People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 80

Chapter 80 I Want You To Go Undercover With Hydra! Iron Man Father Calls Me Grandpa!

“Telepathy Ability!”

Hearing Lin Feng express his thoughts, Sebastian’s pupils shrank instantly and he exclaimed.

“Very good insight. The girl who died in your experiment was a good psychic. It’s a pity that a talent with huge amounts of potential died under your rough and stupid operation!”

Lin Feng was taller than him, looked down at him and said coldly.

“I hate Haus Chamberlain’s superior race theory, especially his shameless claim that the Aryan Germans are the most Excellent race in the world. You are deeply impressed by the “Nineteen Hundred Years Foundation” Influenced by the book, after the Awakening Mutant Ability, it evolved its own theory of Mutant supremacy!”

Sebastian Xiao froze for a moment, as if he didn’t expect that being the strongest Mutant he had ever seen, he would accuse him of Mutant supremacy.

After hesitation for a while, he bravely raised his head to refute.

“Respected and powerful Mr. Lin, I disagree with your statement and am very disappointed.”

There was a firm light in his eyes, and even though the energy in the man opposite him was millions of times that of his, he continued to speak without fear.

“Before I came here, I really thought about snatching the Hellfire Club, and the purpose was the same as what you sensed from my mind, but after seeing you, I changed my mind, and you should have seen it too.

“But you seem to be in the wrong place. As a Mutant, you oppose my theory of Mutant supremacy, which is so-disappointing.”

He mentioned the word disappointment for the second time, the expression on his face and the look in his eyes all showed that this was his true inner thoughts.

“Disappointed? Interesting, keep talking!”

Lin Feng shrugged indifferently, motioning for him to continue talking.

Lin Beixuan next to him looked at the undisguised disappointment in Sebastian Xiao’s eyes, and frowned slightly.

No one has dared to talk to the master like this before, and he must teach this kid a lesson later!

“Haven’t you realized the seriousness of the matter? Oh right, I forgot that you are noble and powerful, and no one in the world knows that you are a Mutant!”

Sebastian Xiao said with a mocking smile, pointed at himself and said with a sneer.

“But I have seen many Mutants living in dire straits. Those poor guys with low Ability and deformed bodies are regarded as aliens and freaks by Common humans. They not only discriminate against those Mutants, but also persecute or frame them from time to time until they are killed. Those Mutants!”

After Awakening Ability, he was once surrounded by a deep sense of loneliness and embarked on a journey to find the same kind.

Occasionally, I came into contact with an orphanage and a mental hospital, only to learn that many Mutants were abandoned as freaks or sent to a mental hospital because of their weird behavior or mind or body distortion before Awakening, and they took medicine every day. Injections are sometimes violated and tortured by nurses.

“Then, dear Mr. Lin, tell me, what will they do when they find out that there are Mutants that are dozens or even hundreds of times stronger than themselves?”

“They’ll just get rid of us and go fast, and don’t stop until they kill the last Mutant! Common humans and Mutants can’t coexist on an equal footing, so why not let the more evolved us rule the world?”

clap clap!

Lin Feng couldn’t help applauding him after hearing this. To be honest, if he was a Common Mutant, the whole room would be full of excitement and beg for elder brother right now.

“Excellent speech, very provocative and deceptive. With your Ability, I appreciate you very much!”

“But there are a few questions, please answer me!”

He did not directly refute Sebastian Xiao, but asked slowly with interest.

“From the history you know, can you find a nation that will rule a country forever by power and force? If you can’t rule a country forever, how can you rule the world?”

The first two questions made Sebastian Xiao confused. He racked his brains and couldn’t think of the answer, because neither ancient Rome, ancient Egypt, nor the once most powerful Yuanmeng Empire could be used as successful examples. .

Basically, any country where a minority group rules a majority group will fall apart due to various reasons and disappear in the long river of history within a short period of time.

Before he could recover, Lin Feng continued to ask questions.

“Do you know why Mutant is called Mutant? I can tell you that it comes from a special gene in the body. Those who activate this gene will become Mutants and can Awaken their own history.”

“Billions of people around the world almost all contain this gene in their bodies, but some are dominant genes and some are invisible genes. The Common humans you are hostile to only need one opportunity to become a mutant with Awakening Ability. Then after Awakening you How to treat him?”

“Strictly speaking, we are one with the common humans, a whole with a shared destiny. I support your approach to those common humans who are subjectively hostile to the persecution of Mutant. It is not an exaggeration to send them to hell! But some people follow blindly. Those who follow the trend are just a group of ignorant people who don’t know the truth. What we have to do is not to eliminate or suppress them in general, but to guide these people to face the reality that they also have mutated genes.

Lin Feng’s words were full of emotion, and his unhurried and magnetic voice echoed in the room, like the evening drum and morning bell ringing in Sebastian Shaw’s ears.

