Chapter 67: Chapter 66
Percy woke with a start as he sucked in air. His vision swam but he shot to his feet. His eyes were wide with panic as he looked at his surroundings. Elsa and Ezra were looking at him in surprise.
Percy's head was killing him but he felt no serious injuries otherwise. "Where are we? What happened?" Percy asked. His chest rose and fell quickly as he ran his hand across his body.
He had no shirt on but there was seemingly little damage on his body. He was bruised and very sore but that was the worst of it. His hand traced his chest and abdomen as if looking for injuries. Elsa's eyes went wide as she blushed and turned.
"It's a cave we found a little while after you went unconscious. Had to kick out the Pokémon taking shelter here who weren't willing to share. You were kinda struck by lightning, we're not entirely sure. The tree imploded from all the energy coursing through it but most of the nest survived. But the power that still went through it must've hurt you." Ezra explained.
Jaycee slowly calmed down and lowered himself to the floor. He looked around the cave and it looked relatively small. It's smooth gray walls were uninteresting and Percy could see the entrance 80 meters or so on the opposite end. "Where's everyone else? Where's Noctowl!?" He asked.
Percy remembered handing over Noctowl to Fúria before he jumped into the nest. Elsa took over for Ezra. "They've all gone out to assess the damage from the storm. It ended not that long ago and we've just been watching over you. The Noctowl left when the storm cleared up and all of your Pokemon are safe." She explained.
Percy pushed himself up again and gestured to the entrance. "Let's go then. No use in keeping them waiting." He said as a piercing pain hit his arm that had been hanging on the nest. He was still internally damaged.
But he wanted to investigate what this insane storm had come from and what it had done to the forest. He could only imagine the amount of injured or dead Pokemon and potentially trainers. This was a decently travelled path that had trainers camped around the forest.
The Honey clan trainers were only a small bit off the path for the Beedrill. Trainers went off path a lot. Percy began to pick up his backpack and things. All of his things had survived the lightning as it thankfully was too weak by the time it made contact with the well crafted backpack.
Percy threw a shirt on and began to push himself out of the cave. Ezra and Elsa followed behind wearily. As the group walked out of the cave they could see the effects of the storm. Trash and foliage was completely spread about as if it was hit by a tornado.
The ground had so many branches and debris that they had to walk carefully to not step on something. Many trees had fallen and there were clearly signs of Pokémon losing their homes.
Percy began to let out all of his Pokémon for a stat check.
Main Pokemon:
Pokémon:Croconaw, Crash
Level: 31
Abilities: Sheer Force, Torrent
Gender: Male
Potential: Light Blue
Moves: Scratch, Leer, Water Gun, Rage, Bite, Scary Face, Rest, Ice Fang, Flail, Rock Tomb, Ice Punch, Aqua Tail [E] (Inherent Move), Scald [E] (Inherent Move), Crunch (Inherent Move), Protect (™), Hone Claws (™)
Pokémon: Mankey, Fúria
Level: 28
Abilities: Anger Point, Vital Spirit
Gender: Female
Potential: Dark Orange
Moves: Leer, Scratch, Low Kick, Retaliate, Swagger, Karate Chop [E], Cross Chop, Bulk Up (Inherent Move), Dig (Inherent Move), Protect (™), Double Team (™), Taunt (™), Focus Energy (™)
Pokémon: Growlithe, Pharaoh
Level: 29
Abilities: Flash Fire, Justified
Gender: Male
Potential: Light Blue
Moves: Bite, Roar, Ember, Leer, Odor Sleuth, Helping Hand, Flame Wheel, Reversal, Fire Fang, Agility, Flamethrower [E] (Inherent Move), Metal Claw [E] (Inherent Move), Swords Dance (Inherent Move), Protect (™)
Pokémon: Ekans, Jormun
Abilities: Intimidate
Gender: Female
Potential: Light red
Moves:Leer, Poison Sting, Bite, Glare, Acid, Iron Tail (Inherent Move), Wrap (Inherent Move), Protect (™)
Pokémon: Cascoon
Abilities: Shield Dust, Run Away,
Gender: Male
Potential: Light Blue
Moves: Tackle, String Shot, Poison Sting, Harden
Pokémon: Shroomish
Level: 24
Abilities: Effect Spore, Poison Heal, Quick Feet
Gender: Female
Potential: Red
Moves: Absorb, Tackle, Stun Spore, Leech Seed, Mega Drain, Headbutt, Poison Powder, Low Sweep [E] (Inherent Move), Bullet Seed (Inherent move)
Crash had broken into level 30 and had even ascended to level 31. Percy smiled as he looked at their progress. Most of his Pokémon should be due for an evolution any moment.
