Paladin of Asgard

093 【Hella's Anxiety】

Seeing the earth-rock giant with one leg frozen and unable to move forward, Hela couldn't help but be stunned.

Luo Wei had vaguely heard the sound of the troll chasing him, so he didn't care so much at the moment, he just grabbed Hela's hand and ran away.

Hela also came back to her senses immediately, and withdrew her hand.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Luo Wei always feels that Hela seems to be a little... shy?

This kind of expression is really rare on Hela. If it is true, then this must be the first time Luo Wei has seen it.

Without the entanglement of the earth and stone giant, the two quickly fled away and disappeared into the night.

A few minutes later, Multhes led a group of trolls to chase after them. Looking at the earth and rock giants who were still frozen in place, they couldn't help but stop.

Multhes's face was ugly, and he stepped forward to take a look. When he even noticed the holy light flickering at the knee joints of the earth-rock giant, his face became even more gloomy.

He pointed his stick at the knee of the earth-rock giant, and the holy light seemed to be overwhelmed by some force, and quickly went out, and the earth-rock giant regained its mobility.

The holy light dissipated, but Mutt Hess's expression changed from gloomy to cloudy, and he murmured, "The divine power of light? No, it shouldn't be..."

Heimed was still bound by earth and rocks, unable to move, and was held by a troll.

He first saw the holy light at the knee of the earth-rock giant, and then saw the depressed expression of Muthus, at this moment he couldn't help laughing: "Ha."

The troll who was carrying him immediately punched him: "Shut up, Zerg!"

The Zerg is a unique derogatory name for the trolls on the Asir Protoss, probably because the Asir Protoss are much smaller than them.

Heimed was beaten with a nosebleed, twisted his nose, snorted, and then fell silent.


On the other side, Luo Wei and Hela felt that they should have gotten rid of the pursuers, so they stopped to rest.

Hela was in a very low mood, sitting on the ground with her head down, without saying a word, as if she was reflecting on her life.

After a while, she let out a long breath: "I made another wrong decision."

Luo Wei was startled, and then he probably understood what the decision meant, and comforted him: "Any decision has risks, if the risk comes, it will be regarded as a wrong decision, if the risk does not come, it will be regarded as the correct decision. "

"If three teams are allowed to act, the trolls may be concerned about our numbers and will not attack even if they find out. Therefore, we may have a safe journey, but we lost the victory of the hunting festival. This seems to be a failed decision."

After a pause, he continued: "Heimed is the possessor of the supernatural power of speed. He must be better at escaping than anyone else. I believe he will be fine."

Hela seemed to be comforted, and was silent for a while: "Let's go to the meeting point and report the troll's news."

The two set off immediately and rushed towards the nearest assembly point.

Walking on the road, the quiet atmosphere lasted for about two hours, when Hela suddenly said, "Rowei, what kind of divine power do you want most?"

Luo Wei was surprised, but he still thought about it and said: "Of course, the stronger the better, such as the legendary divine power that can affect time, the divine power that can create things out of nothing..."

"It's not a legend, these powers do exist," Hela said.

Rowe blinked.

Hela went on to say: "The [World Tree Book] once recorded the existence of these powers. Of course, that is an extremely long history, long before the era of Odembra."

Odumbra is Bulli's mother and Odin's great-grandmother.

The history of the existence of the Asa Protoss is very long, counting hundreds of millions of years, but with Odumbra as the dividing line, the earlier history is unknown to almost everyone, only a few words.

The reason is unknown, but it seems that a catastrophe has occurred that spread to the whole universe, almost breaking the inheritance of the Asa Protoss.

Hela sighed: "Which protoss doesn't yearn for powerful divine power. A protoss without divine power is just a relatively powerful mortal. It's a pity...I haven't awakened my own divine power yet."

"Your Highness, I think you are already very powerful." Luo Wei said.

"That's because you haven't seen the power of divine power above the second level." Hela said, "A protoss warrior who only relies on weapons, strength, and skills can't defeat the possessor of divine power above the second level."

Luo Wei didn't speak, lost in thought.

In his perception, the so-called divine power is actually a high-end version of the ability.Similar to the five-level system of "X-Men", divine power also has a level division, which is a three-level system, which is the first to third levels of divine power.Of course, because the God King can get the blessing of the entire Asgard, his power is far beyond the third level.

Luo Wei estimated that in the "Thor" series of movies, Thor should have a second-level divine power when he first appeared, and then evolve into a third-level divine power in the twilight of the gods, becoming the output of the Avengers.

Thor, who debuted for the first time, is already a first-class combat force in Asgard, known for his bravery.Thinking about it this way, the second-order divine power is indeed very powerful.

After a while, Luo Wei suddenly said: "Your Highness, with all due respect, you seem to be... a little anxious."

"You're right." Hela admitted frankly, "I got a terrible prophecy in the Time Cave, and I'm afraid of it all the time."

"What prophecy?" Luo Wei seemed to have vaguely guessed something.

"About Ragnarok." Hela didn't say much, her voice sank, obviously recalling something.

Luo Wei also felt slightly depressed.

This time, will Hela eventually become the goddess of death who killed innocent people indiscriminately?Or will it end miserably with Asgard under Surtur's Twilight Sword?

The two walked in silence for a long time.

Suddenly Hela raised her hand, signaling to stop.

Luo Wei followed her gaze, and saw a leopard with fiery red fur lying on its stomach under a tree not far ahead.

It lay there quietly, only the ups and downs of breathing, as if asleep.

Fire Beast!

A sleeping fire beast!

Luo Wei's eyes also lit up.

Needless to say, the two immediately touched it carefully, cautiously, not daring to make any movement.

Although the Fire Bathing Beast is not strong, it can run faster than Heimed. Once it is awakened, it may disappear in an instant.

The two moved over carefully, seeing that the distance was less than one meter.

At this moment, the Fire Bathing Beast suddenly moved its nose and raised its ears, obviously sensing the approach of the two of them.

Luo Wei's pupils shrank slightly, and he quickly swung the Fist of Virigan, and the Hammer of Sanctions slammed it.At the same time, Hela's long sword shot out.


Both the sword and the hammer passed through the afterimage of the beast on fire.The two looked around and found that the fire-bathing beast had long since disappeared. They were immediately annoyed and sighed.

Heimed was captured, Pegasus was lost, and the sleeping firebeast was not caught.

It can be described as declining to the extreme.

"Are you looking for this little thing?" Just then, a smiling old man's voice came.

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