People Are In Marvel, Behind the Scenes

Chapter 509

Chapter 297: Arrangements And Panic

“Find me a quiet, open place.”

Erin said.

The power of the snake **** is legendary to Wanda through the crown of the snake god, so as long as the crown is removed, the power of the snake **** will naturally dissipate.

But life force is different.

Although this thing is also someone else’s power, it does not pass through any medium, as if it was originally Wanda’s power.

If you want to pull it out, you have to use some means.

Erin is a high-ranking additional wizard.

Any attribute can be attached to anything, and of course can be detached from any attribute.

And her body is the holy dragon.

Possesses the ability to supercharge additional magic, making it the ultimate in additional magic.

Erin had a hunch.

The life force in Wanda’s body is not so easy to extract, maybe she has to show her body and use all her strength.

“Little boss, make arrangements for her.”

“no problem.”

“Come with me, Miss Erin.”

The little boss nodded, then gestured to Irene, and took the lead to leave the courtyard.

“Then we’ll go over first, and call you after the results come out.”


After all, it is about the power of oaa.

Even if the owner, Wanda, agrees to be drawn, it is unknown if any accident will happen.

Wait until Irene and Wanda leave with the little boss.

Gu Qing turned to look at Reinhardt and Clark, “You all have incomparably powerful strength and noble character, and you will be welcomed wherever you are, so what do you want to do?”

“I’m afraid it won’t be so easy!”

Clark was not as optimistic as Gu Qing thought.

In the DC world, he does not ask for anything in return to help the world, and he is indeed welcomed and loved by many people, but there are also many people who fear his power, worry that he will target them and feel excluded.

Although the world is different, people are the same.

If the fear of power in people’s hearts can’t be resolved, then it’s impossible to tell Gu Qing what he said.


After Clark said this, Gu Qing also thought of this, shrugged helplessly, and asked, “Are you interested in going to the universe to play?”


Clark was stunned.

“Compared to your world, the universe in this world is still peaceful. Those aliens have a lot of knowledge, and they don’t fear powerful forces like the people on Earth.”

Having said this, Gu Qing laughed, “There is just one thing I want in the universe. If you want to go, you can help me find it.”


After a moment of contemplation, Clark agreed.

No one likes a hot face on a cold ass.

Clark, who had already had this experience once, didn’t want to go through it again.

This world has no parents, no Louis.

not worth it.

“how about you?”

Seeing that Clark agreed, Gu Qing turned to look at the knight next to him.

“I can’t think of it yet.”

Reinhardt scratched his head and smiled: “As a knight of the kingdom, I should have protected the glory of the country. But now…”

Saying that, he shrugged helplessly.

“Then just stay with me for a while.”


Seeing this, Gu Qing looked at Lu Qishi again and asked, “Did Fury give you the super soldier serum?”


Xian Qishi shook his head lightly.

“That’s it.”

Gu Qing rubbed his chin, thinking that Fury should be quite busy during this time, nodded and said, “Let’s wait for two days and see, if it hasn’t been delivered by then, I’ll find him again.”


“Then let’s all go to rest.”

Each went back to the room arranged by the little boss to rest.

Gu Qing calmed down and took stock of the gains this time.

Not counting the unexpected harvest of life force, the prayer value alone is 1.4 billion, and this is not counting the income after the subsequent reaction and fermentation.

If budgeted in advance.

The overall revenue should be no less than 2 billion, and counting the remaining ones, there is a total of 3.6 billion.

“There are still 6.4 billion from 10 billion…”

Gu Qing frowned tightly.

Although 2 billion can be harvested this time, Sol, Wanda and others are already the second strongest group of people on earth.

After seeing the power of Irene, Reinhardt, and others, they will encounter power of this level in the future… Although they can’t say they are calm, they won’t have the same huge reaction this time.

In other words, after the leeks are cut.

The uptrend is not as good as expected.

As for the strongest group…

Whether it is the Supreme Mage, Odin, or the Eternals hidden in the crowd, they are used to seeing strong winds and waves, and they will not make a fuss because of this level of power.

In other words, it will be difficult to harvest as many prayer points as this time in the future.

This is the reason why Gu Qing sent Superman to the universe.

Although he appears in reality in the comics, it will definitely make fans feel excited, and then provide prayer points.

But ordinary people are too weak.

Even if 6 billion people have a collective orgasm, I don’t know how much they can provide (there are elderly, children and patients).

Of course, no matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat.

Gu Qing was going to cut this leek before Superman went to the universe.

However, no matter how good the growth of leeks is, there will be a day when they are cut. After all, it is necessary to open up new leeks fields.

“I hope Pym can quickly research the quantum channel!” Gu Qing couldn’t help sighing.

Although the universe is vast, the strong are not as good as the earth.

Just relying on the vast and boundless terrain and countless creatures to pile up.

When Gu Qing was counting the harvest, the follow-up reactions brought by the maze were also fermenting.

Times Square in New York is the economic center of the city.

People come and go here every day, and the traffic is busy, which is closely related to the lives of millions of people.

It was razed to the ground, causing huge repercussions.

The reason given by the U.S. government to the outside world is that “the Great War has occurred.”

In fact, the US government also wants to hide the news.

But the ruined venue and the previous live broadcast made things impossible to hide.

What’s more, they also killed a major general and secretary of state.

This caused the public to panic about the superhuman.

When Accardo destroyed Romania before…because of its remote terrain, it was a small country, sparsely populated, and relatively backward, and no one came forward to speak out.

I don’t feel It’s like watching TV news “where is the war happening again”, although I know that it happened in the same world, but because the distance is too far, I can’t witness it with my own eyes, so I don’t will feel the same.

I feel that it is not a world thing with myself.

But Times Square in New York is different.

This is a bustling commercial street and the economic center of New York City. Even TV stations from other countries often broadcast here.

This place is closely related to people’s lives.

Those superhumans can raze this place to the ground, and they can threaten their safety.

Faced with this situation, governments around the world have brought S.H.I.E.L.D. to the fore.


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