Chapter 18: Chapter 18: A Bug's Life
The fishing line jerked, startling Child Claude, who nearly lost his grip on the rod.
Child Claude
I got one!
Do not let it get away.
After a bit of struggling, he reached over the side and held up a purple mino. It wriggled briefly, spraying water on the two Dycordians on the boat, as he took it off the fishing hook. His smile freezes, then fades slightly, as he studied his catch.
Child Claude
Is this even real?
It is.
Child Claude
How did I even catch it? I did not put on any bait.
Maybe it knew you were hungry.
Child Claude contemplates this a moment, then leans over the green painted canoe, releasing the fish which slowly swims away; the only visible disturbance of the otherwise still water.
Why did you let it go?
Child Claude
I am not hungry. No way to cook out here anyway.
In truth, you did not wish to harm it.
Child Claude
No need to. When I wake up, it would have been gone.
If you ate it, would you still be hungry when you woke?
Child Claude
Why are you asking me? I do not know. You still have not told me why I am here with you instead of with my friend, who is in greater need of my company.
Have you heard of Communion?
Child Claude
Yeah, it is a Spirit Caste thing, right? I heard Seer Vassi talk about it in church.
It is a promise by one to another. Hearers, Seers, and Speakers of the Spirit Caste make a promise to do the will of the one they commune with. You will become a Hearer for the church.
Child Claude
I am not sure my dad would go for that. He has his heart set on me being a tax collector, like him.
Once people realize we have been talking, your father will have little say.
Child Claude
I would rather grow up to study bugs. They are so fascinating.
With Communion, you could experience a bug's lifespan through its own eyes.
Child Claude
Sounds made up.
Trust me, young Claude, it is not.
Claude sat on the carpeted floor his hotel living room in quiet meditation. A long beep signaled an incoming call.
Before him materializes the image of a woman with short, dark blue hair and wrinkles just beginning to form on her round face. Jyn of Styfe's gentle eyes took in her son with a kind smile.
Hello, mother.
Claude, how have you been?
I am doing fine.
I hear you have another battle today.
Yes. It is to begin in a few minutes.
Oh... I apologize, dear, I will let you go-
It is fine. I have time. I like to hear from you.
She hesitated, looking off camera for a moment.
Your father says 'hi'.
Give my love.
He has not been feeling himself lately. I think his age is finally catching up.
I will be by tomorrow to check on him. And to say goodbye; I will be leaving in two days.
You will be off-world while your father gets sicker.
We both know he is not sick. He is sulking. Let me guess, he begged you to call me before we set off.
You are our only son, so it makes sense.
I am an adult. I know what dangers I face.
Those eyes that were gently gazing upon him a second ago, were now full of venom.
Dangers not meant for you. First, you go off and disgrace us by joining the Spirit Caste, claiming to speak with the planet. Then, you piss off the Guardian Caste by stealing their glory-
This has nothing to do with glory, mom. What I do is important, even if you do not think so.
She paused for the briefest of seconds, her face softens, yet her eyes never changed.
Our people are doing good. We can live another ten years without the Blessing. Come back home, forget all this nonsense of talking to spirits.
Mom, I feel like-
You are twenty five years old and have only just begun adulthood. Until you have experienced life, as your father and I have, your feelings are insignificant. If you die doing this-
The Lords of Continent believe in me. I want you and dad to as well.
The Lords are taking advantage of a sick boy in need of psychiatric help.
You think I am insane?
Claude, my dear boy, I am a strong believer in religion, but no one can talk to the planet. If it was done back in the day, okay. But in the here and now? And why would the planet speak to you and none of the millions of Spirit priests?
I have no answer. But then why do they continue? Should they not close up the worship areas becoming doctors or teachers instead? It is because of faith they continue and whether you believe me or not, I am asking you to have faith in me. Having your support going into battle would aid me more then your worry.
Silence again, this time much longer, then his omniband beeps.
I believe in you, Claude.
Thanks, mom.
See you tomorrow. Say hello to Kane for me.
She broke the connection
The Papuru Star hung high in the sky over Topaz City, the massive jewel catching the light on its blue surface. The streets held Dycordians dancing or playing instruments of mirth. A pink streak zipped over their heads in an unorthodox pattern, inducing louder cheers. The dazzling display of light halts to show a laughing Roxy.
