Papuru Star

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Kane vs Claude


A little boy is holding hands with his mother as they walk through the bustling avenues of Jewelhead. Tall, curved buildings bordered an extensive shopping district composed of decorative huts or booths with peoples selling items, food, or services. Delicious aromas filled the air as many foods from many worlds were prepared for off world tourists, who outnumbered the Dycordians present.

Kane (voiceover)

Jewelhead, a city on the planet Dycord, is a favorite destination for vacationers from Earth, my mom among them. She told me once it was both alien (the scenery) and familiar (lots of Earthlings), which is why she felt it safe for us to visit often.

Child Kane broke from his mother's grasp to sprint to a booth occupied by a green skinned Finan hocking toy planes that were in the midst of arial combat, controlled by a headpiece he wore.

Kane's mother

It's lunch time, sweetie. I will buy you a toy later.

Child Kane

But mom it's from Flight for Space my favorite show!!! Please! Please!!!

Kane's mother (signing)

Okay, pick the one you want.

Child Kane jumps at the opportunity to quickly pick out two toys.

Kane (voiceover)

I was an idiot child, so self-absorbed in kid things I didn't see how unhappy my mom was. That it took these vacations to Dycord with me to bring out her true nature.

Mother and son play with the space fighter toys as they walk, dogfighting over the heads of unsuspecting shoppers. One of the toys, after hit with a play light ray and simulating a crash, flys into an alley next to a mask shop. Child Kane ran after it, zipping between mask shoppers. Two Dagons, both appearing intoxicated, enter the alley after him. With a look of panic, mother hurried after her son.

Kane (voiceover)

My mom was always overprotective and not the normal overprotectivness of motherhood. She acted as if everyone was a potential threat. She was so fearful of others she taught me how to read a person with near perfect accuracy. By age six, I could easily distinguish friend from foe.

When his mother reached the alley, Kane was laughing and playing with the Dagons, who were enjoying the flying toy.

Nevertheless, she quickly grabbed her son and hugged him, throwing a glare at the two muscle men, who only toss up their hands in mock offense as they walked away. Another man enters the alley, walking past the drinking buddies, wearing a long dark cloak and a mask from the shop next door.

Kane (voiceover)

Yeah, I knew as soon as I saw him and so did mom.

Kane's mother blocked him from the approaching menace, who then pulled a gun.

Kane (voiceover)

I lost my mother that day. Hurt like hell. And since my dad died five years prior, I was an orphan at ten.

Child Kane is sitting in a modest living area crying softly on a couch. Child Claude sits next to him and hand him a sandwich. Child Claude's parents stood at a doorway crying as well.

Kane (voiceover)

Both my parents and Claude's knew each other before we were born so I had to stay with them until my aunt came from Earth to scoop me up. Claude helped me get through the tough years ahead and I'm man enough to say he is my best friend.


Kane and Claude are sitting in a common area decorated with ferns and other types of fauna from at least four worlds. A large window looked out over the main avenue leading to Assembly Hall, while the rest of the area was boxed in by the reception hall. Inside and around Assembly Hall was a bustle of activities ranging from fun to paid work as the carnival that was set up a couple of miles away had drifted to include the many administrative buildings lining the streets. Vehicles of both land and air clutter the vision and the massive topaz appeared as if it were a restraining wall. Claude was looking out at this as Kane was staring away at a datapad.


I don't get it. I'm faster, stronger, more agile, tougher-




-and yet your ranking is higher then mine. That's why I don't pay attention to the SRC. It's biased.




Me! Earthlings! We always at the bottom!


No disrespect, but Earth has only won one Competition out of ninety nine.


Like I don't know that! But I have the same Soul Style as the guy who did win. That alone should bump me up above at least the one armed guy. What's he ranked anyway?


Many of the others have years or decades of fighting experience.


I've got experience, buddy, and you know that.


I know. I meant that the Superstars' Guild use many factors in their rankings, with experience being chief among them.


The ones deciding that must be as old as Fiaster.

