People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 20

Page 20

Facts speak louder than words.

At that moment, the dissatisfaction and doubts in Xiaoxi Kuanyi’s heart disappeared in an instant.

Because he knows that he is not the opponent of the person in front of him at all!

“I lost……”

Konishi Kuan shivered and admitted his failure.

Makino Cangsuke smiled unexpectedly, he picked up the event venue transfer book on the table, and said condescendingly to Konishi Kanichi.

“In that case, bookmark this transfer agreement.”


The members of the Donburi Research Association all looked at Konichi Konishi, who had a pale expression.


Even if you know that once you sign the word, a club without an event venue will exist in name only.

The Donburi Research Association will also be disbanded from now on.

But this is eating halberd, even if he cannot accept such a result, once he violates the rules of eating halberd.

Facing him, it would be more terrifying than the dissolution of the Donburi Research Association, or even death!

In this world, if food is everything.

Then the halberd is the pinnacle above all other things!

Even sometimes, the priority of eating halberds can even override the law!

If you violate the rules or conventions of eating halberds, then this person will be nailed to the cross of shame all his life.

No matter where you go, you will be cast aside and looked down upon.

By then, his life will be completely over!

Precisely because he knew the consequences of this, he felt like a knife to the heart of the impending disbandment of the Donburi Research Association.

But Konishi Kanichi had to pick up a pen and signed his name tremblingly on the transfer agreement.

Makino Cangsuke put away the transfer agreement, glanced at Konishi Kanichi, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Is this the second-year student who has gone through a lot of screening and has been promoted from the first year?”

“It looks like that now.”

After dropping those words lightly, Makino Sosuke turned around and left the Donburi Research Association.

The other members of the Dark Cuisine Research Society also laughed and said, “That’s all.”

Then they all left.

Only Xiaoxi Kuanyi was left alone, kneeling on the ground, savoring the pain of being humiliated alone.

Afterwards, the venue for the Dark Cooking Research Association.

“Lord Mo Yu, this is the club activity venue transfer letter signed and signed by Kanichi Konishi, the head of the rice bowl cooking club.”

Makino Cangsuke respectfully presented the document in his hand to Mo Yu.


Mo Yu glanced at the transfer book and placed it on the table.

“Lord Mo Yu.”

One after another, some members of the Dark Cuisine Research Society walked in from the door.

Originally, they all had arrogant smiles on their faces.

However, when they entered the gate of the Dark Cooking Research Association’s event venue, they saw Mo Yu.

That expression instantly turned into a kind of awe from the heart.

They put away their arrogance, as if they had changed from a wolf to a loyal dog.

Walking in front of Mo Yu, he bowed his head respectfully.

“Lord Mo Yu, this is the venue transfer agreement from the Sumo Hotpot Research Club.”

“Mr. Mo Yu, this is the site transfer agreement of the Standing Food Buckwheat Research Association.”

“And here, Mr. Mo Yu, this is the Steak Oden Research Association…”

In the blink of an eye, on the table in front of Mo Yu, there were already five or six points related to the club activity venue transfer agreement.

These transfer books all came from some small societies located around the venue of the Dark Cuisine Research Association.

And signed by their master himself!

Konishi Kanichi could never have imagined that during this period of time, the society that suffered was not only his rice bowl cooking party.

Others, such as the Sumo Hot Pot Cooking Club, are small clubs with few members because the theme is quite unpopular.

At the same time, I received a notice from the first-year students who claimed to be members of the Dark Cuisine Research Association that they wanted to merge the venues of both clubs!

The final result, of course, is that no consensus can be reached.

The main generals of these small clubs were all senior high school seniors who were successfully promoted to the second year after the cruel assessment and fighting in the first year.

From their point of view, these first-year students who came out of nowhere were arrogant and rude when they met their seniors.

He even wanted to take away from them the venue for the survival of the community they love as life.

Provocation, this is a clear provocation!

As a result of the inability to negotiate, in the end, the only way to deal with it is to use the halberd.

After all, not only in Totsuki Academy, but the whole world.

All disputes can be resolved with halberds!

However, what these community leaders never expected was that they were defeated.

And it still failed miserably!

In front of the exquisite and delicious dishes made by these first-year students, their dishes seemed to be ridiculous at the elementary school level.

No matter which aspect of color and fragrance, there is no comparison at all!

According to Shiji’s agreement, they signed the transfer documents of those club venues with heartache and resignation.

At the same time, he also remembered a name through gritted teeth.

Dark Cuisine Research Society! .

【24】Meet the standard!The Dark Cuisine Research Association has been upgraded! (1 more, please collect!)

In the recent period of time, if you want to say that among the first-year students of the higher department, the limelight is the most popular and the most eye-catching.

Of course, it belongs to the Dark Cuisine Research Society, the latest rising in Totsuki Academy.

It is said that the students who joined the Dark Cuisine Research Association have not only gained a considerable boost in strength in a short period of time.

More importantly, recently, under the orders of Mo Yu, the leader of their Dark Cuisine Research Association.

Many small societies have received the challenge of eating halberds from the Dark Cuisine Research Association!

You must know that under the harsh elimination competition academic system, the proportion of the first-year students of the high school of Togetsu Academy in Togetsu Academy is quite large.

Even adding up the number of sophomores and juniors, it’s probably not more than one-tenth the number of first graders!

However, the number of clubs in Totsuki Academy is still so large, because many of the students who join these clubs are first-year students.

In some small clubs, with the exception of the leader who is a second-year student, basically all members are first-year students.

Therefore, when there is a change in these clubs, these first-year students are often the first to receive the news.

Donburi Research Society, Sumo Hot Pot Research Society, Standing Soba Research Society…

Although these are weak, they are tough like weeds, and have survived in Togetsu Academy for a long time.

Recently, because of the loss of the event venue, they have suffered disasters!

And the reasons behind all this are inseparable from a society.

That is the Dark Cuisine Research Society!

“I heard that even the Rishoku Soba Research Association has fallen… It’s a small club, and it’s a well-developed club.”

“Yeah, and it is said that those who played in those clubs were all second-year generals who were actually defeated by first-year students as big as us.”

“Didn’t it mean that the second-year students survived the brutal fighting of the first-year? Why can’t they be better than the first-year students?”

“Is that Dark Cuisine Research Society really that powerful? I really want to take a look.”

During this period of time, many people were discussing this matter in the corridors of the first-year classrooms of the Higher School.

If there is attention, there will be heat.

In the same way, if there is heat, it will naturally attract people’s attention.

The name of the Dark Cuisine Research Association was spreading more and more among the first-year students of the high school.

More first-year students also began to take an interest in the newly emerging clubs in this academy.

At the same time, a new group of people went to the Dark Cuisine Research Society, expressing their desire to join the club.

To this, Mo Yu’s answer, as always, was—

“As long as you can pass my special training assessment, then you can have the qualifications to join the club.”

Just like the first members of the club, those first-year students who want to join the Dark Cuisine Research Society.

At the beginning, they also questioned the content of Mo Yu’s special training assessment, which was so difficult that it was unimaginable.

Some people even think that this level of special training assessment is really the level that human beings can do?

In this regard, the first-year students who have become full members of the Dark Cooking Research Association questioned this.

There was only a disapproving sneer in their hearts.

This is exactly what Mo Yu thought.

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