Pick Up the Rejected Pure Love

Chapter 69: Maturity

I went to a boutique in the outlet mall with Eun-ha to buy clothes.

It was the beginning of summer, and many people were busy choosing outfits.

Eun-ha carefully examined each piece of clothing on display.

And I, too, was not immune to this deliberation.

“How do they look to you, Han-gyeol? Is white better? Or is sky blue better?”

Is there really a better answer than ‘both are pretty’?

If it’s something worn by the girl I like, naturally, everything looks pretty.

I was worried that if I chose white, she might think sky blue doesn’t suit her.


I couldn’t delay my response forever, so I came up with a wise answer.

I slightly tweaked the phrase ‘both are pretty’.

“White looks pretty, and sky blue looks cute.”

Though I couldn’t escape the option that both suited her, Eun-ha’s face surprisingly lit up.

“Really? Then I should buy both.”

“You’re going to buy both? Wouldn’t it be better to just get one? They’re just different colors.”

“But I want to look pretty and cute to Han-gyeol, so I have no choice. I’ll buy both.”

Eun-ha smiled happily as she placed the clothes in her shopping basket.

“You’re smiling a lot today, aren’t you?”

“Yes. I’m really happy that Han-gyeol helped me decide.”

“I’m glad you’re happy, Eun-ha. Have you bought everything?”

“Just one more top to go. Oh - should I buy a gift for Han-gyeol too?”

Eun-ha looked up at me with sparkling eyes.

  1. Second Chance Chapter 38

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Second Chance Chapter 38

Her gaze was practically insisting, even if I said it was okay, she’d buy it for me anyway.

“You really look like you want to buy it for me, Eun-ha?”

“Yeah, yeah. I really want to gift you clothes. What do you like?”

I appreciated the thought, but I was a bit concerned about Eun-ha’s spending.

If she bought clothes for me too, she would end up spending a lot today.

Knowing I couldn’t dissuade Eun-ha, I suggested an alternative plan.

“How about this? I’ll buy the top you were going to get for yourself, and you can buy one for me.”

“Huh? Wouldn’t that just be like we’re exchanging, not gifting?”

“What matters is the thought. Come on, I’ll buy one, so you choose.”

“Hmm, can’t you choose for me?”

“Me? I have no sense of fashion. What if you don’t like it?”

“That won’t happen. And I want to wear something you think looks pretty.”

“Alright. I’ll try my best to choose something.”

“Yeah, yeah!”

But as I wandered around the boutique, nothing particularly caught my eye.

Having never really picked out women’s clothes before, I was unsure what would be good.

After making a full round, I still hadn’t found the perfect gift for Eun-ha.

“This is hard. Eun-ha, do you have something in mind you want?”

“Me? Anything you think is pretty is fine. Don’t worry too much.”

“But I want to consider your taste too. Can you give me a hint?”

“Then... since it’s summer, I was thinking of getting a dress. Shall we go with that?”

“Yes. I’d like to see you in a dress too.”

“I saw some over there earlier. Let’s go look.”

“Alright, let’s go.”

Led by Eun-ha, I entered the section where dresses were displayed.

But here too, there were so many dresses that it seemed it would take time to choose.

From what I’d seen of Eun-ha’s clothing choices so far, she didn’t seem to prefer tight or short clothes.

While I usually picked my clothes without much thought to the material, I wanted to be more careful since it was for Eun-ha.

I was willing to spend a bit more for a nice dress.

“What kind of dress do you like, Han-gyeol?”

“To be honest, I think everything would look good on you, but- ah, that style seems to suit you. What do you think, Eun-ha?”

I pointed to a dress on a mannequin, different from the ones hanging on the hangers.

It was a typical dress, neither too flashy nor too plain.

A sky-blue dress that matched Eun-ha’s pure and elegant vibe.

It was lovely to think of Eun-ha wearing it, not the mannequin.

“Are you talking about that sky-blue dress over there?”

“Yes. It’s pretty.”

“Do you like that style? Kind of pure and neat?”

“Yes. I think it’ll suit you really well.”

“Then, shall I try it on?”

“Are you going to? Where’s the fitting room?”

“Next to the cash register. So, shall I try it on? You can’t say anything if it looks weird, okay?”

“It won’t look weird. Give me your bag and basket. I’ll hold them.”

Eun-ha handed me her crossbody bag and the shopping basket.

