Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 916

Vol 2 Chapter 96: Final Battle 1

Teams of men in black have gathered from all corners of the city to gather for this century. The special unit responsible for protecting the safety of the Tianlong people has quite a strong strength. The heroic deeds that people at sea are talking about, when they attacked Mary Joa, they encountered a very difficult opponent. It is the master of this organization who exists only to protect the Tianlong people. The responsibilities are more pure. Of course, the strength and power will be relatively weak, but for this reason, this organization still has quite a lot of power.

They are the biggest opponents that the Fire Dragon Pirates will face when they invade the Heavenly King.


Anilu tilted her head and asked.

“In addition to fighting, is there a second option?”

The chef laughed.

“But if we fight in this place, our ability will not be fully exerted, and we can only rely on physical skills to fight!”

The maid blew a smoke ring and said so.

“That’s good!”

Sakata clenched the two knives in his hand excitedly and said with a smile, of course, this is very good for him. After all, he is not a capable person. As a pure swordsman, this is definitely quite a happy thing.

“never mind,”

The chef shook his head, “Everyone has the same foundation, we have no reason to lose,”

He looked back at his companions, “Don’t forget, we are One Piece’s companions!”

“Yeah hahaha, that’s good!”

Anilu shot first, and his body flashed out, “Then, kill them! Take away the king!”

The battle begins.


“Oh oh oh! Nice work! Little ones,”

Having already flown over Ralph Drew, Vlad looked overjoyed, “In this case, both sides will have a big battle!”

“They’re going to die ugly!”

Im suspended in front of Vlad and sneered, although the expression and tone of the spirit are quite cold, but the dark skin and the clothes made of mud wrapped around him look really funny.

Im still quite trusting in the strength of the special forces stationed on the Tianwang. Although he is the actual controller of the world, in fact, generally speaking, he is not in charge. The real real power roles have been Tianlong people since ancient times. , then it is natural to have some guys as a defensive force. These guys are usually not weak.

“Don’t be silly, Im,”

Vlad smiled, “Who do you think my friends are? They are me, Ferdinand Vlad, One Piece’s partner! They will win, just like I will kill you, it’s only natural matter!”

“The arrogance of now,”

Im’s voice suddenly slowed down, “Let me smash it!”


Vlad was suddenly startled, “What?”


Invisible fluctuations suddenly swept across the sky.


Vlad’s body shot with flames, pushing him like a rocket to avoid the blow, but behind, above Ralph Drew, an entire area was instantly turned into ashes, and under the blowing of the wind, it formed in the air. A cloud of mist.

“This is-??”

Vlad looked a little surprised. Is this also the use of mind power?

“If you focus a little bit,”

Im frowned, obviously it wasn’t just what she said to focus a little, “This kind of thing can be done too!”

“It’s all broken down?”

Vlad waved his hand lightly, there was already a layer of dust on his hand, and he frowned, “No, is it a split? Or should it be said to be extremely subtle, but shattered by the ultra-high-density impact?”

Unconsciously, Vlad suddenly remembered a certain monster codenamed Phoenix Girl, and when he thought about it like this, he suddenly felt that Im was so scary, or else just run away.

“I only use it now. It seems that such a trick is not a small load for you, right?”

Vlad said so, this kind of ability is quite terrifying, almost the same ability of decomposition.

“who knows?”

Im said that, and disappeared in front of Vlad in an instant. However, Vlad’s sight and hearing have been locked on this woman, and her every move is penetrating.

A powerful breath appeared behind him, flames sprayed from Vlad’s shoulders, and he turned around instantly. Just at this moment, Im’s fist had already slammed towards him, and his hand was wrapped in thought power.


A flash of light flashed in Vlad’s mind, “You can’t hit it hard!”

He sees a rather uncomfortable future.

“Can’t hide!”

Of course, Im also saw what Vlad could see, and the invisible power instantly bound Vlad’s body.

“Tsk! Come on then!”

Since there is no way to avoid it, let’s do a good fight, the left fist is wrapped in flames, and the scorching temperature fills the sky.


Vlad screamed and his arm was in piercing pain, but at the same time, Im also frowned and was kicked out by him.

“What is this?”

Vlad opened his left hand, his fingers trembling subconsciously, as if a little bit of blood seeped out from his palm, as if every cell was hit, even domineering can’t protect against such an attack, but fortunately he There is also an impact fruit in his left hand that can absorb this force, but even so, Vlad still felt a strong pain.


There was no time for him to hesitate, and Im’s second blow arrived. A punch from the air, the turbulent impact was mixed with strong thought power, Vlad’s body moved naturally, flapped his wings violently, and set off a gust of wind. , the body suddenly flickered to a very high altitude, the body twisted, there was already a group of flames on the right hand, and it was thrown directly down, the fire dragon roared out, and the target was Yimu.


The fire dragon’s fangs and claws only existed for a moment, and it was immediately blasted away by the impact of Yimu’s thought force. At the same time, a new wave of shocks had been dispersed, like a big net covering the sky with a palm, moving towards Vlad came over.


Vlad opened his hands, the flame spurted out, and then solidified in an instant, turning into a thick wall to block him in front of him. The flame wall created by Vlad now has both strength and temperature. leap.

“Kaka Kaka!”

However, even so, the strength has far surpassed that of steel. The walls are like paper, and Karakara is smashed into dregs. Fortunately, Vlad has already distanced himself. He already understands that what Im is now The tricks used are quite dangerous, the domineering is completely unstoppable, and the penetration is super strong. The guy who used the impact fruit before is completely unattractive. If he really gets hit in the body, it will be fun, it really is with the phoenix Women are very similar tricks.

However, Vlad doesn’t believe that such a trick of forcibly turning mental power into a cellular-level shock can be used all the time. Whether it is a test of mental power or physical strength, it is quite powerful. This guy is desperate!

“Come on then!”

Vlad smiled, “Let’s see who can’t hold on first.”

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