeout because they are busy with studies or playing games and other matters also accounts for 27.44%.In addition, due to various reasons, operators have found major potential business opportunities in college students, and various takeaways have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Competition among the takeout industries has prompted the ensuing confrontation in order to expand the market and improve customer loyalty. Various price discounts for college students are also the reason why college students order takeout. Therefore, the proportion of ordering takeout because of the discounted price also accounts for 12.09%.

It can be seen that the largest number of students order takeout for lunch, accounting for 69.3%. Generally, if students have many courses, they have classes in the morning and afternoon, and their lunch break time is limited, so in order to save time, they will choose to order takeout, and they also buy meals at noon. During peak periods, ordering takeout is undoubtedly the best choice, so most students will choose to order takeout for lunch, and 66.05% for dinner. Generally, it may be because there are no classes in the afternoon and they are unwilling to go out to eat, so they choose to order takeout.Secondly, during late night snacks and breakfast, relatively few people order takeout during these two periods, accounting for 21.86% and 11.63% respectively.Finally, other time periods accounted for only 3.72%.Therefore, merchants can prepare more takeaways during the noon and evening periods to avoid shortage.

It can be seen that when ordering takeout, the highest importance is placed on the quality of food, accounting for 71.63%. This has a great relationship with students' daily dietary requirements and is also the most direct eating experience.The second most important thing is the hygienic conditions. After all, this affects the eating experience of the food. If the hygienic conditions are not up to par, few people will be willing to choose it. After all, there is a possibility of stomach discomfort after eating.Price accounts for 42.33%. If the price is more in line with students' consumption level and the quality is good when ordering takeout, this will become the standard for students to choose.As for the delivery time, it accounts for 40.93%. For students, of course, they want to order takeout quickly and conveniently, without spending too much time and energy. If it takes too long, their patience will be worn away.Finally, others accounted for 2.79%

It can be seen that students order many types of takeaways, and their preference for types also has certain rules. Students’ favorite takeaway type is rice.This has great regional characteristics. Rice is basically the staple food in Guangdong, and local students make choices based on their eating habits.Noodles account for 53.02%, which is also a relatively large proportion. Many students from other provinces are accustomed to eating noodles. Of course, there are also local students who want to try a different taste. The taste is also good, so it is a good choice for students.Followed by snacks, accounting for 26.51%.This is generally not a food that is often eaten. It will be used as a choice to improve the diet, and occasionally there will be such a choice.Next are porridge and snacks, accounting for 25.58% and 20.93% respectively. These are generally not staple foods, and porridge is mainly used for breakfast. Students generally buy it by themselves instead of ordering takeout.Desserts are usually eaten in the store.Finally, others accounted for 3.72%

It can be seen that the most attractive discount activity is full discounts, accounting for 73.02%, because full discounts are the most direct and convenient benefits, allowing buyers to directly feel the benefits.Followed by limited-time special offers, accounting for 60.47%, this can also give buyers a discount to a certain extent.Then there are discount coupons and gifts for purchases, which are 13.49% and 10.7% respectively.These two offers do not have a direct impact and will bring less feelings.The last one is others, accounting for 4.19%.

The requirements for improving takeout are closely related to the needs of college students and the behavior of merchants. From the chart, we can see that price rationalization is what students most want to improve, accounting for 58.6%. After all, they are all students in school. I hope the price is more in line with my daily consumption level.Next is increasing portion size and improving food delivery speed, accounting for almost the same proportion, 51.63% and 51.16% respectively, followed by improving sanitary conditions, accounting for 40.47%, and then improving service attitude, accounting for 28.37%.Finally, there are other aspects, accounting for 4.65%.Merchants can get inspiration from this and make more rational improvements based on the needs of college students, thereby achieving better development.

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