A loud commotion could be heard coming their way as two boisterous voices declared they were going first. Delegates and their aides turned at the noise and so did several security guards stationed by the main reception desk. Kane's eyes grew dark and Claude grinned at his friend.


You have company.


The worst in the galaxy.

The two human males who entered the area were dressed the same except for the choice of color and style of wear. They both had the same face, like twins, which also was Kane's face.


Tell Dane I'm fighting first!


Tell Zane I'm fighting first!

They were simultaneous in speech and volume and continued to bicker, never stopping to take a breath.

Kane (voiceover)

My damn Syncs. Created using Coalition science or magic or both, who cares. They were sent to live with me six months ago to 'learn me' as my publicist called it. They only exist to take my place in battles I don't want to, or can't, participate in. The Coalition could have saved the crap they used to create these asses cause I'm not passing up any battles.

When the security guards start to inch closer, Kane finally jumps to his feet.


Will you two shut up! Neither of you are going!


But you won't do what it takes to win! I will!


He means kill.


Are you crazy?


Killing the other guy takes him out the game.


Then you miss the opportunity to see the look of utter disappointment on their faces when you win.


I thought you two hated Dycord and weren't going to leave the ship?


Changed our minds when we saw who was up first.


I am Claude. Nice to make-


We know who you are. We got his memories as well as good looks. We also know you planning to use your friendship with our Base as a means to win.




You guys changed my alarm-


That was Dane.


-and ate all the food the hotel gave us.


That was Zane.


Because Dane was going to blow up the whole unit as a prank.

The omnibands around Kane and Claude's left wrists beeped three times and a feminine electronic voice spoke.


Sixty seconds until teleportation.


Quick, give me the omniband! I promise not to kill your friend, just crush his spirit.


And I promise his death will be humane. We need to send a message to the other Superstars.

Kane turned to his friend.


If I let one of these psychos go, do you promise to kill them?




That's a big negative, fellas! Now go to the nearest market and restock that unit.


I do hope my Syncs are not as...gung ho?


I think you mean asshole.

The two Syncs were commenting fluently on that as Kane and Claude disappear in a flash of light.



And we're back, my wonderful carnies! Its time for the first battle and one of my fav parts is picking of the geodome!

Roxy's holoform hovered one meter above the heads of the crowd gathered around Assembly Hall. The million plus in attendance at the Tower of Laws joined in the fun, making the main avenue seem small. The courtyard had also been commandeered by carnies with a children's ride built right next to the ornament fountain in the center. Street performers filled the air with music, several mascots from holoview shows entertained the kids and every third person was eating something. Roxy floated down to a child Cycloid stuffing his chubby cheeks with syrup cakes.


Which geodome would you like to see, little man?

Cycloid child 1

Mush Fields! I like mushrooms!


I bet you do. And you young lady, what's your geodome of choice?

The Dycordian female was ecstatic.

Dycordian lady 1

Claude is next! I love him so much! Can you get me to see him!?


Moving on!

She rose higher, feathered arms raised and in the empty sky, a rapid series of images, a quarter of the size of the giant topaz, filled the space. The images finally stop their random appearances to settle on a valley of steaming, midnight onyx with rivers of lava and a volcano dominating the background.


It's the Fire Eye! Appearing way back at the 79th Coalition Carnage, its taken the lives of twenty three competitors so far. Will there be a twenty fourth? Let's find out! Its Superstar Kane vs Superstar Claude out of the Fire Eye! Let Battle 1 begin!!!


Kane is teleported to the black rocky surface of Yon's moon, the Fire Eye.

Kane (voiceover)

The first thing I felt was the broiling heat. If not for the added resistance to heat and cold provided by being a Soul Style user, I would have died in seconds. I also had my Sustenance activated in case I appeared underwater.

Yuni 1

Yo! Superstar Kane!

Fifty meters to his left was a group of five Yuni, drinking and lounging on some rocks, the liquid in their clear glasses were boiling.

Yuni 1

You suck!


So does you mom.

