Pirate: I, the Celestial Dragon, develop the three-body technology

Chapter 143

Im, who has had a special experience, knows that warp engines are the technology of spaceflight!

In the starry sky, it is known as the source of power, and it is also the most basic technology to travel around the universe!

"He... It is even possible to load such a thing as a warp engine on a submarine! For

the first time, Im's heart shook strongly, and she could fully imagine Lynn's talent for science.

There is no doubt that Lynn, who has been inherited, weakened the warp speed engine in order to apply it to ocean driving.

So unexpected!

Sure enough, from the report of the five old stars, Yim also learned the speed of 30 kilometers per second, and he was even more amazed by Lynn's thoughts.

The five old stars were a little confused, full of puzzlement, looked at Yim who did not say a word suspiciously, and said carefully: "Lord Yimu? "

This Lynn is a genius..."

Im suddenly woke up with a meaningful smile.

"Lord Im, do you want to go out the lights?"

At this time, the five old stars had not yet understood what Im meant.

But Lynn's existence does threaten the dominance of the Holy Land, and if according to the degree of threat, the changes that Lynn can bring are still above Rocks, Roger and others, comparable to the ancient kingdom!

So, they asked such a sentence.

People die, lights go out, and everything in Lynn's hands will fall into the hands of the world government and be erased in history.

But Im's expression did not change, but slowly said: "No hurry, this kid is very interesting." The

five old stars didn't know what Im was thinking, just about Lynn, they couldn't calm down now, and said again: "If you let it go, the power of the world government will not be able to balance Figa Lan Lynn..."

Yimu's indifferent eyes swept at the five old stars, stepped aside flatly, and then raised his hand.

In the astonished eyes of the five old stars, suddenly a blood-red droplet appeared from the flowers and quickly floated over!

"This... This is a drop of water!! The

five old stars were shocked in their hearts and recognized what it was at a glance.

It's just different from Lynn's smooth-to-mapped droplets, and the water droplets that Im summoned look very strange in their blood red.

It's like... Soaked from the pool of blood.

"His water drop has been successfully reproduced, and I named it Blood Drop... As for Figaland Lynn's side, it is not much of a threat, leave him to see what technology he can come up with, don't care.

Im ordered gently.

The five old stars immediately bowed and showed their reverence without saying anything.

Adult she... What a terrible thing it was to actually reproduce the water droplet, and Lynn's technology was really no longer a threat!

At the same time, the five elders' hearts were excited, and the birth of the blood drop would indicate that they also had general-level combat technology, something that was completely in the hands of their world government!

"Technology will be handed over to the Knights of God."

Finally, Yim waved his hand indifferently so that the five old stars could go down.

"Long live Lord Im!"

The five old stars throbbed, knelt on the ground and saluted respectfully, and their hearts were determined.

The Knights of God, that is a secret organization in the hands of Lord Im, the real core is the secret technical organization, Almighty! It is also the true power hidden in the secret to protect Draco.

Even their five old stars only have part of the command.

For example, in the previous case of Lynn beating the Rozwald family, the Knights of God had come forward to deal with the dispute between the Draco, which shows how powerful it is.

So much so that coming out of Im's garden, the five old stars couldn't suppress the excitement in their hearts.

Lynn? Even if there is great potential? Lord Im is vulnerable to a blow, and it will certainly not be his opponent.

When the five old stars returned to power, they had already changed their mentality.


On the sea, as the incident passed, news also began to circulate from all sides.

Kaido, bigmom, two sea thief emperors led a large army of people to rob the water drops of the Draco, but were resisted by the Figalan guild and fled!

The news, like a twelve-level storm, completely swept all forces in the world, even civilians, causing a huge sensation and shaking the world!

"Figarand Guild!? It seems that where have you heard about it?

"Are you forgetful? It is a force formed by the Draco who invented technology, not the pirate group!

"Yes, yes, I remembered, it turned out to be that Draco, but how could it be so powerful, that is a hundred beast Kaido, bigmom!"

"It is said that more than five water drops were dispatched at that time! Even Hawkeye, Pirate Emperor, Moonlight Moria, and those Seven Martial Seas have all joined the Figaran Guild!

"What's more, the owner of New World Entertainment City, the Golden Emperor, the Sand Crocodile joined the Figaran Guild earlier!"

"No wonder... So many Qiwu Hai have joined the Figaran Guild, doesn't it mean that the three major forces of the Great Passage, the Seven Wuhai will become the Figaran Guild!?

"I'm afraid it's to develop like this, Figalan Lynn is completely like a Draco origin, the two four emperors can't help him, it's terrible!"

Pirates all over the world are boiling and talking about news with each other.

The Figarand Guild, with this battle, completely appeared in front of the world, and Lynn began to be concerned by all parties as a leader.

A guy engaged in science and technology has actually developed his power and strength to such a degree, who can not be surprised?

You know, water drops, this technological weapon comparable to a general is in Lynn's hands, and for a while, the kingdoms of the world, and even the six kings of the underground forces, were very jealous of Lynn.

This is not some waste Draco, this is a real dragon!

In the eyes of the Four Emperors and the Revolutionary Army, the significance represented by Lynn's Figarand Guild is even more unusual.

Growing up, it's too scary!

And in the new world, the white-bearded pirate group, the red-haired pirate group, and the revolutionary army who evaded Tomoko's monitoring gathered again because of the news, and they were very dignified with each other.

The cadres followed, and they had to get favorable information from it.

Beckman smoked a cigarette, watched the bosses of all parties gather together, and was the first to speak from the silence: "The matter of the Figarand Guild is not necessarily a bad thing.

As soon as these words came out, they attracted everyone's gazes on the spot, with puzzlement, and disapproval.

What does Beckman mean by that?

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