Announcement Post: Pandora Unchained Book 1 on Kindle, KU, and Audible
I'm happy to announce the release Pandora Unchained, on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited and Audible.
Since you're familiar with the story if you're even reading this, I won't bore you with a blurb. What I will do is thank you all for the support thus far. It's not easy writing a book, and your feedback and encouragement has made the journey a lot easier.
The plan is to continue posting ahead of Kindle and Audible on RR and Patreon.
If you're looking for ways to help out with the release, the following things help immensly.
1. Kindle Unlimited Downloads (and of course, purchases)
2. Reviews on Amazon (if you read the book here, you're entitled to leaving one!)
I've safely landed in China and plan on starting up my writing routine up again tomorrow. My internal clock is all messed up. WIsh me luck sleeping through the night!