Out for Karma: One Piece

Chapter 47: Formate (Times Two)

Chapter 47: Formate (Times Two)

Everything was always as it was on the Merry, at least in appearance. If one was to pay a close look there was an underlying tension. Their confrontation with Aokiji was three days ago and did a lot of damage to the unity of the crew. Rick was currently reading a book in the crow’s nest, it was his turn to watch out for any island in sight. Zoro signaled Sanji with a movement of the head. It was time they all had a long overdue conversation. The Vice-captain played the oblivious one, not noticing everyone going inside the Merry. He knew though and sprouted an ear on Usopp’s boot as he was the last one joining the meeting.


“Shouldn’t we call Rick?” asked Luffy.

“No, you idiot!”(Zoro)

“This meeting is about him.” (Sanji)

“What about him?”(Luffy)

“Can we trust him or not?”(Usopp)

“Of course we can!” replied Luffy, very unhappy with the topic.

“Did you forget about what Aokiji said?”(Zoro)


“The admiral!”(Sanji)

“Oh, him!”(Luffy)

“Yes! Him!”(Usopp)

“I don’t see any problem.”(Luffy)

“You really don’t see any problem with Rick being a former marine, being asked to join them back? Him having served under the guy who is after Robin?”(Sanji)

“No, why? Rick is with us now.”(Luffy)

“He may be playing us!” (Usopp)

“Rick? No way!”(Luffy)


“Think about it. You don’t find it suspicious that a guy whose dream was to become fleet admiral, replacing his own uncle, and loathing pirates is now a member of a pirate crew?(Zoro)

‘Everything is going as Rick said it would.’ thought Nami sadly.

“I trust him. And you should too!”(Nami)

““What Nami said!”” (Luffy & Chopper)

“Nami, there are too many coincidences.”(Usopp)

“So? Robin has an obscure past too and nobody is doubting her, rightfully so I might add!  Why shouldn’t we do the same for Rick?”(Nami)

“Once again, because he’s a former marine! Robin is not.”(Zoro)

“The three of you are all mad! That admiral messed with your heads. If you can’t see that then we’re doomed, just as he predicted. Now excuse me but I’m out of this conversation.”(Nami)


She raised herself from her seat and went out, followed by an equally upset Luffy and Chopper.


“They are too trusting.”(Usopp)

“Robin what do you think?”(Zoro)


The archaeologist has been silent the whole time. Her mind was a mess, she didn’t know what to think anymore. Rick had been overly friendly with her, down right flirty sometimes but was it genuine or an act? She couldn’t read him like an open book like everyone else, and the fact he always catches her off guard was unsettling. His connections to Aokiji of all people and fleet admiral Sengoku didn’t help either.

“I… I don’t know.”(Robin)


She exited the room to go to the deck.

“It’s the three of us then.”(Sanji)

“Let’s keep an eye on him.”(Zoro)

“We should write a journal about everything he’s doing.”(Usopp)


Agreeing to watch their Vice-captain covertly they joined the rest of the crew outside.


Nami was climbing the mast hoping to talk with Rick when he started to float and landed in the crow’s nest.

“You were right.” she said with her eyes downcast.

“I’m always right.”(Rick)

“Well sometimes it sucks.”(Nami)

“I know.”

“I left the talk. It was making me mad.”

“Let me guess, Zoro, Sanji and Usopp are more than worried. You’re here so you trust me, Luffy probably forgot my situation and didn’t even consider anything other than trusting me and Chopper followed Luffy’s lead.”

“That’s the jist of it”.


Looking up Rick saw an ear on the mast just above their heads.

‘Naughty, Robin. Very naughty, it’s bad to spy on people’ thought the ex-marine without realising it was very hypocritical of him.

“You know Nami…”


“One of the most, if not the most beautiful woman I have ever met…”


He floated towards the ear Robin had bloomed, making Nami confused since she didn’t see it, and ended his sentence.

“Is Robin” and blew some air on it. The ear disappeared immediately  and he landed back on the nest. 

“I’m so...”(Nami)

“It’s fine. I told you, for people like Robin and I, trust is a luxury. She’s scared now and probably a mess. Oh, she doesn’t show it, but she is, so if spying on me can bring her peace, it’s fine.”(Rick)

“It may help if you weren’t so secretive about your time in the marines.”

“It’s not that I’m secretive, it’s just… it’s difficult to talk about it.”

“Do you mind if I ask you some questions then? It’s fine if you don’t answer them.”

“Go ahead.”

