Pirate: I can draw all things in the dimension

Chapter 34 Art is explosion! BOOM

Chapter 34 Art is explosion! BOOM-!

"How can a good person open his mouth to fight and kill? Besides, we still come to deliver warmth."

Ron took out a stack of detonating talismans with a look of disgust on his face, took out a detonating talisman and wrapped it in a fist-sized stone.

“Give these bastards a bit of explosive art and let them feel the warmth of body and mind.

In this way, I not only complete the art, but also make them feel the ultimate warmth. Isn't this a win-win? "

A win-win where you win twice?

Zoro rolled his eyes and put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist: "So?"

"Create a hole and I'll knock on the door."

Ron got ready and tapped the roof with his dangling toes.

"Okay, follow your plan."

Although he didn't quite understand, Zoro drew his sword and cut a cross hole very reliably.

Ron turned his face and met the eyes of a man holding bloody internal organs.

"Hey, are you eating? Come and try this, it's so strong."

He threw the stone wrapped in the detonating talisman, and with a snap of his fingers, flames appeared out of thin air and chased the stone.

Be polite when visiting your home.

So, you have to say hello when you open the door.


One minute before Ron arrived,

"Come and drink to this year's harvest!"

As the largest leader, Zaku sat on the high platform in the hall and laughed and celebrated.

He already knew what happened to Jike's group, and out of caution, he sent the most elite team in the gang to go over with artillery and guns to deal with it.

As expected, the two troublemaking idiots would appear in front of him soon.

He knelt down on his knees, crying and begging for mercy, and was then cut into pieces and fed to the dogs on the spot.

Or maybe there are just body parts.

Thinking of such an interesting performance later, Zaku couldn't help but have the champagne bought at a high price opened.

The cloaked man on the side glanced at the happy Zaku, silently lowered his head and wiped the sniper aiming equipment in his hand.

He seemed out of place here, but no one dared to speak rudely to him.

"Long live the boss!"

"Sure enough, it's better to be a villain, a pirate and be chased by the navy every day."

"Hahaha, be happy!"

One bottle after another of expensive champagne piled up in a tower was opened, and the various villains in the audience cheered and celebrated.

However, there are also people who are not interested in having fun and are communicating with each other privately.

After all, this banquet is an annual gathering of the Blood Hand Gang and usually lasts for several days.

Therefore, it is also a gathering to redefine interests.

Most people's minds are either on intrigues, or they are not high enough and just focus on eating and drinking.

Soon, the banquet began its daily routine.

On a low platform set up in the center of the field, a hairy man stood in front of the table.

The bloody internal organs were placed on the wooden plate on the table. The pervasive smell of blood made the surrounding villains' eyes turn red and they began to shout excitedly.

They hold such a ceremony every year to recruit new recruits.

If successful, the clan members will increase.

If a challenger becomes timid and shrinks from defeat, the entrails on the low platform will turn into the challenger himself!

"Eat! Eat! Eat!"

"Prove yourself like we did."

"This is a custom inherited from the old Food Pirates. Newcomers, don't be afraid!"

The complicated noise became more and more harsh, and the man on the stage did not hesitate to pick up the bloody entrails.

To truly become a member of the Blood Hand Gang.

He had to eat human organs to prove that he was different and that he was superior to those garbage civilians.

Only by eating the internal organs can you prove that you are the same kind as those people. Even if you are not a descendant of blood, you are still a member of the same tribe.

He worked hard for many years to get this opportunity and of course he wasn't going to give it up.


The man grabbed the bloody internal organs and raised them to the sky to stuff them into his mouth.

But suddenly I discovered that there were holes in the ceiling?

'what's the situation? ’

The new member of the Bloody Hand Gang was stunned.

A beam of starlight and a smiling face shone in the breach.


Before he could think about it, the noise next to him became intense.

"Hey, why did you stop?"

"Eat, or we will eat you later!"

The members of the Bloody Hand Gang began to get angry, with pairs of red eyes staring at the man.

Even Zaku on the stage cast a dissatisfied look.

Under the pressure of words,

The man subconsciously stuffed the entrails into his mouth, and then saw a stone wrapped in paper dropped on the hole.

what is that?

There was no answer after thinking, and for a moment, fire suddenly flew down from the hole.

In the blink of an eye, it hit the paper-wrapped stone, and the blazing flame instantly ignited the paper with the weird symbols on it.

Then daybreak came.


The violent flames and the roar tore through the silent night.

All the villains in the hall were caught off guard and were swallowed up by the flames, turning into burning men who howled and danced.

Or maybe the charred gravel penetrated the body and fell to the ground without saying a word.

The man on the low platform happened to be one of them. He covered his throat, and dazzling blood gushed out from between his fingers.

On his deathbed, he vaguely heard wild laughter.

"Hahahaha! Art is explosion! Scumbags, listen to the voice of art!"

Ron kicked the golden light suddenly and kicked open the corner of the cross hole, making the hole larger.

Then, he took out a string of detonating charms connected end to end and threw them down.

The stone at the end provides the pulling force, causing the stack of detonating talismans to fall rapidly like an invitation from the god of death.


With a snap of his fingers, the fire appeared out of thin air and caught up with the falling detonating talisman, igniting a huge explosion during the chase.

BOOM-! !

Along with a series of roars,

The raging flames filled the entire hall almost instantly, and the shock wave formed by the high-temperature heated air swept across.

The glass windows on the wall burst open instantly, and the escaping air was filled with scorching heat.

Dozens of burning people were rolling on the ground, wailing and screaming, but more of them were charred and motionless corpses.

Seventy percent of the members of the Bloody Hand Gang in the hall were wiped out almost instantly.

"This power is really exaggerated. Should I say that it is truly an artifact in the world of Naruto that can be used in the later stages?"

Ron clicked his tongue, the power of the detonating talisman was a bit exaggerated.

It feels like the fragments of a grenade cannot compete with the power of this pure explosive. The shock wave alone can make people drink a pot.

Not to mention the high-temperature flames that were generated in an instant. Almost no one in the center of the explosion survived.

The scope was also exaggerated, with one-third of the entire hall covered in flames.

But the battle is not over yet, there are still many survivors.

Zoro's figure has long since disappeared, and now it is his time to move.

Ron began to buff himself.

[Character template switching·Sanwa! 】

[Vajra is indestructible as a boy! 】

[Strength: G→F++→E! 】

[Agility:H-→F! 】

[Physique: G→F++→E! 】

The property panel changes rapidly,

The bright golden light enveloped Ron's whole body and then converged on his body surface, making him look like an Arhat who had just walked out of the temple.

It is also like wearing a shining armor, like an armored warrior stepping out of the battlefield.

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