People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 559

Chapter 341: Avengers Arrive

The latest website: Lightning hit the three, and the current sizzled and flowed through the body.

Then, they disappeared in place.

“The troublemakers are all gone, so now there’s still…” Doom’s eyes swept over everyone in Pengele, and then fell on the two ceremonies.

“This is my man.”

Jin said aloud.

He didn’t know about the two ceremonies stabbing Liba on the back. He and Doom came out and saw that the two ceremonies and the Vengelie people were standing in two directions, and they were also vigilantly confronting each other.

Take it for granted that the other party is resisting foreign enemies.

And the two ceremonies did not open the magic eye of direct death at that time (the magic eye of direct death will see the dead line, which will bring a lot of information and burden to the brain, and it will not be opened at ordinary times), Dumu’s steel is stronger than the central computer. The mask also failed to recognize that she was also from an extra-Marvel universe.

Therefore, she has been ignored.

“If that’s the case, then stand aside and watch, don’t disturb my experiment.” Doom nodded.

The two ceremonies were hesitant.

But just for a moment, he walked aside with a smile, came to Doom and Kim and stood beside him.

This man is so powerful that he is invincible.

Can only look for opportunities, slowly figure it out.

As long as he still exists as a creature and has the concept of death, then she has the possibility of killing him.

“Then, continue to show your flames!”

Doom looked at the Pengele people who were wrapped in the energy cover and said: “I can probably analyze that the flame of your death energy is a special energy obtained by burning life… No, it is not accurate to say that it is burning life, it should be The burning of life is right. It does not lead to the decay of lifespan, but the explosion of life forms…”

He Doom was originally just an ordinary human being.

There is no noble bloodline, no high inheritance left by his parents, and no physical mutation has occurred.

Yes, it is just a heart to explore the truth of the universe.

Science, magic, superpowers, mutants, demons, gods…

whatever exists.

As long as he has power, he will explore and try to parse, then learn and master.

Time flies.

Today, he has become the feared tyrant of Latovilia, Doctor Doom.

He is very knowledgeable, technology and technology hangs Iron Man.

Even machines that go to heaven, go to hell, and even travel through time and dimensions have been created.

Only Mister Fantastic could hold him down.

He is also very powerful, and has mastered all magic from ancient times to the present, which only the Supreme Mage can match.

And all of this is due to his own efforts.


The air suddenly trembled.

The golden-yellow energy cannon pierced through the night sky like a shooting star and struck here.

Doom raised his left hand and gently caught it.

“There are so many annoying guys!”

Doom’s eyes flashed with displeasure.

Then, like throwing a baseball, he grabbed the energy cannonball and threw it in the direction it came from.

call out!

The energy cannonball broke through the air, roared, dragged a long tail flame in the night sky, and crashed into a building two kilometers away.


With a loud noise, the earth shook.

Soaring flames and shocks swept through the sky, raging for hundreds of meters.

Tina quickly shuttled between the roofs with a gun of destruction that was taller than a person, and escaped from the heat wave dangerously and dangerously.

She leaned her back against the wall of the rooftop, kicked her breath, her eyes full of disbelief.

It was clearly decomposing energy, but it was grabbed with bare hands and thrown back…

Doesn’t it dissolve at the moment of contact?

Although this is not the maximum power, it is enough to melt the mortal body into slag.

“A little faceless!”

An unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded in front of him.

Tina was startled and shot without even thinking about raising the gun.

But the moment the muzzle was raised, it was held down by a right hand wearing a steel glove.

Doom looked at Tina indifferently, “This gun is a device on the Destroyer. Although the performance is a trillion times weaker than the impression, it is very suitable for the situation of this universe. In other words, you are from S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent!”

Tina stared at Doom, silent.

Suddenly, violent.

The moment he let go of the gun with both hands, he suddenly stood up with his legs and leaned forward toward Doom.

On the way, he quickly wiped his right hand around his waist, took out the dagger, and spun around in the air and stabbed Doom sharply.

The whole action is completed in one go, less than a second to complete.



The dagger stabbed on the steel armor with a golden sound, and it was impossible to enter an inch.

Doom held out his right hand towards her.

Tina was startled and hurriedly backed away.

Doom didn’t care, just looked at her indifferently, especially her bright red eyes, “This kind of power, speed and reaction… You are a super soldier. Could it be that S.H.I.E.L.D. in this world has developed a new super soldier serum ?”

Tina didn’t speak, just watched him vigilantly.

This man’s strength is terrifying.

She dared not be distracted at all.

Upon seeing this, Doom smiled, “Your judgment is correct. If you are distracted in the slightest, you will be instantly defeated even if you are trying to answer questions. It seems that you have a high tactical literacy!”

Tina still looked at him silently.

Doom didn’t care either, just continued: “Although your judgment is fine, you still misunderstood my power.”

“It’s a power far beyond your imagination.”


Seems to feel something?

Tina shouted loudly.

The Kun-style fighter, which was hanging at a high altitude, released its stealth state and dropped missiles indiscriminately.

“As I said, you misestimated my strength.”

Doom remained calm and calm, but with a light wave of his hand, the missile exploded high in the sky.

Some of them even exploded before they could be shot on the plane.

With his back facing the flames in the night sky, Doom slowly walked towards Tina, “You are a qualified soldier and should be able to make a correct judgment. Surrender is your only option to survive.”

“Perhaps so, but it doesn’t mean that living is the only choice!” Tina said firmly, turning over and jumping off the tall building.

Doom hurried to the railing and looked down.

A dark muzzle was aimed at his eyes.


The muzzle shoots out flames, and the bullet shoots out of the chamber.

Doom, who was caught off guard, was hit by a bullet, and his head went up and down.

Tina, on the other hand, used the recoil of the gun to accelerate her fall.


Doom tilted his head, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, as if he had made an appointment.

It has always been his doom to slander others.

being bullied by others…

This is the first time. UU Reading

Especially the person who yin him is still a little girl who can be pinched to death in his eyes.

“Don’t think about escaping.”

Doom opened his right hand to the sky, and lightning flashed around his five fingers.

The sky suddenly rolled, with lightning and thunder.


With the right hand swiping down, thunder fell from the sky, like a sharp blade that seemed to pierce the earth.

Under the attack of this natural disaster.

Any obstacles, bunkers are meaningless.

At a critical moment, a little pig leaped from the sky and shouted, “Don’t want to hurt Little Tina!”


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