The hecklers laugh at their pal, who threw his alcohol at Kane, which missed by five feet.


Maybe you need to cool off in that river over there.


He is inebriated. You should just ignore him.


Damn, you're quiet! Make some noise when you sneak up on a friend.


If I were anyone else, I would have attacked when your back was turned.


Good thing I'm fighting a priest then. Wait that sounded bad.

Yuni  2

Less talking more trying to kill each other!


I was thinking, the other Superstars are probably watching.


Yeah and I don't want them to see all I can do this early.


Precisely. So I propose the first to force the other to use three techniques wins.


Sounds like a plan.


Um, guys?

Roxy was suddenly floating beside them.


People are booing.


We're fighting, we're fighting. Go away and let us fight.

She disappeared as suddenly as she appeared.


You ready? Hold on, Soul Style increases my strength and speed. I can't turn them off and you're just a normal Dycordian. I know.


I know. Which means I have to use a technique now.

A six foot staff rose from the onyx floor, composed of the same material, which Claude wielded with ease.


I'll match you.

Silver energy crept up his left forearm, over the omniband, and kept going to end thirty inches from his fist. It pulsed rhythmically and its tip faded to nothingness.


Now we each have two left.


Let us begin.

Claude twirled the staff around himself with incredible dexterity as Kane dashed toward him.

Kane (voiceover)

Claude and I fought a few times growing up, before his priest days. He was a tough customer then.


Sorry, buddy. I'm ending this before it starts.

Kane came in with an almost lazy horizontal slash at Claude's torso. He moved to block and Kane smiled. That smile vanished when the staff of onyx actually blocked the sword of energy and Claude took advantage of Kane's surprise by hooking his friend under the right arm and, using his own momentum, tossed him forty feet. Twisting smoothly in the air, Kane lands lightly on his feet.


The Superstar pals test each other in a quick melee exchange! Now...they talk again.


How did you do that? My Will Blade can cut anything.


My World Bo is comprised of not just the matter of a planet, but a portion of its spirit as well. Though you have the strongest will of any mortal I have met personally, I do not believe you a match for the will of a planet.


But we are on a moon.


Moons are a planet's hands.


That's not weird. What about having the strength to even block my attack? If you used a technique-


Did you read the SRC?


The SRC is for amateur gamblers and carney nerds.


True, but they also give a hint to what your opponent can do. One of Communion Style's benefits is to gain the attributes of whatever I eat. I had wild yonder for breakfast.


You cheated.


I cannot turn it on and off, Kane.


Did you know we were the first fight?


Conversation is the more accurate term. Let's see some blood!

The Yuni carnies getting hammered echo her statement.


Fine, then. I'll get you to reveal something next.

Kane rockets toward Claude again, but changes direction, breaking to the Dycordian's right. He moved around his friend in a misshapen circle, body appearing as a blur to home audiences.

Kane (voiceover)

I know what you're thinking, but this isn't cheating. All Soul Style users have Quickening, the ability to move at super speed, as a base ability. Since it's not a technique, I'm golden. Besides, this is only a stalling tactic. Claude's too smart to rush down. I had forgotten what happened the last time we saw each other.


Teenage Kane rushes teenage Claude, fist raised for a haymaker. Claude sidesteps to the left.

Kane (voiceover)

I had only been learning Soul Style for a little over a year and my Quickening wasn't what it is now, but he still saw me coming.

Kane received a knee to his midsection and Claude's foot to the bottom of his chin. Barely fazed, Kane comes in again.


Take it back!

Claude was blown back as if by a gust of wind before Kane's fist struck the ground he had been standing, leaving a mini crater. Both wore formal suits and some onlookers in the cemetery screamed at what was happening while others stared in complete shock. Claude, quicker than it seemed a Dycordian could move, advanced to take hold of Kane's outstretched arm. The human was face first in the grass and in an arm submission before the rubble from his punch hit the ground.


I will not! You are being a fool yet again!

Kane yells, rising to his feet with Claude still attached and jumps straight up in an attempt to smash Claude once they came down. He released the hold and rolled on the landing, uninjured.



