Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Visions of the Future
Two people sat in a canoe, one, a young Dycordian boy, the other, a much older Dycordian man wearing a yellow broad rim hat. Both held fishing rods, lines over the side of their faded green boat into clear blue-green water. It mirrored the dark purple sky and snow white clouds for great distances all around. Land was nowhere in sight. The two stare out over the great lake, neither moving an inch. When the man finally spoke, it was soft and smooth with not a crack in his bass monotone.
Do you know why I brought you here, Claude?
Child Claude
I do not know, but could you make it quick. My friend's mom just died and he needs my support.
Not to worry, you will only be gone a second. But the idea of caring for him is commendable. Having friends is important.
Child Claude
Friend. As in one.
You will have more as you grow up.
Child Claude
Naw, friends are trouble. Except Kane.
Friends will be good for you both. Fifteen years from now, the two of you will meet new friends. They may start out as opposition, but circumstances will draw the good ones to you.
Child Claude
What are you talking about?
You know of Coalition Carnage?
Child Claude
Who does not?
You and your friend will be Superstars in a future one.
Child Claude
Year 1050
Day: 2
Claude walks with Kane within the Papuru Inn's elegant corridor. Patterned purple and grey lined the carpeted floor and ceiling, with crystal fixtures hanging high above. White walls were the backdrop of holographic profiles of past Superstars that lined the hall at intervals. Many people went about their business and several employees were gossiping around a serv-tek before their manager walked by and they scattered. The serv-tek continued cleaning the base of the holographic statues, passing the two friends as they regarded the multicultural displays.
Our images will be up here after this is over.
Hopefully, not postmortem.
Not losing faith, are you buddy?
Of course not. When you said 'our', I assumed you meant all the Superstars. I have a feeling some may not survive to the end.
With characters like Van Black and Rampage running around, I understand the feeling.
The Ja'ir Superstar has yet to show himself since the Opening Ceremony, but he appears even more formidable than I remember.
Those Ja'ir and their hypernetic implants. Wonder if he's added anything new since the last time.
Nothing in the SRC about it.
Hmm. Got any tactics on tackling giant mech suits?
Not as of yet. You?
Going the Van Black route. Wreak the crap out of 'em.
Here comes one I do not look forward to facing in a geodome.
Approaching from the opposite end of the hall, the slim figure of Avia stormed their way, a look of seriousness etched in her features.
Uh oh. What you do?
I was about to ask if you were caught spying upon her again.
She stopped a meter before them, glaring at each for several heartbeats before speaking.
Why were the two of you following me yesterday?
Claude glanced at his friend to find Kane looking at him in return. Kane turned back to the long eared Pian.
Found it weird seeing some lady jumping from building to building. Thought you were up to no good.
Nice of you to judge.
We were involved in an incident regarding terrorists before the Opening Ceremony. They swore to detonate a bomb at the Tower of Laws. Easy to mistake you for one.
She continued to glare, but her features soften a bit.
Pians get around the best we can. Better then using those flying devil disks.
What's up with you guys not liking technology?
Why do you rely on it so much?
Makes life easier.
Explains why your two species are as soft as Cycloids. Take away all your fancy metal devils and your as helpless as babes.
Are you always so antagonistic?
Have you always had such a punchable face?
Maybe you should go chat with The Dawn. The two of you have a lot in common.
Technology has its uses, but not everyone is as attached as you believe.
You mean yourself.
Those of the Spirit Caste make due with very little modern comforts in order to remain pure for contact with the planet spirits.
What the hell nonsense are you spouting? What are planet spirits?
Claude's smile made Kane groan dramatically.
Come with me.
We were supposed to be heading to Gambler's Hall.
You can place bets anytime, Kane.
The battleball game is in an hour on Earth.
And you knew Dycord runs strictly on universal time. Your own fault for not getting up earlier. No Syncs to blame this time.
No I blame your planet's slow ass rotation.
The three exit through the hotel's main lobby into the courtyard. The open area had a few people milling about the sitting section or outdoor cafe. The red leaved, blue barked lergi trees provided shade from the sun's light. The faint sound of screams and shouting could be heard as carnies spot them from outside a security shield a hundred yards away. Avia looks over at them, before giving a start as a sudden wind picked up under her. She rose off the ground and looked over at Kane and saw he was also. Claude eased her mind, letting her know it was him as they rose higher, carnies franticly point or cheer.
They certainly love you guys.
You as well. Superstars are beloved here.
The winds carry them away from the metropolis of Topaz City and over the ocean. Kane saw Avia looked a bit uncomfortable and felt a slight twinge of satisfaction. Soon, they were over land again with the smaller but no less oblong structures of Beacon City. The city sat so low to the ground, the daylight caused the metallic buildings to glean in a manner resembling its namesake. Claude brought the trio to a halt over the city's largest building, a cathedral. It nestled comfortably near the embankment overlooking Serhipoth Ocean. They began to descend.
This is my home, House of the World Voice.
You live in a church?