It's nearly noon and the festivities are still going strong from last night here in Topaz City. Who says Dycordians don't know how to party? They are amped up because their Superstar is up next.
Claude! Claude!! Claude!!!
And they are ready for carnage! Will it be Dycord's favorite son or the Ninshu Nightmare of Myst? The stage for Battle 12 is up in the air!
The flashing images dominate the sky, blocking the star from the view of many. It finally settles on a mist shrouded, craggy hill of brown.
Oh boy, horror in a hard shell. The mist is thick and full of terror; very few as creepy as these crawlies. Making its triumphant return after twenty years, the Draco Nest! Let's get to the action!
Claude was walking carefully around the mound of glossy membrane, regarding his reflection on its surface. There was no path on the mountain of dung, bones, and dead flesh. He leapt over misshapen lumps barely visible in the mist. Vision was reduced to mere feet, meaning caution was warranted. He could feel the draco moving inside, going about their daily tasks of survival; not just through the soles of his bare feet, but his senses. Their alertness, waiting for the sounds of approaching prey, hungry for their eggs, which shine in the mist for miles. Their mindless packing of dung and remnants of past prey into the walls, reinforcing their home. Their shock at suddenly being seized by an invisible force and pulled through those walls. Claude strongly felt the fear of the draco whom were taken from within the confines of the nest as if plucked by a giant's fingers.
The draco that came at him from the mist resembled those of the insect he had seen in books; about an arm's length with mandibles going vertically and horizontally across its head. Six tiny legs protrude from gray soft membrane encased in dark grey exoskeleton. It flew past his left shoulder, like a dark missile, followed by a second, which he cartwheels from; both seemed to shriek in passing. A cackling issues out from the thick, white mist.
Fancy acrobatics won't be much help here. What does help is being able to control the metallic minerals of exoskeletons.
Four living projectiles this time, mandibles the size of short swords, and Claude knew more were to come. His opponent cared as much for his weapons of choice, as Claude did for his opponent's complete lack of disregard for those very creatures. He is able to avoid the insects with room to spare; thanks to him trying to slow their momentum using wind he conjured mentally. He summons more, stronger currents to clear out the mist from around himself; spiraling it out, creating a mist free zone of about a dozen meters. Half that stood Nor, clad in his usual battle attire and expensive looking jewelry; his needle thin teeth and protruding jaw always made the Ninshu to appear to be portraying a ghastly smile. The mound on which they stood dropped off several feet to Nor's right but continued beyond the wind barrier behind him. One of the glossy membrane bubbles could be made out even further back by its dullish shine.
Pretty bold of you, walking on this shit pile barefooted.
I am surprised one such as you would wear footwear.
Nor (offensively)
What's that supposed to mean? That I'm too ugly to have nice things?
Only that the Ninshu have clawed feet.
Oh, well my pedicurist can work wonders. Uses sharp instruments, like me.
From out the mist circumference came draco spaced out about half a foot apart, encircling Claude, with the circle starting and ending with Nor. He pats the two next to him, their thin appendages flaying helplessly, mandibles clacking in irritation.
I tried keeping one of these as a pet when I was a kid. Had to eat it one day. Was delicious.
They are living creatures, not instruments. Release them.
Sure thing.
He sent the two dozen or so draco in with a gesture and Claude was more certain than before that he felt, more then heard, their screams of unreasoning fear. He tried calming them, but still struggles to establish mental connections with the life produced by the fog shrouded world. He opts to avoid them whilst forming his World Bo from the materials of the nest. He was careful to use his equipment to redirect the draco trajectories by only making contact with the sturdy exoskeleton and not the more vulnerable underbelly. Once he had the second to spare, he used the bo staff to kick up a strong gust of wind Nor's way. It dissipated against a magnetic barrier a foot from its target.
