People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 514

Chapter 302: Cause

“ask him?”

“It’s Superman!”


Although he couldn’t see it, Matt had already heard the natural attitude from the other party’s tone, and couldn’t help but feel speechless.

I’m so stupid too.

Since the other party will hire a lawyer for Superman, it is naturally an acquaintance.

If you have any problems, you can just call for a consultation.

“Then please let Superman come to the office!”

Matt pondered for a while and said.

“Ok, I’ll try.”


what the hell?

Don’t you know each other?

Matt’s face showed obvious consternation.

Just then, the man came to the window and opened it.

Inhale deeply, exhale, inhale, exhale…

Repeat this a few times, then put your hands in a trumpet shape to your mouth, and shout vigorously: “Superman! Clark! I want to help you win the lawsuit against dc, but there are some things that need to be consulted, can you come?”

Men are not loud.

But the Ford law firm is on the street in Hell’s Kitchen, with its windows open to the street.

At this time, such a shout attracted the attention of a large number of pedestrians.


“Stop, stop, stop!”

Matt, who was stunned because of the man’s hard-core way of calling people, heard that the other party was going to continue, and immediately reacted, rushed over, covered his mouth and dragged him into the room.

“Who are you?”

Matt pulled the man back into the room and asked loudly, “You don’t know Superman at all, why did you hire a lawyer for him?”

“Superman can run around for people, can’t we report them in our own way?”

The man’s words are very sincere.

No lie!

Matt confirmed it with his super-hearing ability to discern the voice of his heart. He heard a sincere feeling from the other party’s feelings, and seemed very happy to be able to help Superman.

It made him feel relieved.

During the day, he helps the poor to file lawsuits for free as a lawyer, and at night he turns into a Daredevil to fight for justice.

Whenever he encounters that kind of person, although it will not make him disheartened and give up being a hero.

But also feel cold.

At this moment, it is naturally very gratifying to see someone who is ready to help superheroes because of being infected by superheroes.


Matt was about to say something.

Suddenly, as if sensing something, he looked to the side.

At some point, a person was standing beside the two of them.

Blue tights, large red cape, and ‘s” logo on the chest.

It is Superman.

When Matt looked over, there was a sudden surge of air, blowing the documents on the table flying everywhere.

“Oh, sorry!”

Superman shrugged helplessly, then turned into a phantom, caught the files before they scattered, and put them back on the table in reverse order.

“Wow, Superman!”

It was only at this moment that the man reacted, and he was as excited as seeing an idol, “Superman, I am your fan, I have read your comics since I was a child, and now I have a collection of all kinds of Superman figures, posters, and Let your son fall in love with you too.”

Brother, your character is gone.

Seeing that the man who was meticulous just a moment ago turned into a star chaser in the next second, Matt couldn’t help but be speechless.


Superman nodded in salute, then asked, “I just heard you calling me, what’s the matter?”

Superman’s super-hearing can hear mosquitoes flapping their wings anywhere on Earth.

But there are too many creatures on Earth, emitting all kinds of sounds.

This is innumerable noises in the superhuman ears with super hearing, which put a huge burden on his brain.

Therefore, he usually blocks noises that are too far away, and only pays attention to some voices that mention himself and call for help, and involve crimes.

Therefore, he knew that someone here was looking for him.

But didn’t hear the next words about why they called him.

“Oh, so it is.”

The little fan recovered from the excitement and repeated what happened just now.

“I see.”

After listening to the explanation of the little fan, Superman understood the cause and effect, and smiled: “Thank you for your kindness, but I have the ability to hire a lawyer myself, so…”

“Please don’t refuse!”

Hearing Superman’s implicit remarks, the little fans immediately discouraged him, “This lawyer Ma often helps local poor people and capitalists fight lawsuits to ask for wages. The success rate is very high, and they are very famous in this area. He will definitely help you win the lawsuit. of.”


Superman looked at Matt unexpectedly, and then smiled, “If that’s the case, then I’ll hire Matt’s lawyer as my lawyer, but I can pay for the cost myself.”

“It’s… well.”

The little fan hesitated for a while, then nodded in agreement.

“Thank you very much for your trust in me.”

Matt first expressed his gratitude, and then looked at Superman deeply, “But I don’t accept all lawsuits. If it is an unjust dispute, I refuse to appear in court to provide legal aid. So, I want to know: Superman, are you really? Superman? Why are you suing DC?”


Hearing Matt’s question, Superman was silent.

After a while, he looked up at Matt and asked, “What is Superman in your eyes?”

“of course……”

Looking at the man in front of him, Matt blurted out the words “cartoon character” and swallowed it.


To the people of this world, Superman is nothing more than a cartoon character.

Even if Superman appears in reality.

Most people still have not been able to change this concept.

But the man called “Superman” in front of him stood in front of him.

Is he a comic book character?

of course not.

Whether he came to reality from the comics or not, he has nothing to do with the character in the comics.

He is himself, not anyone.

“I understand.”

Matt said the answer that only two people understand, took a deep breath, and continued to ask: “Then why did you sue DC?”

“I need money.”

Superman said solemnly: “My power can fight evil and save those who are in distress. But I can’t feed those poor people, they will still starve to death, and will die of pain because of diseases that cannot be cured, but Money can.”

“I took this case.”

Matt didn’t say more, patted his chest and assured Superman, “No matter how difficult it is, I will help you win this lawsuit.”


A smile appeared on Superman’s In view of the particularity of the lawsuit between Superman and dc, the highest judicial institution in the United States will hold the hearing at the New York Supreme Prosecutor’s Office.

Today is court day.

Early in the morning, before the court opened, the door was blocked by a large number of reporters and good people.

Everyone is eagerly waiting for the two sides to bring it.

Moments later, a sedan stopped outside.

Representatives and lawyers of dc companies walked out of it.


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