Pick Up the Rejected Pure Love

Chapter 85: Office Romance? (1)

The new year had dawned, and it was time to prepare for college life.

The most pressing issue was finding my own place, which was a bit of a dilemma for me at the moment.

I was torn between finding an apartment near Eun-ha’s house or close to the university.

Logically, it made sense to find a place near the university, but then I wouldn’t be able to come home with Eun-ha.

The commute of roughly an hour and a half each way was a bit too much, and I knew it would be a burden for Eun-ha as well. So, I found myself gravitating towards finding a place near Eun-ha’s, though it pained me to forsake the convenience of living near the university for just that reason.

To be honest, cohabitation had never crossed my mind until it was brought up.

However, after experiencing the bliss of waking up in the same bed last summer, the idea became more appealing.

Yet, at twenty, financial independence seemed a stretch.

Should I just give up...?

Being young suddenly felt inconvenient.

Graduation was still far off, and I didn’t want to wait that long.

“Han-gyeol, what’s on your mind? You’re not eating much.”

“Ah, no, it’s just... I’m starting to think about where to find an apartment.”

“Already?! Can’t you wait until next month?! Can’t you hold off just a bit longer?!”

In the middle of eating jjimdak, Eun-ha abruptly stood up.

“Huh? What’s wrong?”

“There’s still time to convince Mom!”

“Convince her of what?”

“Of us living together, obviously.”

“Hey, sit down for a second.”

Eun-ha quietly took her seat again.

“I thought they were against cohabitation. Weren’t you convinced?”

“Yeah, I was convinced. But I never said I’d give up.”

“Isn’t that the same thing?”

“No, it’s not. If we spend about a month convincing her, she might come around. But the problem is that Mom is rarely home...”

“She’s busy with work, right? So we should just go to her workplace.”

“Right! That was the plan, but... Mom is incredibly strict about work. Dad once worked with her, and he ended up not sleeping for two days straight. My brother also threw a tantrum about living on his own at twenty, and Mom made him work under her for a month.”

I had a vague sense that she was a strict person.

“Yeah, but then?”

“He couldn’t even last a week before dropping out. My brother is a tough guy, but if even he couldn’t handle it, it must have been really tough. And then—”

Eun-ha spoke to me with a determined look in her eyes.

“I’m tougher than my brother and dad...! Even if it breaks me, I’ll endure under Mom’s watch, so just trust me, Han-gyeol.”

“You sound reliable. But will that be enough to get her permission?”

“She’ll give it. What mom really meant was that she thinks I can’t take responsibility for anything. But if I can hold out for a month under her, she’ll surely give her permission.”

“I appreciate your thoughts, Eun-ha, but do you really need to go that far...?”

“No, it’s necessary. I’ll persuade Mom, and then we’ll live together, Han-gyeol. I want to live with you. I want to be with you every day!”

Eun-ha’s determination was unyielding.

Honestly, having her say all this makes me kind of happy.

“But what does she do that keeps her so busy?”

“She used to work in finance, but I’m not sure what she’s doing now. It’s still related to finance, but it’s so complex that I can hardly understand it.”

Finance, huh? Tax? Accounting?

It seems more up my alley than Eun-ha’s.

I might detest finance, but it’s left me with a lot of knowledge.

“Wouldn’t finance be difficult? It’s something you’ve never learned.”

“My brother had no knowledge either, but he was able to assist. I can do at least that much.”

“I’m worried you’ll be too exhausted, Eun-ha.”

“Don’t worry! As long as I can live with Han-gyeol, what can’t I do?”

Eun-ha was confident, but I was a bit worried.

Honestly, I don’t like the idea of Eun-ha having to struggle.

“I’ll make you happy, Han-gyeol!”

“Thanks~ I appreciate it.”

Maybe it’s best to just watch for now.


But, as expected, it’s come to this.

“Why not?! I can do a good job too.”

“There’s no work available right now, you see~ Han-gyeol, could you talk some sense into my daughter?”

“You gave brother a job back then-! I’ll endure under you for a month too, so let me live with Han-gyeol if I make it!”

“Well~ Back then, we were swamped with work, so we were desperate enough to give anything a shot. But now, we’re fine.”

Yeah, work isn’t something that just gets resolved so easily.

“And we already said cohabitation was off the table. Didn’t Eun-ha come to terms with that?”

“I did come to terms. But I never said I’d give up. I just have to show I’m responsible, right?”