“What is your relationship with Aokiji exactly?”

“Right in the heart of the matter!” he laughed.

“I’m sorry, it’s just…” 

“You’re curious, I get it. And stop always apologizing, it's becoming annoying!”


“So I met Aokiji when I was seven I guess. I was just back in Marineford from a mission and went directly to see my uncle. I barged into his office like a kid doped on sugar. There with the fleet admiral was Aokiji, Kiazu and Akainu. They were just vice-admiral at the time. Anyway, I had some kind of fight with Akainu, who by the way is an asshole, and used my gravity on him. He went right down on the floor face first.

“What?! No way!”

“Yes way! The idiot thought that since I was a kid I couldn’t do anything to him. Well, things happened and Sengoku ordered Kizaru and Akainu to leave for their mission. That’s when he introduced me to Aokiji, who was very pleased with the way I dealt with Akainu, he couldn’t stand the asshole.Actually I think nobody does. Anyway, he was… nice. Before leaving he gave me as a belated birthday gift his eye mask which he had signed for me.”


“Yes, I didn’t own anything back then and I was a diehard marine fan, that was a big deal for me.”

“I find it hard to imagine that.”

“Yet I was. That eye-mask, that was the second gift I ever received. The first one being the fleet admiral’s own cap. Signed too. Anyway, we kinda fit well together, he’s a lazy guy but he was always interested in going along with my pranks on Sengoku and grandpa.”

“When did you start serving under him?”

“Around 13 or 14. His command was really different from what I had seen until then. He was letting his crew deal with everything except important matters. A way too powerful pirate? He took care of it. Diplomatic talk? He took care of it. Few people know, but he’s caring, in his own way.”

“How so?”


“Is that the hard part to talk about?”

“Yes and no.”

“Then you don’t have to..”

“It’s okay, it’s just a very unpleasant memory. Or to be more precise a lack of it.

“What do you mean?”

“Did Vivi tell you how we met?”

“Yes, You were getting scammed by a fruit stall owner!” said Nami mockingly

“That’s about right. Did she tell you anything else?”

“That she was kidnapped and you rescued her, but I guess there is more to it?”

“A lot more. She was brought up in her kidnappers’ hideout in the mountains, east of Alabasta. I infiltrated the place and for the first time in my life I was confronted with the worst of humanity. I won’t get into details, no need for you to have nightmares but it’s how I dealt with the kidnappers that matters.”

“What did you do?”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?”

“No. I remember Vivi being asleep and chained in the middle of the room. I use my gravity to free her and attract her to me, then I remember being angry as I’ve never been before… Next thing I know I’m holding Vivi and… well the only place not painted in red was where I stood. I brought Vivi back to king Cobra and had a talk with Aokiji. I told him about everything I could remember and about the part that I could not. Now another superior would have told me to suck it up, that it’s part of the job. Aokiji? He listened and shared his own trauma then advised me to go see the doc.”

“The doc?”

“That’s the nickname of the best doctor of the marine. He has the foulest mouth ever but he’s the best at healing physical or mental scars. Anyway after this incident I served under him for a few more months before being reassigned. Soon after I ‘quit’ the marines and haven’t seen him since, well… until 3 days ago.”



“Are you really not interested in going back to the marines?”

“I’m not. No matter what they say, no matter what they offer me, I can’t, won’t and don’t want to go back because the marine itself is the problem. Besides, taking care of all of you is a  fulltime job that I enjoy very much so I’m good.”

“We’re not that bad!”

“I had to restrain Luffy twice against Aokiji.”

“Luffy doesn’t count!”


They share a good laugh about how true that was when they caught sight of something uncommon.


“Is that…”(Nami)

“A giant frog  swimming freestyle?  Seems like it”(Rick)


He called out to the rest of the crew on the deck.

“Hey guys! There is something you might want to see!”(Rick)


He pointed with his finger at the frog. The first thought that Luffy had was that it was awesome, the second was if it tasted good. He ordered everyone to take out the paddles to follow it so they could have him for barbecue. As they were getting closer, Nami and Rick saw what looked like a small island with a lighthouse.


“That doesn’t make sense, why is there a lighthouse in the middle of nowhere?”(Nami)

“Oh! I know where we are and what are next destination is.”(Rick)

“What is it?”(Nami)

“I’m not spoiling the discovery.” said Rick, sending a wink her way.

“Guys! I don’t think we can eat that frog!”(Rick)

“What? Why?!”(Luffy)

“It’s heading towards a lighthouse, it must belong to someone.”(Rick)


The small island was divided into two parts, linked by a bridge high in the air. The frog stopped itself in the water between the two parts of the island waiting for something.