It is not uncommon. Though some do enjoy the comforts of modern housing, I prefer the quiet.
No one even glanced in their direction when they touched down. Dycordians went about their private musings in varying degrees of somberness. Some strode in and out the intricately marked double doors that needed manual operation instead of the standard automation.
This is where you all worship your deities?
Not just here, but every building within the city is dedicated to a particular religion. This is the main cathedral for the World Voice. People from all over the galaxy that hope to commune with their own planets come here to learn. And I would not necessarily call what we do worship. We hear what the planet says, see to the needs of its inhabitants, and speak to and for the world of our birth.
They enter the building, Avia frowning with distaste at the off-white material.
This planet spirit of yours doesn't mind all this metal?
Why should he? Metals are created using minerals and elements of the planet. No off-world materials found to possibly offend.
They travers the corridors, turning here and there, Claude explaining artwork depicting past Dycordians either seeing a holy vision, hearing a prophetic call, or meditating in some manner. One 40x40 portrait contained the visual of a Dycordian speaking to a fog shrouded being that dominated ninety percent of the canvas. The Dycordian's mouth had light shining up to meet the being. This painting drew Avia's attention in particular, Claude standing next to her as Kane stood around impatiently.
Speaker Omal of Wirth. This was painted over eight hundred years ago by Omal's son Baylith. It depicts Omal talking death into sparing his son and succeeding.
The wrist application is flawless. The usage of texture implies much of his state of mind at the time. He was a devoted son. Whatever happened to them?
Both went on to win Coalition Carnage.
Impressive. Which years?
Thirteenth and fourteenth.
Ah, so Omal of Wirth bested Redgewiir.
Who's Redgewiir?
Pia's Superstar back then.
Damn, I thought I knew obscure Superstar lore.
I know of every Superstar to come from the Zareil Kingdom.
Is that where you are from?
Wait, your last name is Zareil?
What made you guess?
Just noticed the resemblance to Superstar Zella Zereil and you act like a royal pain in the-
I live back here!
He gestures through an archway, where several doors lay beyond. He opens the last door on the right while Avia marvels at the stain glass patterns of all the planets on the windows, lingering on Pia at the end of the hall. Once inside, Kane and Avia look around at a nearly empty room, a look of quiet surprise on each. A small cot and mattress lay in one corner.
This is it?
I do not really need the bed, but sleeping on this tiled floor hurts my back.
Not even a shadow puppet set-up. What do you do to pass the time?
All day?
Until recently, yes.
And what does the world say in return?
Claude stood in silence, returning her accusing gaze with a measured one.
Yeah, just like this room. Nothing.
Pian deities answer you?
I don't pray to non-existent gods. That's for you lot. We get where we are by our own strength of self. Nothing else.
As you say.
My God, Claude! You can't possibly live like this! You need a holoview or something.
The mind becomes fragile when fed irrelevant substance over an extended period.
Then don't watch reality shows.
Child Claude
I will not even have a holoview?! I will just sit around talking to you all day?!
You will soon learn the value of meditation.
The young Dycordian bristled in his seat, the canoe rocked slightly.
Child Claude
I happen to like watching the holoview.
Better then playing outside?
Child Claude
Every time.
Even if you and Kane competed with some of your friends in a race around the world?
Child Claude nearly drops his fishing rod.
Child Claude
For real?!
Year: 1050
Day 3
At the edge of Topaz City, a large metal cylinder with blinking lights stood at twenty feet, the much larger topaz gem eclipsing the city from the opposite end. Claude stood looking up at the jewel as he did every time he visited, it shone dimly as the violet sun set in the horizon. Around him, the carnies were kept at bay by the always present shield barrier manned by the Dycordian Defense Force, sixty or so yards southwest of where he stood. Ten meters to his right were the media; the floating orbs, viewscopes, a flesh and blood reporter's lifeline to the galaxy, filled the area above the reporters' heads, set to cover the start of the festivities for all to scrutinize. Claude saw Roxy's holoform fly down from somewhere above, coming to a stop before him.
Superstar Claude! You didn't have to come here on your own, we were prepared to teleport the competitors here any moment.
It is fine, the walk here limbered me up.
Walk? You mean from the hotel?
That's nearly thirty kilometers from here. And now you're about to race?
Do not worry, I am not tired at all. In fact, I feel great.
If you say so. Wave to your adoring fans.
Claude's attention caused a group of females to go nuts with adulation. Mostly Dycordian, they wore shirts with his face and name. He waved and he thought he saw someone faint. He turned back and Roxy was gone. He could still hear her voice, now amplified to find the necessary decibels for the entire area to hear.
Goooood evening, carnies! We're three days in the competition and we have another contest for you and our Superstars! Today, it's a race around the planet Dycord!
Cheers erupt from the masses as she floated before profiles of the competitors on a giant holoview that sat stoically fifty feet above.
Introducing first, the host planet hero, ranked second with an SRC ranking of 378, the Battling Priest, Superstar Claude!
