Chapter 65: Chapter 64
Percy analyzed the storm as best as he could. There were plenty of instances where angry Pokémon create huge freak storms. It was also a sign of a potential legendary Pokemon. But nothing he could discern made it seem like Pokemon storm.
He didn't know a lot so he made sure to leave a note in his head. This could be very dangerous. He quickly descended the tree. The whistling in the trees passed by him as his feet hit the dirt. "There's a huge storm on the way. It seems like these trees just whistle when wind passes through them fast enough." Percy said simply to Ezra.
He quickly walked over to Fay who was by herself on a log. "There's a large storm coming." He said. He wanted to try and take direction but it was still her group.
Fay raised an eyebrow. "Where?"
"It's coming from the south east." Percy said.
"Huh." She stood and tried to get a look through the forest. "How'd you see it?" She asked.
"I climbed a tree. We should probably act soon. I don't think we'd stand a chance in the storm." Percy explained. He put a little bit of desperation into his tone.
Fay thought for a moment before shouting to some of the kids across the camp. "Aiden!" She called out.
The muscular shorter man jogged over. "Yes?" He said. His gaze lingered sourly on Percy.
Fay pointed to the leaves above them. "Climb this tree and tell me what the storms looking like." She said. Aiden nodded as his powerful body started scaling the tree.
A few minutes later his feet hit the dirt. "I mean it's a storm." He said with an eyebrow raised. Percy cursed to himself. He didn't expect Aiden to undersell the storm. "But I bet it'll mess up the Beedrill more than it'll mess up us." Aiden said.
Fay nodded as she smiled. "You're right. This is our moment to attack. Everyone! Pack up we're moving on the Beedrill now!" She shouted. Immediately the camp was bustling as everyone packed their things.
Percy pulled Fay to the side. "This isn't wise. The storm will turn this forest into chaos. The wind will go past the tree trunks and push us around like nothing." He said. It was his last attempt at dissuading Fay.
"It'll throw the Beedrill around even more. We need to take risks in order to get stronger." Fay said resolutely and turned to pack up her things. Percy sighed and ran a hand through his hair. It's hard to tell the line between risk and stupidity.
To Percy this wasn't a risk but rather a foolish choice. Of course he's not opposed to doing risky things but this simply didn't have enough gain for them. The storm looked unlike anything Percy's ever seen. He quickly packed his things.
After he gathered his most trusted friends in the group. Ezra, Alexander and Zaria stood in front of him. "I need you guys to stay close to me okay? Shit will hit the fan and the number one priority is Fays safety. Actually Zaria, can you climb the tree and tell me how big the storm is or how close it is." Percy said.
He wanted a second opinion to the fact this storm looked dangerous. Zaria quickly scaled the tree with her daggers and powerful body.
A minute later she was on the ground nodding with Percy. "I've never seen anything like that. It's like the clouds are alive." She said. Ezra and Alexander nodded and became serious.
Now Percy had a trio steps behind him. "We're leaving!" Fay said as the group began marching into the Beedrills territory. They quickly ran into a small group of Beedrill. They were levels 22-24 and were each carrying armfuls of berries. They raced through the trees buzzing madly. They definitely noticed the group of teens but buzzed past.
Quickly a few moves lashed out as the Beedrill past taking two of them down. The third one dipped and buzzed as it took off into the forest. Percy quickly ran up to the unconscious Beedrill and began scooping up the berries that had been dropped.
Free berries were great but also his brain raced to understand what was happening. "They're racing back to the nest with food." Percy said.
Aiden laughed loudly as he pushed the unconscious Beedrill with his foot. "The storms got them all out of wack." He said. Percy scowled. The storm was serious enough to cause the whole hive to start acting differently.
So now Beedrill on the edge of the hive were disregarding the security of the hive in favor of food. The Pokémon knew the severity of the storm better than them. Percy glanced to the side, and out of the corner of his eye he saw a large brown bird watching about 10 trees down.
It was so good at hiding its presence. The noctowl was still following him from the night before. Percy raised his Pokédex to scan the Pokemon.
Pokémon: Noctowl
Level: 27
Abilities: Insomnia, Keen Eye
Gender: Male
Potential: Red
Moves: Tackle, Growl, Foresight, Peck, Hypnosis, Confusion, Air Slash [E] Inherent Move, Double Team [E] Inherent Move
It was a specimen this whole time. Percy had not expected this. He was the leaders child, so it was bound to have better than average potential. "Let's go!" Fay said. Percy was pulled from his thoughts as the group started to jog deeper into Beedrill territory.