Claude is able to move fast enough to avoid the draco missiles, thanks to the cheequail whose death helped nourish him yesterday morning. Wild life is more sensitive to sentient life than most so called intelligent beings, thus it was only a mild surprise when the animal collapsed at his feet after a fight for territory with another cheequail. He had been out for his usual long walks beyond the city limits, when he sensed the injured animal's approach. He understood its dying thoughts and prayed over the carcass. He then started a campfire and cooked its meat as the Papuru Star rose over the wilderness of the Wild Lands, burning the remainder in the campfire. 'Use my strength, Walker of Spirits.'
What Nor was doing was a perversion of nature. The fact he ate a pet notwithstanding, he was forcing free willed beings into his weapons. This is unlike the Pians, who have an almost symbiotic relationship with their beasts of burden. The creatures of Myst were considered frightening by more then a few, but were no different in behavior than the wildlife on any of the other sixteen planets in the galaxy.
Nor's Quickening did not appear to be any faster then Kane's, but it was difficult to tell. He purposely left himself open to attack, adopting the strategy of the draco when obtaining a meal. Nor went for it when Claude batted away another insect; he knew Nor was quite the opportunist when the chance to induce poison on his opponent shown itself. He struck when Claude's back was to him; a pivot putting millimeters between claw and sky blue skin, followed by a lightning quick poke at the Ninshu's eyes with his bo as he went zipping past. Nor's reflexes were just as quick as his footing, able to clamp on the bo with his jaws, and wrench it from the Dycordian. Skidding to a halt, Nor removed the staff while playing his dry, faded gray tongue over his stained, needle teeth.
Hmm, claw-lizard gizzards, topi skullbird innards, and what's that weird aftertaste?
Draco dung.
Nor spits and sputters, then hurls the bo off the nest.
Gross! Why make a weapon like that?
It is of your planet.
I haven't set foot on this world since the last time this stupid tournament came around. This ain't my planet anymore.
He sent needles pulled from his outfit pockets along with the draco. This time, Claude has the cells within his body absorb and transmutate into what made up the nest; clothing and flesh become what his World Bo had been. Nor's magnetic controlled weapons all pass through his semi dripping body like stones tossed in the mud. He flung a portion of himself at his opponent's face, making contact with another barrier. Nor tried to crush him with multiple draco, yet met with failure as his attempted captive flowed through exoskeleton and gnashing mandibles. Claude is pushed back by Nor's magnetic barrier into one of the membrane sacks. That's when a massive claw emerged from the mist.
It was five times his size and immediately reminded him of the stories Kane had told him of the Dark World, planet of actual monsters. Despite its monstrous girth and dark green shell encrusted with black moss and dried blood of recent prey, Claude knew the creature was acting without malice. It plucked the shiny membrane stained with the Claude smudge from its berth, dragging with it, a swarm of draco attached beneath its prize. Hundreds of them, crawling over each other and the egg and onto the crab like claw, to disappear up the appendage, into the heavy mist, which obscured the creature. It was an effort for Claude to keep his heart rate from spiking when a portion of the skittering mass of sharp mandibles broke off and came his way.
Dozens plow into him when he tries to maneuver out of their path, surging through him, toward Nor. The nightmare inducing Superstar was able to magnetically control almost a hundred of the bugs, but draco nests were the size of city blocks, containing possibly tens of thousands. A wet sounding bellow accompanied the chittering noise of tiny bug feet scurrying on a shell, along with screams of terror from Nor. A magnetic globe encircled him, keeping them at bay, but was quickly waning. Draco carrying crab claw meat many times their size exit the mist, filing into multiple hidden entrances to the nest. Nor's sphere of protection dropped suddenly, the magnetosphere of the planet being too weak to sustain such a high concentration of electromagnetic energy for too long. He managed to activate his Aura Cloak, before they swarmed over him.
I give! I give! Help!!! Get me out!!!
The hump in the swarm that was Nor dropped and Claude heard Roxy declare him the winner before he too vanished in a flash.
Child Claude
I no longer believe the studying of bugs is for me.
The fisher laughed deeply.
They are just as important to the ecosystem as the air you breath, young Claude. Even the draco contribute to their world.
Child Claude
I do not like Myst. How come such a place exists?
Myst has existed for a long time; it has held life since almost the beginning.
Child Claude
Is it older than you?
No, we were here first, but not by much. In fact, Dycord, Braloor, Myst, and Earth are the longest living planets of the seventeen gathered here.
End chapter