Claude waved to the air as he walked the area that was to be the starting line. No structures disturbed the pristine plains that stretched into the distance of the Wild Lands. Lergi trees stood no higher then the buildings behind Claude and were scattered in clumps to the west.
Next up, hailing from the world of Pia, SRC ranking of 342 places her in 7th but that won't discourage the Princess of Violence, Superstar Avia!
The slim Pian arrives in a dull flash of light. Upon scanning her surroundings, a look of disapproval at the landmark beacon crossed her face. She spotted Claude and started walking over.
The next contestant is from the planet of geniuses, and despite his laid back attitude, is known as quite the intellectual himself. 293 is his star ranking placing him in 9th. It's the Leaping Lucha, Superstar Fritz!
Avia greets Claude as the green scaled Preesling is teleported a dozen meters behind her. He flipped about waving, no outward signs of trauma after his battle with the one armed Dagon.
Next is the man who calls Earth home and carries the will of the planet and its citizens. His low ranking of 258 is not an indication of his ability to win! It's Superstar Kane!
When Kane is dropped in, he wore a tracksuit of blue and white and white athletic footwear. He was running in place before he saw Claude and Avia and used his Quickening to zip next to them within the span of a heartbeat.
What's good?
The fact I will win this race is good.
Better be fast then. Hey Claude, where were you this morning?
Went for a walk to prepare for the race.
A race I will win.
Don't be so sure.
Yeah, because I will win. Your kind is too soft to have much endurance.
You keep downing us, Avia, and you'll find yourself down in third place.
Avia turned to face him, slamming a fist into her open palm, her right ear twitching.
Wanna skip the race and get down right here?
I barely know you. Treat me to dinner first then I'm yours.
She blinked in confusion then her cheeks grew crimson. She glanced at Claude, then behind him as the tall bird man strode upon them.
Is this a private brawl or can anyone join.
Look who unthawed in time.
That was my Sync, simpleton. Consider the real me a level above the rest of you.
Still beatable if you ask me. Syncs aren't far off the Base. Its loss is yours as well.
Koshinataa took a step towards her.
I can make this race one less Superstar then advertised.
Roxy appeared again to float between the two.
Now, now, behave. We have fans to please and your sponsors to appease. Places please. Everyone is here and I'm about to go over the rules.
She was gone again and Claude counted the Superstars as he found the place he was to start. Eight Superstars including himself; he wondered if the prize money was insufficient to draw the others. He knew that's why Kane had entered and he himself was only here to compete with his friend. Avia, being a princess and all, had no need for additional wealth, so must have been here in the spirit of competition. Koshinataa and the other four, he assumed, were racing for the same reasons as Kane. Roxy was suddenly before them.
Okay, on to the race rules: once you start, you are not allowed to stop for any reason or go back in the opposite direction. Doing so will lead to elimination, so would deviating outside the boundaries of the coarse markers.
She rises to her left, indicating the metal tube.
You must pass within five meters of these beacons located at every landmark to mark your progress. Failure to do so also leads to elimination. The first to reach the fourth and final landmark beacon wins a million dollar c-chip. Second place, a half-mil c-chip, with third, one hundred thousand.
Claude, located third from the right between Kane and Nor, heard the Ninshu purring with greed. Avia, standing at the end, spoke up, gesturing at Koshinataa.
Hold on! That guy over there can teleport.
Use of powers is encouraged, but I understand your concern-
I don't plan to use magic to win, fool.
And Superstar Koshinataa can only teleport about fifty yards at a time. If Superstar The Dawn had participated then I would have added a teleportation restriction.
That's good to know.
Watch your tongue, witless one.
The information is in the SRC for public consumption.
She's a Pian! They're too stupid to use the SRC!
Don't need future sight to know I'm going to beat that ass later.
Just try, stick figure.
Are we ready?!
Not quite!
The voice proceeded the Deity of Unlucky as he rocketed down from the heavens to land in a heroic pose. The viewscopes were zeroing in on him, Claude knew, he brought in ratings.
I would like to join in the festivities.
Oh, a last second entry, the Papuru galaxy's very own Deity, Superstar Ramza!
Nor groans as Kane leaned toward Claude.
Guess this a race for second. And I was going to bet big on the battleball finals.
Maybe we will have a stroke of luck to go with his unluck.
Ramza went to the end opposite Claude and got into a runner's position, muscles bunching beneath a plain white tunic and trousers, long, blonde hair blowing in the sudden breeze Claude caused. It seemed appropriate. He laughs to himself but Kane heard him anyway.
What's so funny?
Thinking of how much fun this will be.
Child Claude sat listening intently as the fisher concluded the story, fishing rod as still in his hand as the water around them. Ripples break that stillness as Child Claude began hopping in his seat.
Child Claude
Well what, Claude?
Child Claude
What do you mean 'well what'? Do I win?!
Now that is a chapter for another time. For now, let us enjoy the peacefulness of the moment.
Child Claude sighs loudly as if this were a punishment. The fisher smiles to himself.
End chapter