Pirate_ My clones are all over the world!

Chapter 95

Black magic is a spell that cannot be learned in the wizarding world.

The most famous one is Avatar’s Killing Curse, also known as the Unforgivable Curse.

There are two others, Cruciatus and Soul-Imperius Curse.

“Roger, this is very dangerous.”

“It is indeed dangerous, but it suits me very well.” Rogge stuffed the black magic encyclopedia into his wizard robe.

“What about you, did you find what you need?”

“Anything you need?” Harry took two steps in the Room of Requirement.

“Five Years of Potions and Three Years of Practice”

“This is very suitable for you. It will definitely improve your potions class score.” Rogge said.

“Maybe, but this one really suits me.” Harry followed Rogge and left the Room of Requirement without checking it carefully, and returned to the lounge along the corridor.

“Password.” The fat lady in the portrait asked.


“The password is correct.”

“When did the password change?”

“This is today’s password.” Harry looked at his watch and saw that it was past twelve o’clock.

The Fat Lady’s password is not fixed and will change randomly. Every morning, she will tell the leaving students what today’s password is.

“Maybe she thinks this password is interesting.” Rogge didn’t care.

Back in the dormitory, Harry was so sleepy that he fell asleep after five years of potions practice and three years of practice.

Rogge repeatedly looked at Ravenclaw’s golden diadem and Voldemort’s Horcrux.

Ravenclaw is one of the four founders of Hogwarts. She admires wisdom very much, and her heirloom crown is a crown that can increase the wisdom of the wearer.

It’s just that Voldemort has made it into a Horcrux now, and Rogge is not prepared to bring it to his head.

Voldemort made a total of six Horcruxes (he thought it was five.)

The seventh Horcrux was made after his resurrection and is not yet available.

The first one is his own notebook, and the three are Hufflepuff’s gold cup, Slytherin’s pendant, Ravenclaw’s gold diadem, and a family heirloom ring.

“The notebook should still be at Father Malfoy’s house, Hufflepuff’s golden cup is in Gringotts’ safe, and Slytherin’s pendant may still be in the Black family, or it may have been given to Umbridge. , and the ring is in the old Gaunt house where the last bloodline of Salazar Slytherin lived.”

“Now it seems that the only thing I can get is this golden diadem.” Rogge played with Ravenclaw’s golden diadem and put it in the box under the bed.

This box has been upgraded by his magic machine, and Voldemort will definitely not be able to escape.

“Counting the days, it’s time for Quirrell to let the troll in.”

“Mr. Harry, asparagus is a very powerful antidote that can restore deformed or petrified people to their original shape. But what should we pay attention to when we pick it?” Snape asked Harry again Everyone is used to asking questions. At the beginning of every Potions class, Snape will ask Harry two questions.

“The cry of Mandrake is fatal, so you need to cast a deafening spell on yourself before picking it.” Harry had dark circles around his eyes, but he still answered Snape’s answer fluently.

“The answer is very good. The next question is a bit difficult. If you answer it correctly, you will get ten points for Gryffindor.” Snape fell in love with Harry even more.

This talent in potions is the same as that of his mother Lily. I will never let Harry, who inherits Lily’s talent in potions, be buried, Snape thought to himself.

“We know that the scabies cure requires nettles, crushed snake fangs, boiled slugs with tentacles, and porcupine quills.”

“Then, next, Mr. Harry, please repeat what I said before.”

Snape waved his hand, and the potion-making tools flew in front of Harry.

“Okay, Professor Snape.” Harry took a sip of the mental potion first and followed the steps in the book attentively.

“First add pure groundwater, add nettles, and boil the water until it turns brown. At this time, add crushed snake fangs and slugs, and boil for fifteen minutes…”

“Finally, it’s very important to take the pot off the heat, otherwise the potion will emit acidic green smoke with a loud hissing sound that can burn the crucible.”

Snape wanted to show an expression of appreciation on his face, but his stiff face made it appear strange.


After the crucible made a soft sound, the scabies potion was successfully brewed.

Snape walked up to Harry, took out a spoon, and stirred the potion that Harry had brewed.

“The consistency is acceptable, there is no strong odor, and the color is acceptable. Mr. Harry, you made the potion perfectly this time.

beautiful. ”

Snape fulfilled his promise and gave Gryffindor ten points.

No, Arthur.

This is the first time you have given points to Gryffindor. You are the Head of Slytherin!

The Slytherin students in the classroom were helpless. Their dean turned to other houses. This was just crazy.

“Really, it’s true, that book is really useful.” Harry’s hair was even messy.

“Um, have you studied too hard during this period?” Ron felt that he no longer recognized Harry.

“Really? Why don’t I think so?” Harry tilted his head, and Roger reluctantly gave Harry another Heart-Cleaning Charm.

“I don’t want to see you die suddenly.” Roger on the side helped Harry.

“There’s nothing I can do! The questions raised by Professor Snape are getting more and more difficult. What can I do? I feel like I’ve fallen into a pit, or the pit you dug.” Harry looked at Roger with resentment. .

If Rogge hadn’t bewitched him in the first place, how could he be forced to learn despite Snape’s expectations again and again.

“At least you don’t have to worry about failing Potions class anymore, and Professor Snape has the highest attitude towards you now among all the people.” Rogge didn’t think there was anything wrong with letting Harry learn Potions.

Look, does Snape still have a conflicted attitude towards Harry? That is simply the ultimate appreciation!

I wish I could treat Harry as my personal disciple.

“Okay, what you said makes sense.” Harry stopped arguing and took out the book he found in the Room of Requirement.

“Rogg, I tried to change the weapon you conjured last time, but it failed every time. Can you help me?” Ron begged.

“Okay, I’ll transform it again next time in Transfiguration class and leave it to you. After you fully master the structure of the weapon, you can also transform it.”

“Well, I always find that thing very attractive to me,” Ron said.

Class ended and it was time for dinner.

“Troll, there is a troll in the underground classroom!”

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