“So I was really wrong? No wonder your biological research laboratory keeps publishing papers on guiding genetic evolution. It turns out that you have been planning for a long time. When human beings are looking forward to the various benefits brought by genetic evolution, you will announce the mutation in one fell swoop. With the existence of genes, most human beings will no longer resist Mutant.”

Sebastian Xiao’s eyes showed a hint of understanding, no wonder this powerful Mr. Lin dismissed his theory of mutant supremacy, it turned out that he had a more thorough and far-sighted view of the future.

“That’s right, instead of confronting tit for tat, it’s better to be with the light! When the white cat falls into the ink tank, what right does it have to laugh at the black cat? There is another fatal flaw in your theory of mutant supremacy, that is, it ignores those low abilities. Mutants with deformed bodies, they are at the bottom of Common human society, wouldn’t they be at the bottom of your command?”

“I think that when your theory develops to the end, you will definitely put forward the theory of the supremacy of Excellent Mutants more radically, so will the low-level Mutants who account for the majority still support you?

If you were a low-level Mutant, would you think this way: I was the bottom before following Sebastian, and I am still the bottom after following Sebastian, then I am not the one who supports Sebastian


Following Lin Feng’s last few rhetorical questions in the room, Sebastian Xiao was completely autistic. He didn’t expect that his theory would have so many loopholes.

“Then what should we do? Can we just wait for your layout to be completed, and spend a long time to enlighten the ignorant Common humans and let them understand the existence of mutant genes?

Sebastian Xiao walked up to Lin Feng in a few steps, bowed deeply respectfully, and asked sincerely in a deep voice.

Lin Beixuan sneered and said disdainfully.

“It’s not surprising that you can’t understand the master’s arrangement with your wisdom. After all, your mind is full of decayed and outdated ideas, and it’s hard to understand high-end methods!”

He couldn’t understand this guy for a long time. Someone as powerful as the master has never discriminated against Common humans. Why does this kid dare to look down on Common humans.

Whether it is the Shenwuwei or the Fox Hunting Corps, those Gangjin and Danjin warriors are not all cultivated by Common humans, and their combat effectiveness is stronger than most Mutants.

Lin Feng patted his shoulder lightly, stopping him from continuing to spray.

“The vast majority of people in the world can’t escape the reins of fame. If you have time, you might as well go to the University of Ghana to see how I lured them with fame and made Common people care about and help Mutant with deformed bodies.”

“Remember that power and force cannot conquer people’s hearts, but money and reputation can make people sell their souls! If supplemented by legal regulations and political means, then changing the world is just a snap!”

It is Lin Feng’s truest thought to create a world where Common humans and Mutants live in peace.

Now that you have mastered the supreme power of Ghana, let’s continue to develop based on this country, and set an example for all countries in the world, let them see what a splendid civilization and development will be created by Common humans and Mutant working together. What an advanced science and technology.

For Lin Feng, he does not lack powerful Warriors, but lacks a lot of Ability Awakening players who, in Sebastian Xiao’s view, are useless.

Just like Darwin who was killed by him in the movie, the guy who can evolve gill breathing in the water, and the guy who can evolve inner breathing when buried in the ground.

He is an inexhaustible treasure trove, which can be used to detect various extreme environments. After he adapts to that environment, he can draw some blood to develop a special serum, so that Common humans can adapt to the special environment.

In this way, many places on the earth that are not suitable for human habitation or survival can become a new direction for human development in the future, and there will be no worries about having no place to accommodate more and more people.

Even further stimulating his Ability’s second mutation, maybe it can adapt to the vacuum environment. By then, interstellar navigation and expansion of interstellar colonization will not be empty talk.

In addition, Darwin is also a rare treasure in the field of medicine. Many terminal diseases that cannot be cured by human beings, such as cancer, will not be a problem in front of him who has the ability to evolve. Once he adapts to the pathogens and viruses of various diseases After bacteria, various antibodies in the body are the life-saving straw for many terminally ill patients.

“Can we really get the respect of Common humans, get along with them equally, and live in this world with integrity?”

Sebastian Xiao raised his head and couldn’t help asking passionately.

His heart is very excited about the future of Mutant described by Lin Feng, but he is worried that this is just a dream in the mirror and cannot appear in the real world.

“There have been three evolutionary waves in the long million-year evolutionary history of human beings. For the first time, the cosmic gods came to the wild earth one million years ago. They implanted an unstable potential genome in the human body, which was still a terrifying erect ape. After that, the first batch of Mutants were born, and human beings evolved rapidly under the leadership of Mutants.

“The second evolutionary wave was 30,000 years ago. Homo sapiens with more powerful energy-side and supernatural-side Mutants exterminated Neanderthals, because Neanderthals rejected the mutations of the flesh side in their own race. Mutant.”

“The third evolutionary wave was 5,000 years ago. The self-proclaimed God Sabah Nur led his Mutants and swept across most countries in Europe and Africa. Under the joint crusade against the sympathetic traitors, Mage and Asgard, they fell into a long-term slumber.