Both froze where they stood.

Kane (voiceover)

I don't know what stopped me. Maybe the stern voice of a holy Seer or the fact he was my friend? I don't know.

Seer Vassi walks calmly to the two, who continued to stare intensely at one another.


I know emotions are raw, but this is a place for mourning not fighting. You both are at fault. She would be disappointed.


I'm outta here.

Kane walks off leaving Claude staring at his back.

Kane (voiceover)

I was a real jackhole back then. Couldn't admit he was right. Got to remind him after we're done.


Kane (voiceover)

A frontal attack is what he expects.

Claude was standing stock still, bo staff at the ready, as Kane encompassed him.

Kane (voiceover)

I'm a lot faster then before. I'm also sure he knows this and has planned accordingly. Let's see what it is.

Kane comes in at Claude's blindspot, silver light sword leaving a streaking afterimage in his wake. Claude met his charge as if he knew where Kane would approach. This slash was more serious then the previous causing sparks to fly when his friend blocked the attempt. Kane went skidding across the hard onyx from another of Claude's throws, still on his feet, and came in again. He executes a three slash combo primarily aimed at Claude's left side. The first two were blocked and the third was parried, sending Kane off balance. Claude immediately flung his World Bo directly at Kane's head. The dense staff made a loud thwack one inch from his face and rebounds back to Claude.


Got your Aura Cloak out the way. You should take this more seriously.


That could've put my eye out!


Be thankful I did not toss you into the lava river. That was my original plan.


If you're still mad at me, we can talk.


I am sorry. Let me clarify; I only wanted your Aura Cloak out of your arsenal. It takes approximately twenty four hours to recharge unless the SRC is wrong.


Maybe, maybe not.


Then let us show our second techniques before it returns.

He spun the World Bo using both hands so fast, Kane could feel the wind rustle his clothing. He braced himself then noticed the air behind Claude stir. It was the heat rising from the lava bed ushering in streams of the molten rock that rose slowly, weaving a dance like charmed snakes. Multiple strings of lava consolidated into two swirling tornadoes fifteen feet in diameter that towered twenty feet above him. Kane backed up a step.


Superstar Claude is turning up the heat and the stakes of this contest. How will Superstar Kane counter such an attack!?

Kane (voiceover)

He assured me later that he wasn't trying to kill me, but for a second I had a doubt.

The twin lava funnels loop toward Kane, who leaps for safety. With nature defying physics, the tornadoes followed his every movement as he zipped around the midnight flooring and vaulted over rivers of fire. He landed on a small outcropping of rock, only to jump away seconds before one of the tornadoes smash into it. Molten rock expand with extreme velocity in every direction, with none coming close to Claude still spinning his staff. The carnies had to duck flaming missiles while still holding their liquor. The second tornado advanced on Kane like a runaway train and the silver blade around his left forearm grew in size until it seemed half the size of the approaching storm. A spinning backhand slash completely eradicates the lava tornado fifty feet from where Kane stood. Claude was smiling.


Your Will Blade is formidable indeed.


Took years to develop. Wasn't easy, either.


I can imagine. You are much different then before. More determined. What changed?


I'll fill you in after my victory pose.

Kane and Claude charge each other in a flash of weapon mastery.

Kane (voiceover)

I wasn't sure if I should reveal to Claude the real reason I was here. But I definitely couldn't say while the whole galaxy was listening. The truth would crush the spirits of everyone watching and give the bastards I'm after a heads up that I'm on to their b.s.


Kane is rummaging through his closet, shifting through hundreds of pictured cases the size of his hand.

Kane (voiceover)

My great, great grandfather told my grandfather, who told my dad, who told me when I was four, that when humans had to abandon Earth's surface to live above the clouds, many things got left behind. He found a vault filled with vintage cartoons from the distant past and had been preserving them to pass down throughout the generations of our family.

Kane finds a particular case and removes a small cube which he placed into a machine. A hologram displaying a cartoon rabbit chased by hunters pops up above it.