‘Oh shit, I forgot about the sea train!’


The ex-marine pushed the Merry out of the way and took along the frog before they could be persecuted by the sea train passing through at an unbelievable speed.


“What was that?!” (Luffy)

“That ship was fast!”(Usopp)

“And it was blowing smoke!”(Chopper)

“THAT, was the sea train.”(Rick)

“Sea train?” (Sanji)


Rick picked Nami up and went down on the deck from the crow’s nest as he was tired of yelling.

“The sea train is a means of locomotion, following a railroad from one island to another. It doesn’t use wind to move but steam.”(Rick)

““That’s awesome!”” (Luffy & Chopper)

“Wait, railroad? How can they be a railroad on water?”(Usopp)

“I don’t know the exact workings, but the track is just below the surface of the water and sways along the movement of the sea.”(Rick)


“Granny! It’s terrible! Pirates are here!”



“Someone is here.” said Zoro. He had a hand on a sword, ready to draw it.

“Probably the lighthouse’s guard.”(Robin)


They disembarked and went to check it out. To their surprise it was just a little girl and a very drunk old woman.



The young girl, Chimney and her grandmother Kokoro lived on this small island. The former told everything she knew about the sea train, notably that it is called the ‘Puffing Tom’ in honor of his creator. Learning that the frog, whose name was Yokojima, was trying to test his strength by stopping the train, Luffy changed his mind about eating him. Why didn’t he change his mind when Rick warned him that he may be a pet? Nobody knew. Why did he wanted to eat it in the first place? Nobody knew either but Luffy is Luffy and everyone already understood that trying to understand what goes around in his head is a waste of time as the only thing you’ll get is a massive headache and nothing more. 


“So where do you want to go? The ‘city of the queen of spring’ Sento Popura, the ' city of cuisine’ Poochi or  the ‘city of carnivore’ Sun Furato. They’re all interesting places”(Kokoro)

“EEEEh?! City of cuisine?”(Luffy)


Before his thoughts go any further he was smacked in the head by Nami and Rick

“Don’t even think about it! We have the Merry and we’re not leaving it behind to take the train.”(Rick)

“And we have to follow the logue post.”(Nami)

“Oh? Where is your logue post pointing at?”(Kokoro)

“To the West.”(Nami)

“Oh. Then you’re going to …”(Kokoro)

“Water Seven” (Rick)

“You already knew ?”(Kokoro)


“Wait, Rick you did?”(Usopp)

“Why didn’t you say anything?”(Sanji)


Anyone could hear the not so subtil suspicion in his voice.


“When I saw Yokojima, I knew in what area we were but wasn’t sure. Seeing the Puffing Tom made me certain. As for why I didn’t say anything, I didn’t want to spoil the surprise, it’s a very interesting island and currently the perfect one for us to visit.”(Rick)

“Perfect for us?”(Chopper)

“Water Seven is also called the ‘city of water’. The train you saw actually came from the blue station from there. That place is true to its name as  it’s a city with the world’s best ship factories!”(Kokoro)

“Many ships of the marines and the world government come from there.”(Rick)

“Then there are good ship mechanics there?!”(Nami)

“Not just good, the best carpenter in the world.”(Kokoro)

“We may find one of them willing to join the crew.”(Usopp)

“Or at the very least repair the Merry.”(Rick)


Kokoro went into her house and came back with two papers.


“Take this. It’s a map of Water Seven and recommendation.”(Kokoro)

“I understand the map, but why a recommendation?”(Usopp)

“Since they are the world’s best, the demand for their services is high. The waiting list is as long as the Grand Line if not more.”(Rick)

“Chimney and I plan to go back to visit some old friends soon. If we meet again I’ll definitely take you to a nice bar for a few drinks.”(Kokoro)

“I’ll take you up on that.”(Zoro)


The crew thanked Kokoro for her help and said their goodbyes. On the way back to the Merry Nami approached Rick

“Nami, if you came to me to apologize I swear I’m spanking you.”(Rick)

“I’m not!”(Nami)

‘How did he know?!’(Nami)


Sanji’s comment didn’t sit well with her. She knew that it affected Rick but wasn’t showing it. She just wanted to comfort him somehow but got caught in her endeavor. 