Percy kept out Jormun and Cascoon as he began to make his way through the mess. He was so proud of his Pokémon but he felt a little embarrassed to get personal with his Pokemon infront of company. As he vaulted fallen trees he began to see the devestation. There were hurt and killed Pokémon spread amongst the destruction.
But the sky was clear now. As if it had never done anything wrong at all. Quickly Percy found a trail of footprints which would likely lead to the rest of the group. He followed them carefully his eyes wide at the damage.
It was hard for him to see the destruction. Soon enough they stumbled upon the rest of the group who had gathered around around a fallen tree. Percy approached slowly as he tried to figure out was happening. The whole group had gathered around the fallen tree which was apparently overtop a young man.
He had spiked hair and a bright yellow and purple badge over his chest. His leg was fully pinned under the tree and he was unconscious. His long eyelashes glistened in the light. Percy waited silently for some sort of talking to take place. "He's an enemy. Fay was at the threat of his clan not long ago." Aidan said.
Percy quickly realized what was happening. The badge on the kids chest was of the Butterdrill Clan. They didn't know, but he was a well talented Butterdrill prospect who was starting his trainer circuit.
He was clearly Butterdrill but they couldn't tell what his rank was. "Not helping him isn't against the law." Aiden said again as he started to back away from the boy.
Percy suddenly appeared behind Aiden and pushed him aside. "He's severely hurt." Percy said quietly as he began to release Fúria to help lift the log.
"What the hell? This is a group decision. You don't get to decide to help him." Aiden said to Percy.
Percy looked over his shoulder as he prepared to lift the trunk off of the unconscious trainer. "If you got a problem with it you can personally confront me." Percy said as he prepared to lift the tree. Ezra as well as Zaria lined up next to him to lift the trunk.
There was a moments pause to make sure that Fay didn't object to the motion. Fay glanced to Aiden for a moment, and watched as Percy moved the trunk a few feet off the injured trainer.
Immediately Elsa began to help the trainer along with her Ribombee. They used some healing moves and equipment and were eventually able to stabilize the kid. He was about Percy's age so he was slightly younger than the group.
After half an hour of waiting the boy woke up. He was slow to understand what was happening but quickly became panicked. "Where's my party?!" He looked around frantically.
As he calmed down he realized what was happening and seemed very quiet. All of the people he was with were not here, but it was an hour after the storm. Soon enough he was limping around on some handcrafted crutches.
The boys name was Willy and he was from the Butterdrill clan. He was starting his trainer circuit with a couple of other talented Butterdrill but they got caught up in the storm. He joined the Honey group temporarily as they assessed the damage from the storm.
As they began walking away Aiden's red face finally needed to speak up. "You said I could confront you?" Aiden said suddenly as he pushed Percy. It seemed the tension was reaching its maximum. Percy stumbled backward and winced.
The pain from the lightning was still clear. "You're against saving lives?" Percy said as he looked on to Aiden. There was a pause as the two looked for the potential of Fay stepping in.
She seemed as though she had no intention to stop what they had to say. "You've been doing too much in this group since the beginning." Aiden said as he smiled at Percy. He began to walk forward into the other trainer.
Percy's grey eyes looked at the buff boy before speaking. "You've been a parasite since the beginning." Percy said.
Tension exploded between the two as they began to walk toward eachother. "You don't belong here! That's why you've been with Alexander. You're not true to Honey Clan." Aiden said with a scowl. His tone made Percy feel angrier as he looked away. "You're pathetic. No one will ever have your back. " Percy said as he started forward.
Theo placed himself between the two and pushed them back. "Hey we don't gotta act like that!" He shouted as he took control of the situation. Aiden and Percy looked at eachother with intense distaste and watched the other get pushed back by Theo.