Kane (voiceover)

Whenever I'm feeling nostalgic I go back to watching them. Brings me back to my childhood before my father passed. Couple years ago, I was missing my parents and decided to watch one in particular. One that I remember watching and laughing at with my family.

Tears are in his eyes as he laughs at animated antics. The image of a hunter falling from a cliff is suddenly replaced by the beautiful, smiling visage of his mother. Kane sits up in a near state of shock.

Kane (voiceover)

When I saw my mom in the holoview, smiling that smile that made all my fears melt as a kid, my heart was in my throat, no lie.

Kane's mother

Hello Kane, my lovely son. I'm recording this on 1035-053-UC just before we left for Dycord for our vacation. I don't know when you will see this, since you only watch this show when you miss your father, but I have no doubt you will. I also know at that time I will be dead. My death was neither an accident nor random act of violence. Information I discovered by accident two years ago may have led to my death and I am recording this message as a warning to you, my sweet child.

She paused and Kane was on his feet before her portrait, tears flowing much more freely then before. He reached for her face only for his hand to pass right through in a small show of static.

Kane's mother

Those Superstars you admire so much, the ones who win Coalition Carnage? I'm sorry to tell you, dear, but they are killed by this galactic government. The Coalition murder these celebrities for reasons I'm unaware of, and replace them with Tek that look exactly like them. I know this sounds crazy, but this knowledge is valuable enough to kill to keep it secret. I'm telling you this for two reasons. Don't become a Superstar. Just yesterday I heard you tell Claude you were going to be one when you were older. That may have been the dreams of a child but you can be stubborn. Also, if you are seeking justice for me, please don't. Live your life for you are the love of my life which I can happily give to keep you safe. Goodbye. I love you.

The show returned to normal but Kane didn't notice, his eyes held too much water. His Will Blade had formed and he sliced the couch he had been sitting on in half.

Kane (voiceover)

I had obtained my Soul Style for reasons only loosely connected to the competition but now... I had a reason to join Coalition Carnage.


Kane slashes repeatedly at Claude who blocks or dodges every attempt. Claude nearly applies another arm submission but Kane's knee prevents him from locking it all the way. Claude then leans back twisting his hips to toss Kane away yet again. By the time Kane lands lightly on his feet, Claude was spinning his staff over his head. The Yunis were whooping and cheering, some pointing behind Kane. A quick glance revealed five funnels of lava ready to go. The carny who antagonized Kane earlier was yelling that he hoped Kane would burn to perfection and he buddies guffawed at his brand of humor.


Okay, I see you, buddy.

Kane charges his friend and the tornadoes follow. Claude smiles as Kane passes him, the magma tornadoes pass by either side of thier creator, hell bent on striking their target. Kane's target, however, were the five Yuni carnies laughing at his expense. He made a ninety degree left turn less then two meters in front of them before they even registered he was there. They then had to scramble to avoid the tornadoes, but the funnels only snaked around them, locked on their prey. Kane skids to a halt, turning to face the threats, his right wrist now glowing a faint silver. The five tornadoes zeroed in and Kane made a punching motion toward them, sending a silver ring shaped energy construct that expanded fifty times its original size. As if drawn by a black hole, the five cylinders were sucked into the ring, leaving not a trace they ever existed.


That is two. The Sutúraito Ringu you call it? The SRC says it can transmute anything that enters into pure will energy.


That's right.


Releasing said energy will constitute you using your third technique.


It does.

The energy ring morphs into a long eared, bipedal rabbit chewing on a carrot.


I call this technique Jack.


Then I win.

Inside a nanosecond, Jack the Rabbit zipped toward Claude as a line of energy. Claude only barely manages to dodge left, but the beam follows and strikes him in the chest. A bright flash hides the outcome for the briefest of seconds, then fades revealing Claude flat on his back, eyes closed.


And Superstar Claude is down! Time to start the count! 1...2...3...4...

The Yuni carnies were cheering, except for one, as Kane ran up to his friend.