“Ah- my daughter’s throwing a fit, which is unlike her. Is it because of her boyfriend?”

Eun-ha’s mom looked at me while sitting on the sofa.

Well, I too want to live with Eun-ha, after all.

“From my point of view, it’s a joyous occasion. Haha... How about giving Eun-ha a chance, seeing how much she wants this?”

“Right-! You gave brother a chance, didn’t you?! It’s unfair-!”

“This child... She seemed so resigned back then...”

Eun-ha’s insistence seemed to put her mom in a bit of a dilemma.

Seizing the moment, I also threw in a few words.

“It might be tough for Eun-ha on her own, so I’ll help out too. Living together means double the responsibility.”

After I added my piece, her mom let out a deep sigh.

“Ah- kids. Why insist on hardship? Life in society isn’t that easy.”

Believe me... I know all too well.

“It’s because I want to live with Han-gyeol-!”

“Just give us a chance. If it doesn’t work out this time, we’ll give up cleanly.”

After much deliberation while sitting on the sofa, her mom finally spoke.

“Fine. Both of you try working for about a month. It wouldn’t be bad to experience working life at twenty. But remember, I’m not your guardian there, okay? You’ll be responsible for the titles and tasks given to you. Just a heads up, I’m not the kindest employer. Don’t hold a grudge against me if you get hurt. Are you sure you’re okay with that?”

Her mom’s words carried weight.

“Yes. So, do I start coming in from tomorrow?”

“Yes. The dress code is casual. Wear whatever’s comfortable. Including me, there are nine employees. You’ll be divided into teams of four, and you two will be assigned to different teams. Just so you know, I won’t go easy on you. Got it?”

“Of course! So, if we make it through the month, we can live together, right?”

“Yes~ I promise.”

“Great! No changing your mind later, okay?!”

Eun-ha smiled happily, but I was worried on the inside.

It didn’t seem like her mom would show any favoritism just because it was her daughter, and I was concerned Eun-ha might get hurt.

Having been through the wringer under a supervisor who’d pass off work and a deputy head who’d criticize at the drop of a hat, I had developed some resilience.

Still, the thought of re-entering the workforce did make me a bit nervous.

“What exactly will our duties involve?”

The most crucial part was the tasks I’d be assigned.

“Well... strictly speaking, you’ll mainly be in a supportive role, so expect a lot of research and document preparation. It might not be difficult, but there will be a lot of it. The research methods will vary depending on the situation. Are you familiar with Excel?”

“I know the basics.”

I was actually quite proficient with Excel.

But declaring ‘I can confidently do it’ in a work context always felt a bit daring.

“What about Eun-ha?”

“I learn fast. I can do anything!”

“Good~ At the company, you two will address me as ‘President,’ understand?”

“Yes, President!”


Suddenly, the stakes felt much higher.

Though it was for the sake of living together, the cost seemed greater than anticipated.

Is it really necessary to taste the bitterness of society right as we turn twenty?

But, what’s done is done, so we might as well make the most of it.


On the first day of work, Eun-ha looked completely drained even before arriving, having endured the hellish weekday rush hour commute.

“Eun-ha, are you okay...?”

“Getting pushed around left and right... I thought I was going to die.”

“Eun-ha, you go in first. It might not look good if we go in together.”

“Eh? Why?”

“Well, it’s the workplace. The staff might notice anyway, but let’s not make it obvious that we’re a couple. Got it? I’ll use honorifics with you at work, and you should do the same with me, okay?”

It feels like we’re navigating office romance... But it’s best to set clear boundaries.

“Okay, got it. But then, how should I address you?”

“Just call me Han-gyeol-ssi* comfortably. I’ll call you Eun-ha-ssi.”

“That sounds so grown-up and nice. Hehe.”

I flicked Eun-ha’s forehead lightly as she giggled.


“You shouldn’t be pleased. Hurry up and go in.”

“So, we can’t hold hands, hug, or even kiss once we’re inside?”

“Isn’t that obvious?”

“That’s a pity... But we’re keeping all these for later, right? You’ll have to make up for it all at once?”

“As if~ Hurry up and go inside. See you up there.”

“Okay! See you later~ Han-gyeol-ssi~”

Waving at me, Eun-ha turned and entered the building first.

I wonder if we’ll manage this well.

--- The End OF The Chapter ---

[TL: Ssi ‘씨’ - It is an honorific used after a person’s name, similar to ‘Mr.’ or ‘Ms.’ in English.

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