Then she went to the clerk and said she wanted to try on the dress.

“I’d like to try on the dress the mannequin is wearing over there.”

“Sure. Please come this way. If you wait in front of the fitting room, I’ll bring it to you.”

“Okay. Thank you. Han-gyeol? Let’s go wait over there.”

Eun-ha and I waited in front of the fitting room for the clerk.

After a short while, the clerk came with the dress.

“I brought a size that should fit you. Please feel free to try it on.”

“Thank you. Han-gyeol, I’ll go change and come back. Wait for me here, okay?”

Eun-ha received a dress from the clerk, but the color of the dress wasn’t sky blue.

“Did I see it wrong?” I wondered, just as Eun-ha entered the changing room.

The clerk, after handing over the dress to Eun-ha, had gone off somewhere.

“That’s strange... I was sure it was sky blue... Did I see it wrong?”

Muttering to myself, I looked back towards the mannequin.

There it was, the sky-blue dress still on the mannequin.

But at that moment, I noticed the mannequin right next to it.

The dress on this mannequin was the polar opposite of the pure and elegant one.

It was a black dress with spaghetti straps and a slightly plunging neckline.

To anyone, it would appear more sensual than pure and elegant.

“Han-gyeol... are you there?”

“Ah- Yeah, I am. Why?”

“I think the clerk gave me the wrong dress.”

“Really? Wait a moment. I’ll talk to the clerk.”

“No, since I have it now, I’ll try it on. Can you wait a bit?”

“Sure. Go ahead and finish changing.”

“Yeah, almost done. I’m coming out now...”

The changing room door slowly opened, and Eun-ha’s figure came into view.

She looked so stunning in the dress that it erased all my prior thoughts, and I couldn’t help but be in awe.


“But, this dress seems a bit too revealing…”

Eun-ha, usually so pure and elegant, suited this provocative dress too.

Her straight shoulders and the somewhat provocative collarbone line caught my eye.

Her beauty was so evident, it was hard to look away.

“Han-gyeol. Does it look strange?”

“No, it suits you incredibly well... but it’s a bit too provocative, so let’s pass on this one.”

“Right? I’ll change back quickly and come out!”

Eun-ha hurriedly closed the door and changed her clothes inside.

I shook my head vigorously from side to side, trying to rid my mind of the turmoil.

But the image of Eun-ha just now was too vividly etched in my memory, making it impossible to forget.

With a click, the door opened, and Eun-ha stood beside me.

“Han-gyeol, I guess those kinds of clothes don’t really suit me.”

“No-! You looked amazing. Until now, Eun-ha, you’ve always had this pure, elegant, cute, and lovely vibe, but, how should I say this, you looked incredibly mature. That maturity, mixed with your youthful side, created a harmoniously noble look, and there was a dangerously charming feel to it.”

“No need to compliment me that much-! There are other people around... shh!”

Eun-ha gestured for me to be quiet, but I had already crossed a point of no return.

I grabbed Eun-ha’s shoulder, looking her straight in the eye.

“I mean it, it wasn’t because it didn’t suit you. But it was embarrassing for both of us, and above all, it was too provocative for me to handle. You get what I’m saying, right? You were incredibly beautiful. So beautiful that I’d want to see you like that every day, but I’m just not ready for that yet...!”

“Okay, I get it...! Thanks for the compliment...! Shh-! Look around.”

It was only after I had lavishly praised Eun-ha that I became aware of our surroundings.

Everyone, both those waiting and those changing clothes, was looking at me.

“Oh no-”

“Let’s get out of here...!”

Eun-ha took my hand, leading me away from the gaze of the people.

Once we were far from the changing rooms, Eun-ha looked at me with a small laugh.

“What was that about earlier? I didn’t expect you to compliment me that much.”

“No, I just couldn’t help it... you were that pretty.”

“But still, I think I’d be too shy to wear such clothes.”

“Yeah. Let’s tell the clerk and try on the dress you originally picked.”

As I was about to look for the clerk, Eun-ha grabbed the lapel of my shirt.

“Huh? Eun-ha, why?”

“Well... since I tried it on, should I buy this one...?”


“This is also a dress you said was pretty. I’m okay with this one too.”

“But you said you’d be too shy to wear this kind of dress...”

“If it’s just for Han-gyeol to see, it doesn’t really matter, does it?”

What? She’s getting bolder by the minute...

--- The End OF The Chapter ---

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