He jogged to catch up and kept his eyes open. Beedrill were scary for a reason. They had one of the highest kill rates on trainers. A few minutes later they ran into another small group of Beedrill that were wiped out quite easily. Percy guessed that in total about a third of the Beedrill population had now been defeated by the group.
As the group high fived eachother the hair on Percys neck rose. His eyes narrowed and he looked around. It was quiet at first, but he could hear it. It sounded like waves crashing at the beach, but Percy quickly understood what it was. "Brace yourselves!" He shouted. Moments later wind exploded into their group.
The storm had arrived and its winds were more powerful in the forest now. Moments later sheets and sheets of rain dropped from the leaves. The wind was strong enough to at least move people, and was even able to knock 2 of them to their behinds.
Percy slid back a couple feet as he braced himself in the wind. His feet dug into the earth as he lowered himself to the ground. He scanned everyone around him and found that everyone was scattered. He saw Zaria whip her head around and seeing Percy.
She began pushing through the wind toward him. Behind Percy Ezra was kneeling on the ground a few feet from him. He slowly stood up and approached Percy. "What the hell are we gonna do?" He said loudly through the roaring wind.
"Gather everyone! Fay first." Percy shouted back over the storm. By now Zaria had arrived by Percy's side.
"Ahhhh!" Alexander was running with the wind directly on his back toward the small group. He sped up and was clearly unable to stop as Ezra held out a large arm. Alexander slammed into the outstretched arm and came to a sliding stop.
Immediately Percy began pushing himself through the wind. "Ezra! You go first." He said. Ezra stepped in front of Percy and immediately the wind difference was better. Percy pushed on Ezra allowing them to speed up the pace. Zaria and Alexander followed in line as the group navigated through the soaked forest.
Fay had been blown a little away and the group soon found the girl who was shielding herself from the wind. Percy grabbed her arm and pulled her behind him in line. "Ezra! You take Zaria and help others! I'll take Fay and Ale-". Percy said as a large piece of what looked like honey comb flew threw the air in front of his face.
Quickly his hand went to his belt where he released Fúria. "Grab that." He pointed. Percy quickly pulled Alex and Fay away behind him and began pushing through the wind. He could feel Fays hands supporting him and pushing him forward.
Rain drowned his face in water as he scanned for more group members. His eyes zeroed in on a kid named William. His Dustox flew in front of him flapping its wings intensely to stop the skinny guy from being blown away.
Percy actually knew William was quite a talented trainer, he was just not motivated and the least hard working of them all. Percy pushed forward and broke through the little safe space the Dustox was making. Without wind he stumbled forward.
Immediately the boy returned his Dustox and fell into line behind Alex. Debris was beginning to fly everywhere and the ground was becoming slick as the storm progressed. Through the downpour he could see the rest of the kids gathering.
It seemed Theo was able to create his own group to push through the wind. They quickly all became one group. "What should we do?!" Theo shouted to Fay.
"Go with the wind for now. Keep an eye out for any sort of shelter!" She ordered as the group began pushing forward. It wasn't a fast pace but it was sustainable and they felt more secure. Everyone held eachother together and began to move through the forest.
They were now moving deeper into the Beedrills territory. A buff monkey landed on Percys shoulder with a piece of honeycomb filled to the brim with honey. "Put that in my pack! And stay with me." Percy said. Fúria tucked the honey away as cleanly as she could and stood on Percys head.
She vigilantly looked through the rain for any opponents. Her eyes flashed as she saw something be thrown. She screeched and pointed into the forest. Percy could see the Noctowl struggling against the wind and flapping its wings intensely. Flying pokemon couldn't fly too easily in this kind of storm for more than a few minutes. "Rescue." Percy said simply and he watched as Fúria shot through the wind.
She must've used Bulkup as she pushed through the wind. Her face was tinted red as Percy began to see some of the anger that Mankey were so known for. She was eventually able to reach the Noctowl which had failed to fly any longer and was being pressed into a tree by the wind.
She wrapped her arms around it and began to push through the storm. She was much slower now, seeing as the Noctowl was extra large because of its high potential. It was nearly 115 pounds. Eventually Fúria was able to make it back up to the group who was still walking with the wind. If they went too fast, they could easily topple over.
So they took it slowly, but failed to find any sort of shelter. As they breached a bush chaos erupted. They had stumbled upon the Beedrills nest.