“I. AM. NOT.!”(Nami)

“What do you need then?”(Rick)

“Water Seven is a big populated island, right?”(Nami)

“It is the biggest since we left Alabasta, why?”(Rick)

“Well I was wondering if you still wanted to buy some clothes?”(Nami)

‘Nice save girl, nice save.’(Nami)


Rick stopped in his tracks and looked at her.


“Nami, are you… asking me out? On a date?”(Rick)


That earned him a love punch.

“No, I’m not!”(Nami)

“You really need to learn how to take a joke… But to answer your question, yes I still want to go shopping for some clothes.”(Rick)



They walked a bit further and got on the Merry. Before separating, Nami decided to satisfy her curiosity.

“It was a joke right? You wouldn’t spank me?”(Nami)


Rick smirked.

“I will enjoy it a lot more than I should.”(Rick)


He quickly floated up towards the crow’s nest before Nami could deliver another love punch. If he didn’t have, he would have seen her blushing furiously.



It didn’t take them long to reach Water Seven, and the view of the city awed everyone.

“It’s a giant fountain!”(Luffy)

“That’s not a city, it’s a metropolis!”(Usopp)

“Look! It says ‘Blue Station’ over there. Isn't that what Kokoro was talking about?”(Nami)

“Where is the dock?”(Sanji)

“There isn’t, it’s where people take the sea train.”(Rick)

“Where do we dock then?”(Chopper)


The crew was called out to by a lone fisher on a small boat.

“Hey! You, there!”(Fisher)


“Pirates can’t go in from the front like that. Go to the back entrance!”(Fisher)

“OK!!” (Luffy)

“Thank you, sir!”(Chopper)


They circle around the island giving them a way better view of it. What the crew saw amazed them even more.


“Wow! Water Seven is so cool!”(Usopp)

“This city is the best!!”(Luffy)

“Everything is floating on water, even the houses!”(Chopper)

“That’s not it, Chopper. This city is just built on a sunken island. Look closely at the base of the buildings.”(Robin)

“Wow! Pillars!”(Chopper)

“I see... So that’s why it’s the city of water.”(Sanji)

“It’s also because of the Aqua Laguna.”(Rick)

“The Aqua Laguna?”(Usopp)

“The Aqua Laguna is an annual high tide. It engulfs the lower parts of the city with a huge wave, flooding everything. After each Aqua Laguna the lower parts need repair, and that’s mainly how so many carpenters ended on this island. It’s also the reason the island is sinking.”(Rick)


The crew was once more redirected to another part of the island by a client of a cafe enjoying his tea near the water.


“How come no one is afraid of us? We’re pirates!”(Usopp)

“Many pirates come here to repair their ship or buy a new one, it’s not an uncommon occurrence for the people of this city.”(Rick)

“That doesn’t explain why they are not scared.”(Sanji)

“They’re not for two reasons. One the island of justice is not far from here, so pirates tend to lay low and not start a mess. Two, in the unlikely event of it happening, because those pirates are retarded, the carpenters are no weaklings. They are perfectly capable of dealing with them.”(Rick)

“They’re really deal with pirates?!” (Chopper)

“Yes, so it’s better to stay on our best behaviour as long as we’re here.”(Rick)

“You know a lot about this island, you’ve been here before?”(Usopp)

“No, but I had to make a few trips to Enies Lobby, that's how I learned about it.”(Rick)

“Enies Lobby?”(Usopp)

“The Justical Island.”(Robin)

“Wait you made a reference to it, Rick. What exactly is it? I mean with the name I get that it has something to do with justice but  what?”(Nami)

“It’s a place you never want to go.”(Rick)

“What do you mean?”(Usopp)

“Every criminal arrested is judged there.”(Robin)

“It’s one of the three major strongholds of the World Government. At any time there are always ten thousand soldiers there at minimum.”

“Te.. ten thousand?”(Usopp)

“It’s one of the greatest symbols of power of the World Government, there is no way they would not heavily guard it.”(Rick)

“That explains why most pirates lay low in Water Seven since the island is close.”(Sanji)


While they were talking they arrived at a rocky peninsula where they docked the Merry. It was decided that Zoro would guard the ship while Nami, Usopp, Luffy and Rick would take the gold and visit the man named Ice Burg that Kokoro mentioned in her letter of recommendation. Sanji would buy food as the sea king's meat was almost gone thanks to Luffy. Chopper and Robin would tour the city to buy some books.


“Alright! Let’s get back to the Merry for dinner!”(Luffy)

Why did I name this chapter Formate? Good question. 

Here’s two hint:

Hint 1: The title is a hint itself.

Hint 2: It’s related to something in the chapter.


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.