10! And the winner of Battle 1, Superstar Kane!

Kane waves at the sky, knowing the viewscopes on the geodome would pick it up then went back to checking on his friend. Claude groaned as he slowly sat up.


Easy now.

Kane helped him to his feet.


Are you okay? I had it set to stun.


I did not see that coming. I mean at all.


Five seconds until teleportation to safe zone.


Meet me at the carnival entrance.

Both friends vanish inside static energy and one of the Yuni throws his empty mug at the spot where Kane stood. When he rematerializes, it was inside a spacious cabin with dark green walls. An oval table sat in the middle with two opposing seats that extended from beneath the floor. Soft looking couches scattered the area and several monitors pocketed the walls, with one showing Roxy speaking into the camera on mute and another, the empty cockpit of the ship. The smell of something cooking filled his nostrils.


You won. That was cool. My win would have been more decisive.

Zane was standing by an archway as his twin entered wearing a cook's apron.


We used the food on board to make a victory brunch until you go shopping.


I'm going to meet Claude.


Yall still good after you whooped his ass?


Please be gone when I get back, never to return.

Kane quickens out the cabin, his dramatic exit is cut short by having to wait for the hatch door to open. He could hear his two Syncs still talking.


Did he say he was never coming back?


Yes. I'll take the next fight.

The dock that held Kane's Streamjet was egg shaped and full of maintenance personal and security of both Human and Dycordian, who all cheer as Kane disembarks. Kane waves, smiling nervously as he zips out of the open hanger bay doors.

Kane (voiceover)

I'm not entirely comfortable with the constant applause I get. But I knew what I signed for. Being a Superstar comes with the hopes, dreams and prayers of the masses. Even though I defeated their Superstar, the Dycordians still congratulate me. I love these people.

The city of Topaz's boulevards were even more crowded then before and makeshift food stands were now set up. The air still held Dycordians on gravdisks, but they were doing air dances and crowd pleasing stunts. Kane was trying to figure the best path through the sea of bodies when he noticed a figure in the distance jumping from one building to the next, heading away from the Tower of Laws.

Kane (voiceover)

Seeing that person use Quickening to sprint away from the Tower of Laws made me think something shady was going on. Was this a Trust die-hard trying to complete Fiaster's supposed goal of blowing up a landmark? I decide to follow.

Kane is able to jump high enough to run up the side of the nearest building, prompting dozens to cheer him again. From his vantage point, he could see balloons release from the spot where the carnival was originally set up and the roof traveller was around a mile from him. Kane picked up the pace to close the distance and realized the one he pursued was a woman. He was less then a quarter mile to her left, when she stopped on a roof overlooking a clearing. Kane stooped as well.


What are you doing?

Kane nearly jumped from the roof.


Damnit, man.


You need to work on your Awareness.


I was aware enough to notice this lady acting sus. She was leaving the Tower via roof jumping. After what went down this morning...

Claude was looking at the woman, frowning slightly.


I do believe she is the Superstar of Pia. Looks like her anyway.

The woman had turned to glare at them. They both went ridged then begun looking around for a place to spy from. She returned to ignoring them then jumped from the roof. The two rush to where she had leaped, Kane arriving first.

Kane (voiceover)

For a second, I thought she was trying to off herself, stupid me.

The clearing below was around a hundred meters in circumference and composed of granite walkways leading down several avenues. Those avenues were currently blocked off because of the giant dragon that nestled in the center. It took up a third of the area with its crimson and violet scaled body. Huge eyes stare at the woman as she approached then looked to Kane when Claude finally caught up.


Cool. A dragonfly.


Never seen one this close.

The woman patted the dragonfly gently between two huge nostrils before throwing another glare their way. The lizard then opened its humongous jaws, showing rows of two meter razor teeth. After that last look of contempt, she walked between two teeth and into its maw. The beast closed its mouth, eyes still on the two eavesdroppers.


Have to admit, watching that was a little unsettling.


What a galaxy we live in.

End chapter

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