0…asking for flowers…

Lin Feng described the three evolutionary waves in history, speaking with a steady voice and a firm tone.

“You should have noticed that the interval between each evolutionary wave is shortening. I can tell you with certainty that the next evolutionary wave has already appeared when I was young, and it will reach its peak in at least 20 years or more at least 50 years ago. There will be a lot of new Mutants.”

“As the forerunner of this evolutionary wave, like Columbus in the age of great voyages, he must shoulder the burden of exploring the path of evolution, and also shoulder the burden of establishing a common destiny for human beings and mutants.

The responsibility of the body!”

Lin Feng stretched out his finger to Sebastian Xiao, fixed his eyes on him and issued an invitation.

“Come and tell me, are you willing to follow me and work together for Mutant’s bright future! When that moment comes, I will bestow glory and power on you!”

For Sebastian Shaw, who is still in the initial stage of theory, the old world outlook, outlook on life and values ​​have been ruthlessly smashed, and he can’t find the future direction at all.

The more confused a person is, the more he will blindly follow the strong!

“My lord, Sebastian Xiao is willing to follow your footsteps forever and build your ideal country!”

Sebastian Xiao knelt down on both knees, completely worshiped at Lin Feng’s feet, and voluntarily followed him to fight and fight, his eyes revealed fanatical reverence.

Lin Feng walked up to him, reached out and pressed his hand on his head, mind control to lay down a thought stamp.

“Xiao, you are a smart person, and you also have a strong ability. Now I entrust you with a major task. Only you are suitable for this task. After today, I will help you make a fake

identity, and went to Germany under the name of Klaus Schmidt. Once a failed art student enters the political arena, and you try to get in with him, there will be a strong Q in the future

(Omega) level Mutant appeared in Auschwitz, I need you to find him!

A trace of doubt flashed in Sebastian Xiao’s eyes, but he still nodded and agreed.


After sending Sebastian Xiao away, Lin Feng received Philip Stark’s family again, and definitely met the Common man, who naturally received him as a centenarian.

After hearing Howard Stark’s name, he took out his gold pen and signed his name readily.

Just kidding, the Stark industry worth trillions in the future, it’s not good to give it to yourself now!

Seeing the innocent and playful little Howard, Lin Feng couldn’t help but patted his head, and gave him a pure gold longevity lock to hang around his neck.

This little guy’s intelligence will not be inferior to his future son, Iron Man Tony Stark, one of the smartest humans in the Marvel universe, will be accepted into the Lin family in the future, no

It feels that the development of science and technology will stagnate and lag behind other countries.

As for the member they were worried about, Briggs Stanley, Lin Feng never took it to heart. He was not as important as Howard Jr. in his eyes.

Even if a small member of Congress is from the Stani family, he would not dare to show any disrespect to the Lin family, otherwise Lin Feng would not be able to take action.

The Zhi family will send them to hell and never be reborn.

“Dear Mr. Lin, you rarely come to Meijian! I wonder if I have the honor to invite you to my house and let me hold a welcome banquet for you?”

Before leaving Lin’s Manor, Philip Stark mustered up the courage to invite.

Lin Feng thought for a while, and for Little Howard’s sake, responded with a light smile.

“Definitely that’s fine. Besides, your father and I hit it off right away. Just don’t call me Uncle Lin like that!”

Speaking of this, he leaned over and touched Little Howard’s head again, and said something that made him inexplicable.

“I think this little guy is very pleasing to the eye, let him call me grandpa from now on!”

Philip was inexplicably surprised, and urged while holding his son’s hand.

“My son, please call him Grandpa. Mr. Lin is your grandfather’s friend, so you should call him Grandpa!”

He didn’t expect such a big surprise. In his eyes, his son was not only a genius, but also the lucky star of the Stark family.

Being able to become relatives with the Lin family is Meilijian, no, it is the dream of many people in the world. After having such a powerful relative, the Stark family will be able to walk sideways in Meilijian.

No one dared to move.

Little Howard was ignorant and didn’t understand why his father was so excited.

But looking at the kind old grandfather in front of him, he couldn’t help but think of his grandfather Hall Stark.

“Grandpa Lin!”

Lin Feng hugged him with a smile and said to Bei.

“You remember to inform Shenwuwei later, and ask them to send a master to Stark’s house, who will be responsible for teaching Howard from now on.”

He didn’t say what he was teaching, but Lin Beixuan knew that the master was referring to Wuji True Kungfu, so he nodded and replied immediately.

“Okay, sir, I’ll arrange it right away. Shenwuwei will be in place when we go to the banquet.”

Lin Feng nodded in satisfaction, hugging Howard Philip and his wife and said.

“Let’s go, nephew and daughter-in-law, I’ll hold this grandson, let’s go to your villa and go to the mountains!”.

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